Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1872101-Escape
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Drama · #1872101
crazy and mixed up love story! This is no where near done,I have not done any editing yet.
“How the hell should I know?”
“Well you’re her goddamn mother! I mean what the fuck have you been doing?”
“Charles I don’t know anything, last time I talk to her she was threating to drop out, and I told her not to even think about it. I said if she drops out she will never go back and she will have a fucked up life like me. She kept going on and on about how she can’t do it then I said if she leaves she better not think she is coming back here. I am not supporting no lazy bum and I won’t let my kids waist their lives!”
“Look around Lindsey you are losing it! You have no idea where your oldest daughter is, and you haven’t talked to her in weeks. Your other daughter Riley moved out the second she turned 18 because she couldn’t stand living with you and your drama. Now she lives with her friend’s family and never speaks to you! Your 16 year old son is a trouble maker who is failing out of High School and will probably be arrested before the end of the year!”
“They are your kids too Charles! I don’t see you taking the blame for any of this. You always dump it all on me and make it my responsibility; well I told you I am done! I give up, they don’t want to be around me fine, I don’t care then they are not my problem anymore!”
“What happened to you? I know things got hard for a while but once you started drinking you lost control. At least before you cared about what happened to your children.”

It was too late, my bike was soaked and there was no way I would get it to run in this weather. I pushed the bike to the side of the rode and looked for a place to stay until the storm was over. Thankfully I knew the park really well it was just down the street from where my mother lived and where I grew up. I remembered walking to the park to watch my little brother play baseball or buy ice cream with my friends. I ran to a tree that was far enough away that the people living across the street wouldn’t see me, but not too far so I could still keep an eye on my bike and duffle bag.
The wind was picking up and I could hear thunder in the distance, I was thankful the tree was so large and had a few bushes around it so I felt a bit safer. I closed my eyes and thought about how when I was little I used to curl up in the biggest blanket I could find and eat Oreos and milk while watching each flash of lightening. Then my mom would come in and the whole family would sit by the basement stairs and play Monopoly. I always loved when we had a really good storm it was always so exciting frightening, but wrapped in my blanket sitting with my family made it entertaining and comfortable. Part of me wished I could just go home, walk up the street knock on the door. I wanted my Mother to open the door and hug me and tell me it was all going to be ok. I wanted to go back to the time when my life was simple back when my parents were married, and before everyone left. I wanted to go back to when my biggest problem was what I was going to dress my favorite doll in for the holidays.
Although I knew that would never happen. So much changed over the past 14 years, I went from a quiet little girl who loved to play outside with her dolls to a 22 year old woman who dropped out of college left her family and home to live on the streets. Roaming each night with no place to live and nothing to eat, my life completely changed and I would have never imagined I would have been living like that. In some ways I regretted leaving school, at least while I was there it was easier to ignore all the problems my family was having. But my family is the whole reason I left school, and what ended up happening? I became stuck. Unable to go anywhere, I was stuck in between my family and my own life. I sat hidden under the tree until the storm finally cleared. While I was sitting there I realized I had to find a place to stay. I knew if I really had to I could go stay with my Grandfather, but I really did not want him involved in my life. If I went to live with him it would be like admitting defeat and showing my mother I was wrong and she was right. I needed to go someplace completely unconnected to my family.
I walked back towards my bike and noticed that there was a hole in my sweatshirt. I must have ripped it on a branch or something when I got up. I got on my bike and rode to the gas station down the street. I went into the convince store to find some kind of food. I still had some cash from before I left school. Although I was quickly running low, I needed to find a place to stay and a way to get money. As I paid for a bag of M&Ms and a t shirt that had the gas station logo on it I caught my reflection in a nearby mirror. It was the first time I had seen what I looked like in almost two weeks. My hair was a tangled mess, my grey sweatshirt had stains covering it, my jeans were socked from the rain and riding my wet bike. When I looked at the cashier I saw that he was staring at me with confusion and fear. I knew I looked messy but I didn’t think I looked dangerous. He must have thought I was there to rob him or something. I realized that I really was homeless and had nowhere to go. I got back on my bike and rode into town. I didn’t know where I was going or how to find a place to stay but I figured going to the busy part of town would be a good place to start. I parked in front of the town ice cream shop. When I was little I used to love going there and getting chocolate chip mint ice cream and sit outside I on the bench with my brother and sister. As I looked at the shop I saw a sign nailed to a telephone poll nearby. The sign said “Local Shelter and Jobs Available”. It was perfect I just stumbled across exactly what I needed.
