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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Ghost · #1870652
A young girl gets haunted everywhere she goes.
Chapter 1
14 year old Katie Turner and her parents moved into an old Victorian 2 story house
not knowing the history behind it. It had been abandoned for five years before they
bought it and there were many stories about it. It had been the scene of a very
horrific and multiple murders and the spirits still haunted it. Katie did not believe
this since she did not believe in that sort of thing but was investigating anyway.
However when things started happening that was unexplained she started believing
and wondering if maybe these things were true. However when she did research on
the stories, nothing came up. “There isn't a thing on the house." she said as she
closed another book. She then looked at the clock and realized she had better get
home so she gathered up her books and left the library.
She took out her i-pod and put the ear buds to her ears. She hoped on her bike and
headed for home. As she approached she felt a cold chill that made her shiver. “It
isn't that cold outside." she said to herself as she reached her house and parked her
bike. She took the ear buds out and shoved the I-pod back into her back pack.
“Mom." she said as she sat her back pack down on the sofa.
She began to search around and as she was searching she saw the blood splatters all
over. She began to panic and frantically searched for her mom. She reached the
bathroom and heard water running. “Mom you in here?" she asked as she turned
the knob. She noticed it was wet with something and as she looked down her hand
was covered in blood. She then opened the door and found the lifeless, headless
body of her mom lying in the bathtub.
She screamed and ran over to her mom even though she knew she was dead. She
reached in the bathtub and pulled her dead mother out. “Mom." she screamed as
she threw the body back into the bathtub. She got up and left the house and down
the road screaming.
A neighbor heard the screams and went out to investigate. He spotted her covered
in blood and ran over. “Are you ok dear?' he asked as he approached her. She
looked at him through her tear stained eyes. “My mom is dead.” she said as she
struggled to get the words out. The guy reached for his cell phone and when he
turned around he spotted her running back down the road towards the house.
He ran after her with the 911 operator on the line. When he found her she was
sitting beside her mother's body. He then turned and ran out of the house because
he was about to get sick and needed air. He wasn't wanting to stay, but he knew he
had too because he could not leave the scene until the authority's arrived.
When he was outside he could fell the cold chills. He then heard the sirens and hung
up. He should have left then but he didn’t. The police than asked him questions and
as soon as he answered they sent him home. The cops entered and right away
realized that it looked like a scene straight out of a horror movie. There were at
least two dozen cops there, plus the crime scene unit, detectives, uniformed officers,
the coroner, and a social worker. The cops found the little girl sitting beside the
headless body of her mother.
The house was taped off and the investigation was started. They searched
everywhere and could not find the head of the mother, but found a note instead
telling them to get out of his house. “Not sure what happened but we have a murder
on the loose carrying around a severed head." one of them said. So they finished
their work and left. They heard the stories too but did not believe them.
However as they were leaving they saw a mysterious black creature descend from
the house holding the severed head in one hand and a knife looking tool in the
other. They then shouted freeze and called for back-up, but when back-up arrived
the creature had disappeared.
The mysterious creature than re entered the house and descended back into the wall
and ate the head of the dead woman and waited for his next victim.
Later that night
Katie was released to the custody of her Father and she was upstairs working on
some research about the house. Her dad was downstairs and watching the news.
She was so absorbed in her work that she did not see the headless spirit of her mom
approaching her. She felt a cold breeze to make sure that the windows were closed
and to her surprise they was. She then rubbed her arms before getting up to get a
blanket. As she was sitting back down she saw the ghost of her mother sitting on
her desk and she screamed really loud.
She ran out of the room screaming and went to the living room where her father
was and screamed when she found his lifeless, headless, and cold body still sitting in
his recliner. She knew he was dead but she picked up his body anyway and
screamed as she threw it back down in the chair. She then ran out of the housed
and down the street screaming.
The neighbors heard the screaming and went out to investigate. They then found
Katie covered in blood and screaming “ My daddy is dead. My daddy is dead.” she
screamed. One of the neighbors called 911 while the others stayed behind to try and
keep her from running back to the scene. The officers than came with detectives,
the coroner, investigators, and un uniformed officers. They then started questioning
everyone including Katie and once again no one knew a thing. So they headed down
to the house and the crime scene tape was quickly put up. They saw the headless
body of her father and it was taken away. They then searched all over the house for
the father’s severed head and once again came up with nothing but a note that was
exactly like the first.
“ For fuck sakes what is going on in this house?” the lead detective said as he
picked up the note and put it in the baggie. So the investigation was done and
everyone turned and left the house. As they were leaving they all spotted the same
black mysterious creature and once again back up was called. However, this time
someone took some pictures of the creature but when the pictures was developed
nothing was there. However, the pictures was distorted in the place where the
creature should have been. So they knew something was there but did not know
what it was.
© Copyright 2012 hannah johnson (hjohnson79 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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