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by Mr. E
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1871400
artanna siton the couch looking out the window watching the sun set
[22:27] <Dorean> Dorean walks into the room. She was unaware of him or so he thought. Not making a noise, he watches her.
* artanna lets a slow sigh out as sh watches the sun set she doesmot note his persance as she is fixated in the coloers of the sunset
[22:30] <Dorean> "What are you thinking about?"
how i loed to watch the sunset when i was mortal
[22:34] <Dorean> He walks over and sits in a chair opposite to her. "Do you miss it terribly?"
not really it would take me away from the only thing that matters in the world
[22:36] <Dorean> "What is that?"
you my love
[22:39] <Dorean> He smiles gently, but it didn't linger long. In fact every part of him had to fight the urge pounce on top of her, like some wild animal in the jungle. He bit into his lip playfully.
reaches to pull him to her lovingly to kiss him tenderly
[22:47] <Dorean> "What would you like from me? A kiss." He kisses her. "Or something more."
runs her hands down his back
[22:58] <Dorean> "Show me what you want." He started rubbing himself against her.
* artanna pulls Dorean into hernembrace rubing her hands over his body takine care to rubr herself against the specil spots that he loves rubed
[23:04] <Dorean> His mouth was on her neck. It took a great deal of self control from ripping into her throat. Instead he replaced it with gentle kisses, the type that would have driven the girls with a pulse wild. He wondered if it had the same effect.
* artanna grips his head kissing his lips pasionately as she rus his crutch gently
[23:09] <Dorean> "Show me how much you love it."
taks and grabs him and carries him into their bedroom and lays him on th bed and removes her night dress to show him her nude body
[23:14] <Dorean> "You know some men might be turned off by being carried. But hello--" Her nude alabaster was beautiful, like she was carved just for him.
[23:15] <Dorean> *form
[23:16] <Dorean> He removed his shirt, and flung it away. "Would you like to unbutton me?"
takes nd unbottens hi m one at a time slowly making it a bit more special
[23:19] <Dorean> He watches, her breasts bouncing from side to side. He could feel himself rubbing against the seams of his pants.
"More baby, more."
lets lose another button as shr tickles the base of his cock
[23:40] <Dorean> He giggles. "I want you so bad right now."
He grabs her hands, and inches her closer.
[23:46] <artanna> how bad do you want me lover
[23:46] <Dorean> "So so bad, you naughty girl."
licks the tip of his cock teasingly
[23:49] <Dorean> "I wonder what she has to say about this."
who lover ?"
[23:50] <Dorean> "Her," he rubs her pussy.
oh well why don`t you ask her lover
[23:55] <Dorean> "I would but she isn't close enough."
* artanna moves close as she can to him putting her pussey right into his face teasingly wiggling it at him
[23:58] <Dorean> He grabs onto her ass, pulling her so close, she mushes against his face. His tongue slithers inside her.
twilles hers around the cowl of his head on his cock
[00:02] <Dorean> He slides his tongue inside her folds. He lefts her for a second. "Do you like being given oral, the way I gave it to your ghoul."
[00:02] <Dorean> *lifts
me raises off his cock to answer him" Show me how you gave it to her " as she dived on to his hardened cock
"Use your breasts too. You know you love to spoil me." He began work on her pussy, giving her exactly what she wanted. Repeating the exact things he did to her ghoul.
rubs his cock in between her size 36 b tits as she plays with his balls
[00:19] <Dorean> He slurps on her folds, enjoying every moment.
licks the tip of his cock teasingly
[00:21] <Dorean> "Oh don't tease me."
takes the tip of his cock into lips softly
[00:23] <artanna> sill teasingly licking his tip
[00:24] <Dorean> His voice almost has a sing-song quality to it. "I warned you." He takes his tongue, and pushes it into her ass. He could feel her squirm, and shift on him. A loud screech escapes her lips.
now your asking for it as she shoves a dilldo in his as she suckles om his cock
[00:28] <Dorean> He jumps out of the bed, and removes it, vanishing into the bathroom.
aww what is wrong DOREAN!
