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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1877641
You always wondered how the intrepid heroes got started. Well here is the true story
Plot for the prequel for Hogans Heroes

Main Characters:

Robert E. Hogan – Colonel, USAAF commander of 504 BG (age 42 WP 1922)
Wilhelm Klink – Colonel Luftwaffe commander of Stalag 13
Hans Schultz – Oberfeldwebel Luftwaffe Senior NCO of Stalag 13

The Heroes:

Luis Lebeau – Corporal Free French – in the underground
Peter Newkirk – Leftenant, RAF – In London working for MI6
James (Ivan) Kinchlow – SSGT USAAF captured before Hogan
Andrew Carter – TSGT USAAF shot down after op set up


William Donovan – Chief of OSS
David Williams – Major USAAF Deputy Director European Ops
Peter Maxwell – Brig General USA, Allied Intelligence


Biedenbender – Colonel, Luftwaffe Commander sector air defense
Albert Burkhalter – General Infantry in charge of the Luft Stalag program
Wolfgang Hochstetter – Captain, Gestapo

Hilda Merien - Klink’s secretary and underground agent


Oklahoma city, OK
August 14th 1942
0700 hours

At his quarters, he looked at the latest refusal letter from GHQ Air Force. It was short and to the point: “Request to transfer to England is refused. Please do not submit any further requests.” It was signed by the personnel officer at HQ. He started at it and then put the coal of his cigarette to it, setting it on fire. He then opened his chest and pulled out a bottle of Famous Grouse scotch and drank straight out of the bottle. He stared out the window to see all the training barracks at this sewer of a training field in Nowhere OK. He said to himself, “This is what I get for not asking the General’s daughter to marry me. The war will be over before I leave this hell hole.”

Robert E. Hogan, Colonel, US Army Air Force (West Point ’22) sat at the side of his bed. Lean and trim, he had a reputation as a daredevil pilot as well as a lady killer. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio but lived in Bridgeport Connecticut all his life. Before the war he barnstormed with the greats, Eaker, Doolittle, and Lindburgh. When the war started like most American pilots he joined the RAF and earned an impressive kill record. After the US entered the war he was relegated to commanding a training unit in Oklahoma as his peers returned to England to fight the Germans. Desperate for action he wrote everywhere and requested transfers to go overseas.

Halfway into the bottle he was lying on the bed and someone knocked at the door. He slurred, “GO AWAY! I have the weekend off.”

The door opened and a gray haired man in a rumpled Colonel’s uniform came in and stared at the man working on a binge. The fruit salad attested to his valor in the “war to end all war”. On the top was the blue with 5 white stars that signified that the man in front of Hogan won the Medal of Honor. He said, “Oh how the mighty have fallen. You sure don’t look like someone who graduated third in his class in West Point. You should have listened to me about sleeping with women you are not married to.”

“Wild Bill Donovan, you old dog. Are you here to kick me when I’m down? Here have a swig.” Hogan tried to hand him the bottle but Wild Bill refused. “So what does the director of the OSS want from me? I told you I didn’t want to be in your pack of boy scouts. I’m not social enough. I’m just a poor lil boy from Cleveland Ohio.”

“Bob, I know you were refused transfer. Do you really want to sit out this war in the middle of no where?” He gestured out the window as he said it.

Hogan stared at Donovan and said, “I like Nowhere Oklahoma. At least here I have a chance of staying alive instead of being in one of your cockamamie schemes.”

“You don’t believe that any more then I do. I’m giving you one last chance to make a difference in this war. Oh and you can still fly.” Donovan tossed a card on Hogan’s bed and said, “Be there Monday at 1200. Don’t be late.” He turned and walked out.

Washington DC
August 18, 1942
1000 hrs

The blonde rose from bed and said, “Robert, honey, do you really have to go to this meeting? I thought we could have more champagne and then more fun.”

