Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1878645-APR---Chapter-Two
by Sha123
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1878645
Secrets, lies, drugs, enemies and illegal relationships what else could go wrong?
I woke up to a whining sound. My eyes fluttered open and I looked to my right and seen a little puppy sitting there staring at me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and the memories of what happened last night bounced around in my head but where all foggy and some parts where missing. It was all sort of hazy, I looked around and realised I was in Evans room. I flung the covers off of me, swung my legs around so they were hanging over the side of the bed and stood up. I took in his room a nice fluffy beige carpet, black furnisher, black leather bed, Brown walls and a floor lamp. It didn’t look like a typical guys room, but he was a 24 year old teacher. Harley was attempting to get down but the bed was to far off of the ground for him to jump. I laughed and picked him up and placed him on the floor. As soon as I placed him on the floor he started to pee. I burst out laughing and began to walk over to the bedroom door. I opened it and the smell of food hit my nostrils. I walked out into the hall and seen there was a door on either side of Evans. I furrowed my eyes. I thought he only had 1 room mate? I saw all the pictures in the hall of Evan and what looked to be his family. He was in most of them with people and the same little boy popped up a few times. There were a few pictures with him and an older couple probably his parents. I smiled at them and wondered into the living room. Little Harley was right behind me, I could hear the noise of his nails against the wooden flooring and the sound of his heavy breathing. The living room was large it had 2 black leather 3 seater couches, a plasma, a black coffee table with a white fluffly rug under it, there was quite a few pictures on the living room wall as well. The living room was painted a calming brown and the curtains were black. 

“Evan?” I shouted quietly remembering his room mate was on night shift so he’d be sleeping right now.

Evan popped his head out of the kitchen door and smirked when his eyes landed on me. All he had on was a grey pair of Calvin Klein pyjama bottoms and they were dangerously low. I dragged my eyes away from his amazing, toned body and to his smirking face.

“Where’s your bathroom?” I asked a hand on my face attempting to hide behind it.

“Top of the hall” He snickered and went back into the kitchen. “Breakfast will be ready soon” He continued.

I nodded forgetting he can’t see me.

“By the way the dog pee’d on your carpet in your room” I said holding in my laughter.

“Ugh!” He groaned and stomped past me.

I made my way back into the hall and walked to the top of it and into the bathroom. I shut the door over but not before Harley came barging in. I looked down at the puppy and made a face. He looked up at me with his adorable puppy eyes.

“You’re lucky your cute but this is weird” I said.

He sneezed which caused him to fall and he was lying down like a star fish. I laughed and looked in the mirror and I now wished I hadn’t. I can’t believe I actually look this bad and Evan seen me like this ohh god! My hair was an absolute disaster! My make up was mostly off but you could see the dried tears. My fake eye lashes were hanging off and don’t get me started on my red, split puffy bottom lip. I pulled off my eyes lashes and put them in the bin that was next to the sink. I washed my faced and dried it with the towel that was hanging over the glass shower door. I rummaged around the basket that was in the bathroom and couldn’t find a brush damn it. I then went through the cabinet hanging on the wall and found a brush and lynx, Jackpot! I ran the brush through my tuggy hair until all the knots where out and my hair was smooth once again. I then sprayed myself with the deo and I smiled at how good I now smelled. I opened the bathroom door and walked back into the living room standing there awkwardly. Harley ran into the kitchen which caused Evan to curse. He came into my view he now had a top on, which was too bad. I scolded myself mentally for thinking that. He then plopped the dog down on the living room floor. He looked back up and made eye contact. He laughed.

“Why are you just standing there?” He asked.

I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

“You can come in I wont bite you know” He smirked.

I nodded and walked into the kitchen. It was bigger than what I thought it would be. Anyways he walked over to the table and pulled out a seat and motioned for me to sit. I walked over to him and sat down on the chair.

“Are you going to put on bottoms?” He smirked running his eyes over my exposed legs.

