Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1873332-LAFBVB
by Emily
Rated: ASR · Serial · Horror/Scary · #1873332
Vampire fiction that woll be a movie in the future... pretty epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love At First Bite
Vampire Bites

Lauren McBill - Leah Ritacco

Claire Janes - Emily Ethier

Drake Ivan - Alex Flood

Dean Sparrow -

Isabella “Izzy” Vega - Emily Johns

Sasha-Lorain “Sasha” Hawk - Willow Morton

Matthew “Matt” Vega - Jack Jeffery

Chloe Janes - Natalie Ethier

Carl Janes - Luke Ethier

Chimera “Mera” Janes - Ellen Johns

Christina-Mia “Mia” Janes - Syrine Mason

Kaylah McBill - E. Natasha Johns

Kara McBill - Kara DeRosario

DJ DUDE - Connor Flood

Rosalina McBill - Melinda Ritacco

Mr. Rendang - Christopher Johns

Grandma Janes - Jackie Johns

Rage Million -

Molly Corona - Jennifer Johns

Faustino Corona - Jamie Jeffery


7:00 am.
[Lauren] *sigh* good morning. First day at Wintorville high.


[Rosalina] *cutting bread at counter* good morning my pocket full of sunshine.

[Kaylah] *toast in her hand* Pocket full of…

[Lauren] *looking at Saying, Kaylah.

[Kaylah] Oh…

[Rosalina] You excited for Wintorville high? They may not have the biggest gym like at H. Ordain Girl‘s Academy, but they do have a good cheerleading squad, and scrap booking classes.

[Lauren] Puh-lease, mom. I don’t care about a stupid gym size, or pep rally things for those brat-bunnies, or putting a picture of me, then a cherry on top. I’m signing up for gifted classes, of course. You know, extra University points extra job criteria, I don’t think any stupid girly things would help.

[Rosalina] Okay, Lauren. It’s your choice, right?

[Lauren] Mom, you make it sound so obvious.

[Rosalina] I’m your mom, not your thesaurus. *looks at plate* You gonna eat the bagel or the blood orange?

[Lauren] Nah, I’ll eat Claire’s granola bar Chloe gives her, she won’t eat it anyways.

[Kara] *burp*

[Rosalina] Aw, Kara! You say ‘excuse me‘.

[Kara] scuse me.


[Rendang] Welcome to home room, class. I’m Mr. Rendang, and I’ll be your science teacher. Not many showed up, I see.

[Claire] *walks in* Sorry, sir.

[Rendang] any other late students?

[Drake] *walks in*

[Rendang] Welcome, rebel. We’ve heard about your tricks, and games. Not happening this year.

[Drake] *rolls eyes*

[Lauren] *curls hair around finger, smiles at Drake*

[Rendang] I’m expecting that’s all?

[Izzy] I go in first Matt!

[Matt] Why should you?!

[Izzy] Because I’m older, obviously.

[Matt] Well I’m taller!

[Izzy] Ever heard of ‘ladies first‘?

[Matt] Ever heard of ‘I don’t care’?

[Izzy/Matt] *walks in at same time*

[Rendang] Vega, Vega. Sit down will you’s?

[Sasha] Look who crashed the…class… freak.

[Rage] Hey, gothy, who’s your partner in science?

[Drake] Lauren.

[Rage] You don’t know who you’re talking about, do you? That’s my ex girlfriend!

[Drake] Dumped hard, I suppose. No one ever really liked you much, at least, in my opinion.

[Rage] You watch that dirty mouth of yours.

[Drake] Speaking of mouth, I got fangs, you know. I’d stay away from me, unless you want to be raw meat.

[Rage] *pick’s him up from his collar* I’m giving you one chance, gothy. You hurt, or even speak off of science with my little girl, you’ll be sorry you ever known my name. Get it? Or will I show you it?

[Drake] *walks away*

[Rage] *whispers:* Yeah, that’s right vampire. You bite my Lauren, the werewolves will murder you all until the only blood left to drink is ferret.

[Chloe] Hey Claire. How was your first day of grade 12?

[Claire] It was, like last year.

[Chloe] Aw, come on hun. Explain.

[Claire] Well, in home room I was late ‘cause of Rage hitting on me, my science teacher, Mr. Rendang is scary. Drake is still pulling mister mysterious gothy look, Rage still claims that he’s going out with Lauren, the new girl from H. Ordain Girl’s Academy. Yet, he flirts with every girl. Sasha the biker chic, she’s all nicknaming everyone, yet she is kind of mysterious to me, she goes off with Rage everyday. Matt and Izzy are their normal self, and ya.