Hogan lit a cigarette and sat on the side of the bed and said, “That would be nice, dear, however, duty calls. When the Air Force tells you to go, you go. I’m easy that way. But I will tell you what, when I get back, we will take up where we left off.” He reached over and pulled her to the bed and gave her a passionate kiss. Hogan went into the bathroom and showered and shaved to prepare for his meeting with Donovan. He looked in the mirror and smiled as he remembered the events of last Friday. He ended his reverie thinking how foolish it was to come here to beg for a job but he knew that this might be his last chance to get to where the action it. He was always a maverick. Only his friendship with Doolittle and Donovan kept him from the stockade after he took out his frustrations on the idiots that were his senior officers. “I guess its payback time.” He put the finishing touches on his uniform, kissed the blonde and left the hotel room.

1200 hrs

The OSS was based in a non-descript building in downtown Washington DC. Hogan almost missed it as he walked by. After he got his bearings, he entered the building. He was immediately escorted into Donovan’s Office. Donovan had a black man in a well fitting suit sitting on the couch. Donovan shook his hand and said, “You look better then when I saw you last. How was your trip and your company?”

“Thank you Bill the trip was fine and the company is nicer. After I sobered up I decided to at least listen to your offer.”

“Smart man. Robert Hogan this is James Kinchlow. He is one of my top radio and crypto officers. First Negro to graduate from MIT with honors.”

“Pleased to meet you Kinchlow.” Kinchlow nodded. Hogan sat down in the other couch.

“After he graduated and worked on some projects for the government until I took him from them and he has worked in our communication section since then.” He lit his cigarette and offered one to Hogan who took one. “I have a special assignment for you Bob. It could go a long way to ending the war.”

“I’m listening.”

“It’s called operation Caged Eagle. We insert you into enemy lines where you set up a clandestine operation for intelligence gathering and other special operations.”

“Isn’t that already what your pack of boy scouts already do?”

“It is in a way however, what makes this different is where your base of operations will be. The home of Hogan’s Heroes is Luftstalag 13 near Hammelburg, Germany.”

Hogan looked astonished and thought Donovan was insane. He said, “You have got to be kidding.”

“Think about it Robert, who would suspect that the operation would come out of a POW camp. It’s the perfect cover.”

“Yeah until the first train blows up and they put two and two together and me in front of a firing squad.”

“Look Bob, it’s up to you, but I want you to really think about it. It’s a good chance for you to get into the action and make a difference.” Donovan rose and shook Hogan’s hand and handed him a folder. “Take a look at this report on the camp’s commander and let me know. You can go into the reading room. But keep in mind one thing, refuse this and you will never see action at all.”

Hogan nodded and headed out of the office. Donovan turned to the tall black man and asked, “Well, Doc?”

James Ivan Kinchloe, PHD and psychologist said, “He’ll do it. I looked at his service record and he is just the person you need for this operation. He is sneaky, manipulative and knows how to bend the rules. He is a detailed planner, maybe overly so. He won’t resist a challenge.”

“Do you think you can take orders from him?”

“Not a problem. Despite his unorthodox style, he’s a leader. I would be honored to serve in his command.”

Hogan opened the file on the command staff of Stalag 13. It was pretty much as he thought. The camp was staffed by men better off far away from the front line as possible. When he started to look at the commandant’s file he said, “I don’t believe it!!” He laughed and walked into Donovan’s office.

Donovan looked at him and said, “Well Robert?”

“Give me six months with that clown and I’ll own that camp. You have yourself a deal.”

“Good. Kinchloe is going to be your advance party. Once you get to Stalag 13, he will be your Chief of Staff.” When Hogan nodded agreement he turned to Kinchloe and said, “Kinch, we will get your new rank set up. Sorry we can’t get you officer’s rank but you know it’s impossible.”

Kinch smiled sadly and said, “That’s ok sir, I can’t fight Jim Crow.”

“I have a priority for you to leave Friday. Here are your orders.” He handed Hogan a set of orders.

