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Rated: 13+ · Other · Adult · #1874561
Two roommates have an interesting night.
Girl’s Night In

Suzie sat alone in her bed, curled up with her laptop and the entire Internet at her disposal — as had become her traditional Friday night routine. It was only 8:15 at night but she was already in her pajamas, snug pink sweatpants and a tightly fitting plain black t-shirt, and bedtime couldn’t seem to come soon enough. She rarely did anything fun these days, and since graduating college two years ago, her life had certainly become a monotonous blur. It wasn’t that she couldn’t fit in while clubbing or bar hopping with her friends, she just never had any fun. Despite her amazingly good looks, nobody seemed to pay her any attention. They were always distracted by Georgie.

But Suzie couldn’t hold too much of a grudge — Georgie was her best friend, and the two had been close ever since high school, she was just a showstopper, that’s all. She was a leggy, busty, gregarious redhead who always seemed to be having the time of her life. The guys loved her, and she wasn’t shy in loving them back. Suzie never really knew exactly how common this was until recently, when the two moved in together. It seemed like Georgie had a new guy over to their apartment every weekend.

And almost right on cue, just as Suzie was thinking about her roommate’s wild habits, she heard the front door burst open. “Suzie get out here! I have a surprise!” Georgie shouted.

Suzie wasn’t one to put up a fight, and reluctantly slinked out of her warm bed. “What is it tonight?” She asked, groggily. “I was ready for bed.”

“It’s only 8:15 you weirdo, don’t you want to have fun tonight?” Suzie said, half singing to herself and dancing across the room. She had obviously just gotten off of work, and was still wearing her curator uniform. “Plus I’ve got something really cool to show you.” Out of her purse she took a small wooden statue, which looked like an abstract sculpture of two people standing side-by-side. She set the idol down on the coffee table as Suzie came over to take a look.

“What is it?” She asked, picking up the statue.

Georgie was bouncing with excitement. “I have no idea! Some old guy at the museum just handed it to me, he said its surprises would unravel themselves, or something like that. I figured we could check it out before going clubbing later.”

“I’m not going out,” Suzie lamented, handing the statue over to her roommate.

“Oh come on!” Georgie whined, “You’re so lame Suze. What about my cool surprise?” Georgie turned the statue idly over in her hands, fidgeting with the obect in her hands, when suddenly a bright light flashed from figurine. With a rumbling boom, almost like a miniature crack of thunder, the light disappeared and the idol returned to its normal, dull, wooden state. But now, rather than just being the single statue, there were two identical copies. Behind held by two identical Georgies.

And two identical Suzies looked on in amazement.

“What the fuck,” the Georgies said in complete unison, both simultaneously dropping their respective wooden statues to the floor in shock. Both girls stared wide-eyed at their new mirror image before them.

Each Suzie stared at her cloned roommate as well, thinking to herself how on earth she would be able to manage two rambunctious Georgies when she could barely handle the one. It took Suzie a few seconds to consider looking to left, but when she did, she noticed another completely identical version of herself standing by her side. The two Suzies looked up and down their clone’s bodies, completely baffled by the sight before them. So much for a quiet evening alone.

But the grim silence of the room didn’t last long, as one Georgie blurted out, “This is totally awesome!”

“I know!” Her clone replied excitedly. “What clubs should we go to first?”

“No!” Shouted both Suzies together. “Are you serious? You can’t go outside like this,” the one on the left said. Her double continued, “Something really crazy is going on here, there’s no way we can leave the apartment.”

The Georgies sighed in unison, both seeming to immediately realize that wandering around outside as twins was probably not the best idea. One Georgie then brightened up, smiling to herself and suggesting, “Girls night in?” to the rest of the room. Her double nodded in agreement, “Oh yeah, that’s a great idea!”

The Suzies looked as distressed as ever. “Georgie, aren’t you at least interested in figuring out what the hell is going on? And why there are two of us?” Her double nodded along.

