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The elite unit wraps up the raid.

I guess the movies are wrong. It didn't matter that I dove behind a pile of timber, the RPG blast sent me flying back against the wall, Vick coming right behind me.

The rocket had hit a few feet away from where I origionally was. Wow. My shoulder hit the wall of the warehouse hard, and for maybe half a minute I lay there against the wall, unable to move my shoulder and unable to hear.

I saw a Shepherd from Squad One channel fire through his staff and sent it hurteling towards a boogey man. Only half the fire ball hit the guy, but it was more than enough to get the job done. The fire seemed to liquadize most of the mans left side, and what was left of him flew backwards breaking the window behind him, and then slumping down to the floor. The Shepherd standing next to the fire caster was then hit once in the hip and once in the shin by bullets, probably from an Uzi. His friend leaned down to help him, when he too was hit by a bullet in the right bicep. Following this almost immediately he was hit by was seemed to be a green lightening bolt. I don't know what magic that was, but that Shepherd jerked backwards and didn't seem to move. Just as my hearing started to return, there was a low thud, followed by a loud crash, which once against rendered me deaf.

Gosh, can a guy get a break? At least I was now able to stand up and get my bearings. The door on the second story of the warehouse burst in, slamming against a cult member who was standing in front of it, shooting down at us. Four Shepherds rapidly poured in the door, shooting and blasting whatever was wearing a bathrobe. One Cult member was torn apart by a spell casted by the first Shepherd through the door. The Shepherd had simply raised his hand, yelled something that deaf people couldn't hear, and a line of sparks shot in a straight line to the boogey man. It reminded me of lighting off a firecracker inside of an apple.

Right according to plan, the enemy was instantly confused, and caught in a cross fire of lead and magical energy. I knew that didn't make them any less deadly. Two boogies were in what probably was once an office, shooting out of broken windows with shotguns. I fired several shots in the window, engouraging them to stay down.

I saw Six stand up and throw a pinnaple grenade into the window. I've never had a grenade thrown in a room with me before but I thought the boogey man's response was a little weird. With a thud, the grenade hit the floor and all I heard (Literally, I'm still pretty much deaf remember?) was a pause in fire and then a suprised "OH!..." The riddled dry walls of the office seemed to expand with the explosion, dust and dirt pouring out of the windows. Along with the dust came a red vapor. The next thing that grabbed my attention was a boogey man in the far corner who had been keeping his head down. I found out why he had been so reserved in this vicious gun fight so far. A wine bottle, with a dirty rag, loosely aflame, flew from his hand towards Brandon, who was with another Shepherd and his two wounded men. Luckily, this particular boogey had poor arm strength and the molatov cocktail smashed against a steal beam, englufing it in flames. I pulled up my pistol and shot three times. The first bullet missed, going to his right. The second and third struck home. His stomach and colon by the looks of it.

I was suprised when he didn't immediately go down. The rest of Squad Two saw this and decided to take action. Six and Vick raised their pistols and each shot about four rounds at the guy. I saw ripples and red vapors appear all over his body. Tyler raised his torch and sent an actual lightning bult ripping through the air, sounding like a whip crack. The bolt sent him arch across the warehouse and slammed him against the far wall. When he fell back against the floor, he twitched and then didn't move.

There was a glowing hole in his lower stomach where the lighting bolt had hit. I felt a hand on my sholder and looked over my shoulder to see Six smiling, still watching for tangos. The bullets and magic had stopped flying. There was a strong bitter smell of copper in the air. Blood and death. Squad Three came down the stairs and reSquaded with us one the ground floor. The priority was to make sure no other bad guys were hiding, and to get our wounded treated. We had one medic in every Squad and they instantly rushed over to the two guys I had seen hit earlier. The medic from Squad One was Brandon, who was already working on the wounded as Tyler, our medic, and another medic I didn't know. Those of us who werent wounded or medics huddled together and planned our next move. With Serg leading the discussion, we decided the following: Squad Three would pull security on the outside perimeter. Half of Squad One was wounded, their medic was treating them, and their remaining man, Serg, woud remain with them for protection. Squad Two was charged with clearing and searching the rest of the warehouse. Something had been in the back of my mind since this thing started and now, with what was about to happen, the thought rushed back.

'Where is Deep Voice?'

