Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1873354-Soulmates
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1873354
The beginning at a story that came to me. It Has to do with angels and reincarnation.
I was very glad when the pain stopped.
I remember everything slowly going dark and all of the loud voices in the emergency room fading. The next thing I knew I was hovering over my old body and watching as the nice doctors tried so hard to save me. Then I thought of mommy and there I was, floating above her and daddy in the waiting room. I felt sad to see mommy crying. But I was glad daddy was hugging her and hoped she was it made her feel better. I whispered in mommy's ear "I'm fine mommy, it doesn't hurt anymore."
Then I felt a pull or a feeling like I needed to go somewhere I guess, it made me want to float up and become free. It was such a nice feeling that I let the pull take me.
Andrew was running the length of the maternity ward hallway sliding around corners and talking to himself in very fast and unintelligible speech. He slid well past room 333 as he squeaked out a craaaap. He quickly corrected and hurried into the delivery suite with his wife Gracie. Gracie was apparently in the middle of an intense contraction by the amount of red in her face and the sheer miner of veins protruding from her forehead.
Oh honey I got your ice. Sorry I took so long Andrew offered as he winced in pain to the cracking sound of his fingers, surely wishing he'd not offered his hand until the current contraction had ceased. Finally able to retrieve his fingers from his wife. Andrew spooned a few ice chips to her parched lips.
Oh my commented the nurse who checked Gracie for progression. I'd say your fully dilated and it seems to me this lil one is more than ready to come out and meet everyone. I'll get the doctor hun and you get ready to be a mama.


As I went up through the hospital floors. I had a feeling like liquid electricity flowing through me. Then it past through me and drained out of me just as fast as it entered. That was amazing, I turned to see the sparkly mist cloud moving toward earth and the hospital. I decided to follow.
As i was heading back toward earth i could see everything for a million miles.
I never imagined there was so much in the world , outside mommy and daddy and our town. I couldn't wait to see it all.
I finally caught up with the energy source that had poured through me. It was now a baby in his mothers arms.
He was so tiny and cute. His poor mother looked so tired. I moved close where the baby was laying on his mothers chest.
I was wondering what babies were thinking when they first arrive, besides "I'm freezing!"
I moved in close to the baby to get a better look at his cute-.... Umm ,... Hmm.. Was he looking at me? I shifted my face to the left and following a couple of rapid blinks his eyes were focused on me once again. I'm not sure but I think he can see me. His little eyes , so alert, we're watching the face of his mother between slow blinks. But when I slid close to her face for a better view, I could swear his focus turned to me.

I found out, over the next few years, that I was wrong. Baby Ben can in fact see me. I play with him all of the time. I was enjoying my time with him.
On Ben's third bday his mother brought him a Labrador puppy. Never had I see his lil face light up brighter than that day. He ran full speed toward his father, who was lowering the puppy to the floor. No sooner did the puppy touch the floor, when Ben came crashing down in a face plant about two feet short of the puppy. He had a bad habit of running faster than his body could keep up with. Even with carpet burn on his nose, Ben didn't waste even one second on crying. He wrapped his little arms around the puppy and tried to squeeze its little eyeballs from their sockets.
Whoa whoa there little fellah. U have to be careful with the puppy. Don't squeeze him too hard cause that hurts puppy," his father explained.
"beni no hurs poppy Ben said as he clumsily pats the puppy on the head.
"so what should we name him Beni?" Benz father asked.
"Es beni's poppy" Ben informed his father with an ear to ear grin as he hugged the pup.
"ok then Poppy it is. Benz fathers announced as Ben giggled with glee as Poppy cleaned the remaining birthday cake from beni's face
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