“Oh loosen up Suze,” complained one Georgie, wandering back into her bedroom and shouting “I’m going to change I’ll be right back out.” The other Georgie picked up where her twin left off, “Quit worrying so much and just have fun! I’m sure we can work this all out later.” She turned and pranced back into her bedroom, following her twin.

Now, standing alone with herself, the Suzies turned to face each other. She had never been an exceptionally awkward person, but for some reason, neither girl new what to say to her double. They just stood there in silence, avoiding making eye contact. “I’ll pop some popcorn,” one said. “I’ll pick some music,” replied the other, as the two swiftly exited the room in opposite directions.


The evening developed into quite an interesting rhythm. The Georgies became instant friends, and sharing all the same likes and dislikes and bouts of personal history, this wasn’t too unexpected. Right off the bat, after the two emerged from their bedroom wearing matching tight white tank tops and red booty-shirts, they were inseparable. Just like friends that had known each other their entire lives, the giggled and laughed, shared stories and secrets and gossip, and seemed to operate on exactly the same wavelength.

The Suzies did not. Neither had much to talk about for the entire night, especially with each other. They would smile and watch the Georgies have their fun, all the while feeling extremely left out, but since the only other option was an awkward interaction with herself, she happily went through the motions of having a fun time. From painting each other’s toenails to playing a short round of truth or dare (which didn’t last very long, since half the girls knew all the dirtiest secrets of the other half…), the Georgies seemed to grow ever closer, as the Suzies remained at an impartial, if not uncomfortable, emotional distance.

By midnight, it was movie time, and since the Georgies were the most vocal of the four girls, they voted in one of their favorites. Finding room to sit was an interesting affair, with Suzie and her clone sitting side by side at an appropriate distance, and the Georgies cuddling close together at the opposite end of the couch. For an hour, the movie went as expected, with the Georgies giggling and whispering to each other almost nonstop. Until about an hour in, when Suzie felt her roommate’s banter needed a forced intermission. Picking up the remote and pausing the movie, she said disdainfully, “We’re out of popcorn.”

“I’ll get some!” shouted one Georgie, bounding up from the sofa, grabbing the empty bowl, and prancing down the hall towards the kitchen. “And I’ll help!” replied the other, chasing after.

Suzie immediately regretted her decision to interrupt the evening. Now, rather than just listening to her roommate get along blissfully with her clone, she was sitting alone in the room with another version of herself, undoubtedly equally disturbed by the whole night. After several minutes of silence, the girl turned to face her other body. “At least we can both agree this entire night is weird,” she said.

The other Suzie laughed a little bit, and turning to look at her clone, saw that she was smiling. For the first time, her presence wasn’t completely unnerving. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“I wonder what’s taking them so long,” she said, still happy that the two of her were able to maintain a normal conversation.

“Yeah I’ll go check it out,” said the other, sliding off the couch and trudging down the hall. She didn’t necessarily expect the Georgies to make a quick return, probably getting caught up talking about boys or gossip, but turning the corner into the kitchen, Suzie was struck by an absolutely shocking sight.

One Georgie stood in front to the microwave, holding the freshly popped bowl of popcorn with both hands. The other Georgie stood next to her, leaning with her back against the refrigerator. And the two were kissing.

Not kissing very much, mind you, but the lips of one Georgie were undoubtedly touching the lips of another. From Suzie’s perspective, it looked gentle and innocent, almost like you would expect from a first kiss from any average couple. And yet, at the same time, it was one of the most kinky and perverted acts she had ever seen. Her roommate was kissing… herself. Snapping out of her daze, Suzie backed out of the kitchen and back into the hallway, trying to gather her thoughts. Obviously she had stumbled onto something that she wasn’t meant to see, but then again, how was she supposed to expect such a thing to occur in her own kitchen. She gathered her thoughts and came to the conclusion that she would forget what she saw, and give the Georgies a second chance to invite her arrival. Stomping her feet on the ground, Suzie attempted to the best of her ability the mimicked sounds of footsteps approaching the kitchen door. “Georgie, how’s that popcorn going?” She shouted. Surely the girls would hear her coming and act more appropriate. She entered the kitchen once more.

