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Chapter three of Kyra and Jon |
Chapter Three The drive back down the mountain was nice. The sun shone brightly, forcing Kyra to snag Jon’s sunglasses from the dash and put them on. When he had opened the door for her before they left, she hopped in and didn’t go an inch past the middle. Brittany and Sam snuggled in the back not saying much to either Jon or Kyra and she wondered if Brittany was mad at her. She turned to smile back at her apologetically and Brittany just shrugged and smiled back. Jon fired up the truck and his hand took its place on her knee. Kyra gave Jon the needed directions to the apartment loudly, possibly waking everyone in town. As he pulled up to the front entrance, he got out and held out his hand for her. She took it and slid off the seat into his arms. Brittany gave Sam a quick kiss and Kyra heard her say she would see him later that night. Kyra’s mouth dropped open as she stared at her in shock. Brittany winked at Kyra and headed into the building. Jon squeezed her hand effectively bringing her attention to him again. He shut the door and gently led her to the front steps. He stopped and turned her to look at him, taking both of her hands in each one of his. He took a step closer to her so they were only inches apart. There was that smell again, that simple clean, male smell. She didn’t think she would ever get used to it. With a frown, she realized she didn’t have to get used to it since the night was over and she doubted she would see him again. He raised a hand and placed it on her cheek, tracing his thumb along her lips gently. “Why are you frowning?” He asked softly. “Well, for one, if I don’t get in there Face will get to the shower first and this is a bad thing.” Kyra said with a sweet reassuring smile. “Of course.” He said, still holding her in place with his gaze and not seeming to want to let go. “And two?” There was something behind those green eyes of his, a hesitation? She was usually pretty good at figuring out what people were thinking but Jon was a completely different story. “Two? I would much rather stand here with you.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek and after disentangling her fingers, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “But I really have to study and get some sleep.” She didn’t realize how tall he really was until he bent down and put his massive arms around her waste and lifting her up. Giggling like a child, she shoved her face into his neck and squeezed him tightly. He set her down gently, all too soon according to her, and lightly kissed her forehead. Sam knocked on the passenger window. He must have dragged himself over the seat to sit in the front. Jon glared at him over her head. “It was…nice to meet you Kyra.” He whispered in her ear, kissing her neck, and sending sweet shivers down her spine. “You too Jon.” She turned to go and he let his hand go with hers until they could no longer hold on to each other. “When can I see you again?” “I don’t know.” She laughed as she walked backward towards the glass door. Her cell phone began to ring. It was probably Brittany telling her to hurry up. “When do you work again?” He asked as she dug into her back pocket to pull out her phone. “Uh…Monday, it’s a game night, big tips, big spenders.” She replied distracted by the number on the screen. “Then? Can I see you then?” He pleaded. “I’m usually pretty busy on game night, but you are welcome to come in of course. It is a free country.” Not recognizing the number, she declined the call and put it back into her pocket. “What are you doing tonight? Tomorrow?” This made her laugh. “Studying for finals.” She said. “I graduate next week.” “Really? Congratulations. I never asked what your major was.” He took a step towards her. Sam knocked again and held three fingers against the window. Jon turned and glared at him, again. She stopped at the door and simply gazed at Jon. “Uh thanks, its Nursing.” “A fine degree to have. You can work anywhere with that.” “That was the idea.” The incessant knocking from Sam continued, enough to make Kyra glare in his direction. “Listen, I gotta take Sam home before he has a stroke in the truck. Can I take you to dinner tonight?” She thought about it for a little less than a minute. Of course, she was going to say yes. She had made the decision to have a little fun her last two weeks of school. She glanced at her watch. If they go at six, it would give her time to study, shower, and possibly fit in a nap. “Sure, okay. Meet me here at six then?” He smiled that wonderful smile, “I will be here.” ~********~ “You what?!” Brittany hollered from the bathroom