Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1870576-Lily-meets-Drakar
Rated: · Other · Children's · #1870576
A small rabbit finds the adventure to change her life.
As I was holding onto the bell that was tied around my neck on a single piece of silver ribbon, I wondered how strong this ribbon actually was. I had been trying for days to untie the thing since my mama fox tied it on me saying that it was for my own good.
         So I had a couple of angry gnomes chasing me into camp… And a bunch of thistles stuck in my fur… Big deal. It’s not like the gnomes had any signs stating that they didn’t like rabbits sniffing their flowers! Anyway! I was hopping on my three free paws, holding the bell to keep it silent while I snuck away from camp…again. It is so boring there! There’s nothing to do… I mean, sure, I can always annoy papa wolf, but after so many times, there isn’t much left to do short of shaving off his fur. And even I’m not that foolish of a rabbit, so I snuck off into the woods to seek an adventure. Any type of adventure would be welcome, even being chased by angry bees again. Thinking about the bell again, I guess mama fox really did charm it, ‘To keep you from sneaking away from me again, Lilian.’ Safe… And bored to death!
         I sat beside a big rock when I was far enough into the woods to know none of them would see or hear me messing with the bell, I started tugging at the knot, and even tried chewing it off, but nothing worked. I sighed, and short of screaming at it, I gave up and began my journey deep into the woods. Today I planned on going deeper than ever before, cursing the bell every inch of the way.
         As I went further and further into the woods, the sun became fainter and fainter above me, and eventually dimmed to nothing but shadows and the ever so slight glow of lightning bug butt. It was so dark, I almost considered turning back until I smelled something new in the air. See, normally; the woods smells like normal woods type things. Moss, dead leaves, the occasional skunk, and the honey from the giant bee hive in the oak not too far away, but now… I smelled… Adventure!
         Actually, I smelled something burning, but mama fox always said my restlessness made me not see the danger of things. So, I started hopping right toward the scent, my bell tinkling with every hop forward, when I hopped whiskers first into a giant, scaly boulder.
         ‘Huh…’ I think. “I don’t remember there being a boulder… let alone a scaly one here…”
I looked around me and figured out exactly where I was, which was about 800 or so hops into the woods, ‘cause the gnome garden was just over- “AHHH!” The boulder moved! Its scales rippled and a long, deep sigh came from it. Suddenly, two massive and glimmering wings expanded from its sides. “A DRAGON!” Oh, was the look on mama foxes face going to be awesome when I told her I ran (literally) into a dragon!
I backed away, the bell clanging again my chest, almost in time with my heart pounding against my ribs.
The dragons wings opened and expanded the width of almost 100 trees, and had a shine to them that made me squint just to look at it. Standing on my hind paws, I was just barley able to see all of him. He was massive, and I was tiny, so naturally I turned and just as I was about to skitter away, a deep and booming voice called my name.  I turned and stared at him.
“Uh…” My mind and my mouth wouldn’t connect! I sat there, my paws quivering as I looked up at him.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I have landed here from a journey given to me in a dream by my goddess. I have been sent to meet me soul twin. I was told to listen for a bell, and I would find her.”
Soul twin… That sounded awfully familiar…
“Just so you know that I’m not here to harm you, your mama fox found you in a field of daisies two summers ago. You had never known your true name, so she renamed you Lily, because of one: the field, and two: your fur is as white and soft as a lily’s petal.”
I felt my jaw drop, but my heart started to slow down. Maybe he is my soul twin… but did she really have to make him so….big?!
“Why are you all the way out here? I can feel that home is a bit a of a ways from here, little one. Oh, my apologies. My name is Drakar.” He smiled at me and I heard my bell tinkle.
“Home is boring. There’s nothing left to do except shave papa wolf’s fur, and I’m not totally sure I want to do that… yet.” I smiled up at him and looked his scales over.
“Hey, those things ever itch? ‘Cause I know my shoulder itch something awful sometimes and it is SO hard to get the right spot! I can’t imagine what it’d be like to have scales! And to be so big, too! I have to roll around on bark or run under prickly pear bushes until I stop itching. It looks like a silly dance, but it works!”
Drakar laughed a booming laugh that shook leaves from the big tree tops. He then extended his wing out to me, “Hop on, little one. I want to get you back to camp and meet your mama fox and papa wolf. And yes. They do get awfully itchy. One day I will have to try your scratching dance.” He smiled back at me and with an easy swipe of his wings, took to the air high above the trees.
Touching my bell, I thought to myself that maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing to have on.

© Copyright 2012 Lilian Rabbit (littlebunnybee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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