Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1878661-Becoming-the-Bull
by Floatr
Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #1878661
A man receives a strange package in the mail and ends up turning into and a latex minotaur
copyright by Scott Jones 2012


The sun had just poked its head over the edge of the window, shining its infernal light in my face, forcing me out of the wonderful slumber I was currently partaking in. I try to roll over, to block its light, but it was too late. I’m already awake. With a sigh I sit upright and fling my legs over the side of the bed, letting my feet rest on the cold hardwood floor. I look groggily at the clock on the dresser and moan in over-exaggerated agony at the fact that it says 6:30 am. What's the point of having a day off to sleep in when you wake up at the exact same time as every other day regardless?

I sit there for a few more minutes, contemplating trying to get some more sleep but knowing nothing but brief relaxation would come of it. Sleep was gone and nothing was going to bring it back. With a long drawn out sigh, I stand up and stretch, hearing random things pop. For that brief second, getting up is worth it, but it passes entirely too quickly. Taking a deep breath, I walk off, starting my usual morning routine of shower, shaving and get dressed. Pretty much running on autopilot until I hit the drink coffee part of the morning.

The first sip of that magical caffeinated brew is all it takes to wash the rest of the tiredness from me. Moving through me like a wave of warmth. Suddenly I wake from my groggy state and for the first time all morning, I feel truly awake. I sit there enjoying the wonderful aroma of fresh coffee for a little while, almost entranced by it, but that brief moment of nirvana is shattered by a knock on my front door.

Looking at the door inquisitively, I ask myself if there was really a noise. That question is quickly answered by another knock. I yell at the door that I'd be there in a moment, I stand up and rush over to the door, grabbing the doorknob and turning it.

I open the door just far enough to poke my head out and see who is at the door. After seeing the dark brown uniform and noticing the delivery truck in my driveway, I change my tone into the polite stranger routine. The guy hands me a decently sized bland-looking box and a clipboard, telling me to sign on the line. I oblige, and thank him and close the door, wondering what could be inside the box. I don't remember ordering anything, but that didn't mean that I hadn't.

I put the box down on the table next to my coffee, which seems to have lost its magical powers, and grab a pair of scissors to open the box. As I begin to cut the tape on the box, I notice that there isn't a return address for the package. That strikes me as kind of strange, but I keep cutting open the box. Once all the tape is dealt with, I open the flaps of the box, revealing its contents.

After I remove a small amount of tissue paper I see what is in the box. It appears to be some type of brown latex fabric. And there’s a note. I grab the note and unfold it. All it has written on it is Enjoy ,with the letter D as a signature. I put the note down on the table, slightly annoyed that it provided no information at all, and grab the rubbery material, lifting it out of the box. Upon seeing it in all its glory, my eyes widen as the realization of what I’m holding finally sinks in.

In my hands is a large latex minotaur costume, complete with a tail, horns, hooves and even a nose ring. The majority of the costume is deep tan color with the “belly” being a lighter shade. Down the chest is a thin silver zipped up zipper that stops at the base of the neck. The only part that I don't quite understand is why there’s a hole in the front of neck that makes it seem as if the wearer’s face belonged there, yet the head of the costume itself is hollow, like the minotaur head is meant to be worn as a mask. I shrug, not really caring. There is no way I’m going to put this thing on anyway. Laying it down on the table, I decide that I'll deal with it later once I figure what exactly to do with it.

I decide to shove it back in the box and stick it in my closet for the time being, then resume my morning routine, which is pretty much running to the store to get groceries. On the way there, I find it kind of strange that all I can think about is the strange package that’s now resting in my closet. The more I try to push the thought of it from my mind and focus on my errands, the more it seems to force itself into my thoughts. The idea of trying it on is beginning to sound more and more appealing.

I manage to finish my errands and make it home with little problem, but once I’m home and put all my groceries away, my mind drifts back to that brown box sitting in my closet. What could it hurt, trying it on one time? It was sent to me, anyway. I walk upstairs and pull the box out, opening it and pulling out the shiny latex costume. I lay it down on my bed. It looks like it will be a bit big on me, but I decide to give it a try.

I pick up the costume and grab the zipper tab and unzip the costume. The smell of latex overtakes me as the small amount of air that was inside it escapes. The smell is strong, but it seems to only make me want to wear it more. I throw off my clothes, not even realizing that I had become semi-hard from the thought of putting this on. After looking it over one more time, I pull open the costume and decide that it would probably be easiest if I work from the bottom up.

