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Rated: 13+ · Other · Death · #1874664
a unknowing couple walking into there own death
It was a darknight and this younge couple was walking on a path way back to there apartment that was 2 miles away and it was a nice night so they decided walk home insted drive it was there 2 year together now and they just moved in with each othe 2 months ago there future seemed great. othing was going wrong for them there familys loved them togther and all there friends loved them being together they were both deep inlove with each other everyone though they had there small fights but what couples don't have them. It was eight at night the moon was out and no clouds in the sky and all the stars were out it was a beautiful night to take a walk. They were holding hands and both were little tired but was not that sleepy and took the long way back to there place to spend more time and have the date last longer as they were walking wood fell off and a small woody path was cleary there but being blocked.

"Did you know about that?"
"No i never seen that path before"
"I haven't eather it looks like it was closed and blocked off"
"Maybe we should explore it?"
"Its late at night and we don't know why it was closed"
"yeah true"
"lets just ask about it towmorrow i'm sure someone will know"
"Yeah true your smartest girl i know baby"
"Thanks I love you"
"Love you too"

then they got close and kissed each other and walked on but unknowlingy dark eyes was watching them and heard what they were talking about and go a dark smile knowing they will be back soon not knowing the dark secret that hides in those woods. Only half story was ever found out not all of the secrets were ever found out. But just half was so dark and bloody hearing anymore would tramtize anyone who found out all of those woods secrets that were being hid by all the tree's.

They started asking around the next day about the path but whenever they asked people got this horror inb there eyes and ran off or acted like they had no idea what the younge couple were talking about and it was first time they ever heard about the woods too. The younge couple could see the people knew but wouldn't say nothing about it and had some secrets that no one would say about it. But they kept asking and would just hear same stuff alot.

"It bette off stay closed and you two should never go there some stuff happened there that should not be talked about and it was closed for peoples safety"

But that didn't stop the younge couple from asking and kept going on all around town where ever they tough someone may talk about it but they didn't hit any luck until this old lady came up to them with a glare right at them. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop for couiple seconds until she spoke.

"So you twio want know about that path way?"
"Yes we do"
"can you tell us please?"
"some stuff better stay hidden but i think you kids need hear the truth so you don't get hurt"
"what do you mean?"
"you two plann on exporing it soon right?"
"After what i tell you none of you will want too"
"Can you tell us why?"
"it use to be well known many couples went there and whoever propsed there stayed together for along time it was a wel known couple hot sopt most went to go on dates and prposed too everyone loved the path there. But one day when this couple was walking around they saw this old man and he layed near the water and they went see if he ok and he pleaded with them infront of everyone to come with him in the woods that his little boy was climding tree and got stuck. They went running with him into the woods for hours they were never seen again and were reported missing the next day and soon the next week a younge enaged couple were walking near the water too and same as last time same old man with same story but saying his daugher instd of saying son. Samething happened sept the guy went but the girl stayed behind and she waited for hours but never seen him but saw the old man walk out woods withouy the guy or a little girl. "where is he!" The man didn't speak and walked past her but before he left he said one weird thing "You will see soon what happened to him" then walked out the path and she was confued and ran home to call about him being missing so that was now three people were missing now and a month later a marrired couple happened be walking back to entrence when they heard sound of a old man screaming "HELP SOMEONE CAME AND GRADDED MY SON AND RAN INTO THE WOODS I COULDN'T STOP HIM HE PULLED A KNIFE TO ME!" They looked confused then worryed for the little boy safety and then sad for the old man the couple offered help him and the man ran into the forest alone where the old man pointed and the women stayed with the old man for couple minutes until he got up and was running into woods "no you will get hurt!" "Don't worry about me the one yu should be worryed about is your husdend not me" He said with a evil smile she looked confused the started understand and she ran toward the old man but before she could reach him it was to late he ran into the woods. Soon the cops now had four missing people and one person in questiuon but he was no where to be seen or found so it was lost cause trying find him.

Everyone srched everywhere for the people and people were scared soon the path became less populer with couples but one day a oyfriend nd girlfriend just got done school and decided walk there no many were there and they had no idea about the missing people. They have told there friends where they were going but een if the warnings from them they still went. As they were talkng the girl hard sound of a old man crying and ran towards it and he had blood all over saying "someone gradded my son then stadded me when i tryed stop him"

The boyriend saw the concern in the girls eye and spoke up
"I can help you get your son back"
"Thank you younge man follow me"

The boy ran in and followed after him but hours went by the girl got restless so she ran in to see what was taking so long and saw something..........BLOOD there layed her injuyed boyfriend bleeding and the old man standing near by getting close to him. she saw her boyfriend was scared and soon the old man ran and killed the boy inblink of a eye. She was scared and ran to pathway then called the cops what she had seen but by time they got there the old man was gone! But not only they found the boy but rest missing people they looked all over to find the guy but he was no where to be found so the path was said to be dangrous because he could still be hiding there the woods were large had alot of hiding places he could hide. So they closed the path down fast and said no one allowed to go there anymore because high risk the man migh still be there........Thats why it was closed"

The couple were speechless and had shivers from hearing the story they were told by this old lady befoe they could speak the old lady got up and walked away. They were confused and scared the womn didn't want go anywhere near the path but the guy wanted explore it more so he told her he would go alone and be back soon.

He walked the path and took down rest of the wood and got a flashlight out of his bag and walked around and saw the water that was in the story where the old man was seen all time and kept walking on as he walked the red eyes followd him with a dark smile. Soon the wind blew and a he turned around a old man like in the story with dark grey hair stepped out of the woods.

"Your sure a strong younge man"
"Thank you"
"I haven't seen anyone come here for along time"

He back away slowly before he spoke

"You can't be the man from the story"
"I'm not the person should of dieded long time ago"
"yeah true but why are you here?"
"simple i'm homelss old man without place to stay"
"oh.....well i gotta go i told someone i would be back soon"
"a girlfriend perhaps?"
"Yeah i gotta go......Sorry"
"before you go could you do a small favor for a poor old man" he said with a dark smile to him

The guy looked around before he answered the man and had think before he answered him scared of this strange old man that stood right infront of him.

"Um sure i can."

So he followed the old man to this water that had alot of old wood all over and saw some blood stains it was where the people were killed were found. he looked around then realized it was trap before he could talk the old man had a knife wth him.

"You should of left when you had the chance to run."

He started to run and got his phone he called his girlfriend.


it was quiet and then she could hear something in the back round of her boyfriend and foor stepps then screams. She looked with fear and got a gun and ran to path and called the boyfriend phone to run where it ringing but by time she got there was a blood puddel but no where to see her boyfriend and ran farther into the woods. By tme she got the water she found her dead boyfriend laying in his own blood and there right be hind her was the old man she ran fast as she could but wasn't fast enopught and was killed.

A week later her and ber boyfriend was found laying at entrance of the path with a note.

"Anyone who enters here will have same fate"

The path was closed again but the rumers of the path was spreading more.................The end
© Copyright 2012 shygirl (darkgirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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