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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1870519
Short story, Plans on series. Story of Gearld and his rise.
Chapter 1
    Everybody went silent. We knew we were heading into something bigger than our self. As this sensation was washing over me, the masters disappeared. The room went black and screams could be heard. My fingers were getting sweaty but my gut told me to go forward. I don’t know why but I just followed. I mean what bad could happen. The more I went forward the safer I felt. Eventually I ran into a door. I felt around. I could tell it was wooden and I didn’t feel a knob so I figured it was a push open door. I ran back and slammed the door. It barely creaked open. I stepped through.It was first like looking at the sun but my eyes adjusted. The master hat was talking at the beginning of the meeting was standing right in front of me. “Good job. Today’s training is done. Go up to your den” He left a little smoke cloud where he disappeared from. Him disappearing tells me, one really important thing. That he is a wizard. As I was processing this, visions flooded my mind.
    The visions went too fast for me to comprehend what was happening. But the visions started to go slower so I could tell what was happening. There was a man about my age. He had brown hair. He was about 5' 11” and 150 lbs. The regular person would think he was just like them but I’m not a regular person and he isn't regular either. His eyes were a dead giveaway. His eyes were navy blue. Only a master wizard can have that color eyes. My dad told me all the signs of a master mage and he would know because he is one. There's no way this can be my dad though because my dad became a master mage at 30. This man was 20. But it was alarming. Why would he be in assassin’s training? The 2 groups never went to war so he couldn't be a spy, at least, I think. As I was thinking the master talked to him and disappeared. This mage, knew what to do. He walked over to a brick, which, at first it seemed like the other bricks but at second glance it showed a little red mark. The mage pushed it down. It went down easily but he was probably using some of his mage power to help. After the press, bricks started to come out of the wall. They weren't big enough to be stepping stones but they were big enough to climb. The vision started to speed up again and went away.
    I looked closely for the red mark in the brick. Eventually, I found it but it was more faded. With a simple press of the bricks; the other bricks came out and I started to climb. Eventually I got to a hole which I figured was my den. I pulled myself up. I went in and was surprised to find this was my den. It wasn't pretty, but it had a bed.

Chapter 2
    “Do you remember yet?”
    “No. But this sounds interesting,” he said, “Go on.”
    Idiot! We are running out of time.
Chapter 3
    I woke up to the loud booming sound. It wasn't a sound but a voice. It was talking to me. It said “Today is your 2nd day of training.” I couldn't tell where it came from. For the most part there wasn't anything in there that would emit sound. But, no problem. I put on the lightest clothing which meant I had a choice between my clothes from yesterday's clothing or yesterday's. It is a hard choice but I choose yesterday's. After I get the clothes on I wonder how I’m supposed to get down. Yesterday I got up by climbing, now how am I supposed to get down. It definitely wouldn't hurt to go to the entrance.Ha! I should have expected the impossible. I magically appeared in the war room. It had blades of different length. Every one of the blades was a dagger but it was hooked to a gauntlet. This meant that it's probably just meant for stealth combat. Just on time. The master appeared. He told me to take what ever blade I wanted. It didn't really matter to me, so I just picked the one nearest to me. He choose the only longsword. It was rusty but still usable. “Fight.” He first studied me. So I tried to study him. He had a robe on so no part of his body was visible, except his hands. His sword hand had a deep scar. This meant that he would swing just a bit slower. A few dodges and then a strike would be a good strategy. He was waiting for me to attack now. He probably saw my light and lean body. All this meant was that I would have to out wait him. He was patient but he realized that I wouldn't attack. He came at me. He was quick but I was quicker. He slashed at me. I dodged. He slashed again. I dodged but now I was backed up against a wall and I don't know how to use my weapon. Then this urge came for me to do a jump off the wall. I didn't have anything else to do. So I did a jump off the wall. I went right over his head and although he did knock off part of my clothes, it was awesome at the moment but he quickly got me in a corner again. He is about do his final slash but time starts to slow down.
    The visions start to race inside of my head. But its showing the same vision. I saw the man and his master. His master had him trapped in a corner. The master went in with a strike that could have killed the great Hercules. The man blocked his strike with his blade and he slid the blade around the sword. He then moved the blade toward his master's body. It left a deep gash in his hand and rendered him unable to use his sword. It struck me. His master was mine.
    HA! This man is weak. How could I have ever thought he was strong. I got him trapped in a corner again and he isn't doing anything. Probably too scared to do anything. ”TIME TO END THIS!” I said as I slashed down.Wait! He just blocked my attack.... but I thought. He slid his blade around my longsword. How could he? I knew what to expect next. I teleported to the other side of the room as he slashed towards me. There's no way this could be him. I need time to think. “Tomorrow is your last.” He probably can't solve a riddle himself. Is this him?