[Chloe] Oh, okay Claire. Did Lauren enjoy the granola bar?

[Claire] …Uh, sure mom….

[Chloe] Good. Now remember, if you are going to see Grandma later, remember, curfew is at 10:30, and make sure you have winter tires on your car.

[Claire] Sure….

[Chimera] Why does Claire get to go see grandma???

[Christina-Mia] Ya mom, it’s totally unfair!

[Chloe] Mera, she’s 17, you’re 7. Decade of a difference. Plus, grandma is ill.

[Christina-Mia] That suck’s orangutan-

[Chloe] *raises eye brow*

[Chimera] nose?
Scene #6: Doorway
[Claire] Okay, grandma, I gotta go now. Mom’s expecting me.

[GJ] Okay sweet-pea. Thanks for visiting!

[Claire] Oh, glad you enjoyed it. Bye! *shuts door, walks down the forbidden lane*

[Dean] *rushes behind a tree*

[Claire] who’s there?

[Dean] *Quietly follows Claire*

[Claire] I know you’re out there. You’re that gothy guy from English, aren’t you?

[Dean] I wouldn’t exactly call myself a gothic, yet it has been that darkness is my culture.

[Claire] I thought you were from English class, not Victorian.

[Dean] Perhaps, to a lead woman yourself, it would seem that way.

[Claire] What makes you say ‘lead’, gothy?

[Dean] What makes you say gothy, girl?

[Claire] Well-

[Dean] Precisely as though. Now, wandering down the forbidden lane at thirty minutes after ten o’clock?

[Claire] Well I must go the way I came-

[Dean] You came? Ah, yes. Connie Janes, I presume.

[Claire] What’s your problem? You’re like a complete stalker.

[Dean] I’m sorry, allow me to introduce myself. Demon Viktor Sparrow. Precisely Dean to your kind.

[Claire] I have a kind?

[Dean] *steps closer* did I say kind? I meant culture.

[Claire] Thanks. I wasn’t pleased with calling you Demon.

[Dean] Neither was I to be seeing you here.

[Claire] *pushes hair out of his face* Am I displeasing?

[Dean] *winks* Oh, very. You are ever so displeasing.

[Claire] Then this is our first compatibility.

[Dean] Quit insulting me.

[Claire] Do you want more in common?

[Dean] Precisely less.

[Claire] *laughs* I kind of gotta leave so…

*rushing in bushes*
[Dean] NO!

[Claire] I beg your pardon?

[Dean] *whispers* You must stay here, with me.

[Claire] *Yells* WHAT IF I DON’T WANT-

[Dean] *whispers* SH!!! You don’t want them to hear you!

[Claire] *whispers* who?

[Dean] *whispers* I can’t tell you, just sleep here. I’ll guard you.

[Claire] *whispers* should I trust you?

[Dean] *whispers* yes, you most honestly should.

[Claire] *sigh, closes eyes, sleeps*

[Dean] *looks around, above, than at Claire. Moves her hair, and rests beside her*

[Sasha] *looks around*

[Rage] *runs up, pants* Sorry I’m late.

[Sasha] *pushes finger on his chest* You know how I feel about lateness, Million.

[Rage] *steps closer, flips head to right* Ya, you know how I feel about snappiness Hawk.
[Sasha] Fine, if you are not happy with the way I am, you will not be in on the plan. I know more about you than you’d ever know, Rage. I know your weaknesses.

[Rage] Examples: name my middle name, my last girlfriend, what hand I write with, the weight I was born with, my biggest secret and why my name is Rage.

[Sasha] Alright. Your middle name is Tavern, your last girlfriend was Lauren, you are ambidextrous, you’re biggest secret is you are a werewolf, and each werewolf is named from a nasty emotion that the Acutance, Petrify, seeks beneath you.

[Rage] How the claw did you know that?

[Sasha] I’m a black dog, Rage.

[Rage] *steps back* No you’re not.

[Sasha] Rage, darling. You know not as much as you think. I’m a black dog, actually a siren black dog.

[Rage] You? A siren?

[Sasha] Quite improbable really. Little, young, Sasha-Lorain Claudia Hawk, a siren black dog. Me, a monstrous animal of pure evil lurking through Wintorville woods eating werewolves’ skulls and rib cages, yet sirened to attract werewolves of any gender, male black dogs and any males in total. We use black dog males to have our puppies, yet I wouldn’t necessarily call them that. I call them demons, yes. And others to eat.