over the water spray and steam. Kyra knew it was a bad idea to let her get in the shower first. Now there wasn’t going to be any hot water for her. “I said! I agreed to go to dinner with Jon tonight.” “We have finals to study for!” “I know, I have time, and if I heard you right you were going to go see Sam tonight too.” She countered. “You caught me.” Brittany said as she opened the door. “Its all yours.” She said with a knowing grin as the steam billowed out of the room behind her. “Of course it is. Thank you so much for leaving me some water.” She said as sarcastically as she could. “I think I will wait until after I take a nap.” “Okay, I’m going to study then. Can I borrow your laptop?” She said as she pulled out her blow dryer from the drawer. “Sure, you know where it is and no porn this time. Took me a week to get that crap off the thing.” Kyra said as she pulled of Jon’s hoodie and threw it over the chair back. “I do NOT look at porn!” She said with feigned shock. “Uh huh…I guess you are feeling better than you were last night?” “Ya, I am not sure where that came from. I was probably just tired.” Brittany quickly dried her short hair, pulled on her favorite set of sweats, and began her study routine. A Dr. Pepper and a package of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups lay on her bed as she pulled out her books and began to read. Since Brittany had always kept the room at negative twenty degrees, Kyra was already under the covers and flipping through the channels on her TV with the headphones on. “You are going to have to give that hoodie back you know.” Brittany said between mouth fulls. “Yeah, I know. But its mine for now and he is going to have to ask for it.” Kyra giggled. “Sneaky, dirty, Kyra.” She said and wiggled her brows at her. “You know it.” She giggled. Not finding anything interesting, Kyra tuned it to HBO and tossed the remote to the foot of the bed. She rolled over and made herself comfortable listening to the beginning credits of some movie she’d never heard of. Kyra didn’t remember much after that as it never took her long to fall asleep when she was tired. She’d had that dream again. The unknown man had been chasing her. Why couldn’t she get off the street? Just make a turn and run, fast. Her heart was beating out of her chest and she couldn’t catch her breath. Fear clenched at her throat and she screamed but nothing came out. She begged people for help as they passed her but they seemed like they couldn’t hear her. She screamed again and grabbed a passerby; he ignored her and kept walking. Why can’t you hear me? She cried out. Just as he reached out to touch her she was jerked awake. “Face, time to get up.” Brittany said smiling down at her. “Really?” Kyra realized she was panting and tried to slow her breathing. “Yup. Your phone keeps ringing with an unknown number too. You okay?” “Ya, bad dream I guess.” Sitting up straight in bed Kyra wiped the sleep from her eyes. She wondered how long she had been asleep and why Brittany hadn’t woken her sooner. The sun was lower in the sky casting a shadow into their room; it was definitely passed her study time. Furious, Kyra groaned and crawled her way over to the desk that sat against her bed. She checked the time, five pm. She had slept way too long. “I’m going to take a shower.” She said warily. “Okay.” Brittany said as she started to apply her mascara. “Going to meet Jon later?” “Yes. Six I think? I dunno, I am still sleepy.” Brittany giggled at her. “Well you’d better hurry then. Can I borrow your car?” “What’s wrong with yours?” Kyra asked as she stopped to turn the water on in the shower. “Too small for Sam’s wheels.” She replied. “Oh! Sure, it just needs some gas though.” “No, problem.” Kyra closed the door to the bathroom and groggily rubbed her face. The steam from the hot water began to fog the mirror over which Kyra was always grateful for. She hated looking at herself in the mirror. She was so plain, too curvy for her taste, and her boobs were definitely not the size she would have liked them to be. Her blonde hair was stringy and had no life and she never did anything to it other than blow dry it so it wouldn’t frizz out. She heard the heavy lock on the front door click into place as Brittany left. Thank God, now she could just relax and think. Kyra removed her clothes and stepped easily into the shower. She enjoyed the bite of the hot water as it hit her skin. She quickly began washing and scrubbing all the important parts. She could feel her sleepiness starting to wear off and an anticipation anxiety start to take its place. How was she supposed to make it through tonight, alone with Jon? Yes, she had spent