As I pulled up to the address on the flyer I thought I must have the address wrong, because this shelter place could not be the building that was in front of me. There was a large white mansion in front of me with a large porch and pillars that reminded me of the White House. The mansion was practically spotless, and nothing like what I was expecting. I walked up to the door and saw that it was left open. I slowly walked into a foyer area. From the spot I was standing in by the door I saw a long hall to my right and as I stepped farther into the foyer I saw what seemed like a kitchen in front of my, and through tall pillars and columns there was a fancy living room set to my right. I knew none of this was right. The place was huge there were long halls to my right with several rooms, it was obvious that several people lived there but there was no way that homeless people lived here. The place was decorated in expensive Victorian furniture. How could a homeless shelter afforded to be so well kept?
“Hello there! I am Wilton, Can I help you?”
“Oh uh.. Hi, I think I am in the wrong place. I saw this flyer and well yeah, never mind.”
I felt so stupid I was obviously in the wrong place and I had no idea where I was or who this man was. He was like a giant towering over me his dark skin dripping in sweat as he spun his basketball on his finger. He seemed really nice but he was so tall and I felt so uncomfortable standing in such a nice place dressed like such a slob. I turned and began to walk away. As I turned to walk back out to my bike three people walked through the door. A tall woman with short blonde hair, a young woman dressed in a blue mini dress with long thin black hair, and finally a man. He was tall and very board and muscular. He had short black hair and wore black jeans, a t shirt and a leather jacket. He completely fit the biker profile. It was not until the first women walked over to Wilton and the second girl went into the kitchen that I actually saw the man’s face. After a few seconds I realized why he had looked so familiar to me. He lived by me, he lived across the street from the house I grew up in. I had not seen him in years and even before he left I never saw him too often but I recognized his voice. As he realized who I was and how he knew who I was,
“Jessica? Is that you? GOD! That is you! WOW!”
I could not help myself the moment I recognized him all the memories of me as a little girl running around my backyard with my brother and sister in the summer came rushing back. I remembered the game we used to play called Pirate, where whenever we heard the noise from his bike starting we would run and hide because we were afraid that the big tough pirate across the street would see us and come take us. It was a silly pointless game that we made up one summer night, even though we knew Peter was a nice person we thought that because he wore a bandanna and rode a motorcycle he was a bad guy. Eventually our mother told him and his father about our little game so he knew we called him Pirate and would run every time we heard him coming. I couldn’t help myself as I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. I must have done it because of the memories I was having and the fact that I had been so alone and away from home for so long. I know that I looked like a little five year old running up to their big brother but I didn’t care for some reason I wanted to be close to him. I was surprised when he laughed and hugged me back,
“Ha Jessica you always gave the most amazing hugs. I can’t believe it is really you. It has been so long since I have seen you. When I left you were what like 8?”
“Yeah something like that! I did not recognize you until you said my name.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, well I was looking for this place on a flyer I saw but I think I have the wrong address. I was just leaving.”
It was then that the first women with short blonde hair interrupted our conversation. She now held a glass of wine in her hand as we walked around the back of Wilton who was still standing watching Peter and I talk. She cleared her throat to get our attention and walked over to stand next to Peter.
“If you looking for the place on the flyer in your hand then your at the right place. This is the Shelter. I am Cynthia, I am the owner and the person who runs the shelter. Can I ask why you were trying to find us?”
She spoke with such authority I was afraid to answer her. She stood tall and thin in her black tube top and skinny jeans. She obviously thought she was better than everyone around her and certainly better than little old me. She sipped her wine as she waited for me to answer her.
