Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1874396-I-Got-My-Name
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Men's · #1874396
Growing up I knew a man that to me fit this image...
I walk on the path less traveled
Don't want to fit in with the crowd
Wouldn't be me I'd come unraveled
Not this man he was way too proud

I'll stay in the thicket and out of sight
You will never see me as I pass on by
No left turns here they will all be right
Cause I don't bleed and I don't cry

Or drag my feet like those who are lazy
No I can see the light and feel the rain
It don't impair my vision or make it hazy
Most will take the bus I will take the train

And be the first to cross the finish line
But what I win is something I'll never know
Atleast I am a winner in my own mind
Cause It's true you reap what you sow

So you be the reason I live my life right
I'll give respect and expect the same
If I think your wrong be ready for a fight
I don't have much but I got my name

My word is my word believe what I say
But I question the words you've spoken
And I'll remember the liars tonight as I pray
It's their name and respect that will be broken

So I keep working and doing the right thing
Pick up my cards and play the hand I'm dealt
And be ready for challenges my life will bring
I,m sorry since birth this is the way I've felt

So learn and pass this on to your next generation
Then like you they can hold their head up high
And do as they please and need no explanation
Then rise each day and live life under a blue sky

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