Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1871364-Elli-And-Dixi
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1871364
A horse named Elli and a rider named Dixi meet. Dixi trains in Elli and enter a big show.
At Sunrise Stables there were two long ilses of horses. In the asle to the left was Elli. Elli was a Blue Roan. She was 14 hands tall and 5 years old. Elli had a calm sweet personality. On the right side was a snoby, rude, and snoopy horse. She was a thorubread with a chesnut colored coat. her name was Nable Gift. Elli's owner Dixi has been riding at Sunrise Stables for three years now and her second year got and started boarding Elli. On the other hand Nable Gift's owner Rose was also the same type of girl as her horse. Rose had also been riding there for three years and got and started boarding her horse on her secong year too. It was summer time and school was out and since Dixi had nothing else to do she would go to the sable and do chorse around the barn such as... exercise horses, muck out stalls, tack horses up for the next lessons, feed the horses, give them baths, and lots of other stuff.

One day Dixi was walking down the asle looking at her boots with Elli's water bucket filled to the rim and didn't see Rose in front of her. Then Dixi tripped over her other foot and ran into Rose. Water splashed all over Rose. Soaked, Rose screamed " look what you did to my new riding outfit you little twerp." Supried and scared at the same time Dixi said" I-I-I-I-I didn't mean to. Realy I wasn't looking i'm so sorry" and then dropped the bucked at her feet and ran into the tack room got Elli's saddle, saddle pad, girth, and bridle then walked pretty fast to Elli's stall and tacked her up as quik as she could then took her out front ofthe barn, mounted and rode off. While walking through the woods Dixi started talking to Elli. " Sorry girl I knew you were eating lunch, but it was an emergency. I splashed water all over Rose and didn't wan't to get in trouble by Mrs. Joy."

Mrs. Joy was the owner of Sunrise Stables. She was so sweet, but when it came to disaplen well lets just say she wasn't so sweet then. It was getting dark and Dixi was getting kind of worried if she would make it back home in time. She and Elli had turned around about ten minutes ago. In another hour or so they finally arived again. There was know one in sight and so they qiutly crept into the barn and Dixi untacked Elli. Before Dixi left Elli's stall she whispered " good night Elli I love you." she also prepared for getting yelled at by her parents. The next morning she Elli all about what happend last night " this morning they yelled at me pretty bad Elli. I'm also grounded from TV for a week." Elli was thinking about that all after noon. When Dixi was leading Elli out to the arena Dixi stopped and was staring at the post board. What she saw was a sheet for the River Side Show. Dixi tore off a sheet and stuffed it in her jean pocket and kept on leading Elli out to the arena.

When she got out there she wen't to Mrs. Joy and asked " Mrs. Joy?"
"yes?" Mrs. Joy said
"on my way out to the lesson I saw the sheet for the River Side Show and well I was wondering if you could train me and Elli to be in the show?"
Mrs. Joy just sat there spechless for a minute then finally said " well if you really wan't to and will put the time and effort into a guess.." " thank you thank you thank you" said Dixi then mounted and went off trotting. The next few days Dixi and Elli were a team in traning. Days and days pasted and finally the day before the show came. That night Dixi was cleaning Elli's tack, bathing Elli, going over her dresege and jumping, and putting boots, a blanket, braids in her mane, and a cover over her tai. When she was done she wen't home and wen't to bed. The next morning Dixi and her parents woke up and got ready to go. Dixi put her hair in a bun, her shirt and vest on, her new clean jods on, and her clean shiny boots on.

After that Dixi wen't to the barn and loaded up Elli and the tack and hit the road. After about a half an hour drive they finally got there. They unloaded Elli and tacked her up. Then the anouncements came on " Elli and Dixi to the dressege ring please" Dixi took a deap brethe and mounted Elli " here we go girl I know we can do it." she trotted into the ring and did her dressege. Then the came into the line up. The anouncements came on and said " the first place winner of the dressege event is ... Dixi riding Elli from Sunrise Stables. Dixi gave Elli a big hug. " great job girl." got off and walked out of the arena. She hugged her parents as they conglagulated her. The next event was jumping. The anoucments came on and said " Elli and Dixi come to the jumping ring please" she took a deep gulp this time and mounted then walked into the arena. She jumped all the jumps perfectly so far, but when she got to the last one Elli touched it. It wabbled, but amazingly staded on. Dixi was so releitly. Then the anouncements came on and said " the winner os the jumping event is ............................ " the paused for a minute then said " Dixi riding Elli from Sunrise Stable. Dixi smiled a huge smile dismouted and sqeazed Elli as hard as she could. When she got out of the ring she ran to Mrs. Joy and said

" thank you so much for all this." " no thank you for making me proud." said Mrs. Joy
Elli whinned also saying thank you.
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