I carefully stick my leg in the costume. Surprisingly, it slides right in. I'd figure latex would be harder to get on. I feel my toes enter something cold and hard. Looking down, I can see that it’s the hoof that I was touching. It feels good...really good...surprisingly good. I slip my other leg into the costume, the latex almost seeming to slide up my leg on its own rather than me having to pull it. I hold up the costume, afraid that it will just fall down, considering how easily it slid on, but I'm surprised to find that the latex is quite tight on my legs. I let go of it and it stays in place, almost as if it’s stuck to my legs.

I pull up the upper half of the costume and slide my arm inside it. I notice that my hand in the latex glove of the costume appears thicker and fuller than my own fingers, but the latex is still easy to move and feels very thin and flexible on them. Almost like a second skin. I can't believe I didn’t try on a latex suit before. It feels too good to not have on me. Then I feel the part of the costume that didn't have my arm in it move. At least it felt like it moved.

I go to grab the other part of the costume only go find out that my arm is pretty much ready to slide into its sleeve. I pull my hand back in shock, in disbelief that the suit is moving of its own volition. Without warning, the sleeve of the costume thrusts itself over my arm, covering me up to my shoulder with brown shiny latex rubber. I feel my fingers slide into the gloves and the entire costume tightens around them, seeming to stick to my skin. No...it feels like it's BECOMING my skin. I start to panic, to try to pull the suit off but before I have a chance to grab the edge of the costume, the latex covers my chest and zips itself up.

I feel the cool metal zipper against my chest as the entire costume tightens around my frame. I rush to a mirror, clomping on the suits hooves as I run, and gasp at what I see. My feet ARE the hooves. My legs aren't the way they should be, they seem to be legs that would be more appropriate on a bull. Then it hits me...the costume was turning me into a minotaur....a shiny sexy latex minotaur. I feel the costume start to rustle again and see the head/hood of the costume begin to move up and over my head. Soon, the minotaur head sits atop my head as I look out the hole in the neck. Then the minotaur head begins to push downward.

I try to move my hands up, to grab it before it slips down over my head, but it feels like the costume is resisting my movements. Almost like it's starting to move my limbs on its own. I feel the latex slide over my face as my vision goes black as my eyes are covered by the rubber. It feels like the latex is completely over my head, but I still can't see anything. I can, however, feel everything. The latex tightens around my head and face. I can feel it pulling on my face, stretching it out to fill the muzzle. I feel the heavy horns attach themselves to my skull.

Just relax, I'm not going to hurt you.

What was that voice? I keep struggling to get the head off. The horns provide a decent handhold to grab and push, but it won't budge.

You're only making this harder on yourself, just relax and let me finish.

Was that the costume? Is it in my mind now?

Yes. I'm in your mind, in a few more moments you'll be happy, so just relax and stop fighting. The longer you resist it, the longer this will take. Tell you what, let me see if I can do this...

Almost immediately I feel a growing pressure in my groin, like my dick is being pulled and pumped. I feel it begin to change as I feel pleasure growing and growing. I try to keep resisting the costume, but I feel my hips begin to rock back and forth as the pleasure continues to mount. I'm beginning to have trouble even thinking straight due to the mounting pleasure.

That's better.

Suddenly I'm blinded as light explodes into my eyes. I focus a bit and can see in the mirror that I'm standing there stroking my new shiny, rubbery bull cock. My latex hips are rocking and my arm is moving on its own. I notice that the shiny silver zipper has all but disappeared from my chest. My entire body is covered from head to toe in shiny latex. I noticed that my face is that of a minotaur now. The nose ring of the costume now dangled in my nose and I could feel its weight on my lip. My mouth was now the muzzle. I try to move my hand to feel my new skin, but it doesn't even budge.

My arm doesn't even seem to try to move. It just remains stroking my dick. I think to myself that I should be alarmed, but I can't seem to muster it.

“I told you you'd like it.” I hear myself say in a deep voice. The voice was right, it felt pretty good, and I didn't even care that I couldn't move myself, either.

An immense wave of pleasure hits me as I feel my thick minotaur balls tense up and shoot my rubbery latex load all over the mirror. I feel myself become consumed by the orgasm. My body shakes in pleasure as I shoot load after load. My body starts to relax, my dick sliding back into its bovine sheath. My arms move down to my side, my face looks at the mirror and smiles. My mind though, seems to be locked in an orgasmic state. I’m unable to focus, unable to think about anything but the pleasure. Not even wanting to.

“Thanks for the body man, don't worry though. It's not permanent. I'll let you out eventually, although I think you may find yourself putting me on again and again”, the costume says with a chuckle, walking me out of the room. “This is going to be fun.”

© Copyright 2012 Floatr (floatr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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