I could feel my face heating up and a blush made it’s way over my cheeks.

“Not really” I mumbled.

I just laughed and looked down at the table.

“You eat meat right?” He asked changing the subject.

“Right” I said.

He nodded and placed a plate with bacon, potato scones, sausage and what not on it. He placed tomato and brown sauce down in front of me. I looked down at it and instantly felt sick. I looked back up at him and he was laughing silently.

“What?” I asked annoyed.

“You’re probably hung over so the sight and smell of food will make you sick” He laughed.

I picked up the knife and fork and cut a bit of the sausage and ate it just to prove him wrong. I swallowed it and smiled. He just laughed and started eating his own.

We have been sitting here for god knows how long and haven’t spoken once. This was getting more awkward by the minuet it was like we met at the club, he brought me home, we had sex and now this was the awkward morning after. I had no idea what to say to start a conversation. It shouldn’t be this hard to talk to someone right? I was pulled out of my thoughts as he broke the awkward silence.

“So how is your back this morning?” He asked.

I forgot all about my back and right on cue when he mentioned it I felt an all to familiar light burning sensation on my lower back.

“You don’t remember?” He said laughing.

“Of course I remember it’s a bit hard not to” I replied while tossing another bit on sausage into my mouth.

“Well of course although I thought you were quit hilarious last night shouting at the paramedic remember?” He laughed with a raised eyebrow.

The memory of last night came back and I remember having an argument with Evan, storming out of the pub, then being attacked, Evan coming to my rescue like all the cheesy romantic novels, paramedic Sam taking me to the hospital and the 3 guys trying to get my dress off but I wasn’t having it. I shivered at the thought of the guy form last night.

“Yeah I remember” I said quietly.

Harley came trotting into the kitchen and sat at my foot.

“I think he likes you” Evan said laughing.

“I like him” I smiled while picking up the puppy and placing him on my lap.

“That’s unhygienic you know having a dog at the table” He said scrunching his nose.

“He’s so cute but, I have my own Jacob Black” I said kissing the top of his head and squashing him while hugging him. Harley licked my face and Evan scrunched up his nose again.

“What are you talking about?”

“He looks like Jacob Blacks wolf out of twilight?”

He burst out laughing and I looked back at him.

“What is it with you girls and twilight? It sucks” He said shacking his head.

“I have to admit the films were sort of suckish but the books were good and Taylor Lautner is hot” I grinned.

He just laughed and looked back down at his plate.

“I thought you only had 1 room mate?” I asked.

“I do” He said raising an eye brow.

“Ohh cause there are 3 bedrooms I was just wondering” I smiled.

“Spare” He said looking down at his plate.

“Are you done?” He asked looking at my plate.

I nodded. He stood up and grabbed my plate as well as his and placed them in the sick. I got up and placed Harley on the floor. I walked over to the sink and shoved Evan out the way. He grunted and looked at me.

“You cooked so the least I can do is clean up” I smiled.

I turned back towards the sink and ran the hot water. I began to wash the plates and cutlery. I moved my hand back and my elbow connected with something hard. I heard a grunt and then two hands were on the sink either side of my body. So my front was pressed against the sink and my back against Evans body. I turned around and faced him so my back was pressed against the sink and my front almost against Evans, which caused me to blush. He was hunched over grabbing onto his side.

“Why were you behind me?” I asked my voice a bit high.

“I was trying to put away the sauces” He said in between gasps.

“Sorry” I smiled innocently.

After he recovered he stood up and smiled slightly. He reached over my head and put the sauces away in the cupboard.

“Ok so now that I have fed you how about you get ready and I’ll take you home” He smiled.

I nodded and exited the kitchen and made my way into his bedroom. I was looking around for my dress and realised it was on the floor next to the side of the bed I was sleeping in. I bent over and my back was stiff. I groaned in pain and shot back up dress in hand. I pulled the top off over my head and pulled the dress on but I pulled the top on over the dress so no one outside could see the blood and holes in the dress. I exited the bedroom and found Evan in the living room sprawled out over the couch with Harley.