“Oh I was looking for a place to stay. I have been trying to find work and a place to stay for a few days now and I saw your flyer at a gas station I thought maybe I could stay until I was able to get a job and enough money to find a more permanent place to stay.”
“Well I am sorry but we cannot help you. Unfortunately in order to stay here you must work here and for my company.”
“Oh well I could do that. I have a full High School education and completed a few years of college and I...”
“Listen I don’t care what you have done. My business is not something you would learn in school and it is something that takes a great amount of talent and skill.”
Cynthia really did not want me around and by the way she was talking it did not matter what I had to say this was no normal shelter and I was not welcome.
“Oh come on Cynthia, she has obviously been on her own for a while now and we have plenty of room. I am sure Carly wouldn’t mind sharing a room again now that Kathy left. Since Kathy and April left you have been hoping people would come to fill their spots and take over their clients.”
Wilton was standing behind me with one hand on my shoulder and the other held his basketball against his hip. I wasn’t sure why he was trying to help me, he had no idea who I was or anything about me but I was not about to say anything to mess up what he was doing for me. I desperately needed a place to stay there was no way I could make it another day sleeping under trees.
“Fine but I am not doing any favors she has to work like everyone else and since both Kathy and April left she will take both of their client lists.”
“Ah Yes! See Cynthia was that so hard?” Wilton smirked as Cynthia stalked off into the kitchen. Clearly unhappy with Wilton and me, I felt bad I did not want to make any problems but I had no choice.
“Well I guess she is not very friendly. Thank you for standing up for me like that, I really need a place to stay,”
“Oh don’t let her bother you, she can be a bit rough around the edges but she is a really great person once you get to know her. And hey any friend of Pete’s is a friend of mine. Since he wasn’t going to say anything to get you to stay I figured I might as well.”
Peter awkwardly shifted his weight and glanced to the floor. Once Cynthia came up and interrupted our conversation he became very quiet and stood in the background. It was as if he wasn’t even in the room anymore. When Wilton said his name and he changed positions was the first time he had done anything to make his presences known. Wilton took my hand and led me down the hall to the left of us.
“Here you go, Kathy used to share this room with Carly who is out with a client right now, but she won’t care if you make yourself comfortable. I am sure Cynthia will come and tell you everything you need to know about your clients.”
“Oh ok great, thank you Wilton really I am so thankful for your help. Um, why did Kathy and April leave?”
“Oh think nothing of it! Eh this is a shelter not a permanent place sometimes the people who live here find places they are happier or just find work and are able to get their lives back together. Cynthia doesn’t force people to stay here if they don’t want to be here. After her family got… well after she inherited the mansion she couldn’t afford to pay the bills. She had already spent years living on the streets and having the mansion was the first time she had a place to live and she was not about to give it up. She started letting a few friends she knew from the streets stay with her and they would, well do what they had to do to get money. It kept this place running and eventually the word spread among Cynthia’s old groups. Eventually they all left and started traveling but Cynthia kept the shelter open for anyone willing to work with her and help support the mansion.”
My new room was small but had a large walk in closet and two twin beds on both sides of the room. The walls were painted a pale pink, and there was a white carpet covering most of the floor. There was an old white dresser next to the bathroom door and a matching vanity next to the closet door. There was a nail polish stain on the floor by the vanity. One bed was completely empty nothing but white sheets and a white pillow. While the other bed was covered with purple sheets, pink pillows, a big fluffy yellow quilt and an overstuffed large stuffed dog. I did not know anything about this Carly person but judging on the room I was about to share with her I thought she may be nice. At that point though I did not care if she was a murder I just was happy to have a bed to sleep in and a place to keep me out of the rain.
I felt really awkward in this strange room. Wilton was so kind and invited me to go play a game of basketball with him and Peter but I did not want to intrude and I was much more comfortable spending time on my own. After my parents separated and my mother began drinking everyone in my family sorta went their own way and did their own thing. I spent most my time writing in my room. Once I went away to school I continued to keep to myself. I made a few friends but I defiantly was not out partying every night like most people my age. I suppose I just became use to being on my own so when I arrived at the shelter I really wanted to become almost invisible and sit alone.