[00:30] <Dorean> There is no answer behind the cracked door.
* artanna gets out of the bed and sits on the cold stone floor as she rocks back and forth sniffling as she feel alone again and whimpers into her hands as she rockes
[00:33] <Dorean> Blood spills out from the gape at the bottom of the door.
* artanna runs to the bath DOREAN OH GOD NO!
[00:35] <Dorean> The door cracks open ever so slightly....
she runs and opens the door tears of red streaming down her face
[00:40] <Dorean> The door closes behind her. Dorean pushes himself on to her, and they collapse to the floor. "Sorry love, I had to teach you a lesson for that." He points to the empty blood pack by the door.
* artanna just doesnot say a word just looks at him with a vacate eye stare as she doesmot move now not even a blink of her eyelash
[00:44] <Dorean> "Don't even try it." He kisses her so deeply, that suprises even him. "There are some things men are just not ready to face."
there is still no reaction she seams frosen now
[00:47] <Dorean> For the first time he looked truly scared. Not like a game, not like an act. But, a great sullen abyss stood before him. "No, no, no, no, no." He bit into his wrist, and held it to her lips. "Don't even try." This time his words seemed desperate.
* artanna drinks the trickel as some seam to roll out of her lips and down her breasts
[00:50] <Dorean> "I'll diableries myself if I have to, just say something, please." If he had a heart, it would have been breaking.
a stuttered word as her eyes seam to glass over her vision is of another time she holds a childe in her arms one she couldnot save all the blood in the kit didnot work
[00:53] <artanna> NNNNOOOOO!
[00:55] <artanna> she snaps out of it and looks at Dorean licking his wound closed
[00:56] <Dorean> He holds her face to his. "Look at me. Look. At. Me. You want to know the truth, I'll give you the truth. I never loved you before, not once. I didn't want to be alone for eternity. But, I do love you, that is the thing, even without the bond, I would still love you. Do you hear me? I love you."
"Leave the past behind you. Leave the regrets back there. I will be your future, as you are mine."
[01:02] <artanna> she looks at him her face turnes beat red "YOU DIDNOT LOVE ME AT FIRST "DOREAN I AM A CONVENIANCE IS THAT ALL NOW YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME BOND OR NOT WE WILL SEE NOW WON`T WE! gets up and leaves the bath and the bedroom getting her robe as she walks away to the ajoining room and falls on the other bed crying heavily
[01:04] <Dorean> He gets up and follows her. "Artanna please come here, I want to tell you something very important."
[01:04] <Dorean> He offers his hand.
[01:05] <artanna> she just crys on the white bedspread that now is turning red with her tears
[01:09] <Dorean> He sits on the bed beside her. "You wanna hear something funny. When I was first made, I thought my life was truly over. I instantly knew what I was. Then things...well you know. I did what she said, and came to Lamar. Then I found you. You were a cool breeze in the wind. I thought you could ease my ache for my own sire. I was wrong, you are more than that to me now."
He puts his wrist in front of her face. "You see this? These are my teeth marks. I would have died for you back there. I will die for you still, just to hear you laugh again. I will not leave you, and I will not be doing that again."
[01:12] * artanna looks up at him her tears staining her alabaster porcine face
[01:14] <Dorean> "I am not like those who have come before. I want you, all of you. I just hope you still want me." He turns away from her.
[01:16] <artanna> "it hurt more to hear you say those words when i would go to war just to see you live i would go in to topor if i was to loss you ever Dorean that is what you have become to me my life is nothing without you in it
[01:18] <Dorean> He looks to her. "I understand that now. You said it before, but now I believe it. Please don't hate me, beloved." He puts his hand around hers. "You are the moon, and I am just some fool on the road at night. Without you I would be lost."
Hate you that i can`t ever do i can only love you the words you spoke tore my undead heart and you will have to mend it slowly my sweet love
[01:24] <Dorean> "No, I won't have to mend it slowly. Let me show you how much I love you." In that moment they both understood that his blood lust had always been leading to this moment.
