Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1874159-Ch-8-Fire-Dance
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Supernatural · #1874159
Caleigh's power exlodes. Part of the first prophecy is revealed.
Chapter 8: Fire Dance

         The porch light glowed in the distance. The ivy clutched to the stone brick of the house. The sun had set beyond the forest of maple, oak and cedars, beyond the witches’ garden. Caleigh sat on the bench, beside Alexis. She gazed around the yard within the stone walls. Acceptance of being a witch still lingered in her bones, her thoughts. The power of earth teased her. Images of rolling rocks, vines creeping around the feet of her unexpected victim, and flying branches snapped from dead maple trees. The voice of her aunt obliterated all images.

         “Caleigh.” Kiera reached out her hand.

         Caleigh jumped to her feet and grasped her aunt’s hand and stood beside her at the firepit. She glanced toward the benches and smiled at her friends.

         Caleigh hoped one day she’d be as powerful as her aunt. She looked at her aunt’s warm face and knew in time, she would call upon the Solas.

         Kiera flicked her fingers as she chanted in her family’s language. “Tine. Tine. Tine. Tine. ”

         Their eyes upon the tinder and cedar logs. The wood in the fire pit sparked to life. Sparks exploded and swirled all around Caleigh and Kiera.

         A voice whispered in the wind. Lost Witch, amaze me.

         Caleigh shivered and responded with a chant from her heart. “Earth. Earth.” Nothing. She visualized the piece of wood. “Earth. Earth.” A broken branch roughly fifteen inches long and no thicker than her forearm, floated forward to merge with the flames. This time her gift listened. Caleigh clapped her hands with excitement, but the wood fluttered as her eyes danced from her inner delight. Was it going to drop? Focus on the wood. “Earth, connect with the fire, dance and spark with flames.” She swished her hand, directing the dead wood to the flames. The fire welcomed the food of the earth and ate enthusiastically with red and orange sparks shot toward the sky.

         Leaves on the dragon’s blood tree fluttered and the aroma of the berries drifted toward Caleigh and Kiera.

“There’s a slight breeze. Caleigh, try calling the Element of Air. Focus on the trees. Their leaves ask the air to dance with them.” Kiera touched her hand.

         “Sure.” Caleigh concentrated drawing an image of air in her thoughts. The leaves swayed amongst the breeze.  She drew upon herself, every inch of her energy flow through her mind. She felt her body become light as the air around her. Thoughts focused and her eyes fixed on one of the walnut trees across the fire. Caleigh stretched out her arms and instinctively began to sway back and forth. “Air. Air. Air. Air.”

         She repeated the chant. Nothing. The leaves did not flutter.  Why wasn’t air listening to Caleigh like the earth? One supernatural power was impressive enough. She focused on the dirt around the fire pit. Perhaps the trees were too far away. Nothing.

         “Apparently, air is not your element. I have power over all four elements, while your mother has none. Your grandmother was gifted with Earth and Air. Your great grandmother--Earth and Fire.” Kiera requested the fire to soften its flame. The flames dwindled.

          Kiera touched Caleigh on the shoulder. “Earth has been granted to you. Whisper to the fire.”

         Caleigh shook her head. “Seriously, you think I should, like, play with it? Me, a firestarter? No way!”

A vision of fire blaze raced through her mind. Flames shot along a cobblestone path. Not an inferno or firestorm. She visualized a candle flame. Her thoughts focused on to the imaginary flame. Staring at the small fire, she commanded it to grow and to pull away. Only in Caleigh’s mind, the ball of fire rose from the candle wick and hovered above her palm. Caleigh shook her head. Only wishful thinking. She knew the vision wasn’t reality. Did she see Kiera start a fire in the pit? She certainly hadn’t command wood to move. Caleigh was uncertain. Yes, Kiera was a witch and so was Caleigh.

         Blaine rose to his feet and walked to her side. “Caleigh, I know this frightens you, but you would never harm anyone.”

