Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1871054-Just-take-its-Hand
by Kage
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1871054
This is pretty scrambled, I was really tired and it was like 2 in the morning.
I remember much, but not that much.

I remember the cave, it was in a canyon. I was excited. Adventure
I thought, excitement, above all I was curious. I had some feeling,
I couldn't really tell what it was. Fear mixed with anticipation I think.

All I really do know is that, I wish I hadn't gone there that night.

I wouldn't have found what it hid, what was really there. I could have
lived my life in happy ignorance but I just couldnt stay still. I just
couldn't let it lie. I had to find out so of course I went.

It was that day two teenaged boys a bit shorter than myself dared me
to go explore the crevices of that canyon. I didn't know them, nor did
I care for their dare. But of course I was curious. I'll have you mind the
phrase curiosity killed the cat really does quite sum things up.

So I took their dare and I took them with me, I don't know their names.
I could have cared less. It was the girl that came along that interested me.

Tall and lanky with long brown hair and kind eyes that had behind them
an iron none could crush. She was angry with them, I cant remember why.
She came with.

The cave entrance was easy and wide, you could walk right in.
At first I couldn't tell what was going on, something didn't seem right.
Something was wrong but I pushed it away. The boys who were with
us were no longer there, I assumed they had decided to head of on their own.
I'm not even sure if the girl was with me at that point. I didn't look back.All I'm sure of is
that I walked through more than just a cavern. The wide entry gradually
became smaller and darker more difficult more confusing there were soon tunnels
everywhere leading away into darkness most not large enough to stand up in. I had
a light it wasnt very good but it worked. I could see in front of me only a few feet,
then my small light was gathered into darkness.Taken. As I walked it became difficult to
see, it was like a haze in front of me and I just couldn't see. The haze became blurrs, and
the blurrs became images. Images. of the girl with brown hair and steel eyes. Images of the
boys ,so eager for adventure as I had been. But there were now two new characters.
A small girl not six years old, beautiful blonde hair ,blue eyes ,and an inocence found only in
children of that age. Also her sister who must have been seven or eight a bit taller with redish brown hair
and a quiet demeanor. I believe they both were related to the older girl I met. (Forgive the
confusion but I kept no names and unfortunatly couldn't ask any for I'm sure a reason
you'll understand later.)

Soon the images began to move, as if I was watching.

There were the two boys, and the three girls. They were told of something,
something they wanted. Each was different. But imagine something beyond
treasure, something that could mean everything to you. Something
you wanted so dearly you could give anything for it. Imagine it.

Now imagine that it is in the highest point of the tunnels I now explore.

Wouldn't you go get it?

I couldn't, not now that I know what kind of things there are inside those caverns.
But they did not know so innocently they went.
The two boys and three girls. They stopped at the beginning of the cavern.
They sensed it. This thing that beconed them. Things that could be.

But I will tell you now it is all a lie.

They pushed it off and went along. The trip was difficult,confusing and soon
they were lost deep inside the tunnels. But it was nothing compared to the treasure
that awaited them. Nothing at all. 

They reached the highest point.

There they could see it, a ledge and above the ledge a hole that gaped and led only to darkness.The
treasure of all supposedly just inside. It was big enough to climb through. They could make it.

But between them and the ledge gapped an even larger hole. It dropped straight down.
No one could see the bottom. No one could leap across. A final warning. But what was
it compared to the treasure that awaited them? Nothing.

The youngest girls wanted to turn back, they wanted to go home to go away. But
the boys dared them.The oldest girl, the one who now supposedly guided me. She would not
have it, she was strong ,she was young ,and fierce she would conquer this darkness.She attached
her climbing rope to the edge in a solid spot and tied the other end to her waist.
She began to climb across a wall ,getting closer to the ledge.

Once she made it she crossed back and helped the younger girls.
They were small and though terrified ,what was it compared to all their dreams that were
going to come true?

The youngest with the soft blonde hair was across first and left to sit on the ledge beneath
the hole. She gazed up at it into it's dark and vast expanse. As the older girl prepared to take
the second youngest across she happened to look back at the ledge.

It looked darker than before. And where was the young blonde? Wait no there! There she was
standing nearly beneath the hole looking up, something was wrong though. You could not see her face.
It was as though the dark swallowed the light and no matter what angle the flashlight shined. It could not
illuminate her face. Soon it spread. Only could you see her from the knees to her tennishoes. And she was
talking to someone. She appeared to be hesitant slowly trying to inch backward and away.

No matter what, I could not see this thing! The light would not meet it, only darkness.
But I did see one thing,. finally.
One thing. A hand.

A hand that appeared as though it had been dead for a millenia but still its flesh attempted
to conquer that which time had taken. Brown and crumpled it reached to take the girl.

But not to take the girl as you would think. Not a push, a pull ,a shove, a show of force.
Not a grab. But a promise. A take.

It would give you the world, just take its hand.

Just take it.

Thats all.

But the girl we could see shook her head slightly.

Then she continued talking.


She spoke to us.

"He says you can't come with". "That we can't all go with".
"That we can't..." she trailed off and looked up again.

"That only the bravest can go" she finally stated. And at that sentence.
The hand pointed to the girl with steele in her eyes. And she
glared back meeting it's challenge. She crossed over first takeing the
smalles girl back across to join her sister. Then she went to the hole.

The thing offered it's hand to her.

(I still could not manage to shine a light that pierced the darkness about it.)

Only the hand could I see.

Take it.

It offers the world, anything you want. If youll just take it.

Then the girl with steele in her eyes, she took it.