* artanna starts to back away slowly at first the she moves fast
[01:26] <Dorean> It had forseen how much he really loved her, before he ever could.
[01:27] <artanna> Dorean what are you going to do ?"looking at him with fright in her eyes
[01:27] <Dorean> "Where are you going? I-I...." Those red tears start to stream down his cheek.
[01:28] <artanna> she stands there looking at him her own tears falling from her eyes
[01:31] <Dorean> "I can no longer help my feelings for you. You are my whole world. Your face while you sleep. The way you hold my hand. Your rocking body. The unbelieveable sex. You are everything to me. You are my life now. But, was I suppose to know or say that in the beginning." He was sobbing. "How could I."
[01:34] <artanna> walks back to him and takes him in her embrace "my dear sweet baby i truely love you and would die with out you please look at me
[01:34] <artanna> donot cry now please
[01:34] <Dorean> He looks at her, the lines showing in his face.
she kisses his lips with so much passion that if he was a steak he been very well done as it was so heated with love
[01:38] <Dorean> "I love you, absolutely. And, if I was near death, I would want you to drink me away, so I could have a part inside of you forever."
[01:38] <Dorean> "That is how much you mean to me."
and i would gladly give you my last drop if i was near death to always be with you
[01:40] <artanna> that is what you mean to me i can`t live without you
[01:40] <Dorean> "Then do not fear me not loving you, because it is there for the taking. Never doubt it."
as for you never fear my love for you my beloved
[01:42] <artanna> hold on to him as if this was her last night of life
[01:43] <Dorean> He grabs hold of her, letting the love fill him up. It was without question. It is a complete feeling.
this kiss she layed on his lips burned with all the love she had pushed down all those centuries and her passio over flowed it`s banks rushing out into him as compleat as any love could had been for all the worldsa lovers to see her blue eyes sparkled in the dim light of the lamps in the room
[01:47] <artanna> passion*
[01:49] <Dorean> "You have blood all over you."
[01:50] <artanna> so do you giggling now as she points to his chest
[01:51] <Dorean> "So does the bed, and the bathroom."
both bedrooms do as well as the bath
[01:52] <artanna> we have made a mess of this suite
[01:53] <artanna> it looks like we murdered sone one
[01:53] <Dorean> "I would hate to go over this house with a blacklight."
yes that would be a fright
[01:54] <artanna> as it`s had it`s share of death
[01:56] <Dorean> "Where I come from there is only one way to fix a fight."
[01:57] <artanna> oh and how would that be my love
[01:58] <Dorean> He smiles, and rubs his fingers against her pussy.
[01:59] <artanna> shivers at the touch
[01:59] <artanna> oh " moans abit
[02:00] <Dorean> "Ummm Artanna..." He pulls his fingers up. "Have you been wet this whole time?
[02:00] <Dorean> *"
looks at him have you been hard all this time "pointing to his bonner
[02:02] <artanna> you make me that way my love
[02:02] <Dorean> "Guess so."
touches his bonner
[02:08] <Dorean> "Are you sure about this? I mean after all we just did?"
[02:11] <artanna> yes i want you more now my beloved
[02:11] <Dorean> "I'm happy." There were no false pretenses, only that fact.
[02:12] <artanna> i love you my sweet bit of heaven on this dead earth
[02:13] <Dorean> "Have I sewn you back up?"
[02:14] <artanna> yes as it was you who cut me in two
[02:14] <artanna> only you could bring me back
[02:15] <Dorean> "No more hurt, just love." He grabbed her and pushed her down on the bed. He waited for her to make the first move.
grabs him and kisses his lips as she tickles his ball as she plays with his cock
[02:16] <Dorean> "Please though, never again with the dildo. That was just weird."
[02:18] <artanna> ok baby i won`t if you don`t put that toung of youre in mine
[02:18] <Dorean> "You didn't like that?"
it was just wiered to me
[02:20] <Dorean> His boner was pulsating against her stomach.
[02:21] <artanna> me strokes his cock and giggles as her pussey drips iyt`s dew on to the bed
[02:22] <Dorean> "So your telling me you have been around this long, and never done that?"