[Rage] *begins to run*

[Sasha] *zips forward, bites collar of shirt, grabs it* I’m not going to eat your osseins, Rage. Well, I will if you do not help me.

[Rage] Anything. I don’t want my oss- whatever’s being eaten by you. They were meant to hold these guns. *flexes* You see Hawk?

[Sasha] *hisses* Never. Try to. Impress me. AGAIN.

[Rage] Cool your whistle, babe. I won’t. Spit deal?

[Sasha] Sure, wait- HEY! You’re trying to get my saliva to become a black dog.

[Rage] So? We can create a pack of black dogs, so we can attack.

[Sasha] *puts hands around his head* one condition, my darling.

[Rage] Yeah?

[Sasha] You give me werewolf.

[Rage] The only way to do that is to scratch you. It’s our omen.
[Sasha] I’m not scared of you, Rage. You can not hurt me.

[Rage] fine. *scratches really deep* there.

[Sasha] *spits on hand, rubs on his cheek*



[Izzy] *pulls at Xbox controller* LET GO!

[Matt] *kicks her lightly* NEVER!

[Izzy] *snaps teeth at him* WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?!?!

[Matt] *squints eyes* YOU!

[Izzy] *bobs head* YA, I’M YOURS?!

[Matt] *raises eyebrow* Ya, you’re my sister.

[Izzy] *rolls eyes* Ya, you’re my annoying little brother.

[Matt] *shoves her* You’re older by nine minutes. You’re my idiotic, moronic, short sister.

[Izzy] I’m idiotic?! You’re half an inch taller than me!

[Malice] Children, children. Please, do not fight. We have many Xboxes in our lovely, 13 story home.

[Izzy] But he promised my turn!

[Matt] My turn isn’t finished mom.

[Malice] Matthew, you can’t play anymore. Yet Isabella, do not pick up the controller. We need a family reunion.

[Izzy] Just us?

[Malice] And Faustino.

[Izzy] Why Faustino?

[Matt] He isn’t even related to us, mother.

[Malice] He’s my husband, Matthew. And Faustino is now a part of our family. Speaking of family, on Saturday we’re going to the office to say your last name is now Corina.

[Matt] NO!

[Izzy] Mom, Vega is totally pretty, Corina is just so, ugh, Coraline-ish.

[Faustino] *walks in* I agree, darling. Ali, baby, my honeysuckle covered in sugar and sweetening, let them keep their name. They aren’t my children, they’re Tom’s.

[Malice] They aren’t Tom’s anymore, cherry blossom, they will not carry his name. They’re our’s.

[Izzy] Matt and I still have a daddy. His name is Tom. Why can’t we see him anymore, mom?

[Malice] 1. You call me mother, mom is strange. 2. You will never in your life see Tomas Vega because his behaviour is a sort I do not tolerate in this house, or I would understand you to see, Isabella and Matthew.

[Matt] My name is Matt, mother! MATT! You told me he called me Matt when I was a baby!

[Malice] I’m your mother. I decide your name.

[Faustino] Could we have our talk now?

[Malice] I forgot, sugar dumpling. You commence.

[Izzy] Not another name that Isabella meeting. I do not want to be called Iza, Bella, Belle, Ella, ell, Z-Belle, Za-Za or even Ella-bell.

[Faustino] No, no. I’m explaining our differences with other people.

[Izzy] Matt’s booger collection from grade 1?

[Matt] Izzy’s over-giggliness when Wintorville star Anthony Andrews flirts with her in the hallway?

[Faustino] No, no. Our raw meat obsession, great sense of smell, and very light skin.

[Izzy] We’re British?

[Faustino] No, of course not. We’re vampires.

[Matt] *pauses for a moment* What?!

[Izzy] You’re kidding! Only, like, Sasha and Ice are something cool like that! I have to have Daniella over! NOW! Seriously!

[Faustino] That’s not necessary, pookie.

[Matt] Yeah, and she isn’t home.

[Izzy] *slowly turns to Matt* how did you know that?

[Matt] I was inviting Drake?

[Izzy] *punches his upper arm* Liar! You aren’t even friends with Drake! He’s gothic, you’re more, sporty?

[Matt] *flips eyebrow into guilt* Fine! I was kind of stalking Daniella on facebook…

[Izzy] You were what…?

[Matt] Well I’m sorry I had nothing to do and she’s so pretty and tall and just, Mr. Rendang loves her.