He looked at them in surprise and said, “Commander of the 504th Bomb Group? You son of a bitch!”

“All part of the cover. When you get to RAF Dukston, your contact is Major Williams He’ll give you the information you need” He shook Hogan’s hand and said, “ I would say ‘good luck’ but I don’t think you will need it.”

“Thanks, Bill I really appreciate this.” Hogan marched out of the office. II

RAF Dukston
August 20 1942
1200 hours

After a long flight over the Atlantic and an even longer bus ride Hogan arrived at RAF Dukston. He accomplished his inprocessing and looked at the flight line to see maintenance personnel working on the B-17 bombers. As he was unpacking he heard a knocking on the door. He said, “Enter.”

Three men came in. An army Brigadier General and Major in impeccably tailored uniforms and a man in civilian suit. Hogan snapped to attention then the General put a hand up. “As you were. I guess you had a long hard trip.”

“It was ok General.”

“I’m General Pete Maxwell. This is Major Williams and the nattily clad gentleman is Leftenant Peter Newkirk.” Hogan nodded at both men. “I would like to invite you to my place for dinner at 1900 hours.”

“Yes sir. 1900 hours. That should give me a chance to get my items in order.”

“Fine. My driver will be here at 1830.” Without any further word the three gentlemen walked out.

1900 hours

Major Williams handed General Maxwell and Hogan brandies as they lit their cigarettes. Hogan said, “I am a bit surprised that you decided to meet me, sir. I expected Williams only.”

“Well Hogan, lets clear up thing. I am with Allied Intelligence. It was I who suggested the operation to OSS. For one it gives us deniability and also I would be very interested in getting the information I am sure that you will be obtaining from the Krauts. Major Williams will you begin the briefing.”

“Yes, sir. He looked at Hogan. Col Hogan, what Col Donovan decided not to tell you is that we are still working on getting the first agents out of training so they can start to infiltrate the continent. We don’t think they will be ready until the end of the year. But he know it’s imperative that we get an intelligence presence in Germany as soon as possible. We weren’t sure how to do it until Newkirk came to us with this information.”

He nodded to Newkirk who stood up and with a heavy British accent said, “Colonel Hogan, Stalag 13 was built a month ago to start handling overflow from the other camps. Somehow one of the prisoners made a primitive radio and got in touch with us. They then started to give us information of the staff in the camp. Naturally the first thing they wanted was to escape.”

Williams interjected, “After we started to get more details, we saw that with it’s location was idea. It was next to a lot of military facilities and transportation nodes. We know that we had a golden opportunity. I talked to Donovan and then to the General here and we ordered them not to escape.”

Hogan was quiet but deep in thought. This prompted the general to ask, “What are you thinking Hogan?”

“General, if my team is to do what you want, we need an infrastructure there. I studied the camp and I figured that a basic tunnel would take a month to dig. They would need to start now. Also they have to be told not to escape.”

“Why?” Newkirk said.

“Think about it. This commandant is narcissistic and not to bright. If we ensure that his camp is impregnable we can keep part of our operation a secret. After all who would expect prisoners to conduct sabotage when they can’t even escape.”

“Good idea, but how do we keep them from escaping?”

“Well the camp is not populated yet, right?”

“No. We don’t expect any major presence for about a month now.”

“What I am thinking is we get someone over there to keep the prisoners ‘cowed’ but in reality they are digging tunnels and preparing for my arrival. Now let’s get to the big question, how do I get there?”

“Well, we thought about parachuting you in but that would not work with the krauts. Even that commander would be suspicious of a US Colonel showing up out of the blue. We then came up with the idea of you commanding this bomb group. You will fly missions against the enemy. All you have to do is get shot down.”

“Sir, with all due respect, that’s crazy. You want me to deliberately get shot down? Huh, as easy as …” Hogan stopped mid sentence and was deep in thought.

Newkirk said, “Sir, what are you thinking?”