“Who are you?”
“Oh hi, I am um Jessica. I just arrived a few hours ago. Cynthia said I could stay here.”
“You’re the new replacement huh? Well ok… I am Carly. Obviously this is my bed and my stuff so don’t mess with any of it. Did Cynthia give you your client list yet? I am sure she went on and on about the rules and how she runs things around here.”
“Um no she hasn’t, she kind of disappeared after she agreed that I could stay here. Wilton said she probably would be by to give me this client list you guys keep talking about. What is it, the client list I mean?”
“It is your job! You don’t think Cynthia would let you just live here for free. Its not like this place is cheep to running.”
“No I know. Wilton told me a bit about how everyone helps out around here, and Cynthia said that I would have to work to stay here. That she was not going to do anyone any favors. But when I tried to tell her about my qualifications she would not listen, and everyone keeps talking about these clients.”
“Oh boy! What are you like 19?”
“I am 22 years old, why?”
“Ha! Really? Well with your size you could pass for 17 but I knew you were over 18 because Cynthia refuses to let minors stay here. Mostly because of the work, if she starts to involve minors things will get way to complicated and messy. Or at least messier than they already do. So you said you talked to Wilton, what did he tell you?”
“Uh he told me that Cynthia needed help to keep this place running and that she was a good person and that most of the people who started this place with her have all left.”
“Ahhh hmm ok good.”
“Are they together or something?”
“Cynthia and Wilton?”
“Oh god no! I don’t really get them honestly. I guess it’s from knowing each other for so long they are close but Cynthia is not at all attracted to Wilton and I really doubt he is attracted to her. Cynthia is into the more bruiting type and well Wilton is more the athletic type. But anyway I am sure you will hear plenty of gossip once you get settled here.”
At first I thought Carly was a bit snobby but I realized she was just the oldest member at the shelter and she became like a mother to everyone. She quietly watches and observes everyone making sure things are alright, without ever really getting involved in everyone’s problems.
“Ok well since Cynthia is nowhere to be found I will have to tell you how things work around here. Everyone works for their own share, so if you eat a lot you better work a lot to make up for the amount of food you eat. If you want to buy nice items and things for yourself you better work enough to make enough money to give to Cynthia and still be able to keep a small cut for yourself. I already told you this is my stuff and you can keep all of your things over there. I am sure some of the other girls will be able to lend you some clothes until you can make money to buy some of your own. I will try and get your client list for you from Cynthia once I find her. But it’s pretty much take care of yourself and don’t worry about anyone else. We all don’t mind helping each other out once in a while but I mean we gotta take care of ourselves first. You have to remember that everyone here is suffering just as much as you if not worse. We all have had it hard and are just looking for a break. No one needs another person hanging off of them asking for help so don’t start asking people. Like I said before we all provide for ourselves so it keeps things pretty simple. Everyone has a list of regular clients then every now and then we will gain a large case where the entire mansion will work together on one client. Oh that reminds me the rules, well it is not really rules just more of guidelines. Don’t ever give a client any personal information or information that could connect back to the shelter and or Cynthia. The only time a Client will ever come here is if we are all working on the case, and even then we do not tell the client this is our home. Normally Cynthia will make up some story about this being a vacation home or someone else’s home that we are just staying in for now.”
“What kind of clients are these people. You make it sound like they are all thieves and criminals that will rob you or something.”
“What do you mean exactly? The clients are thieves? What kind of a place is this?”