“I’m keeping your top on” I said and blushed.

He nodded not paying any attention to me. I took a seat on the other couch and Harley jumped off the couch Evan was on and sat at my foot whining to get up. I picked him up and placed him on my lap. I was scratching in between his ears and he was rubbing his head further into my hand.

“Do you think your room mate would mind if I stole his dog?” I asked staring at Harley.

“I wouldn’t but I think he would” He laughed.

I pouted.

“Go get ready then” I said to Evan.

“Yes mum” He said as he got off the couch and walked by me.

Harley whined and started pawing at my leg. He scratched my bear leg and I hissed in pain and set the dog on the floor. He started running in circles and then sat on his bum. He stared at me and cocked his head to the side. Evan came into the living room with a black skin tight t shirt on and jeans. I smiled up at him and he laughed.

“You look ridicules” He said through his laughter.

“Maybe so but I still manage to look hotter than you” I said getting up and walking over beside him.

“Where are my shoes?” I asked blushing.

“I put them in the hall next to the front door” He smiled.

I nodded.

I walked to the front door with him behind me. I picked up the heels and opened his front door and stepped out. I turned around and seen Evan carry Harley out with his blue collar and leash on. I looked at him funny as he locked the door and turned to me.

“I can’t leave him in on his own he tends to bite and eat things he shouldn’t and he will wake up Riley” He said smiling.

I just nodded and walked down stairs and out his apartment. I stayed in the foyer bit as it was raining. I sighed I really didn’t want to put my heels on. Evan was in front of me looking down at me smirking.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t wanna put my shoes on my feet hurt” I whined.

He just laughed and shook his head. He turned around and bent down slightly.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Hop on” He said laughing.

I pulled the dress up so it just sat under my bum and jumped onto his back. We exited his apartment building and walked to his car. By the time we reached it I was soaked. We approached a black hummer with tinted windows. He opened the car door and practically flung me in. He then opened the back seat door and put Harley in the back. He climbed into the front and put the key in the ignition and the car came to life. He pulled out of the parking space and drove along the road.

“What are you in the mafia? What’s with the gangster car and tinted windows?” I asked

“Ok so it’s 112 Tallen Road right?” He asked ignoring my questions.

“Yeah how do you know?” I asked looking at him.

“You told the police officer last night” He laughed.

“Ohh right” I said resting my knees against the dash board thing.

Harley barked and jamp over and landed on my lap.

“I think I may just steal you” I smiled while hugging the dog.

“Well you can’t because Riley will kill me” He said while concentrating on the road.

I pouted and continued to clap Harley. Evans phone then filled the car with his ring tone sexy and I know it. I burst out laughing and he just smirked. 

“Could you answer that I can’t because I’m driving” He asked.

I picked up his phone from the dash board and looked at the caller display ’Mum’ I turned my head towards Evan.

“It’s your mum” I said.

“Well answer it then”

“And if she asks who I am?”

“Tell her your name” He said while laughing.

I clicked the green button to his blackberry and held the phone to my ear.

“Hello?” I said nervous.

“Who’s this?” His mum I’m guessing asked.

“I’m Hayley, Evans-“ I didn’t get to finish that sentence as Evan pulled up onto the curb and snatched the phone off of me.

“Hi mum!” Evan said giving me a funny look.

“Ohh that was Hayley” He said giving me a sideways look.

“No mum” He sighed.

“Because” He whined like a 5 years old which caused me to laugh.

“Yes I’ll be there … yes … no … I don’t know … mum!” He whined again.

He furrowed his eyebrows together and looked at me holding his hand out with the phone in it.

“She wants to talk to you” He said smirking.

“Me? Why?”

He shrugged his shoulders. I hesitantly took the phone off of him and held it to my ear.

“Hello?” I said giving Evan an evil glare.

“Hi sweetie” She gushed.

“Ehh hi” I blushed.