         His words were comforting and shivers ran down her arm, her heart warmed to his encouragement. She grinned and grazed his fingers. Their fingers interlocked. His grasp was tender but firm. She desired his touch.

         She turned to Alexis, standing beside her.

         Alexis shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t understand what’s been happening to you, but I know you’re scared with the fire. It’s dangerous and you need to be sure. I agree with Blaine. You could never harm anyone.”

         Caleigh felt warmth and energy when Alexis touched her hand. With fingers linked, they looked at each other. A grin crossed Alexis lips and a sparkle in her eyes. “Give it a try.”

         Caleigh gazed toward the sky. The stars sprinkled through the darkness. Caleigh’s breathing became heavier while her fingers remained interconnected with her friends. Her gaze returned to the skimming flames.

         Unexpectedly, Brody sprang from the bench. Caleigh jumped and watched him take a few steps toward the gateway. What’s happening? Visitors? Scathanna? Her heart beat quicken. She sensed her hands dampen clasped with her friends.

         He spun around and stared at Caleigh. “Did anyone else hear that?”

         She shook her head. “No.”

          “No,” said Blaine and Alexis.

         Caleigh stepped backward, loosing grip of Alexis and Blaine, almost falling to the grass. First, he was protective at the coffee shop and now he’s hearing noises that no one else hears. She moved firewood and Kiera started fires. So why couldn’t Brody hear sounds that no else could.          

         A bird swooped overhead, shrieking.

         “Was that your mysterious noise, Brody?” Caleigh asked.

         “No. It wasn’t a bird.” His strong jawline clenched. He stamped his foot on the ground and then continued toward the gargoyles. He stopped beneath an apple tree. A few blossoms fluttered around him and a single flower rested on his shoulder. He wiped it away and smiled at Caleigh.

         She wanted to be near Brody, feel his breath close to her face. She felt her face warming and felt a peculiar pull toward Brody. She had only thought of him as a friend, never boyfriend material. The past few days, her feelings had been changing. She was drawn to him. Through his smile and eyes, she thought he had been seeing her differently. Her body trembled as he walked toward her.          

         He stood in front of her. “Focus on your thoughts and energy. Focus and concentrate.”

         She smiled. “Really?”

         “Yes.” Brody circled Caleigh, touched her shoulder and then stood behind her.

         The evening breeze blew stronger and wisped Caleigh’s hair across her face. “Okay. I’ll try. But watch out.” Her eyes absorbed the intensity of the flames and flickers in the fire pit. She attempted to block out her friends breathing, standing behind her. “Fire. Fire.” Caleigh whispered, “Fire. Fire.” Her voice hesitated. Excited to be a witch, yet anxiety slowly crept over her. I can’t do this. It’s too dangerous. She quivered and then closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath then she opened her eyes. Snapping out her arms, she called out, “Fire. Fire. Fire. Fire.” Each word punctuated with flickering fingers. Snap and crackle. The flames raised and exploded higher than when Kiera had persuaded the Fire Element. A few twigs lunged over the ring of stones and the dead grass caught fire, swirled into the air and then diminished to ash.

         “Oh my!” Kiera gasped. “You may be stronger than I was at your age. You also need to calm the powers, or you’ll start a grass fire.”

         The others laughed along with Caleigh.

          “Tell us when you and Mom were told about your powers,” Caleigh requested.


                Kiera’s eyes closed her eyes. Memories began flooding her thoughts, and the aurora of light evaporated into darkness. Her niece’s voice grew.

         “Aunt Kiera, were you scared? Did you think you’d hurt yourself or someone else?” Caleigh asked.

         The tone and curiosity reminded Kiera of a lost friend. How she missed her best friend. Cara would be so proud of the next generation. Ndan de Ceithre will bring you back from Dorchados. I promise Scathanna will be defeated.

         “Another time, another story.” Kiera sat on a bench, and waved the others to join her around the fire. “Witches of the Solas - Witches of the Light - were formed many centuries ago, in the summer of 1662.”