“Oh calm down! I guess Wilton did not tell you much about Cynthia huh? Well make sure your listening because I will not repeat this and god if Cynthia heard me telling you she would kick me out for sure. When Cynthia was a baby her family was in a horrible car crash both her parents and older brother died. She had been staying with an Aunt and wasn’t in the car during the crash. So she grew up with her aunt in a mansion up in Maine somewhere. When Cynthia was about eight she ran away from her Aunts home, and that is when she started roaming the streets. I guess people felt bad for the poor little girl and started giving her things like food, money and clothes. After a while she started to learn how to use her innocence and whatever else to trick people out of things that she might need. Once she was 16 years old she met a group of people who took her in and taught her how to con people out of more money. That is how she survived on the streets, and when Cynthia was 20 years old her Aunt passed away leaving her this vacation mansion. I don’t know how true any of it is but Wilton claims it is. Apparently Cynthia found him sleeping on the steps outside about a year after her Aunt left her the mansion. He says Cynthia let him stay here with her and a bunch of other people. There was about five people living here at the time and they weren’t making enough to pay the bills. At one point they received a letter saying the mansion would be taken away if they did not start making payments. To me it all sounds a bit too dramatic but who knows I guess it is all possible that is when Cynthia got in touch with the people who taught her about the con artist business and I don’t know how but they helped her find money to save the mansion. Then Cynthia met a man named Carl Wartinsen he started paying her to con people out of their bank account information. Eventually everyone staying with Cynthia started working with her to be paid by Carl Wartisen. Carl started telling his friends about Cynthia and her friends, so Cynthia started to turn her skill into a business. Now our clients are the people we are hired to con out of their money, but most of the time these people are con artists themselves so it requires more skill than just simply tricking these people into giving us there information.”
It was all so confusing. It was as if once I stepped into the mansion I stepped into an alternate universe where thieves became rich by stealing from other thieves. It was madness but Carly was completely serious the whole time. Although she wasn’t too convinced with Cynthia’s back story it was clear that this is how things were now and I was going to have a list of clients or people that I would have to con, and not just regular people but professional con artists. I had no idea how I was going to do any of this. I was not a thief I was not capable of lying and getting money. Carly must have seen the look on my face as I tried to process everything she was telling me.
“Don’t worry it is not as bad as it sounds. Cynthia handles all the technical stuff. All we have to do is get the bank information then give it to her from then on it is in her hands. She gives it to the people like Carl Wartisen then they pay her for it. Then she puts some of the money to bills for the mansion and the rest goes to us. Trust me you will get the hang of it in no time.”
“But Carly I don’t know how to con anyone out of anything!”
“Ok listen Jess it’s obvious you haven’t been on your own for long.”
“No I left school a few weeks ago.”
“Ha only a few weeks? You have no idea what it is like to be on your own. All you will have to do is take the guy out to eat have a few drinks get them comfortable and before you know it they will be in the palm of your hand.”
“Guys, drinking?”
“Well yeah see that is what I meant when I said involving minors makes things complicated. If minors start living here they won’t be able to keep up with the clients and it would be harder for them to get the information.”
“Yes I totally understand that, but I … I don’t think I can do this. I don’t drink and I have never been a social person. I don’t know how to talk to people and smooth talk anybody. Especially not guys, I have never had a boyfriend or even guys who are friends.”
“Jess take a breath I am sure you will do fine. Listen I am really tired I have been out with this bozo all night, so I am gonna get to bed. Go down the other hall the last room on the right is Cynthia’s office you can ask her about the clients, but I doubt she will give you a job for the next few days so she can get an idea of what you are like.”
It was dark outside and there were more people in the mansion then when I first arrived a few hours before. There was a group of guys out in the backyard playing basketball, and I assumed Wilton was out there with them. Then there was two girls sitting on the deck giggling and gossiping. As I walked down the other hall I noticed a few of the other rooms were set up similar to my room. One room the beds were stacked so it formed bunk beds and had an old oak desk push up to the far wall. Another room had several giant colorful beanbag chairs and white Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling. Everyone was off doing their own thing.
“Hey Jessie! You hungry?”
“Uh yeah I suppose…”
Out of everyone I met Wilton was the friendliest and most welcoming person. He put his arm around my shoulders and led me back into the kitchen. We walked pass the counters with people sitting on bar stools then up to a long table that had eight chairs around it. Most of the seats had already been taken, Cynthia sat at the head of the table with Peter to her left and a man named Aaron to her right. Then Carly sat next to Aaron and the entire right side of the table was filled. Wilton sat down next to Pete and a girl named Abigail. I was not sure where to sit, they all seemed to have assigned seats or something. Then Cynthia yelled, “Will you sit down already! Geezz I have never seen a more awkward person in my life!” I took the seat in front of me it was at the end of the table I was not sure who the people seating next to me were but they seemed nice enough.