“You sound so cute!” She shouted.

“I do?” I laughed.

“Yes. I hope you’re taking good care of my boy?”

My eyes widened and I looked at Evan.


“Ohh sweetie I have to go I’ll see you on Saturday bye!” And then there was the dial tone.

“Saturday?” I muttered.

Evan started driving again and gave me a side ways glance.

“Ahh yes my brother’s engagement you just got invited as my date” He laughed.

My eyes were practically popping out of their sockets.

“What? No way! I can’t that would be inappropriate your mum asks what I do ah well Mrs Gray funny story but I’m your sons student!” I snapped.

He just burst out laughing and took a sharp right which cause Harley to fall to the floor and me to smack my head of the glass window. I groaned and sat up straight.

“Well obviously you don’t tell her the truth it’s not as if she’s going to see you again after Saturday is it?” He said a serious look on his face.

That comments stung more than it should. Ok so what I like him more than I should. It’s not possible for us to have a relationship but it’s not impossible either it’s just illegal. Stupid student/teacher law! Why hire hot sexy lecturers when obviously stupid girls like me are going to fall for them?

“Why the hell did she invite me anyway? Don’t you have another girl you can take one that’s not your student?” I asked.

“What like my lesbian ex?” He said anger leaking into his voice.

I turned my head towards him.

“You turned your ex girlfriend into a lesbian?” I asked.

He narrowed his eyes at me.

“She was bi when I met her but didn’t know until I caught her cheating on me with a girl” He snapped.

I burst out laughing. That’s totally something Amy would do.

“I’m glad you find it funny” He said annoyed.

I sobered up.

“Sorry it’s just- I dunno”

I picked up Harley form the ground and set him back on my lap.

“So you’ll come Saturday?” He asked.

“Fine!” I sighed. “But you owe me favour” I smiled.

He didn’t say anything or even look my way, just kept looking straight ahead concentrating on the road.

“That explains it!” I shouted.

“Explains what?” He asked.

“Why you didn’t like the fact that we were all meeting up at sugar cube and the fact that you went all weird after the whole Amy and I were lesbians” I grinned.

“What – No –I”

“Ohh so you do have a problem with gays?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“What? No!” He shouted.

I burst out laughing.

“Don’t worry I don’t like girls” I smiled.

“Wouldn’t bother me if you did” He said.

“Course it wouldn’t” I muttered.

I turned on his radio and Ed Sheeran Lego house came on. I couldn’t help but sing along. I really wasn’t caring that he could hear me. I knew I could sing I’ve been told so many times before.

“I'm gonna pick up the pieces

And build a lego house

If things go wrong we can knock it down

And three words have

two meanings

there's one thing on my mind

It's all for you

And it's dark in the cold december

but i've got you to keep me warm

If you're broken heart wont mend, yeah

and keep you sheltered from the storm

that's raging on now

I'm out of touch

I'm out of love

I'll bring you up

when you're getting down

And out of all these things i've done

I think I love you better now

I'm out of sight

I'm out of mind

I'll do it all for you anytime

And out of all these things i've done

I think I love you better now


“Amy was right about one thing” Evan interrupted.

“And what’s that?” I asked turning towards him.

“You can actually sing” He said.

I blushed.


“You should sing at my brothers engagement karaoke’s going on” He laughed.

“No I don’t sing in front of big audiences” I said laughing nervously.

“Why not?” He asked pulling up in front of my flat.

“Because I don’t” I said looking out the window.

He got out of the car and walked around to me side. Of course I already had the car door open and was out holding Harley’s leash. Evan turned around and bent down slightly and again I jumped onto his back. I still had Harley leash, Evan walked up the path and pressed the buzzer ½. We waited a few moments and then a sleepy voice came.

“What?” Amy snapped.

I laughed.

“It’s me!” I snag.

“Hayley!” Amy shouted.

“The one and only babe” I laughed.