[02:23] <artanna> no i never did that just figured out the viberating cock thing
[02:25] <Dorean> "Were gonna get in all sorts of trouble in the future." He giggles as he fingers her.
[02:25] <artanna> chuckles and moans as she squirms more
"Which hole would you like me in?"
[02:30] <artanna> OH both my lovePLease fill them all up
[02:31] <Dorean> "Guide me into you."
* artanna takes his rockhard shaft and guides it deep into her drenched pussy
[02:32] <Dorean> "Oh your so tight, how are you doing that?"
[02:34] <artanna> control of the nussles down there my dearest"
[02:34] <artanna> mussels*
[02:36] <Dorean> His hips were moving on there own.
* artanna move her parts in a cascade motions that she has not in a long time
[02:44] <Dorean> Her boobs were moving this way and that. It thrilled him, and forced him to resort to slow rough thrusts.
"How old were you when you first had sex?"
[02:51] <artanna> in my mortal life i was 13
[02:51] <artanna> and you
[02:52] <Dorean> "I was 16."
[02:58] <Dorean> He licks her face, and looks embaraced he did so.
[02:58] <artanna> giggles at the licking
"What else would you like me to do?"
[03:02] * artanna moves her pussey i a way that he has not felt
[03:03] <Dorean> He tenses up, put the pressure disappates after a second. "Wow."
"You almost got me." The precum dripping inside of her.
[03:11] <artanna> move again
[03:12] <artanna> in that special way
[03:13] <Dorean> "Don't stop on my account. I want you to get off too." He pushed a finger insider her, just above his cock. He made a hook shape with that finger, trying to bring her closer to the edge.
moans and quivers and moves her lady in anouther ways tighting the mussels in a construting way
[03:18] <Dorean> He was getting closer, she made sure of that. He positioned her so she was laying on her side, he positioned himself behind her.
[03:19] <artanna> moans and draws him backinto her with a vicelike grip
[03:23] <Dorean> He increases his momentum, drawing himself in and out of her pussy to her ass. Creating a dual sense of pleasure.
[03:26] <artanna> shuddes and shivers and moans deeply
[03:28] <Dorean> He couldn't hold it. "Together. Cum with me. I can't hold." He pushed into each of her holes faster and faster with supernatural speed.
[03:29] <artanna> lets loose her juices and floods his cock with the fluids
[03:31] <Dorean> He barely had enough time to pull himself out, and let his dick rest over her face
licks his cockas she looks at him
<Dorean> A white flood explodes over her face. It oozes down her body on to the new bed.
gags as she was in the middlie of a lick as the valcano erupts
[03:36] <Dorean> His balls still twitch. Short eratic bursts of white hot liquid ejecting from him. Her face was covered.
* artanna look up at her lover as the wole explosion comes full force in to her face
[03:40] <artanna> whole*
[03:40] <Dorean> His eyes droop, a deep sign of contentment captured there. His legs wobbly beneath him, and again he collapses on the bed.
[03:42] <artanna> hold on to Dorean as he tumbles on to their bed
<artanna> hold on to Dorean as he tumbles on to their bed
[03:45] <Dorean> "Where have you been all my life."
[03:53] <artanna> right here waiting on you lover
[03:54] <Dorean> He takes the sheat, and wipes her face with it. "We always end up sleeping in cum."
<artanna> hold on to Dorean as he tumbles on to their bed
[03:45] <Dorean> "Where have you been all my life."
[03:53] <artanna> right here waiting on you lover
[03:54] <Dorean> He takes the sheat, and wipes her face with it. "We always end up sleeping in cum."
[03:55] <artanna> yes and it so fun to do
[03:55] <Dorean> He brushes his hand through her hair. "Your right. But, I don't envy the maid or whoever cleans the sheets."
[03:56] <artanna> i know lover it`s always a stick mess
[03:58] <Dorean> He covers them both. He lays his face on her breasts. "Think I'll sleep like this all day."
you can my love cradles him in her loving arms
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