Everyone began chatting, reaching across the table, and grabbing food off of the plates in the center of the table. It was like a crazy cafeteria scene that they show in all the movies about High Schools. I recognized the two girl sitting across from me. They were the girls I had just seen giggling outside. They started whispering to each other as they watched me try to reach around everyone to put some food on my plate. I knew they were probably whispering about how I kept spilling gravy all over the place or how every time the guy sitting next to me flung his hand up I practically jumped to the other side of the room.
As I looked around the table and over at the people sitting at the counter I wondered how many people actually lived here. I counted about 13 people here eating, but I did not know if that was everybody. I looked towards Cynthia at the other end of the table I remembered what Carly told me about how she ran away from her Aunt’s House and how her family died in a tragic car crash. As I looked at her I tried to figure out if it was all true. If it was it would explain why she was so rude and almost snobby. Slowly Aaron’s hand found its way to Cynthia’s as he whispered something in her ear.
Then Cynthia stood up and announced, “So since everyone is here I want to tell you what is going on with the The Bronte Family. I got wind of their value through one of our clients. We are being hired to find any information we can and gain any kind of valuable items or cash.
According to our client The Bronte Family has been traveling through the Midwest robbing and conning rich families for a few years. They have a big reputation out west, and according our client they are moving towards us. If we can get any information about where they have been storing their money our client will give the information to the police then split any rewards and profits with us. I have been doing research of my own on the Bronte Family, and I found that the family was five children two of them boys and three girls. They grew up in Oklahoma. I wasn’t able to find much on their parents, but I know that they grew up with money. When their parents died they left all the estates and money to the five children. Well obviously the children went overboard and were broke in just a few months. The rumors are that they children are so spoiled they began stealing everything they wanted from other well off families in Oklahoma. I guess when they realized they were good at it they began to branch out all throughout the Midwest.
There have been reports of people claiming to be robbed by the Bronte Family in Colorado and Nevada but nothing factual. Now our client has done part of our job by tricking them into thinking we are a very wealthy family who wants to make a business deal with them. They are hoping to con us out of all of our supposed money. All we have to do it keep up the story long enough to make them comfortable. Then while making the business deal we will get all the bank information we need. They will be long gone before they realize we took anything. From then on our client will handle everything and all of the dealings with the police.”
“Cynthia this is a group job? Are you sure this is a good idea. I mean considering Jessica is new. It is not like she knows how this works.”
“Peter please, no one knows how this works. Jessica is going to have to suck it up and learn how to take care of herself. Just like the rest of us did, I am not here to take care of some child.”
The room stayed silent as everyone turned and looked at me. I wasn’t sure what to do or say. Every one stared as I tried to slide down in my seat, I did not want to cause any problems or make anyone feel the need to take care of me. I came here because I needed a place to stay and a way to make some money. I never thought I would get wrapped up in some complicated world of con artist and thieves. Cynthia sat back down and everyone went back to eating, but there was defiantly an awkward tension in the room. Peter went back to eating his dinner and I sat frozen afraid to move. I was much more comfortable flying under the radar without anyone noticing I was around.
Slowly people began to finish up their meals, and as they finished everyone began to break off into their smaller groups just like they were before we sat down to eat. The two girls who were sitting across from me went and sat on the couch behind me and began to whisper and gossip again. I made my way down the hall to find Cynthia so we could talk about these clients and jobs. If I wasn’t so desperate for a place to stay I would have just walked out, but I had no place to go and if I slept outside again who knows what could happen and I don’t have enough money to find food for tomorrow. As I walked down the hall I realized most of the bedroom doors were now closed. The entire mansion seemed almost empty and abandoned like it was when I first arrived. As I stood outside Cynthia’s door I debated about going back to my own room and waiting until the next day to talk to Cynthia.
