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Blessing and Counsel To You on Your Wedding Day
Blessing and Counsel To You on Your Wedding Day

Love is the desire to approach and another and be near them.
Respect is the acceptance of the other’s right to be who they are.

Each of you is unique from any other person ever born
Yet you each descend from the same set of Ancient Parents.

As all who have gone before, you share a common heritage
One derived from the line of all humanity.

However, the two of you are individuals with different life experiences
And nothing should be hidden or withheld from the other.

Each of you brings to this Union your own
Views, wants, needs and beliefs derived from the lives you have lived.

Be always aware of how you convey those things.
The way you impart that knowledge can be uplifting or debilitating.

It is not always the things you say or actions you take that impacts the other.
It is how those words and actions are received, understood and interpreted .

You should not give up your individualities
Only learn to appreciate the differences in your personalities.

Trust does not happen unless there are at least two individuals involved.
Trust only happens after you take chances with someone.

It must be earned, nurtured and protected in order to survive.
Cherish and protect the trust your commitment shows today.

Before G-d, family and friends you have become Husband and Wife.
You have chosen to give up two separate lives, to become One.

You have chosen to combine your individual knowledge and experiences
To teach and learn from each other, to comfort each other, to protect each other.

By doing those things, you will create a third personality.
It is within your power to make it as unique and precious as each of you.

When hardships come in the years to follow, remember the reasons for today.
Troubled times can help you grow together if you determine to do so.

May G-d Bless this Union
With Prosperity, Enduring Love and Growing Respect for each other.

May He grant you the Strength, Wisdom, Courage and Desire
To protect it from all adversity.

© Copyright 2012 Meggan Malloy (meggan-malloy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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