[Faustino] *jumps*

[Malice] *rolls eyes* here we go…

[Faustino] Mr. Rendang taught me when I was in University! He is harsh!

[Matt] I know! He likes Daniella Ivan!

[Izzy] *pushes him aside* AKA my best friend, obviously. He has those “special” names for us!

[Faustino] he did that with us when I was a student! Mine was Creepy Corina, when afro’s were in, I had the biggest, when jazz suits were in, and-

[Malice] Honey Cakes, you just told Isabella and Matthew they’re vampires, and you talk about names some stupid teacher gave you? I mean it’s quite retarded, you do not think?

[Faustino] Sorry Bambi.

[Izzy] Bambi, Honey Cakes, Cherry Blossom, Sugar Dumpling, Darling, Honeysuckle covered in sugar and sweetening…?


[Daniella] *walking around*

[Drake] What the heck are you doing?

[Daniella] What does it look like?

[Drake] Walking around...?

[Daniella] No.... I'm acting out "Tiptoe through the Tulips" duh...

[Drake] You're weird, no wonder the only one who likes you is Mr. Rendang.

[Daniella] I have friends, Mr. Know It All.

[Drake] Speaking of friends, does Lauren McBill ever ask about me?

[Daniella] Like what? Who's that demented guy over there? Do you hate having HIM as a brother? Is he a retard?

[Drake] No, no. Without you in the question, Dani.

[Daniella] Oh... you like her...!

[Drake] Do not!

[Daniella] Sure... she's kind of pretty, well, for a human that is...

[Drake] She is, isn't she.

[Daniella] HA!

[Drake] What?

[Daniella] You just admitted you like her.... I said she's pretty you said, isn't she. HA!

[Drake] Were you even saying your opinion when you said she's pretty?

[Daniella] HA! NO! For all I care, you guys could get married at 18 and she dies at 45, I won't even go to her funeral! She stares at me like I'm a freak, Drake.

[Drake] You are a freak, Hunter.

[Daniella] *jumps in front of him* Don't you dare remind me of my birth parents!

[Drake] Okay, okay. Chill, sis. I was joking.

[Daniella] You think my parents leaving me is a joke, Drake?! You think it's so funny, that no one in the world cared about me for 3 months?!

[Drake] Chill...

[Daniella] You. Do. That's why you rolled your eyes at Mr. Rendang when he guessed your adopted! You. Don't. CARE!

[Drake] I do, Dani. I'm sorry.

[Daniella] *calms down* A-are you?

[Drake] YES! Daniella, you're my sister.

[Daniella] Speaking of sisters, please, don't marry Lauren. You know how I feel about mortals...

[Drake] I know, you think that it's like marrying food...

[Daniella] Yes, it is. You have to bite them first, by law. Otherwise, you'll have half blood children.

[Drake] who said I was planning on marrying Lauren? Who said SHE is the one who I'll bite then she'll become a vampire? She might be just some pretty girl, Dan.

[Daniella] Pretty girl? Didn't mother tell you to read "Heart Bitten" by: Jenica Rosemary?

[Drake] Obviously. Doesn't mean I read it though.

[Daniella] You should've. That's why Tyler died when you bit her. You didn't truly love her.

[Drake] So?

[Daniella] If you bite the one you truly love, then they'll live an immortal life with her.

[Drake] So you're saying I'm going to marry her?

[Daniella] Maybe so.

[Drake] *stares at her* your joking.

[Daniella] Obviously, you’re melodramatic.


[Tanya] Okay, honey. I got your crackers and cheese and that caffeinated Root Beer for your party. Is there anything else?

[Sasha] Wine, mom.

[Tanya] No, honey. I know I put you back a year to prove to Lauren you’re way smarter than her, which technically means you can have wine, but it doesn’t mean Ice, Erik & Jacob can.

[Sasha] Mom…Mommy…. I’ll ace that, ugh, science project if you let us…?

[Tanya] Well, are they aloud alcohol?

[Sasha] Rage is almost addicted, Erik drinks rum a lot and well, and Ice, well, we all know the answer.

[Tanya] Okay, fine.

[Sasha] *opens door*

[Ice] *walks in* Time to Par-TAY!
[Sasha] Ya, but I couldn’t “afford” caviar.

[Ice] *crosses arms* There aren’t parties without caviar.

[Erik] *walks in holding caviar* Did someone say caviar?

[Ice] Erik *squished hug* I’ll loaf you forever!

[Sasha] You know, you have a thing for EVERYONE I go out with.