“You are right, all I have to do is get shot down.” Hogan smiled wickedly. “General I will be in place soon. I just have to assemble my team.”

Williams said, “Kinchloe is already in place. We can get him word to start the digging. We also have an underground operative who would love to work with you. His name is Lebeau, here is his file.”

“I just need one more for my team.” He looked at Newkirk, “You seem to know a lot about this camp. Want to join me?”

“I thought you would never ask.”

“Welcome to my team of misfits.” Hogan turned to the General and Williams and said, “I think that I need to fly my missions. You know build a rep. That will make the Germans want to shoot me down.”

“I agree with that idea. This way we can get you to add to the war effort sooner then later. Get your 25 missions in but don’t get yourself shot down until everything is in place.” He stood up and shook Hogan’s hand. “You know, for the first time I really feel good about this operation.”

“Thank you sir, I won’t let you down.”

Berlin, Germany
1 November 1942
0800 hrs

The phone rang in Colonel Albert Burkhalter’s office in Berlin. Colonel Burkhalter was assistant chief of staff in charge of the POW camps. “Burkhalter here, Heil Hitler!”

“Heil Hitler! Burkhalter, this is Bienbender from Hamburg Sector Command.”

“AH Wolfgang, how are you today?

“Excellent. I finally have him.”

“Not this Hogan again? You have been obsessed with him since he started flying bombing missions against us. The Fuehrer is getting tired of hearing of your attempts to ‘get inside his head’

“Oh I have him now. He will bomb Hamburg which I will surround with a ring of steel and fighters the likes of which have never been seen. You help me and we both will be wearing General’s braids.”

Burkehalter’s eyes sparkled at that. “And what do you want from me?”

“Additional personnel to man the flak batteries, troops to search for shot down aircrews and a special POW camp to hold Hogan in so I can keep an eye on him.”

“You shall have them and as for a POW camp I have one. Stalag 13.”

“I never heard of that camp.”

“It’s brand new. It’s currently run by Colonel Klink.”

“Klink, I never heard of him.”

“He’s Luftwaffe. They were smart and decided he was not fit to be a pilot. He is an idiot but at least at Stalag 13 he is no danger to the war effort.”

“Are you sure, Hogan should never be let out of anyone’s sight.”

“I am sure. Fortunately for Klink there has never been a successful escape from that camp.”

“Good. Soon you and I will be dining at the General’s club. Weidersein Hans.”

“Weidersein Wolfgang.”

Burkhalter turned to his Gestapo liason officer, Captain Hochstetter, a bulldog of an investigator, and said, “So Hochstetter, what do you think of this plan.”

“I must admit that Colonel Biedenbender has an intriguing plan to stop Colonel Hogan from doing what little damage he is doing to our facilities, however, Klink is not the commandant who should keep him in prison. Colonel Burkhalter, may I suggest we sent Hogan to Stalag 6 or better yet, leave him to me.”

“If we get Hogan I am not ready to give him to you people and Stalag 6 has a revolving door. I believe your efforts are best suited there. You leave Klink and Hogan to me. Hmmm General Burkhalter, that has a nice ring to it don’t you think Hochstetter.”

“Ja General, if that idiot Klink does not screw things up.”

RAF Dukston
0800 hrs

Hogan finished his briefing and was on the way to his crew transport when Major Williams intercepted him. Williams shook his hand and said “Colonel, here is the OPORD. You might want to read it then destroy it prior to your flight.”

“Thanks, Major. Hogan said. Well this is it. I’ll see you after the war.”

“Good Hunting Colonel Hogan.”

Hogan opened up the envelope and started to read it




1. As of this date, Colonel Robert E. Hogan is relieved of command of 504th BG to command OSS detachment 13, codename “Hogan’s Heroes.”
2. OSS detachment 13 is assigned to LuftStalag 13, Hammelburg, GE.
3. Compliment of OSS detachment 13 is as follows:

b. Chief of Operations: KINCHLOE, JAMES, SSGT USAAF

4. The mission of OSS det 13 is to:
a. Cooperate with local Resistance elements.
b. Return downed airmen to Allied control
c. Intelligence gathering.
d. Ground interdiction and sabotage of enemy assets.