She let us in and Evan opened the door. He walked up to the first floor and put me down on the ground. I walked around the corner and was knocked backwards into Evans chest. I screamed out in pain as my back made a connection with his chest. Evan started shouting at Amy and Cole to let go of me and once they did he straightened me up. I sucked in a deep breath, Amy and Cole were staring at me weird.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

“Nothing I can’t handle” I said between gasps.

“Idiots! I got stiches on my back! I swear to god if they’re burst and I have to go back I will kill both of you” I shouted while still trying to control my breathing.

“Sorry we are just so glad you’re ok and not dead” Cole said.

“Yeah I’ve been up all night worried about you wondering when the hell you where going to come home, and now I find out your with him” She said annoyed.

“I wasn’t with him you idiot I fell asleep at the hospital and he took me back to his because he –“ I cut myself off. He knew my address he proved that in the car when he told me my address. I turned to him and eyed him suspiciously. What the hell was he playing at?

I shook my head.

“Never mind I just wanna go in and have a – Great I can’t even shower unless I take special care and don’t get my back wet” I groaned.

“I’ll help” Amy aid waggling her eyebrows.

“No you won’t!” I snapped.

I barged by the two of them and went into the living room. The three of them followed me and came into my line of view. I only then realised that Evan had a white packet in his hand.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Your bandages you should change it soon get Amy to help-“

“No way!” She snapped.

“I’m not helping” Cole added.

I groaned.

“I have the best friends in the world, I get attacked off a mad raving lunatic and get stiches and my so called friends wont even help me changed my bandage!”

“I’ll do it if you want” Evan said.

I blushed and looked anywhere but at him.

“Fine since no one else will and I can’t do it myself” I said annoyed.

I got up off of the couch and made my way into my room. I pulled of the top and placed it on my bed. I took of the dress and put on pyjama bottoms. I didn’t bother to put on a top as I had to change my bandage. I turned around and Evan was already there with Harley next to him. I turned my back to him and he walked over to me.

“Want me to take it off fast or slow?” He asked.


He must have ripped it off because my back was stinging and I hissed out in pain.

“Mother of god! Asshole!” I snapped.

“D’awww don’t be like that cutie” He cooed.

“Cutie?” I asked.

“What your cute“ He laughed.

He pulled another one of the sticky bandages out of the box and put it on my back. He patted it down lightly and then put the other one in the bin.

“There” He said.

I walked over to my drawers and pulled out a pyjama top. I flung it on and turned to Evan.

“About Saturday is there anything in particular I should wear?”

“Not really a dress and heels” He laughed.

I nodded.

“What’s happening on Saturday?” Amy asked.

“His mum invited me to his brother’s engagement” I said leaving out the details about how his mum thinks I’m his date.

“OoOo getting on his mothers good side first before you make-“

“Be quiet Amy!” I snapped.

She just laughed and walked out of my room. Evan just laughed at us and plopped down on my bed.

“Nice room very girly though” He stated.

“Well last time I checked I was a girl” I said snorting.

Harley barked and I looked down at him. I bent down in front of him and petted him.

“I’ll miss you wee guy” I said pouting.

“You’ll see him on Saturday” He laughed.

I nodded.

“Well I best be off got things to do” He said standing up and I followed suit.

“Sure I’ll walk you out” I offered.

He exited my room and I walked behind him. We entered the living room where Amy and Cole where sitting on the couch pigging out watching Charlie and the chocolate factory.

“Bye Amy, Cole” Evan said.

“Bye” The two of them muttered engrossed into the film.

Evan laughed at their childishness while I opened the front door. Evan stepped out and Harley following behind. He turned back to face me.

“See you tomorrow in College” He smiled.

“Yeah bye” I smiled.

He walked down the hall and down the stairs. I stared at the door opposite us and I then seen the SOLD sign. I shut the door and turned towards Amy and Cole.

“Did you know that the house across from us finally got sold?” I said.

“Yeah” They both replied.

“Amy where’s-“ I was interrupted as the buzzer went off.

I walked over and picked it up.