[Ice] Hey, we all know Rage was crushing on me forever.

[Rage] *barges in with boom box* Icicle you’re too funny! *little girl giggle*

[Ice] Aiie….

[Sasha] We have wine, Ice.

[Ice] You know, that explains a whole lot.

[Tanya] *walks in* My mistake guys, I forgot the cream soda.

[Rage] Oh, you lovely girl! *aims to kiss her hand*

[Ice] *pulls him away* Now, what were you saying about me?

[Rage] Oh, hi Ice. You look, uh… you look. With eyes.

[Ice] To see you!

[Rage] I have a girl already. Tanya!

[Ice] She’s Sasha’s mother derp.

[Rage] Perhaps I’m Sasha’s father.

[Ice] No….

[Ice] *screams*

[Petrify] I speak for Rage Million.

[Rage] *goes on one knee* I hear you, master.

[Petrify] I’ve heard from fellow colonies of werewolves you have brought new members to the back. Is my seeking correct?

[Rage]Yes master. We are seeking to murder creatural colonies, we begin with vampires.

[Petrify] Ah, you seek domination! Well, Rage, who is this ‘we’?

[Rage] You see master; I’ve been given black dog blood by my followers, a black dog and 2 vampires.

[Petrify] Weren’t you out for getting the vampires first?

[Rage] Yes, well you see master; these are Erik Fresh and Ilanna Claw.

[Ice] My. Name. Is. Ice.

[Petrify] Ah… may I introduce myself to your followers?

[Rage] That is a statement, master.

[Ice, Sasha & Erik] *they go on one knee*

[Petrify] Well mannered, well mannered indeed. I speak to black dog.

[Sasha] Sasha-Lorain Juniper Hawk.

[Petrify] Yes… You are I believe turning 18 in April? Straight A’s? Gifted classes? Gymnastics club leader? Winner of annual biker duo stunts? This place is your home?

[Sasha] Yes, that is all true.

[Petrify] What is it that appeals you to be co-murderer with Rage?
[Sasha] I beg your pardon?

[Petrify] Obviously I visited your lovely home to find the co-leader of the murder. So, what appeals you?

[Sasha] Oh. Well, we were recently in a standard relationship, we never went serious or go steady. We broke up recently, yet he is still a close friend. I try not to get into a too serious and/or dramatic topic when I speak with him.

[Petrify] Then I believe I cannot put you for co-murderer. Too much drama and serious business. Erik Fresh, step forward.

[Erik] Erik Malcolm Fresh.

[Petrify] Ah. Home schooled? Turning 19 next week? Failed classes you hated, A’d your favourites? In a family of cocaine dealers? Winner with Sasha of annual biker duo stunts? Sasha’s new boyfriend? Rage’s best friend?

[Erik] That’s correct.

[Petrify] What is it that appeals you to be co-murderer with Rage?

[Erik] Well, I’ve done everything in my life with Rage, other than couple things with Sasha, of course! I’ve also never murdered completely yet. I may sound stupid, but I’ve knocked out with one hand yet never actually murdered. I’m scared that if I bite someone, it may be my true love first.

[Petrify] Then I believe I cannot put you for co-murderer. If you can’t murder, you’re no murderer. Ilanna Claw, step forward.

[Ice] I’m sorry sir, just please call me Ice.
[Petrify] *Ugh* if I must.

[Ice] Ilanna “Ice” Indi Claw.

[Petrify] Ah. Ditcher? Turned 18 yesterday? 51% in each class? You were abused as a child and moved in with your friend Toni? Has a large temper tantrum when someone calls you Ilanna? Obsessed with Jacob Black? Sasha’s best friend?

[Ice] *nods*

[Daniella] *walks in* sorry Sasha I left my sweater here.

[Sasha] Alright, you may go get it.

[Petrify] What is it that appeals you to be co-murderer with Rage?

[Ice] EVERYTHING. I’ve had a large crush on Rage since he moved here. I’ve murdered many people with him, oh and did I mention he pretends to not love me?

[Petrify] Rage?

[Rage] Master, please do not force me to let out this secret! I need it in secrecy.

[Ice] What?

[Erik] It’s time, Rage. No matter how creepy Ice is, you must say it.

[Rage] I’ve always liked you, Ice.

[Ice] …

[Petrify] Then I believe I cannot put you for co-murderer. If you can’t murder, you’re no murderer.

[Rage] *grabs onto Ice* What?!

[Petrify] I cannot have love in the way of domination, Rage. Remember your parents? Killer & Beast?