         “You’ll learn about our heritage and understand why we hide the truth from the others- The Disbelievers. There are many books that have been published about witchcraft. You may have even seen them in The Obsidian or the Berwick Village Library.”

         Kiera glanced at their inquisitive faces and once again recognized familiar eyes looking back at her.

         “Tonight, under the moon’s energy, you will hear some words that will never find its way into any of those books. It has been written that the Book of Power shall be wrapped in linen. It will be found by one of the Ndan de Ceithre. You are the Ceithre. Who will find the magical book? Only time will tell.”

         Brody coughed. “I found a book in my parents’ antique shop. It was totally blank.” Brody described his journal. “And wrapped in a scrap of musty bed sheet and inside a wooden box. Just after my thirteenth birthday, three years ago.”

         Kiera nodded yet remained silence.

         The fire exploded and sparks flashed toward the sky. A few sparks landed at Brody`s feet.

         “I remember.” Blaine nodded.

         A raven darted past the trees and exited the stone yard with a single cry.

         Kiera’s skin tingled. The strength of the moon charged the gift within her. The moon whispered to her. She stepped away from the bench and twirled around the fire. She wondered if her niece would also feel the energy.

         Caleigh turned to the sky, in the direction of the moon. Yes, the Goddess spoke to her. Second passing, she clamped onto Caleigh’s hand and they danced around the flaming firepit.

         Alexis pulled herself off the bench and grabbed onto Caleigh’s hand, as she skipped past.

         A coyote yipped. A wolf howled. The moon pulled strong tonight and reached the earth.

         Kiera dropped Caleigh’s hand. She watched the girls in silence and then caught a glimpse of Blaine.

         He looked up toward the sky, and then glanced at her and then away.

         She recognized the look in his eyes. She knew he also felt the moon’s energy.

          Blaine then grasped Caleigh’s hand when she skipped pass. The Light affected him. He was Iarrthoir de Solas and not Iarrthoir de Scathanna.

         Kiera’s attention shifted to Brody.

         Brody reached over his head and called out, “It is time. Show us.”

         Caleigh collapsed to the grass on the outer circle of the benches and fire. Was the mystic of the moon too powerful for the young witch?

         Kiera took a few steps toward her, but stopped when Brody brushed against her arm. Tingling energy seeped through her clothing. He was the lost warrior, Caleigh’s guardian. Kiera glimpsed fear in Brody’s intense blue eyes as he looked at her briefly. His eyebrows lifted. He swooped beside Caleigh and grasped her hand. Caleigh remained motionless.

         Blaine stood immobilized at the fire. Kiera imagined his emotions were fighting to emerge. She detected admiration swarming toward her niece, yet she knew he would never interfere with Brody and his mission to shelter and guard Caleigh, against anything. Blaine took a step and then paused, spellbound by the couple.

         Alexis dropped beside Caleigh and caressed her forehead. Tears streamed down her pale face. Kiera knew of their connection for she had a similar bond with Cara. She feared for Caleigh.

         Ndan de Ceithre was intense and passionate. Their bond needed to be never-ending and indestructible. Scathanna needed to be destroyed and Ndan de Ceithre would be in the center of the battle.

         Brody’s fingers intertwined with Caleigh. He leaned in close and whispered.          Kiera couldn’t hear his words but saw the concern sketched on his face. Brody scooped Caleigh in his arms. Kiera sensed their energy mixing and recognized the magical link intensifying.

         Beneath the Dragon’s Blood branches, he crouched to the ground and rested Caleigh onto the wooden bench.

         Kiera glanced at Caleigh and Brody. Caleigh’s skin was pale and perspiring. His hand lingered on her hand. He sniffled. His head bowed, he covered his mouth with his other hand. His body shivered. Did he feel the magick growing between them?