5. The chief of Operations has prepared communications and infrastructure at deployed base
6. Communications Code name is PAPA BEAR.
7. Home Base Communications code is MAMA BEAR.
8. When necessary submarine communications code is GOLDILOCKS.
9. Personnel in #3 above are currently in place at deployed base awaiting commander.
10. All allied agencies will provide the appropriate support to OSS detachment 13.


David Williams

David Williams, Maj USAAF
Deputy Director European Operations
Office of Strategic Studies


Peter Maxwell

Peter Maxwell, Brig General USA
Allied Intelligence

Hogan looked at the OPORD and set it on fire.

0900 hours

Hogan walked over to his jeep. He saw a TSGT at the wheel who he never saw before. His first thought was, “This guy looks like he just stepped off the farm.” He got in and said, “Good Morning, you are Sgt..”

“C-c-carter, sir. Andrew Carter. Your tail gunner went DNIF and I was assigned to your crew sir. May I say it’s an honor to be on your crew s-s-ir.

Hogan smiled wanly and said, “Welcome aboard Carter.” Inwardly he groaned and thought, “Damn it, my crew was prepared for this flight, I can’t bring this bumpkin up to speed.” Resigned to the fact that he was taking an unknown he looked at his plane. The plane had “Never Satisfied” on the nose and the marking showing it was close to the 25 missions necessary to rotate home. He jumped into his seat and strapped in. Hogan debated involving his crew at all but to provide the proper excuse to explain a high ranking officer as a POW, it was necessary to bring them in on it although on a limited basis. He only told them that should they bail out that the underground would be looking for them and to help them to come back to England. He didn’t tell them that he would be staying. It was his own intention that when he bailed out he would separate from his crew. He also thought about inviting them to the Heroes but felt that a 10 man team would be too unwieldy. He would have to use the POWs at the camp. Carter was now an unknown. What if thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind as he concentrated on the bombing mission at hand.

1000 hrs

General Maxwell and Major Williams saw Hogan’s airplane take off. Once it was airborne Maxwell said to Williams, “So we have the spy in custody.”

“Yes, General. Sgt Richards was a spy for the Abwehr. He was passing mission information on previous bomb raids to the Luftwaffe. When we got close to him at the 41st, instead of arresting him at that time we decided to transfer him to Hogan’s crew.”

“That’s putting a lot of men’s lives at stake.”

“Sir, with all due respect, getting Colonel Hogan on the ground is well worth the risk to 10 airplanes and 98 crewmen. To continue, we allowed him to pass information to his superiors about this raid in Hamburg and where Hogan would be in the box, we arrested him. To allay his suspicions, we put one of our newest agents, Andrew Carter. He is naïve and kind of clumsy but he is a genius at chemistry and explosives. I think he would be an asset to Hogan’s team.”

“I hope you are right we betting a lot on this.”

Hamburg, Germany
1300 hours

The formation was jumped on almost immediately after entering the Hamburg area. Hogan struggled to keep his plane level among the constant flak bursts. He thought to himself, “We expected them to take the bait but this is ridiculous.” The route he took to Hamburg ensured that they avoided most of the enemy defenses, but it was still quiet until they entered Hamburg which turned out to be a hornet’s nest. The flak batteries were extremely dense. Two bombers were damaged to the point that the crews had to bail out. “I refuse to lose another bomber just to get me out of here.” Hogan made his decision after a burst took out the #4 engine. He got on the radio to the formation and said, “All craft abort, I say again abort. Drop your loads and return to base.” The co-pilot looked at him and he said over the intercom, “I don’t have hydraulics and we lost engine 4. We bail out now.” As the crew undid their seat straps and headed for the doors, Hogan said to the co pilot, “I will keep on course to get their attention away from you, follow the escape plan.”

