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A treatise on the nature of our reality |
Neither brick nor stone this As much here as there Surely now as then Or ever will be THE TEMPLE OF THE HIDDEN DOMAIN A TREATISE ON THE NATURE OF OUR REALITY The Temple of the Hidden Domain goes by many names. Christians refer to it as the Kingdom of Heaven, Buddhists think of it as Nirvana and the science of quantum physics might say it corresponds to the quantum wave function, but it lies outside any physically orientated designation. As an attribute of the Divine Creator, the Temple exists for the benefit and use of all consciousnesses and on our physical plane we employ it in the endless creative interactions we initiate. By virtue of its non-local nature, the Temple of the Hidden Domain has no physical edifice. There are no churches, cathedrals, mosques or any other buildings in which to go and bend your knee. Seek it out and you will see yourself in the mirror it holds before you. Reject or accept it as you like and it will serenely supply you with the possibilities flowing from either choice. Its scope and presence is beyond comprehension and encompasses the celestial cosmos, the sum of all human knowledge and the proposed heavens and paradises of all world religions, yet only springs into specific being with an act of your individual consciousness. It embodies all possibilities latent in all things and awaits the moment of creative choice that springs from you as you read this now. Neither is there any written text or sacred scriptures to bind down the mind. Look as long as you like and you will find no pontificating priests, imams, preachers or other “holy” men to drone in your ear with monotonous interpretations of distorted dogma. Aside from the constraints of the physical laws of this plane of existence, the Hidden Domain places no restrictions on you or limits you in any way beyond that which you impose upon yourself. Any sense of separation you experience from your fellow humans or the world is a product of your beliefs and is not inherent to your physical reality or the Hidden Domain from which all things emanate. The Temple of the Hidden Domain cannot be a crutch or a substitute for whatever road you seek. It eternally endures regardless of your opinions or beliefs, and in fact, exists for the purpose of empowering your beliefs. Therefore, the root of all change and improvement lies within your freedom to change your beliefs. Seek not outside yourself the direction for your life or what purpose it may have, for your consciousness dwells within the timeless embrace of the Hidden Domain which allows you the freedom to choose your own way and purpose. The Temple’s limitless domain of possibilities enables the creative cooperation that is the basis of the spontaneous order of the physical world. The chaos of war and the misery of slavery is the unpleasant but natural result of erroneous beliefs and misguided attempts to limit or control this freedom. The creative play of each individual human consciousness, acting in concert with all forms of consciousness, makes the reality we experience in this moment. It is up to each of us to determine its outcome from moment to moment. In the Temple of the Hidden Domain we choose, therefore we are. |