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Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1871750
"Everything comes in a perfect timeline.” (Featured in WDC Newsletters)
FEATURED in The Writing.Com Newsletter - Short Stories: Reviewing as a Writing Exercise - Editor's Picks, by Jay's debut novel is out now! Author Icon, July 25, 2012

FEATURED in The Writing.Com Newsletter - Spiritual: Traveling Light - Editor's Picks, by Sophy Author Icon, July 25, 2012

FEATURED in the WDC Newsletter - Spiritual: Trust in God, but wear a Mask - Editor's Picks, by Prosperous Snow celebrating Author Icon, August 26, 2020

“Do you ever listen to me?”

“I always listen.”

“I need answers; explanations.”

“If you were capable of explaining to fire who I am, then you’d know the answers. Simply … believe.”

“ What is the secret of secrets?”

“Don’t torment yourself with questions. Your analysis of me will always be a fruitless attempt to understand the inevitable.”

“Why believe in what I don’t see; know?”

“Because of who, and what you are. It’s enough to know that you have the cosmic universal breath inside of you. You are.”

“Why do I exist? Is there a reason?”

“Yes, never doubt. The divine sparkle of knowledge enters your heart when you take your first moral decision. Everything comes in a perfect time line.”

“When do I begin? When do I end?”

“There are 9 divine sparkles of light in your eternal existence. The first one comes when you are 2,000 days old. The others come in due time. Be patient.”

“I must find answers.”

“Once the divine sparkle is in you, the need to know will exist. Unbelievable doors will open. You’ll be able to see without eyes, speak without words, hear without ears; understand. Patience.”

“When will I know?”

“Why the need to know who you are, why you live, and what awaits you after death? Why this angst and demanding wish to find before you are reached? Believe. It is what it is … for now.”

“Tell me what to do.”

“I do. You don’t listen.”

“I feel lost.”

“Men spend their time searching for something that has never been lost. When you look at a butterfly on a flowery tree does it know that I am the branch that supports it?”

“Am I immortal?”

“It is not about future or immortality of the soul but understanding life and eternity. Don’t be vain, in a hurry. This impatience is like trying to touch Heaven with the tip of your finger; suspicious, and distrustful of me. Trust.”

“I don’t think I’ll manage ... ”

“You have the strength within you; find it. Many forget.”

“I can’t do this much longer. I want to give up, but …”

“Let the world envelope you: succumb to the night’s darkness and whispers, and feel the stars caress your shoulders because they are nearly falling softly on you. Feel the warmth of the sun and the light of day; refuge in the firmament. Listen to the signs, and they will come.”

“I must be strong; I have to know better than that.”

“Let your intuition guide you; you’ll see your path shine ahead of you, illuminating your destiny, like wonderful, beautiful drawings, painted by Angels; multicolored. It’s your life!”

“I’ll make it happen! I’ll do what I can, once more, I will!”

“From the tiniest grain of sand in the deserts to the smallest seahorse in the oceans; from the tallest mountain in the continent to the largest rain forest on Earth, nothing happens without my knowledge.”

(For my dear WDC friend, Summer Wind is Fighting Cancer)

Words: 500 words Dialog
© Copyright 2012 ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams (chrisdaltro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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