“Did you forget something?” I asked laughing.

“What?” A girl replied.

“Ehhh, who’s that?” I asked blushing.

“It’s me Eve!” She beamed.

“EVE!” I screamed.

I heard Amy chock and then the sound of the bowl holding the popcorn colliding with the floor. Amy ran over to me trying the pry the buzzer out of my hand.

“Amy, get off!” I snapped while smacking her several times on the head with the buzzer headset.

She cried out in pain and I placed the headset back to my ear. She brought her leg up and stomped on my foot. I then cried out in pain and started to hop about on one foot. I smacked my head against the wall and Amy was bent over laughing.

“Guys!” I heard Eve shout from the headset.

“Sorry Amy was distracting me let me buzz you in” I said pressing the button at the same time Amy shouted.

“No! Don’t let her in she’s only here because her boyfriend’s a douche bag”

I rolled my eyes at her.

“Behave she’s your sister stop complaining she’d do the same for you only she’d be less mean” I snapped while walking over to the door and opening it.

Eve was standing there; she dropped her luggage and squealed while grabbing me into a hug. She pulled away from me and hand her hands on both sides on my shoulders.

“Jesus! What happened to the ugly geeky, braced face, fatty I once knew?” She asked.

I blushed.

“Oi! I got my braces out about 3 years ago and hit the gym and took up dancing” I smiled.

“Well I must say you are absolutely gorgeous now” She grinned.

“She always has been!” Amy said now beside me.

“Ahhh baby sis” Eve said grabbing Amy into a hug.

“Come on” I said while picking up her luggage and bringing it into the living room and shutting the front door over.

Amy and Eve broke apart form the hug. Amy plopped back down on the couch and Eve turned to face me.

“When was the last time I seen you Hales?” She said using my old nickname.

“Ermm It must have been what 6 years ago at the kick boxing competition just before I quit?” I said.

“Aww yeah I remember now you were amazing back then what about now?” She smirked.

I shrugged.

“It just wasn’t for me although I do wish I stuck in at it” I said shrugging.

“Shame you could have been really good” She said smiling.

“So what’s up anyways?” I said sitting into the lazyboy chair.

“Well Derek and I broke up he said he was sick of my attitude-“ Amy cut her off.

“Like I blame him-” I cut Amy off.

“Your more like than you both admit” I snapped.

“Well why didn’t you go back to your mums?” I asked.

Amy and Eve both snorted.

“Mum doesn’t approve of my job there for doesn’t want anything to do with me” She said smirking.

“Hmmm no wonder you’re a whore but you get paid for it” Amy snickered.

“Amy!” I shouted.

“No she’s right in a way I’m a pole dancer in a strip club” She smirked again.

I just stared at her.

“This is the part where you both say kidding and roll about laughing right?” I asked laughing nervously.

“Not this time I’m afraid” Amy laughed.

“Well – ehhh your welcome to stay here” I smiled.

“Yeah it’s always fun when your around Eve” Cole spoke up.

“Yeah great I guess you’ll be kipping beside me?” Amy said sarcastically.

“You know it” Eve laughed.

“Yeah who was the hottie I seen leave here with the most adorable puppy ever?” Eve asked.

Amy snickered and Cole laughed.

“That’s our lecturer type person Evan” Amy said.

“Why was her here?” She asked looking at Amy suspiciously.

“Well!” Amy said dragging out the word. “We all went out as a class last night to a pub and long story short Hayley stomped out for some reason and then got attacked and got took to the hospital and got stiches anyway she stayed at his because she fell asleep and he didn’t know the address and he dropped her off” She said.

“You guys are lucky getting to stare at him all day you should totally have sex with him for a better grade” She snickered.

We all burst out laughing. It was really weird how much alike Eve and Amy were, I mean they even looked alike. The same brown hair, the same brown eyes, the same smile even the same amazing complexion. The only difference? Eve was straight.

“Amy said that already” Cole laughed.


