Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1875012-Forever-in-my-heart
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1875012
a unique love story
In my island of dreams never had I thought a dream like that would come true. A dream of finding the soul mate-one true love. It was a unique love for no other reason but our age.
    The last time I saw Daniel Shawn was 15 years ago. I still remember his disarming smile that showed dimple's and perfectly white shiny teeth. He's kind and sweet character got a smile out of every human he ever met, just like me. Daniel was drop dead gorgeous with hair falling over his blue-green eyes. All one had to do was stare at those eyes and be lost forever. There was magic in those eyes. His typical American accent made me fall in love every single day. Our love was unique because we were passing the age of romance, both of us were workaholics. He was 30, and I was 27. To me, I was a perfectly healthy creature with a proper height, smart, good-looking, loner, dreamer, witty, and I could go on. I never thought love would hit us at this age, well. All I can say is miracles happen even though it is rare.

I thought back to the first time we met, I was walking in the middle of the road on my way to a new hotel, which I could not find. The hotel eluded me not because it was late, but because i had misplaced the address. I found something precious that day, something that would take the breath out of me, that something or that someone was Daniel. Searching for a restaurant which seemed to have gone invisible was not easy, I was so lost in thought that I did not see the car coming with full speed and the spectacularly amazing guy, except he looked offensive enough to make my chops, but even then he looked devilishly mouth-watering.

He (peeped out) and yelled: "Princess, this road does not belong to your father! Move away."
Even though it was my fault, but he should have known better than to yell at Daisy D’Souza.
I said (sarcastically): "Destiny said I would meet you in the middle of a road except you took your own time to come. Just so you know, my name is Daisy. Let me tell you there was no pleasure meeting you, so let us get going shall we?'
Having said that i entered a complete stranger's car. I have no idea why, but it felt the right thing to do. There was no reason just a reaction, chemistry, a feeling of trust, warmth and a sense of safety

He was stunned at what was going on wondering how he was stuck with such a strange crazy woman. His expression made me burst out laughing hysterically. He could not control himself either, and we laughed like mad people in the middle of the road. People were honking so loudly, while we were trying to catch our breath.

To save our lives from being cursed forever, we drove away. We introduced ourselves and then he asked me what I was doing wandering around like a buffoon. I paid him back by calling him names too. Today, seemed to be his unlucky day being cursed from the time we met was not a great start. It was late, and I had forgotten what time it was in my quest for that restaurant. So, having no other option I asked him to drop me home.
After dropping me home, he said: “I will pick you up at eight Daisy. Be ready, do not want princess wandering on the street again and troubling busy people like me. It will save you the trouble of embarrassing yourself to death. I promise to take you to dine in that exact hotel unless you wish to search it for yourself.

Knowing two is always better than one, I said, “yes." He went away and before sitting in his car, he yelled: "And princess, it's not a date."

It's only after going inside that I thought I should have called him inside for a drink, but then I thought he was a mere stranger, and seldom people meet like this.  I was not good at all this, being a loner much of my life hardly guests showed up except for my parents who come to see if their daughter had a guy in her life or she was still alone.

Unfamiliar with the game of destiny, I went along with Daniel after work and just as he had promised. It was dangerous to go, but it was exciting nonetheless. It had been quite some time since I had been in a relationship. As soon as we reached the hotel we ordered food right away, I was famished.

Daniel ordered a Chicken Fried Steak, and I was waiting for him to get over his order when he looked at me and asked what I wanted to have. I sat wondering what the heck was going on and if I am supposed to just order one dish or was he dieting, my situation was more like an elephant race was going on in my tummy, and I needed a huge dinner. I ordered a chicken meat ball and baked macaroni and cheese pasta. I do not know how, but he just knew what was going on in my head because the next thing he said was " Do not worry I had a snack before coming, you do not have to feel embarrassed to order a proper meal. He winked and added, “after all it's my treat, so you can take advantage of me. Is that not what women do the best? It was his good luck that I was ravenous, and dinner came at that same time, so I tried ignoring the dialogue and started digging into my food.

We reached home back at two a.m. The feeling of wasting so much of his time after a busy day seemed like crime and it was not like I was jobless. It was a crime I enjoyed and would not mind doing again. It is not as if it would have hurt me to give him some compliment, so I said: “hey Prince Daniel I thank you for being my knight in shining armor. I shall remember this day till I die, it was one of the most memorable and lovely nights of my life.