         Remaining in control of her emotions, Kiera blinked away tears. Deep in her heart, she was certain that the moon’s energy was sifting through her spirit, welcoming her into the Coven of Solas. Their Goddess of Solas sweeping over her child.

         Kiera retrieved a leather pouch from her pocket, opened it and withdrew a small knife. She cut some cherry-size berries from the Dragon’s Blood branches. Kneeling, Kiera was attentive of Alexis and Blaine watchful eyes, from behind the wooden bench. She sensed their anxiety because the same emotions swarm within her heart. She caressed Caleigh’s forehead. “She’s unconscious. Breathing is slow and steady. She’ll be fine.”

         Caleigh’s arm twitched. Did she recognize the calming voice?

         The witch rubbed the reddish berries between her palms, releasing the sticky resin. She smeared it onto Caleigh’s forehead and cheeks. “For energy that has been altered.” Her fingertips hesitated on her cheek.

         Alexis stood behind Caleigh. Her eyes widened in fear. Her mouth opened, but no words escaped. She reached out, but withdrew and hugged her own shivering body.

         Kiera feared for both girls. Would their bond endure the dangers ahead? Does Alexis possess the inner courage and vigour to confront Scathanna and Lachlan? Would the secrets crush Caleigh’s spirit? Caleigh needed to be resilient and strong. All this time and secrets could only hinder the final battle against Dorchados. Evil can’t win.

         Alexis held onto the back of the bench, fingers clenched. Her body began to sway. Kiera needed to focus on Caleigh. She hoped that Blaine would wrap an arm around Alexis. Kiera sensed her pain, but Caleigh could not afford the magic to be fragmented.

         Blaine leaned toward Alexis and drew her close to his body. “She’ll be fine, believe in Kiera and the berries.” He led her to a bench and then returned to kneel close to Caleigh.

         Brody’s fingers brushed across the sleeping girl’s forehead. Caleigh shivered at his touch, yet her eyes remained closed. “Wake up.” He mumbled. He pushed himself to his feet and stood over her.

         Kiera touched Caleigh’s forehead and looked up at Brody. “Your destiny is to shield and guard Caleigh. This evening proves it, under the full moon’s strength and energy, Goddess of the Solas speaks to you and you responded. You are Loach - a warrior and Caleigh’s guardian.”

         Blaine caressed Caleigh’s hand. Her dark eye lashes fluttered. She opened her eyes and then sat up, leaning against the back of the bench. Caleigh whispered. “Blaine…” She drew to her feet and after a few steps, stumbled into the picnic table.

         Kiera drew to her feet. “Caleigh, easy. You’re weak.”

         Brody held onto Caleigh, helped her to the bench and then stood tall behind her, observing. Caleigh leaned against Alexis. Alexis wrapped her sweater around Caleigh’s shoulders.

         Blaine tossed wood into the dying fire. Sparks shot toward the sky and the wood flared, bringing warmth to the group.

         Kiera dropped to the ground with her palms flat to the grass. She lowered her body to the coolness of the earth. Her personal energy had drained, from the magical workings. Her body and spirit needed to recharge against the earth and beneath the moon. She heard only her breathing and the night creatures in the distance.

         The silence was broken by rustling in the nearby tree branches, hovering above the stone wall. Kiera drew herself to her feet and looked around the firepit. Caleigh’s eyes closed, her head leaning on Alexis’ shoulder. Alexis’ eyes appeared to be focused on the dancing flames. Blaine and Brody sat on the bench, across from the girls. Kiera wandered to the empty bench that sat between the other two, surrounding the fire pit.

         Brody stirred on the bench and wiped the hair from his face. “Kiera, before I mentioned my journal, you were talking about stories that would never be found in public books of witches. Did you mean the Witch Burning Times in Europe and Salem?”

          Kiera smiled because Brody had been listening and searching for his own truth. He believed the words. She wished his training would be just as successful. Practice and skills would be a necessity with the upcoming battle against evil and darkness.

         “You’ve been reading about witches?” Caleigh caught her breath and coughed a few times.