“Wilco, sir. See you back in England.” The co-pilot ran to the door and jumped out. Hogan counted 8 chutes and said to himself, “No you won’t Jim.”

Hogan nursed his cripple near the town of Hammelburg. Once he did this he decided it was time to bail out. Hogan ran to the door and to his surprise he saw Carter in the doorway. Carter yelled, “Sir, I guess its time for us to go.”

“Carter, what the hell are you doing here?”

“I thought you would need some protection before bailing out.”

“I don’t know whether to hug you or courts-martial you. Well get out of here.” The two of them jumped out of the plane.


Stalag 13, Germany
November 3, 1942
1200 hours

Luis Lebeau, CPL, Free French hung up the clothes from the wash tub. In civilian life he was a cook in one of Paris’s finest restaurants. When the war started he enlisted in the army where they decided he would be the company cook. He made sure that the soldiers were fed well despite the supplies they had to offer. When France surrendered he left and joined with a small group of soldiers who harassed the Bosche. He joined a larger group of Maquis who had contact with the Free French in England. He fought hard for a year until he was ordered by his commander to let himself be captured by the Bosche. They put him in their newest prison camp LuftStalag 13. Once there a RAF corporal told him and other prisoners to start digging tunnels but didn’t tell him why. So they dug and he kept his nose clean. When the other prisoners heard that he was a cook they started to ask him to make great dishes. After the Bosche soldiers found out he could cook they gave him access to their kitchen. He was able to take some back to his barracks mates.

All in all it was a good imprisonment. The Brit, Newkirk and the Negro American, Kinch told him to keep his nose clean and stay out of trouble and it will go well for him. It also helped that the commandant was not the brightest person in the world and the head guard is a fat tub of lard who could be bribed with strudel.

He saw Colonel Burkhalter’s staff car drive into the camp and park by Klink’s office. After he strode into the office Lebeau ran into barracks 2. When he saw Kinch and Newkirk drinking coffee he said, “Mes amis. Burkhalter is here.”

Kinch said, “Well my friends, it’s begun. Newkirk, start looking around again while I have a talk with our little French friend here.” He led Lebeau out and took to the exercise area. Kinch said, “Luis, remember that raid that the Krauts were bragging about yesterday.”


“ Well, I think we will be getting some of the fliers.”

“How do you know?” Before Kinch could answer a troop truck drove into the compound. Luftwaffe soldiers pulled out an Air Force Colonel and Sergeant and led them into the office.

“Luis, lets help Newkirk with the sweep.”

Hogan stepped into the Commandant’s office and saw the most beautiful woman he ever met. He was going to say something but she looked right through him and the fat NCO said to him, “Enter the office, Colonel, Raus.” and pushed them into the inner office. The two of them stood at attention before two German colonels. A rather hefty infantry colonel who Hogan surmised had gone way too many times to the strudel table just like this sergeant. The second was a skinny bald man with a monacle. This made him think, “Brother this guy is fighting War One all over again.”

Hogan saluted the Germans and the Fat Kraut Sergeant said, “Herr commandant, Sergeant Shultz begs to report that the truck with the two prisoners arrived. This is the senior prisoner.”

Hogan snapped a salute and said, “Hogan, Robert E. Colonel USAAF. Serial number 0876707.”

Burkhalter said, “Ah Colonel Hogan, we have been waiting for you. I am General Burkhalter and this is Commandant Klink.” Hogan noticed the stricken look as Burkhalter mentioned the rank that he mentioned as if it were a foregone conclusion.

Klink recovered from his shock and said boastfully, “Colonel Hogan you have entered the most impregnable place in Germany. There has never been a successful escape from –“

Burkhalter interrupted him, “Klink, shut up. Now Hogan, enjoy your stay here. For you the war is over.”