all of the night before with him without a problem but she knew that her best friend was only a scream away. Now she was to be all alone with him. What a weird thought, did he frighten her? She didn’t think so; he hadn’t given her a reason to be scared of him. He was nothing but gentle and only soft-spoken words were ever said. He was daunting that was for sure, he was big. Really big, but not scary. The tattoo’s that covered his arms told her that he was strong and proud and she thought they were beautiful, not scary. He was well dressed and obviously worked out. Of course, he worked out; he had to for his…line of work. She couldn’t think of anything that would have told her to be frightened of him, even the darkness she saw behind those wonderful green eyes was not something of evil, sadness maybe. Interrupting her train of thought, her phone rang loudly in the next room. She shut off the shower and wrapped a towel around herself as she went out to see who it was. Glancing at the screen the unknown number showed again. “Hello?” She asked as she brought the phone to her ear. The phone was silent but whoever it was had not hung up yet. “Helloooo?” She asked irritated. When there was no reply, she brought the phone down and hit the end button. “Whatever.” Setting the phone back down she made her way to her closet to find something to wear. She had pulled out everything she owned and still had not found the perfect outfit for tonight. Jon said he was taking her to dinner and there were only so many places in town to go. She decided on a simple pair of jeans and a light blue blouse from Brittany’s closet and a pair of black heeled sandals. She wouldn’t mind as long as Kyra didn’t spill anything on them. Tossing the towel into the hamper, she got dressed. She shoved her phone, some cash, and her ID, into her pockets, and began to blow-dry her hair. Her phone went off again with the familiar vibration. Shutting off the blow dryer, she reached into her pocket and pulled it out. It was a text message from Jon. Hey, its Jon. Got ur number from Sam. I’m outside. Want me to come up? She hit reply. No, be there in a min. Just finishing up and finding something to wear. She hit send and put the phone back in her pocket. She finished with her hair and put the dryer back under the sink. Grabbing a hair tie off the back of the door, she quickly put her hair up in a ponytail. She checked her pockets one more time, decided she was good to go, and made her way downstairs. Jon was waiting for her in his cherry red truck. She watched him play with his phone and toss it onto the dash. He turned and faced her and she caught an angry look that shook her. Maybe it wasn’t sadness she saw in those eyes. His face softened once his eyes met hers and she smiled warmly at him forgetting the fear she had just felt. She began to make her way to the truck and he put up a hand telling her to wait. He opened his door and walked over to her. “You look amazing.” He said grinning. “Thanks.” She said. He took her hand and led her to the passenger side of the truck. Opening the door for her, he simply watched her as she climbed in. Nervously she wondered if she should scoot to the middle again but decided against it. This was an official date after all, one that he had actually asked her on. Without taking his eyes off her, Jon closed the door, made his way back to the other side, and climbed in. “Did you get some studying done?” He asked her before firing up the truck. “Nope.” She replied, “I was taking a nap and Brittany let me oversleep.” He chuckled and the truck turned over. She had almost forgotten how loud the thing was in the few hours she had been away. Jon drove her through town and out to the main freeway. The ear splitting noise of the truck made conversation impossible so Kyra just looked out her window at the passing world. She quickly realized that they were not headed towards town where the restaurants were. She wondered where they were going but knew she couldn’t ask without having to get closer to him. His male smell permeated the atmosphere and it was all she could do to sit there instead of forcing him to stop the truck so she could kiss him to death. She chides herself at her reaction; it should not be possible that he can affect her this way after knowing him all of five minutes. Jon flipped the blinker on and made the sharp right turn into the ice cream parlor parking lot. She knew immediately where she was, Al’s Homemade Ice Cream and Soda shop. She smiled widely at the happy memories of her father taking her to this very place almost every day after school. He listened to her intently as she prattled on about school, her