Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1878647-APR---Chapter-Two-Part-2
by Sha123
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1878647
Secrets, lies, drugs, enemies and illegal relationships what else could go wrong?
After the film I decided to take Harley out a walk. I shoved on leggings, a top, my coat and my ugg boots. I clipped the leash to Harley’s collar and stepped out my apartment. I stumbled down the stairs due to being pulled by the puppy. He raced out side and pulled me along with him.

Around 10 minuets later a girl with blonde hair turn the corner and came into my view. She was pushing a pram and was heading my way. Harley all of a sudden pulled me and ran up to the girl and was waggling his tail and jumping on her leg.

“Harley no! Stop it” I said pulling him back.

“I’m sorry” I said to the girl.

“It’s alright” She smiled slightly.

She looked from the dog to me and frowned a little.

“So ehh how do you know Riley?” She asked.

“Riley?” I said furrowing my eyebrows.

“Yes it’s his dog right?” She said shifting her weight to her other foot.

“Ohhh Riley! Yeah eh no I don’t know him I know Evan sort of” I muttered the last two words.

“Ohh” Was all she said.

“Wait how do you know them?” I asked.

She was seriously a strange girl noticing Harley. Although he did practically knock her over by jumping on her like that. She annoyed me though with the stupid facial expressions she pulled, the tone of her voice and the most annoying part was the way she was looking at me, she looked pissed off. The baby in the pram started crying and this only pissed the girl off more.

She groaned.

“Why do you always cry! Why can’t you just give me a break and stop crying” She shouted to the baby in the pram.

I stepped back slightly the girl was seriously off her head. Who the hell shouts at their baby? Obviously the baby was crying for something else it wouldn’t cry.

“Ehh yeah well– was nice meeting you!” I said while walking off at a fast pace.

“Wait!” She cried.

I stopped and turned to look at the blonde girl just ahead of me know.

“Tell Evan I was asking for him” She smiled.

“Sure– Wait who will I say is asking for him?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Hannah” She smiled brightly.

“Ok sure” I smiled then turned around and walked down the street.

Harley kept stopping at all the trees, poles and hedges to pee. It was annoying after a while because he’d also just stop to sniff.

“It’s windy as hell and you want to stand here and sniff that pole?” I asked the dog annoyed.

He didn’t answer me back obviously he just cocked his head to the side and sneezed. I just groaned and started to walk again pulling the dog with me who was so reluctant to leave the pole.

We walked back to the flat and I was sitting on the couch watching some documentary on animal plant when my phone rang.


“Haaaaayleeeee!” Amy shouted into the phone.

“What?” I asked laughing.

“We have been waiting ages on a taxi and we can’t find one come pick us up pleeeeease?” She begged down the phone.

I groaned.

“Fine! Where are you guys?”

“We’re outside the club Sin” She practically shouted down the phone.

I pulled it away from my ear and glared at the phone.

“Ok I’ll be there – “ I was cut off by Eve shouting.

“Hello Hottie!! Coming home with me?” She shouted to some random I guess.

I could hear Amy and Cole’s laughter then an odd screeching sound.

“Really? You’re going to flirt with some slut while I’m standing right here?” I heard some shout.

“I gotta go Hayley shits going down” And then the line went dead.

I groaned as I grabbed my keys from the table. I clipped on Harleys leash and ran out the flat to my car. I opened the back door, picked up Harley and placed him on the back seat and shut the door. I got into the front seat and started my car. I pulled out of the parking space and sped along the road taking sharp turns when ever I needed to. I looked at the clock on the radio and realised it was 4 in the morning I hadn’t realised it was so damn late. Where the hell was Evan? Two hours tops my arse. I turned the corner and pulled up in front of the club and jumped out the car slamming the door. The scene before me was typical. Eve was arguing with some girl over a guy, Amy was ready for jumping in if need be and Cole was practically shitting himself. Ever since I was 12 and Eve was 17 she’s always went clubbing and hit on any guy single or not. No wonder she gets into a lot of fights and arguments with random people. Amy and Eve were to much alike it was actually quite scary. I sighed as I walked over to them. I didn’t need this I have college in 5 hours.

“Hey, you three get in the car now!” I snapped while pulling Cole towards the car.

I opened the back door and flung him in while shutting it behind me so the dog didn’t get out.

“How was I supposed to know he had a girlfriend? I don’t get why guys in a relationship go to clubs or why their girlfriends let them. It’s just stupid that’s asking to be cheated on” Eve snickered.

“I was with him there’s a big difference so keep you grubby paws off my man!” The girl shouted in Eve’s face.