I couldn't have possible came from any of these regular boogey men. They were all scrawny and lanky. My Squad moved out, to the only door on the ground floor that didn't lead outside. It was a rusted metal door, with a rusted and heavy metal frame. With me closest, we all stacked up against the door. I had my colt out, Six had his USP, and Vick had his torch out. I looked back at Six and nodded, prompting him to walk up and kick the door in. I flowed in the door, Vick right behind me, and Six on his six(No pun intended). I came into a dark room, with absolutely nothing in it. Usually a complete clear takes about Two0 seconds. This one took about 4. There was simply nothing in this cold, dark, concrete room. With the exeption of one thing. Another door.

This one looked the same as the last one. I motioned towards that door, and we all stacked up again, in the same order. Once again Six kicked in the door and we all rushed in. And almost tripped all over ourselves. Behind the door was a dark concrete staircase, heading down. I slipped on the first step but caught myself by grabbing a loose shakey railing. I heard Six laughing at the back. I looked back, we all got our bearings again, and I took out a flash light, shining it with one hand and aiming my colt with the other. We all reached the bottom, and I raised my flash light.

There in the middle of the room, was a hunched over figure in a giant red blanket. Or maybe it was a rug. Either way, the figure was obviously wearing it as a cape. It stank like sweat, urine, rotten/fungal everything, and fecal matter. This room was designed like the last, but with probably 20 dirty matrasses on the floor. The figure stook up, reaching around 7 feet tall.

There was was looked like a shiney birds nest on top of its head. Thick, greasey brown hair. The figure turned around, and only then did I see, this guy.... or thing wasn't human. Not all the way at least. He definitely had Ogre in him. He was built like a wrestler, but had a beer gut. His face was covered in a greasey, brown/grey beard. He opened his mouth and exhaled a musty repulsive smell. His teeth had black whole in them, and were orange almost. It reminded me of Somalions who had chewed Khat. I knew with out a doubt, this was Deep Voice. He had given the order to attack us. People in cults don't do anything outlandish unless their leader told them too. It was also obvious Deep Voice was their leader.

With uncanny speed, and something I wasn't ready for nor expecting, he slung his fist. I understood that I was hit, but my head hit against the wall and everything went blury. Why I was here, what was going on, what I needed to do. I heard barks from a gun, and flashes. My vision came back to me, and though it wasn't perfect I could make things out. Six was shooting into Deep Voice, and backing him up against he wall. Vick was pushing force(or just called "pushing") from his torch, which probably largely factered into Deep Voice backing up so rapidly. I coud tell Deep Voice was bleeding all over from Six's shooting, also I could tell from Deep Voices yelling. Or more like a howl. A very deep, very angry howl. Six shut him up with Two bullets to the throat. Not all the bullets went through the ogres skin, but the sure did leave nasty gashes.

Six ran out of bullets, and like he was trained, instantly went for another clip. T's force alone must not have been enough, because the ogre rushed foward again, pushing through Vick's Push. Deep Voice however was slowed down, which probably saved their life. He looked like he was running on a tredmill, that was a little to slow for his pace.

It gave me enough time to get my torch up and cast a spell. "Agere!" I yelled and the ogre did a slow spin and lifted off the ground away from me. By this time Six was shooting into him again. I got up, wobbled a bit, then started sprinting. After the Ogre hit the wall, he laid there and raised his arm, trying to shield himself from the bullets. It was enough time to sprint over to him, and climb on his chest. I put my Colt against his big right eye, and pulled the trigger five times.

What goes in, must go out.

Needless to say, Deep Voice didn't get back up. Vick and Six checked on me and asked if I was okay. We would of wooted, or cheered but I could tell we were all exauhsted and all in a certain state. We had seen, and even caused a lot of death today. And it was a new feeling, that we would all need some time to reflect on. But not now. We still had wounded men, and we also needed to get out of here. Me, Six, and Vick climbed back up to the ground floor and walked back into the main room. Another car had already arrived with 4 more Shepherds who must of been helping with security. One of the wounded Shepherds had been stabalized. The other was dead. There wasn't a lot of talking, and absolutely none from the medics. Overall, this raid had been a success. We had taken out a seriously dangerous Warlock cell, who were definitely responsible or related to the slaughter in Harlem today. We loaded up in the vechicles and road out, Six driving this time. Just another day at the office I guess.
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