I knocked on her door. My fist hit the wood lighter than I intended, and I wasn’t sure Cynthia would hear. So I knocked again hoping she wasn’t in there. Wilton said she was a nice person but she was not happy I was here and getting in the way. She slowly opened the door. She was obviously upset that I was bothering her and being more of an inconvenience. As she opened the door and let me in the room I realized her room was much larger than all of the other rooms in the house. I suppose it makes sense though if the mansion was actually hers anyway.
“Ok so now that you have interrupted me, what do you want?”
“I uh.. umm”
“For god sake! Spit it out already! You came here you knocked on my door for a reason. What?”
“I … I wanted to talk to you about … well about me being here. I get it you don’t want me here. I don’t know why, but fine whatever. Either way you invited me to stay and if I had another option I would take it, but seeing as I don’t I am trying to figure out what is going on here. “
“Oh see look you can talk. Listen I have no problem with you being here, it is nothing personal. It is just that Peter is right you have not been here long enough to know how things work here. I just can’t take on the responsibility of taking care of or teaching someone what to do. Things here are crazy here now that April and Kathy left.”
“Oh, I want to help. I am worried about these jobs, but maybe working first with everyone I can learn and maybe … well I could try and take the clients that April and Kate had.”
“Whoa! Don’t get ahead of yourself there Jessica. April and Kate had been at this a long time. Let’s just say they knew all about being a con artist before coming here. There is no way you could gain that kind of experience in a short time. Plus having you around during the group job is too risky. If you say one wrong thing or slip up in anyway it will put the entire job at risk and the shelter.”
“Well… what if I try to stay in the background? I mean there is what 13 people living here I highly doubt they will be paying much attention to me.”
“Maybe but I can’t take that risk. Listen it is getting late you should go to bed, and I will come up with something. For now don’t worry about anything or any jobs I will figure it all out.”
“Oh ok ! Thank you!”
I turned and started to walk out of her room when she stopped me and said, “Hey! Don’t think I am gonna let you slack off forever. Once I get things figured out you will have a client list just like everyone else. I don’t care if Wilton thinks you a good person or if your friends with Peter. Everyone has to work for what they get.”
“Oh I know… but I am not friends with…”
“Do you ever shut up! Get out so I can go back to bed!” She slammed the door in my face.
Maybe Wilton was right. Maybe she was not as bad as she seemed, and maybe the only reason she can seem so bitchy was because of how she grew up and the story Carly told me. As I walked back to my room I realized how warm the mansion was. It had been a long time since I was able to spend a night in a warm place with heat, lights, food, and clothes. I heard rain trickling down the window by the bathroom; Carly was still asleep from this afternoon. I wondered if she would wake up in a few hours and look for food. I figured she would just go into the refrigerator and find some leftovers from dinner. Although we didn’t talk and I fell asleep a few moments after laying down in bed, I was glad there was someone else in the room with me. It reminded me of when I was little and shared a room with my younger sister.
We would stay up late at night lying in bed talking and giggling. Our younger brother would always get upset that we had each other to talk to at night and he was alone. We would stay up talking about the different games we played that day or something funny we saw, but most of the time we stayed up talking about what our parents were doing and why they were fighting. As I laid in bed listening to the rain I wondered what my brother and sister were doing. The last thing I had heard my sister moved out leaving my little brother and my mother alone. I knew she was going to move in with a friend of hers and the last thing I knew she was being interviewed for a job at some big corporation.
After a few days I started to feel more comfortable at the shelter with everyone. Cynthia was still a little rude at times, and I thought she had something against me but for the most part she sort of just ignored me. I spent most of my time with Wilton and Carly, once in a while peter would come sit with us after dinner. We all went and sat out on the deck and drank some wine. I did not drink but I would go sit with them and pretend to drink. It wasn’t that they would pressure me to drink but I already was an outcast because I was new, and when I told Carly that I didn’t drink and wasn’t a very social person she looked at me like I was crazy. I figured I should start practicing or figuring out a way to fake it so that when Cynthia did finally give me a client list I would be able to make some money.
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