The bowl of popcorn lay spilled all across the kitchen floor. One Georgie still stood with her back against the refrigerator, just as before, except now she was pinned there by a completely identical body, pressed firmly against her clone. And the two were passionately making out.

Suzie couldn’t help but stare completely aghast at the sight before her. One Georgie had both hands grasped firmly on her clone’s butt, pulling in the identical body as close as possible. The other girl had one hand placed against the back of her clone’s head, and the other groping fiendishly at her breast. From Suzie’s perspective, it looked as if the girls’ tongues were almost completely engulfed in the other’s mouth, in one of the most passionate lip-locks that she had ever seen in her entire life.

She had seen Georgie on such frequent occasion that the girl’s beauty had generally lost its initial impact, but seeing her roommate like this, Suzie began realizing how devilishly attractive the girl really was. Especially as she gazed upon Georgie’s face doubled in perfectly symmetry, passionately pressed tightly against its mirror image.

Suzie once again slinked unnoticed out of the kitchen.


Still not fully able to comprehend the pseudo-incestual make out session she just witnessed in the kitchen, Suzie stumbled back down the hallway and onto the couch, next to a very bored-looking clone reading a magazine.

After a few seconds, the clone spoke up. “Did you find them?”

“Yep,” was all Suzie could muster up as an answer.

Several more seconds passed. “Were they making out?”

“Yep,” was again her only reply.

“That kind of makes sense,” her clone said idly, flipping through to the next page of her magazine.

The two Suzies stayed like this in silence for another minute, before Georgie and her clone came bursting into the room, one pulling the other along by her hand. “I think we’re getting really tired so it’s time for bed goodnight!” she spewed, clearly out of breath, as the two raced past the television and into their bedroom, slamming the door behind them. After only about ten more seconds, from behind that closed door came some of the loudest moaning that Suzie had ever heard, coupled with an extremely passionate scream of “Oh yes Georgie!” coming through in Georgie’s distinct voice.

“I think I’m going to bed too,” said one of the Suzies, walking back in towards her room. “Yeah it’s getting late,” said the other.


Mere minutes later, the two Suzies lay side by side under their covers. Neither really knew how to best tackle this particular puzzle, with only one bed to hold the two of them, but this seemed like the most logical fit. They both lied, extremely uncomfortable under only half the covers, making sure not to graze the body of the girl next to them, sitting alone with their thoughts.

“How freakishly narcissistic”, they both thought, trying to comprehend Georgie’s actions tonight. “But Georgie’s always been really vain, so it makes sense. Plus she’s absolutely gorgeous, if I looked that hot, I’d probably want to have sex with myself too. But I am really hot! At least, I think I look really pretty. So why aren’t I lusting after myself like Georgie was… No! Snap out of it. Stop judging yourself by her perversion. She’s the weird one, not you.” The battle of Suzie’s inner monologue continued, “But at least she’s comfortable with herself. I couldn’t even have a conversation with my clone without feeling weird about it. Am I really that irritated by my own personality? I should really try to be nicer to her, to the other me. We’d probably get along…”

As these thoughts raced simultaneously through both girls’ identical minds, one idea kept resurfacing — they should try to be more friendly. It might work out. And just as the Suzie on the left reached this conclusion, she heard her clone ask something. “Do you want to cuddle?”

“Sure,” replied the other girl, slowly rolling her body around to spoon with her clone. She gently wrapped her arms around the identical body next to her, and pulled the other Suzie in close. It was far more bearable than she had feared. The warmth of her clone felt good against her skin, and since the two were exactly the same size, their bodies fit together perfectly. The Suzie in back nuzzled her face in the back of the neck of her clone and breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of her other self’s body. She tightened her grip.