And as I turned to go, Daniel caught my hand his touch made my heart skip a few beats, and that is when I heard the most amazing words in my life, those words every woman wish to hear. He said: "Princess may be today you are just an infatuation, but an Angel whispered to me. You shall be my destiny, you are going to be my present and future, Will you let me get to know you, to share my experiences with you, and save you, before you get another guy in you're wandering state, will you be my princess and let me show you, the perfect gentlemen that I am.

How could I say no, when I knew right then that he was my soul mate. He was the one I had been unknowingly waiting for. He was right in front of my eyes. My Daniel, just the thought of this made me giddy and excited like a 17 year old, but I guess this is why it is called love. It happens just like that out of nowhere. It doesn't give you a warning. It just comes and sweeps you away to seventh heaven.

I (was crying and smiling like a fool) said: "I will be your princess now and forever." Before I could complete, he kissed me on my forehead. Tears rolled down my cheeks as he came closer to me. I parted my lips and closed my eyes, and Daniel did the same, and we let nature take its course. The minute our lips met the vibe could be felt, the fire of passion burned high. It felt like heaven. It felt right, like it was always meant to be. The sweet taste of Daniel's lips filled up and I felt exhilarated. Emotions flooded through my mind while I replayed every one of our moments together. The night when we met the first time, and every event that had led to this. After what felt like an eternity, we broke apart and looked at one another with deep longing eyes. The eyes that expressed our deep love and made us fall for one another all over again

We had a small wedding with just friends and family. His family gave a warm welcome into their heart and life. They were super confident in their son's choice that they had not even voice their opinions on our super-fast wedding. The wedding date was a surprise to me. Just a few months after his proposal, one day I got a call saying I had an appointment at a salon. I was shocked because I hardly go to salons so I just said OK. My brain did not work; anyway, I was tired from the hectic working week. Therefore, I thought I should go check it out. Once I entered I asked who made my appointment, they just said it was a gift from someone. They did facial, manicure, pedicure and lord knows what all. It was all so relaxing I did not voice my questions, it was only when I was given a red gown I refused to wear it until I knew what was going on. They said I had a date.

Tears came pouring down as it tinged me now that Daniel had done all this for me. I could not believe how lucky I was to have such an amazing and understanding guy in my life, I stood there staring at my dream dress-a belted silk satin gown, it was perfect with those huge teardrop ruby earrings. Nothing could be more perfect. I dressed as fast as I could without thinking twice, they gave light touch up and I could not believe my eyes. I looked lovely that is when a limousine came in front and opened the door for me, I was just staring like an idiot with jaw down, and I sat fast before he took me as a dummy.

The roads were unfamiliar to me and all sorts of weird thoughts started coming. Perhaps, I was being kidnapped, but why in a limousine, may be the kidnapper was rich, but then why kidnap me when all of sudden the limo stopped. I shut my eyes tight in my seat and I refused to look up when someone opened the door. The next thing I know I was being blindfolded and carried away. I started kicking and boxing the person and I knew my worst nightmare had come true and that’s when I am put down and my blindfold is removed and I see the guy of my dreams, the love of my life giving a huge smile. That smile flushed my anger out and tears came running down for my emotions.  He came and kissed my tears away and that is when I realized we were not alone and there were my friends and family and a few more unfamiliar faces.

I was wondering what going on when he went to a knee and asked' Will you marry me today princess? Will you make me the richest man on mother earth? Will you do me the honor to love you and to wake up and sleep with you for the rest of our lives? At that moment, I knew without doubt that my heart was forever sold to him. I just nodded because any more of his heart touching words and there would have been a tsunami of my tears overflowing. He put a solitaire and my mom passed a ring to me, many questions were running through my mind, but it could all wait until we were alone. The minute I put the ring he swooped me up gave me a mouth-watering kiss and put me back on my feet to meet my parents. At last we got married took blessings from my parents and I became MRS DAISY SHAWN.

We lived an amazing life got married everything was perfectly fine until one day, he was driving back from the office when a truck came out of no where and smashed into his car and his face was forever gone from my life but his memories were forever cherished.

Today, I feel him protecting me through his angels. His love will shine brightly forever in my heart and, it will never fade. Remember love may come it may go, but it will be yours to treasure forever. Never give up on love because that is the one thing not worth letting go. Love like there is no tomorrow. Trust and value the people you love the most because once gone there is no return. Our love was beautiful as love was meant to be.
© Copyright 2012 lady fati (fancyfati at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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