The darkness, it grew a bit seemed to expand as though its range was greater.

And she was gone , we couldn't see her. And what's more.
She didn't come back.

The images became a blur and the blur a haze. And soon there I was
in the tunnel, I walked along further. This time the girl with long brown
hair was no longer with me. I don't know how I just turned a corner and
she was gone.And I walked alone and forward. Then a sudden jolt!

This rock in front of me, it looked familiar. Something,. , then the haze again. And there I stood
with the two smallest girls in a field outside with the two boys.
They spoke to a woman, the boys mom and told her of the girl.

Then something else , an argument between the boys. One closed his eyes,
and lowered his head.

Then again the caverns,the boys they told the two small girls they would help them find
their sister, that they would take care of them. But something wasn't right.

They killed the girls.
The small blonde with brilliant blue eyes, and her quiet sister.
They threw their bodies into the pit they had to cross. The pit
they had to cross to reach that highest ledge. The one that promised everything.

(I know this may be confusing and I know it may not make much
sense ,but please bear with me.)

And as the haze faded, I knew where I was . I was looking across the pit.
At the ledge. There was the hole in the ceiling right above it.

But the treasure said to lay beyond. I didn't even think about it.
I could feel something much stonger. Something dark. Something
that could take you. Something very strong ,yet so subtle you would not notice
it unless it was right on top of you. Just behind you.

It would take you, it would fool you for you would just take it's hand.You
were in control. It promised the world. Just reach up and take it's hand.

I knew I had to get away, it had not given me it's hand I think. But I could feel it
there and I could feel it moving and I could feel it growing.

And then the haze again. This time I saw the two boys , they were yelling.
One couldn't take it anymore , one was going to tell. And the other. The other killed him.

The other wouldn't tell anyone,the boy stabbed his brother. Not once but many times.
With his knife and with sticks and with anything he could. Even after he was dead. He killed his brother
in the outcropping of trees.

Then he took the body ,and went into the caverns.

I'm not sure if he killed himself also, but I think he did.

The haze vanished and I ran as fast as I could. The boys hadn't run off,
the girl hadn't lost me around a corner. Something was wrong.

I remembered the boys mother didn't live far. I ran out of the maze somehow.
and I went to her.  I told her I had seen her boys. And it was then she told me of their
death. Supposedly she said they were exploring the caverns but it was so long ago, time to move on.

She didn't act like the mother I'd expected, no emotion as she spoke
of her sons ,no tears,she seemed to not even care they had existed. On the contrary she encouraged others to explore
the very canverns her sons supposedly died in. It never crossed her mind to mention
the danger. And what was it compared to the treasures that lay in wait?

The greatest things you could imagine, all hopes,all dreams. All these things.

All these could be yours, just take it's hand.

What are these minor details in comparison?

It was then, that I went back to the caverns. I wound my way through
the tunnels. And I found others, as I had expected. Others who were lost.
Most of them young. Most children.I warned them I told them to run I told them to get out.

Because now you see. This thing was moving. and you couldn't tell.
Not until it was right behind you.I tried to take them out. Tried to show them a way.
But I'm not sure.

There was a particularly steep slope, and I was talking to a young girl with straight
black hair and thick glasses. But she was to intelligent to listen to me. She would go
her own way.

Then I felt it, that thing. It was then she lost her footing. She fell a few
feet down the slope. But I reached to grab her,as I did my own gesture
was met with one that seemed to hold far more promise.

Once again I watched that creature offer its claw. It offered a hand made of rotting flesh,you would think
to not take it.  But... This was a small thing if it offered the world.You could take it's hand.
Just take it as casually as if it were a friend.

I don't know what she took.
I can't remember.

The next I remember is the tunnels changeing.
Getting out was impossible, and then I remember the mother of the two boys standing in the tunnels.
She was trying to act as though she sent me.

It was then I asked someone to show me the way out, for the thing was getting closer. It's range was
growing it was expanding.

I saw her glance sideways and give a slight nod in my direction. Had I not seen it. I would have gone
after what appeared to be the shadow of a child that ran along the wall of the cave down a tunnel to my left.
Would've made sense to me, I think I came in that way. But I saw her. And that thing was getting closer.
So ,right I went and a hard way it was rubble slowed my progress but I found the way. And out I went.

I ran to the group of trees. And I saw the boy who regreted his choice. The one who had helped kill the small
blonde and her gentle mannered sister.The one who wanted to tell. He wanted to come with me. But as I ran through the trees I noticed,
that like the oldest girl with long brown hair. He fades in and out, sometimes it seemed I lost him in the trees.
Often for far to long. He had been right beside me. We arrived at the fence. And there , creatures barred my way.
Gray, some small some large most deformed as though someone had taken a human, and pushed them into a mold that had been
damaged or crushed. And their skin just filled in the places. They had no eyes ,or mouths ,only black like that in the tunnels .The one I could not penetrate
with my flashlight.I asked someone for protection. Suddenly these things that had advanced toward me now turned to the side.
They walked past me. Some were small like children. The boy behind me begged me to take him with. But I couldn't.
He faded in and out. I think he had made his choice.
Whatever it was I couldn't help him.

To fight enemies you do not know,that you cannot touch,nor intimidate,or scare,or defeat. These things.

I could do nothing to them. Humans you hit, you fight ,you can touch them ,feel them. I couldn't do that
to these things. But what was most worrying was it's lie. For it is a lie.

Just take it's hand.
It can give you the world.
It offers it as though it were your friend , your guide.
But really when you take its hand.

It takes you.

What's worse.
You chose it.

© Copyright 2012 Kage (kage2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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