Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1873369-Mother-You-Are-So-Beautiful
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #1873369
A written tribute to my Mother on Mother's Day in 2009. She was and is my inspiration!
Many poems have been written for the mothers of the world.
Some are warm and fuzzy, while yet others are deep and thoughtful.
Many often put into words just what I was thinking, but I just didn't put my feelings into words myself.
So, today, as I contemplate just what I would say to my Mother, if she was here today,
I thought I would share with you those words I would say to her.

Mother, you are so beautiful

Your eyes always twinkled with your private thoughts as you looked at me
What could you possibly see in me that would bring such a twinkle to your eyes
I often didn't listen to what you said, and frequently had a few words of my own
Now, at 63, all your words come rushing back at me when I catch that twinkle
in my eyes looking at my children just like you used to look at me

Your smile always made me feel special especially when you shared it with me
How could such a simple smile make me feel so warm and safe inside
That was just the way it was, a part of you, that simply made you beautiful
Now, with four grown kids and 16 grandchildren, I hope my smile conveys the same feelings to them that yours did to me
Mother, I know just how you felt when you looked and smiled at me

Your hands stroking my hair so gently and with so much love and care
But I just couldn't wait for you to stop or hurry up and get through so I could be on my way
Now, when I see my children and grandchildren, I just want to reach out and touch their hair and tell them how much love and care I feel for them
Mother I've learned so much about what a special touch can do, and understand now your need to touch me too

Those talks that you used to share with me about your life and you
Seemed so boring back then, and even old fashion
Now, I find myself telling my children and grandchildren stories about you, me and my life
It helps me to pass on to them a little bit of you and a lot of me
Mother, through those stories I've learned that you were teaching me love and compassion that still guides me now that you are gone

Those hugs, oh those wonderful hugs that could make the world go away
Often embarrassing cause I was such a big girl, and then a lady, and definitely not your baby any more
Now, I take hugs any way I can get them and the grandchildren hug me a lot
I also find myself hugging and embarrassing them just like you used to do to me
Mother, I understand that feeling now that use to come over you when I see my children's smiling faces

Our inside jokes, our special secrets, and oh that special look
Treasured moments just between the two of us
Now, lost forever by the silence of your voice
But, still alive and well because they've been passed on and kept alive
Mother, thank you for teaching me how to be there for my children in that special way

It's Mother's Day today Mother, and though you have long since left this world
That twinkle that was in your eyes is still very special to me
Your smile still brightens my world when I see it on the faces of my children and grandchildren
The stroke of your hands on my hair is as fresh as ever in my mind
And, your talks, oh those wonderful talks,  live on in my heart, and grow brighter with each passing day
The hugs now come in many forms, and shapes, and sizes
And, oh yes, I have inside jokes, and secrets, and special looks for each of your grands and great grands
Thank you Mother for being "MY MOTHER" on this very special "Mother's Day for you have taught me how to be a Mother and Grandmother long after you passed away.

© Copyright 2012 G. B. Williams (mgmiles01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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