Klink said to Schultz, “Schultz, take him away to barracks 2.”

Schultz took Hogan to the barracks. When he entered the barracks he saw Kinchloe, Newkirk, a short Frenchman, Carter and 4 others. They snapped to attention when he came in. He acted as if he did not recognize them. Schultz walked out without a word.

Hogan looked around and said, “Kinch is the room clean?”

“Yes sir, Newkirk and I clean it everyday. They keep trying but we find them. This is Corporal Luis Lebeau, Free French. I also checked out everyone here, no plants.

Hogan shook his hand and said, “Good. Did Carter introduce himself to you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, let’s get to business. Kinch and Newkirk have already been briefed before getting captured but its time to bring you all in. The allies needed a secret operation behind the lines to work with the underground. The short story is we are it. Our job is to help people escape, blow up things and get information to the Allies so we can end this war quickly. I know all about Klink and Schultz and I am pretty sure I can handle them.

Lebeau whispered, “Sacre Bleu.”

“You got it Lebeau. This is a volunteer assignment only. I’m not forcing anyone to stay here but I want everyone to know that if you stay the only way we are leaving is through the front gates after the Allies liberate this camp. In order to do that we need to make sure that this camp keeps being “escape proof.” After the men laughed, he continued, “OK. I know about Kinch and Newkirk but I’m asking you all again, are you in or out?”

Kinch said, “I’m in Colonel, all the way.”

Newkirk said, “I have nothing going on sir, I’m in.”

Lebeau said, “Vive le France! I am in Colonel Hogan.” The other four men in turn stated their readiness to stay.

“Good. Kinch I want to see what you have done so far –“

He was interrupted by Carter who said, “Sir, you didn’t ask me.”

“Carter, you were part of my crew, you understand that the raid was a –“

“A feint to get you here sir?” The they all stared at Carter. “Yes sir and it seems like you can use a demolitions expert. If so sir, Im your man.”

“Carter, you and I will talk after this. First order of business to see how the rest of the camp feels. I want you all to find out who you can trust, get the word out and see who will stay. Newkirk and Lebeau I want to know that by tonight.” Kinch I want you to show me the layout. How are the tunnels going?”

Kinch tapped the side of a bunk bed and the mattress rose to reveal a hole in the ground. He said, “far enough Sir, want to see?” Hogan nodded and the two men took the ladder to go down the hole.

Hogan whistled as he saw a massive underground command post with radio, maps, weapons rack. He said, “I am impressed Kinch. How did you get all the materials under the eyes of the Krauts?”

“We have someone on the inside of the camp administration who helped us out a lot. She will be visiting us tonight.”


“Yep, she’s the secretary, Helga.”

“I saw her, she’s a looker.”

“She was the one who first gave us intelligence about the camp administration. Her input gave us the idea to use this place.”

“Now I will have to pay her a visit.”

“I thought you would. Now we are still gathering things but I think with OSS’s help we can get arms, set up a printing press and other items. Newkirk has a flair for tailoring and has made up a lot of uniforms for us. He also has knowledge of less then legal skills, such as safecracking and forgery.”

“That’s good, let’s get him started on various sorts of identity papers for us. How far do the tunnels go?”

“To about every barracks but #4. We felt there was no need to. For us to leave the camp we have two tunnels that are burrowed through two tree stumps. I set up periscopes at strategic locations in the camp so we can monitor the krauts. We also have a tunnel under the dog kennel. The town vet is part of the underground as well.”

“So the dogs are on our side huh,” Hogan chuckled and said, “that’s good to know.”

“I also have Klink’s office wired. I am also getting a switchboard so we can intercept the Kraut’s phone calls.”

“That might be useful. Kinch you did a great job but that’s what I would expect for a guy with a PHD in Psychology and Mathematics.”

Kinch looked shocked and asked, “You knew?”

“Look, I knew you would have to be something special to join the OSS because—“

“Of the color of my skin right?”