         “Yeah, I went to the library yesterday afternoon, before I met you guys at The Karma.” Brody shifted his weight and looked around.

         Kiera shivered, with the prickles racing up her arm. “Yes, Brody it was horrid. All that death.”

         “You went to the library?” Blaine snickered.

         Brody glared at him and took a step away from the bench. “Yes. You don’t know everything about me.”

         “Should I read about the history of Witches and Witchcraft?” Caleigh asked.

         “Later. For now it is time to listen to our personal history. As I mentioned earlier, 1662 in North Berwick, Scotland, the witch craze was all around. Witches feared for their lives.” Kiera paused, remembering the story told by her grams. The sadness crept into her memories. She choked on her words, but knew that the story needed to shared, not to be lost for the next generation. “Women hid themselves, their children, and the truth.”

         “Four maidens met that spring when their families came to show their respects to a brave woman, Isobel Gowdie.” Kiera tried to smile. “People called her the Queen of the Scottish Witches. The four, young women bonded instantly. They cried during Isobel’s final confession; however there was no record of her execution. It was devastating.” A tear streamed down her face, she saw the woman’s dying expression.

         “The ladies fell in love with four local young men, married, and remained in North Berwick for many years. The roots of their bonds were deep and everlasting. A new coven was birthed that summer: Witches of the Solas. It was foretold, the coven and their ancestors would lead everyone who feared the unexplained and the supernatural to see Solas –The Light.”

         Tears trickled down Caleigh and Alexis faces. “Women died because of their beliefs.” Caleigh sniffled.

         “What did they do to be put to death?” Alexis asked.

         “Various reasons, mostly ignorance, fear and power,” Kiera answered. “That part of history is over, for now. Let’s hope, we never experience it again.” She touched Caleigh’s hand.

         “Witches of the Solas and their children possess powers that are brought forth in the form of positive energy drawn by the brightest natural light and not the sun. Even when the moon is in dark form, the energy is surrounding us all, at all times. They believed only the true light would reveal Scathanna--evil shadows. The witches’ power over the Elements would defeat Dorchados. Our kin feared one day, Dorchados take over all the worlds, not just Earth.” Kiera paused to observe their reactions.

         The boys glanced at each other with wonder but remained silent. The girls appeared to have accepted the words without question. Kiera’s lips parted. She knew she’d captured their attention.

         “Over time, other gifts were granted. Control over the four elements, guidance over animals and plants, mind control, telekinesis, empathy and a few others. Their power grew. Empathy is more than simply understanding emotions. To be a true Empath is to feel other people’s emotions. For example, to actually feel their pain so intense, that you would cry and even feel the reasons. Also depending on the Empath and their bond with others... possibly read their private thoughts.”

         She paused to allow her niece the opportunity to voice a question or a thought. However, Caleigh turned to the fire and gazed into the warmth and colours of the flickering flames. She did not speak.

         “Over the years, one particular witch was given the gift of shimmer--true protection. To shimmer is simply to disappear and then to re-appear elsewhere. This could be miles or countries away or just to shimmer to another room.”

         “Wow! Amazing! I gotta try that one.” Brody exclaimed.

         His friends laughed.

         “Over the generations, more powers and gifts developed. However, that is another story. I promise you, one of you, shall find another book wrapped in linen: The Book of Power,” Kiera said.

         She glanced at each of them while she continued speaking. “Gram warned of a new battle brewing. You all need to train. Caleigh, it’s imperative that you practice your powers of Earth and Fire and discover if you are gifted with more elemental powers. Brody, Ariandagr is your weapon. You need to become one with the blade. However, you also must control it.

         “I knew it!” Brody exclaimed. “I was drawn to it yesterday. It even looks like the image on my journal. In my dreams, I haven’t seen a dagger, but there are always three purple hooded men.”