[Rage] *nods* I’m sorry, sir.

[Petrify] Daniella Ivan, step forward.

[Rage] I’m sorry sir she’s not here for-

[Daniella] Hunter Daniella Ivan.

[Petrify] Ah, perfect attendance? Turning 18 next week? Straight A’s? You are adopted? Has a crush on Matt Vega? Mr. Rendang’s favourite? Nadia Echoes’ best friend?

[Daniella] Yes.

[Petrify] What is it that appeals you to be co-murderer with Rage?

[Daniella] I just came to get my sweater…

[Petrify] But I insist…

[Daniella] Fine… I am excellent at 1 handed shooting, I know Matt is my true love so I bite many humans, and if I had a chance to murder someone I hate, I would.

[Petrify] Miss. Daniella, you are the co-murderer with Rage. You have a task to murder any other vampires. Are you willing to take the challenge?

[Daniella] Yes.

[Petrify] Now Rage, shake Miss. Ivan’s hand.

[Rage] What?! Master, you do realize this is goody two-shoes Daniella Ivan we’re talking about, right?

[Petrify] I’m well aware of the unattended consequences of having Daniella on the force, yet she is the most, er… feared person in the room, well, will be…

[Rage] *shakes Daniella’s hand* Just so you know Ivan, this force is going to kill your brother. It’ll kill your parents. Are you sure about this?

[Ice] Ya, Ivan. We so far killed your cousin Lexar and your birth parents.

[Sasha] Not to mention with one hand.

[Erik] While I tattooed the other hand.
[Daniella] *walks back and forth past the line of the entire force, while hands behind her back* your trying to scare me I see. Wise, for someone who doesn’t know how to get rid of someone. But no, I am staying. *moves face closer to Rage’s* and I’m not leaving. *leaves*

[Ice] B-but she just left…

[Rage] Master Sir, this is a large consequence to our colony.

[Petrify] Rage Million, you are gullible. We are only using Ms. Ivan for more information on the vampires who do not understand how colonies work. Naturally, we’ll kill her off after. Truly, Erik is your co-murderer. I shall personally train him.

[Erik] It’s an honour, Sir.

[Petrify] Please, call me Mr. Lecton.

[Rage] Are you honest to your words master? You allow Erik Malcolm Fresh to call you, Mr. Lecton?

[Petrify] *steps forward* Rage, you have completely no business in conversation with Erik. He’s a vampire; he’s unsecured by our colony. Let it be so.

[Rage] Alright.

[Sasha] Accept it, Million.

[Rage] Shut up, Hawk.

[Petrify] I part thou conversation. *disappears*


[Claire] *wakes up*what’s going on?

[Dean] Oh, *turns to Claire* you’ve awoken.

[Claire] Ya, Ya. Whatevs. Answer me now.

[Dean] Oh, yes. What a forget I’ve achieved. Anyhow, I have been baking breakfast.

[Claire] Thanks, but I’m going to head home for that. Mom’s flapjacks have intolerable tastiness.

[Dean] Impossible, darling.

[Claire] How so, Mr. Sparrow?

[Dean] You are being hunted.

[Claire] Sure, you love bug.

[Dean] Haha, sweetheart. I am with Nadia Echoes, somewhat. We dated a bit. We don’t like being a couple, we enjoy ourselves as young teenagers who attempt love.

[Claire] You. Demon Sparrow. Dating Knocked Nadia. She’s freaking goddess!

[Dean] Well, our love is naïve and careless for anything but each other. Nothing less, nothing more. And remember still, we aren’t fully dating.

[Claire] Alright then, Mr. Liar.

[Dean] I assure you I do not love you, Claire, neither do I want to marry Ms. Echoes.

[Claire] Dean?

[Dean] Yes?

[Claire] If you do not care for anything but Knocked Nadia, then why are you attempting the ‘Chloe Janes flapjacks’?

[Dean] I enjoy your mother’s cooking.

[Claire] NO.

[Dean] hm?

[Claire] You are the creature eating mother’s leftovers on the porch.

[Dean] *backs away* No I’m not.

[Claire] *crawls forward* Yes you are, you’ve eaten them for months now. What is your favourite meal?

[Dean] Your mother’s mushroom soufflé is scrumptious.

[Claire] I know! Did you ever eat the broccoli chicken stew with cornbread?

[Dean] *lies down on grass* Talk about heaven.

[Claire] *lies beside him* Dean?

[Dean] Ya, sweetheart?

[Claire] When will I be able to escape

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