I groaned. This was not going to go down well at all.

“Listen girly just because you’re with your boyfriend and his big ass friends doesn’t mean I won’t beat your ass” Eve snapped.

I stomped over to Eve and Amy and pulled them both towards the car. The girl didn’t like this and stumbled behind us her heels clicking against the pavement.

“Hey! We aren’t finished here” She snapped.

“I think you are now go away” I snapped back not turning around.

I flung the back door opened and pushed both girls in. Cole shouted in protest as Amy landed on him but I wasn’t caring I just shut the door behind Eve and walked around the car and got in. I started the engine and pulled out of the parking space and sped along the road.

“Really Hayley go away?” Amy burst out laughing.

I just completely ignored her.

“Eve what were you thinking? Clearly you weren’t! Why do you always get into fights when out?” I glared into my mirror while staring at her.

“I do not misses I’m so innocent” She giggled.

“I didn’t say I was innocent but you somehow always end up starting the arguments when your out. No more drinking for you” I scolded while concentrating on the road ahead.

“Yes mum” She said rolling her eyes.

“Don’t make me come back there!” I threatened.

“OoOo what you gonne do tuff guy?” She teased.

I stomped on the breaks in the middle of the road. I turned around to look at her.

“Get out” I smiled.

“What no! It’s freezing out side” She said pouting.

“Well stop annoying me then or I’ll drag you out of my car” I said facing the front and putting the car into drive.

“Ok” She snickered.

“Ahahahahahaha! Pig!” Amy suddenly shouted through her laughter.

I just shock my head at her. I concentrated on the road ahead and tried to drown out their stupid conversation with an epic fail.

“Did you see that fat chick with the short dress on dancing on the table?” Eve said while fake gagging.

“Yeah and then that hot guy started banging the table and shouting abusive things to her” Amy continued through laughter.

“The best part was when she fell flat on her face and we all got a swatch of her granny knickers!” Cole said while snorting like a pig.

“I bet you got all hot and bothered getting a look at her panties Cole?” Amy teased.

“Did not!”

“Did to!”

“Did not!”

“Did to!”

“Did not!”

“Ok ok you never I forgot you liked the William” Amy snickered.

“William?” Eve asked with an arched eyebrow.

“It’s the polite word for d–“

“We know what it’s the polite word for be quiet” I said.

“Aww look at innocent little Hayley getting all embarrassed look at that cute blush” She said while hanging over me.

I whacked her in the face trying to get her out of my way so I could see the road.

“Amy I can’t see move!” I squealed when the car swerved.

I pushed her off of me and she tumbled to the floor at the back. She was stuck there until we got home. I gained back control of the car and turned onto our street. Harley growled and jumped into the seat next to me. I drove closer to our flat and seen Evans black hummer sitting outside it. I pulled up behind it and turned off the engine.

“Hey! When did the dog get here?” Amy asked while still lying on the car floor.

“He’s been here since you guys left” I laughed picking up Harley and getting out the car.

The three of them stumbled out the car and I locked it. I walked up to the close door and opened it and headed up the stairs. Evan and another guy were pacing up and down, Evan looking rather annoyed. I came into his line of vision and he glared at me.

“Where the hell have you been?” He snapped.

“Picking up my drunken friends” On cue the three of them stumbled round the corner and stood behind me to lean on the wall.

“You said two hours max not 5!” I shouted.

“That’s my fault” His friend said stepping next to Evan.

He was around 6ft tall and was built like Evan. He had short ,spiky brown hair and he had light brown eyes that I could just stare into forever. He had a scare on the left side of his face near his eye. My eyes then went lower; I could see his muscles through his tight top. Not that I was looking or anything. I looked back at his face and he smiled softly and I blushed.

“Well hello hottie” Eve said looking around me while waving.

I smacked my forehead with my hand and groaned. Harley wiggled about in my other hand at the sound of Riley’s voice and jumped out my arms. He ran over to his feet with his tail shacking rapidly.

“Hiya wee guy” He grinned while picking up Harley.

Harley started to lick his face which caused Riley to laugh.

“I missed you to” He cooed.

Eve and Amy awww’d at the cuteness while Evan’s face was one of disgust and moved away from him.

“You don’t like dogs very much do you Evan?” I asked.

“Nope” He said popping the p.

“For someone who doesn’t like dogs you should see some of the dogs he’s slept with” The guy beside his said through laughter. Evan just threw him a dirty look and looked as if he was ready to punch him.