         Kiera gasped. The sudden mention of the warriors brought a colder shudder. “They normally don’t enter the dreams until the Seer has seen the transformation.” Kiera turned to the pit and called out to the earth element and then firewood floated and crashed into the flames. “Ariandagr was forged in the hottest of fire in Diago.”

         “Diago? What do you mean?” Caleigh interrupted.

         “Where our Goddess resides, with her consort. It’s Irish for Divine.” Kiera said.

         Alexis’ hands bunched in a fist and she huffed. “Caleigh’s a magical being – A Witch. I’m a mortal.” She looked away from the others. A few brown blades of dead grass swirled into the fire. “It’s not right. I don’t belong.”

         Kiera noticed the quiver in Alexis’ voice and wondered if the air had responded to her fear.

         “My best friend has to count for something.” Caleigh put an arm around Alexis.

         “You are connected deeper than any supernaturals. I have always known that Jena would give birth to a powerful Witchling. Her daughter would be more powerful than any Witch in the Coven, any coven, actually.” Kiera suddenly became silent, listening to the breeze playing in the nearby branches. The night time birds and animals called out to each other.

         Kiera peered at Alexis’ face, her downward turned lips and mournful eyes. “When is your birthday, Alexis?”

         “June 21. My mom and grandmothers’ birthdays too.” Alexis chewed her lower lip.

         Kiera paused for a moment, curious to why the four shared a birthday. “Of course, the Summer Solstice and you will be turning sixteen in a few days. Brilliant.”

         Alexis nodded.

         “And yours, Blaine?”

         “March 21.”

         “I remember, The Spring Equinox, when darkness and light are equal. You celebrated your sixteenth birthday at The Karma.”

          “You gave me a wooden box, carved with Celtic knots and inside a blue crystal,” Blaine said.

         “Yes, I remember,” Kiera grinned. “You share your father’s birthday, and Kirk shares his father’s birthday.”



          “Brody, does your birthday also fall on a quarter...perhaps the Autumn Equinox? The opposite of the Spring Equinox where another time the light and dark are equal points.”

         “Yes, September 21. My dad and grandfather have the same birthday. This year, I’ll be seventeenth.”

         “Don’t forget me,” Caleigh spoke up. “My birthday is on the Winter Solstice – December 21. I’ll be sixteen, this winter. I’m the youngest. We were all born on the quarters, just like you mentioned. But I don’t share mom’s birthday. Her birthday is October 31 – Hallowe’en.

         “Yes, your mother and I share birthdays –on Samhain. You know it as Hallowe’en.”

         Kiera gazed toward the moon just as clouds skimmed and then the moon shifted and reappeared. She observed Brody, for a few heartbeats. He blinked and then she noticed the freckle on his cheek beneath his left blue eye. Her eyes shifted to Blaine and remembered a dear friend in the sparkle of his eyes. She glanced at Alexis and noticed a familiar smirk. Her eyes rested on Caleigh, recognizing the Irish freckle in her left eye.

         Kiera stood near the fire and raised her hands to the moon. “Ndan de Ceithre has come together in my backyard, at last. It has been foretold.” She had memorized all the prophecies. The Grandmothers had demanded their family to secure the sacred words in their memory. She quietly recited two stanzas from the first prophecy of the coven.

“Three hundred years after their birth

Four to be born on the Quarters.

Ndan de Ceithre, they to be.

Books shall be found wrapped in linen.

Secrets begin to unfold

Daggers shall be returned

Letters shall be discovered

Those that had been separated shall reunite.”

         Brody had found Ariandagr’s journal hidden in a wooden box and wrapped in linen. One was still missing - Book of Power. The letter that Brenna had written of the first prophecy of the Witches of the Solas has yet to be discovered. Secrets are beginning to unfold. Caleigh was told that she was a descendant of the coven. Ariandagr recognized the boy with the brave eyes, and Brody was drawn to its power.

         “It has been three hundred years since the first eight were born. Ariandagr, the Silver Dagger will be given to you, it’s in the house. It’s time to extinguish the fire.”

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