Chapter 4
    “Has the spell wore off, DO you remember?” “Yes, I remember. Everything, it was horrible. How did you know he was me?” “You left me a sign.” “I think I remember.” “Well the next day he tried to kill me but I was too strong. The next 2 weeks he taught me everything he knew. Then he tested me.”
Chapter 5
    It was catching up. There is no way I’m going to out run it. I had to try and use every bit of my dad's blood in me to stop it. I just can't summon it up though, I have to put myself in some kind of dangerous situation and surprisingly this isn't dangerous enough so I jumped off the circular stairs that I was running on.
    But, time slowed and visions ran through my head and slowed so I could tell what was happening. This time though I actually felt his presence. All I saw this time was him teleporting. But it was enough. He did his sign. Every mage creates a sign that represents him. My dad is this mage.
    As I came out of this vision, the acid is coming up and I am going down. I searched my body for every bit of my dad’s blood in me and focused. I don’t know exactly what to focus on but anywhere would be better than here. The acid starts to burn at my shirt but right before it reached my body, I was whisked away. This room I am in is dark. I can’t even see my hand. “I know you noticed but there is one thing you didn’t notice.” “Who are you and where are you?” I needed to know this before I could take him out.“Good job,” fate had led me to my master or my ex-master, “You’ve taken my lessons to heart.” “What are you doing?” “Don’t go too far ahead, now. Don’t you want to know what you didn’t notice?” “What then did I not notice?” “I am a wizard but I am more than that. I am a legendary wizard.”There’s no such thing. He’s playing mind tricks. Trying to get inside my head but why?“There is such a thing. It’s even better than being a master wizard. It eliminates that stupid eye color.”Wait! He is telling the truth. He has been doing stuff that only a master wizard could do. I was blind to it just because of his eyes. He is even stronger than my dad.“That is right I’m stronger than your dad.” “Get out of my head!” “But you were the one that let me in.” “Earlier, when I was naive.” “OK. I will leave but I offer you a choice.” “OK.” “I offer you ultimate power.”Some lights snapped on and they were shining on my dad. He was trapped in a chair.“Kill him and gain the ultimate power or cut his bounds.” “OK.” “If you cut his bounds, I’ll let you go with him out of here but we will find you. Besides this man is of no use to you, for my spell made him forget everything he has ever known.”This was not my decision. Fate led me here and I know what I must do.“Bye.” It was a forceful strike. The ropes that held him were gone.“Wrong choice. But I am a man of my word. Now, get out!”We were out on the street, only my dad and me. I looked to my right and saw the doors I used to enter Assassin’s training.

Chapter 6
    "That is enough! Son, why did you tell me this?"
    "You needed to know, not to mess with him when we find him."
    This assassin took control of me and made me forget everything. I know not to mess with him. "What do you mean find him?"
    "He's corrupt. But, like he said, he'll find us and we will kill him. We sit here and wait; they'll look elsewhere but eventually come back here."
    "There's going to be more than one searching for us. How will we deal with them?"
    "He dosen't mean masters, only recruits."
    This is my same old naive son, just a bit less.

Chapter 7
    We waited a week and finally they found us. They caught me off guard. They descended from the rooftops and attacked. I was able to hold them off but eventually they would overrun me. My dad got the worst of it though. He was barely holding them off. Then he showed up and waved them off. He seemed different, cocky.
    How did I hold them off. Luckily he came. Enraged, I made a sword out of ice and rushed him. He summoned some air magic and slammed me against a wall. I realized then, that this wasn't a fight, this was a slaughter. Unless. Yes, I know what I must do.
    He tried convincing me to go back with him but I know not to. Dad! He got slammed against the wall. His legs were probably broke. But he was getting up. The men descended upon him again like locust. But a red aura started to cover him, all the while he just kept talking but, finally, he turned around. He started to back away and jumped for cover. All that I saw next was men flying and light. It felt like dying but it also felt like new power. The light disappears and all I see are men scattered throughout the landscape and my dad disintegrating. Eventually turning in to dust that couldn't be put together. That power that I felt earlier, was surging through my body. It took over me and I heard a voice say "Your welcome."
    I got out from behind cover and looked towards the explosion. The boy eyes caught my attention. They were pure light.
    "Do I have to go?"
    "OK." I met the fortune teller before heading off on my spy mission.
    "I see.... your death. There will be a man that overpowers you. AHHH. His eyes are made of light." She had faint after those words. Much good was she.
    This was him but my training, I will overcome him"

Chapter 8
    Everything felt like a blur. But I found him down on the ground, near death. "HA, no justice for corrupt."
    "I wasn't corrupt *cough* I needed the power."
    "Look where that got you."
    "Don't you think about killing me," he said it with a tone that didn't show absolute care but greed, "I was a wizard so if you do kill me you'll be in trouble."
    "You think? I'll take my chances."
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