“Yes. Just remember that not everyone is as color blind as I am, especially the ‘Master Race.’ You may not be going out into the field a lot. It’s hard to hide a black man out in the middle of Germany.”

“Understood sir, all the same I would like to stay. After all the idea for the op was mine.”

“I knew that too.” Hogan shook his hand and said, “Welcome to Hogan’s Heroes.”

1600 hours

Out in the exercise area, Hogan walked to Carter and asked him, “OK Carter what’s your story?”

“Well, sir, there’s not much to tell. I enlisted in the army after high school. I am sort of a chemical wiz. I blew up my high school chem. Lab. After I went through boot camp I knew I didn’t want to be a grunt or anything else and so when an OSS guy came into the barracks to recruit some of us I volunteered. I told him I was a demolitions expert and he took me right away. Next thing I knew I was ordered to RAF Dukston and to replace your tail gunner.”

“And you only have high school chemistry as the basis of your extraordinary demolitions training.”

“Yes, sir.” Carter looked crestfallen and bent his head down.

“Well unfortunately for me Carter, if I let you escape, they will crack down on us and that’s unacceptable for the conduct of this operation. So you stay. Welcome to the team, Carter.” Hogan shook his hand. And Carter blushed and smiled. After he shook his hand he walked toward the commandant’s office as Klink and Schultz followed the beauty and Burkhalter to his car. After Burkhalter drove off he noticed the girl nod and point to Klink’s quarters. Hogan nodded his understanding.


Stalag 13
1900 hours

Hogan ducked away and hid behind the quarters. Soon the girl came over and put her arms around him and kissed him. Soon he was kissing the beautiful blonde as well thinking, “what is a beauty doing in this hell hole?” As is she read his thoughts she smiled and asked him, “You want to know why I am doing it when it would cost me my life?” He nodded quietly and she continued, “I met a man in university before the Nazis took over. We fell in love and got married. He told me he was a Polish Jew but I didn’t care, I loved him. After Kristallnacht he was taken away and I never saw him again. I was safe because I was in Switzerland on a visit at that time. After the war started I met a British agent who wanted to know if I would work for them. I did so gladly. They gave me identity papers and so I became Helga Merien, a secretary in a drugstore at Hammelburg. When they decided to set up this camp I saw how I can help destroy the Nazis.”

“Tell me who I am dealing with here.”

“Well, Klink is a gullible fool. Stroke his ego and he will do anything you say. He has a weakness for beautiful women.”

“So do I.”

“I know but you and I are on the same side. They are all weak. I even have Burkhalter looking at me. So Colonel Hogan, I am at your service.”

“You are one tough woman. Welcome to the team.” He kissed her again even more passionately.


Stalag 13

2100 hours

It was lights out. Hogan looked at his primary team and said, “Well gentlemen, it looks like we are ready. I saw our tunnel and command post and I must say it’s impressive. Are you gentlemen or are you moles.” He said smiling. After the team laughed he said, “Well let’s get down to it. What are the chances of the entire camp working with us. Lebeau, you first.”

“Colonel, everyone I talked to is ready and able to assist us, I can think of 20 that we can use in operations.”

“Good. Now you Newkirk.”

“Again, sir, everyone I talked to is ready for anything. No one wants to escape here.”

“They all can be trusted, right.”

Newkirk said, “All of them can but they also know that if they rat on us they won’t see the next day.”

“A little harsh, but I guess it’s necessary.” Well, gentlemen, Hogan’s Heroes is now up and operational. First order of business, is to develop our escape network. Kinch, contact London and the underground and make sure we are all on the same page. Newkirk start figuring the best escape routes around the countryside. Take Carter with you. Lebeau, start cultivating fatso out there, I think he is the weak spot of the camp.”

“Oui, Colonel, I already have him plied with strudel.

“heh, that’s good. Well team, let’s go, we have a war to win.”


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