The Suzie in front felt her clone’s actions and didn’t shy away, she liked the intimacy. She inched her hand down to find that of her clone, and the two clones meshed their fingers together. The Suzie in back, taking this as a signal to keep going closer, brought her other hand around to gently rest on the stomach of the girl in front. Slowly, cautiously, she slipped the hand underneath her clone’s shirt and began massaging her stomach. Suzie knew how much she liked this feeling, so hopefully her clone wouldn’t mind. A small moan of pleasure confirmed what she was thinking. Still cautiously, the Suzie in back inched her mouth forward and began gently kissing the back of her clone’s neck.

“Is this wrong?” The other Suzie asked, raising her clone’s hand to her mouth and gently kissing her other self’s fingers. It was obvious that she had reservations, but she didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

The Suzie in back whispered, “You know we’re thinking the same thing,” returning to kiss the exposed skin of her clone once again. She continued to caress her double’s stomach with her free hand, but at this notion, crept it downwards past her twin’s navel, teasing her fingers on the elastic edge of her underwear. Both Suzies could feel their hearts racing, pounding ferociously through their veins. Was this really going to happen?

The Suzie in front released the grip on her clone’s hand and rolled over to face her double, now lying only a few inches away. She stared at the girl’s identical face, her soft lips. Slowly, and increasingly unsure of her actions, Suzie closed her eyes and leaned in, gently brushing her lips against those of her mirror image. The same thoughts ran through both girls’ identical minds, as they found themselves wraped up in an unbearably soft, sweet caress of her own lips.

Pulling away from the tender kiss, the Suzies opened their eyes at the same moment, staring into their mirrored image. “That wasn’t so bad,” one Suzie said. “No, definitely not as bad as I thought it would be,” replied the other. The first girl feigned contempt, “Oh, so you assumed I would be a bad kisser?” The girls let out identical laughs. “You know what I meant,” continued Suzie, “it’s like kissing my twin. Or a mirror.”

At that, the girls paused. One girl slowly reached forward and brushed a strand of hair off her twin’s face before leaning in and trying another soft kiss. “I’m not a twin though,” she whispered. “I’m you.” And at that, one Suzie decided to escalate the pace, rolling over on top of her double, and grabbing both of her clone’s arms, she pinned them down to the bed. With their next kiss, both girls parted their lips and allowed their tongues to gently caress each other. Each girl was hesitant, all the while experimenting with the new sensation, the new tastes.

The Suzie on top pulled back a few inches, parting their kiss, moaning softly, “Wow, we’re a really great kisser,” before diving back in and continuing with their symmetrical lip-lock. She slowly lowered her body and began grinding her hips against her clone on the bottom, and eventually released her clone’s arms so she could caress her face. The Suzie on the bottom, with her hands now free, gently slid them up underneath her clone’s shirt, an upon finding her double’s bare breasts, began sensually massaging her chest. The top Suzie trailed her kiss from her clone’s mouth, down her jawline and began sucking at her clone’s neck.

“I think we should take things slow,” she said. The other Suzie agreed.

They didn’t take things slow.


After a night of the best sex of her life, Suzie woke groggily in the morning to find herself alone in bed, and she knew it was for the best. Slipping out of her room, she made her way through her apartment and located the small wooden idol that started the evening, and discretely hit the object back in her room. She knew that Georgie shouldn’t be allowed to control such power.

When Georgie asked Suzie about the rest of her night, she lied and said it was boring. “We just went to bed,” she said nonchalantly, figuring there was no need to divulge further details.

Georgie couldn’t have disagreed more, and carried on endlessly with gratuitous detail about her clone lovemaking session. At some of the juicer moments, Suzie couldn’t help but laugh to herself, remembering doing the exact same thing with her own double. Maybe, she thought, if they felt the need once more, she and her roommate could share another girl’s night in.
© Copyright 2012 gotastic77 (gotastic77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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