I just gasped slightly while Amy was halfway down the wall laughing.

“Take it your Riley?” I asked smiling a little at how cute he was.

“That’s me” He said grinning.

“Well it’s nice to meet you I’m Hayley” I said stepping closer to him and holding out my hand.

We shook hands.

“It’s nice to meat you to” He smiled.

I looked up at Riley’s face and seen a smirk playing on his lips. Why the hell was he smirking? Evan just rolled his eye and shifted his weight to the other foot getting impatient.

“Want to come in?” Eve asked from behind me.

“No–“Evan began but was cut off.

“Sure” Riley smiled.

Evan groaned and sighed like a child who couldn’t get their own way. I walked by both men and unlocked the door. I walked in and the guys followed suit. I shrug out of my coat and hung it on the coat rack next to the door. Amy, Eve and Cole all plopped down on one couch and Evan and Riley took up the other.

“Erm does anyone want anything to drink? Non alcoholic” I said the last part looking at Eve.

She just smiled innocently like butter wouldn’t melt.

“Waters fine” Evan said through his teeth.

“Riley?” I asked smiling.

“Same as Mr Cranky pants here” He snickered as did Eve and Amy.

I contained my laughter as best I could and walked into the kitchen and got two glasses of water. I walked back into the living room and handed the two guys their water. I plopped down on the lazy boy recliner and pulled the blanket over me. Harley jumped from Riley’s lap to mines.

“We should really get going after all there’s college tomorrow” Evan said while placing the glass on the glass table.

“Here we go with the teacher responsibilities! I feel sorry for the people that have to sit through your lectures” Riley said.

I laughed at his facial expression and earned a glare for Evan.

“I feel sorry for me to” Amy said with a petted lip.

“Wait your one of his students?” Riley asked laughing.

“Me to” I smirked.

“I feel sorry for you guys!” He burst out laughing.

“As much fun as it is talking about my teaching methods we have to go Riley” Evan snapped.

“Aww yeah because I’m sure the girls in your class pay attention to your teaching methods” Riley snickered.

I blushed because I knew I didn’t pay attention to that anyways.

“Non of us do” Amy giggled.

Amy fell off the couch from laughing to hard which caused Riley to laugh even more and Evan to glare even more.

“I’m dealing with a bunch of kids” Evan sighed while falling back against the couch.

“Well you are what 30?” Eve asked.

Evans head snapped towards Eve and he stared her down.

“I don’t like you” He said.

I pulled the blanket up to my face and covered my mouth while trying to hold in my laughter. Riley wasn’t caring about Evan’s feelings he was laughing so loud I’m surprise he never woke up the full block. Amy was still on the floor rolling around laughing while Cole was fast asleep.

“I’m actually 24” He said annoyed.

“OoOo a year older than me” Eve beamed.

“And you’re a year older then me” Riley said running his eyes over Eve.

“Ohh before I forget a girl called Hannah was asking for you Evan”

Evan’s head snapped towards mines and he looked shocked.


“I took Harley a walk earlier on and he ran towards and jumped on some blonde chick with a pram and he noticed him and asked If I knew Riley and I said no that I knew you and she told me to tell you she was asking for you” I said shrugging.

“Psycho Hannah” Riley snorted while slapping Evan on the shoulder sending him forward a little.

“What else did she say?” Evan asked a bit to egger.

“Nothing although the baby started crying and she flipped out shouting at the baby to shut up and give her a break”

“That stupid– Seriously I’m going to–“Evan stopped himself from talking.

I raised my eyebrow at him but he just stood up and stomped to the door.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow” He said while opening the door and exiting the flat.

Riley stood up and smiled at us.

“Sorry about him he’s just angry from the lack of sex he’s been receiving I’ll see you guys around” He said sending a wink my way and I blushed.

Riley walked over to the door and Harley jumped off of my and padded over to Riley his leash trailing behind him. I got off of the recliner and walked to the door.

“Bye” I shouted to a waving Riley.

I shut the door and turned to the three drunks taken up the couch and the floor.

“Get to bed we have college in 4 hours” I said yawning.

Amy got up off of the couch and stumbled into her room followed by Eve.

“Night guys” She said through a yawn and shut her room door.

I was left to deal with a passed out Cole. I just took his shoes off and put his feet on the couch and put the blanket I had 3 minuets ago and put it over him. I then went into my room, pulled off my clothes, put on some pyjamas and got into my bed. I was seriously going to be dying tomorrow from lack of sleep, although I couldn’t wait to see Evan again.

© Copyright 2012 Sha123 (sha123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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