It was now 10 at night and we were all sitting in the living room just chilling. We were watching the golden compass pigging out as usual. Out of no where Eve squealed and I jumped looking over at her.

“What?” I asked.

“We should all totally go out tonight to celebrate us all being room mates” She grinned.

“Ehhh not so much after last night” I said shivering.

“How come you didn’t just fight him back I know you and I know you could have easily took him?” Eve asked.

“I was totally drunk and by the time I knew what was happening he threated to hurt me and that wouldn’t have been smart” I said laughed.

She just nodded.

“Pleeeeease can we go out I promise nothing like that will happen tonight I will be there and we can beat who ever up that annoys you” She laughed.

I just looked at the floor unsure I mean we hade college tomorrow and I was rather tired.

“Please?” Amy piped in.

“You guys go out I’ll just stay in and watch movies I’m not up to it tonight” I said smiling.

“Are you sure?” Eve asked.

“Of course” I laughed.

The 3 of them jumped up and walked into their rooms to get ready I’m guessing. I just wasn’t in the mood to go out tonight and I had no idea why. It wasn’t the fact about what happened last night, that didn’t bother me at all. Plus college was tomorrow and if I went out tonight I wouldn’t get up and go. The golden compass had finished so I got up and took out that dvd and put in the Hangover part 2. I sat back down on the couch wrapped up in a blanket.

About half way through the film the 3 of them were ready and waiting on their taxi. I offered to drive but they didn’t want to annoy me even though I offered. Their taxi came about 20 minuets after they phoned.

“Ok guys if anything happens phone me ok?” I said getting off the couch.

“Yes mum” They said.

I groaned while opening the front door and shoving them all out. I closed the door behind them and went back to the couch and watching the rest of the hangover 2. After the film finished I got quite hungry so stumbled to the kitchen and made my way to the fridge. I went for the handle when the buzzer went. I groaned and stumbled towards the buzzer. I picked up the receiver and placed it to my ear.


“Hayley, It’s Evan”

My heart started to beat way faster than it should. What the hell was he doing here?

“Ehhh hi” I said blushing.

“Can I come up?” He laughed.

“S-sure” I said pressing the button to let him in.

I walked over to the door and opened it. Evan came into site he looked as if he had aged 5 years and he looked annoyed.

“Nice pyjamas” He smirked now standing in front of me.

I looked down and realised I had an all in one on and I blushed.

“Thanks” I said stepping aside and letting him in.

He came in I noticed Harley trailing behind him waggling his tail. I shut the door behind them and turned to him.


“I need you to watch Harley for me for a little while?” He asked.

“Yeah sure, how long? And why?” I asked.

“About an hour, no more than two? Cause Riley needs my help for something and he can’t stay alone and I know he likes you so”

“Sure” I said.

“Thanks kiddo”

I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he seriously still see me as a kid? I was almost 19 for crying out loud! I looked nothing like a kid well unless kids these days have boobs and a huge ass. He was starting to piss me off with the whole kid thing.

“Whatever” I said opening the front door.

He smiled as he walked by and I shut the front door. I looked down at Harley and he was sitting on the floor his tail moving from side to side rapidly. I grinned down at the goofy dog.

“Come on then lets go find something to eat” I said while walking back into the kitchen Harley at my feet.

I opened the fridge door and rummaged the shelves until I found what I was looking for, chicken. I grabbed it off the shelve and shut the fridge door with my foot. I unwrapped it and put some bits on a wrap. I then put some bits on a plate for Harley and placed it on the ground. I went back to the living room and put in the new Harry Potter dvd that Cole got me. I plopped down on the couch and ate my wrap while watching the movie. When Harley was done he came plodding into the living room and sat at my feet.

After the film I decided to take Harley out a walk. I shoved on leggings, a top, my coat and my ugg boots. I clipped the leash to Harley’s collar and stepped out my apartment. I stumbled down the stairs due to being pulled by the puppy. He raced out side and pulled me along with him.
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