dreams, and nothing in general. He never judged, admonished, or insulted her. It was probably why she had a terrible time refusing the sweet goodness of homemade ice cream. Jon shut off the truck and grabbed his phone from the dash. Shoving it into his back pocket, he opened his door and made his way over to hers. Kyra knew he would want to open the door for her again so she just watched him as he walked around the front of the truck. She took his hand without hesitation as it was offered to her and slid off the seat. “I haven’t been here in ages!” She said excitedly, squeezing his hand. “Sam told me it used to be your favorite place and I thought why wait until after dinner when we will both be too full for ice cream.” He said apologetically. “This is the best place you could have taken me. If it is my heart you want Jon this is the way to get there.” She couldn’t believe she had just said that. “In that case, I will take you here every day.” He smiled down at her with amusement. They walked to the window in silence and Kyra ordered for the both of them. Only the best will do she had told him. Two large waffle cones with strawberry cheese cake ice cream. Jon paid the clerk and they made their way to a small table licking the quickly melting ice cream on their way. Kyra watched him as he licked the side of the waffle cone. Sweet Mary mother of God that was sexy. Her stomach did flip-flops in her belly and she couldn’t seem to pull her eyes away from his mouth. He smiled at her with a child like glee in his eyes. Funny how ice cream can bring out the adolescence in an adult, she thought. She resisted the urge to take his face in her hands and kiss him and instead decided conversation would be better. “My dad used to take me here all the time. One time it was my birthday and I was nine,” she remembered, “he asked me to always be his little girl and always be nine. I agreed of course and every year since then I get birthday cards congratulating me on my ninth birthday.” She smiled at the memory of that summer day. “I supposed I am the youngest girl to ever graduate nursing school.” Jon chuckled, “I like that, although it is a little awkward to be on a date with a nine year old.” He smiled at her. “Your dad still around?” “Ya, he lives in California now so I don’t see much of him anymore. My parents divorced when I was eighteen and he remarried.” “Well, at least you didn’t have to deal with a step mom growing up.” He said matter of factly. “Actually, I probably wouldn’t have minded. She is the most loving person I know. I wish I could have known her growing up. My mother on the other hand is…Well, she is just someone I don’t get along with very often.” She took a lick of her ice cream and suddenly did not feel like finishing it. Jon nodded at her revelation as if he knew exactly what she meant. “I can understand that, my father and I never got along either. We are just too much alike I think. He has to have it all his way and I have to have it all my way. We never did see eye to eye on anything. If he was right, I had to go left. Part of the reason I joined the Navy instead of the Marines.” “He was a Marine?” She asked. “Is a Marine.” He stated flatly. She looked at him confused. Jon laughed, “Once a Marine, always a Marine, my dear. He’s retired though.” “Do you see him much?” “Not since he threw me out of the house after I told him I had joined the Navy.” He shook his head. “I call home once a week to talk to my mom but he never has anything to say to me.” She could almost feel the regret he had and strangely, she felt as if she wanted to bare that weight instead of him. “I’m so sorry.” She said and took his hand. “Don’t be. Its old news now. We have a routine of not speaking to each other.” He smiled, but it did not quite reach his eyes this time. He squeezed her hand and sighed. “Alright, enough about our parents. I want to know more about you. What are your plans after graduation?” She hadn’t really thought about it. All she had ever wanted to do was get out of her small town life. She chose nursing so that she could go anywhere she wanted, even Alaska if she felt like it. “I was thinking I would apply to work at the big city hospitals. Anywhere but here I suppose.” She said with a shrug and tossed the goopy mess of melted ice cream into the trashcan next to them. Jon followed suit and took a seat next to her. Yes, conversation is much better, she thought, at least for now. “What’s so bad about being here?” He asked. “Nothing, but I grew up here. I want to see the world, not the same people who watched me grow up and know all of my most embarrassing moments.” “Hmmm…I wonder what those could be.” He mused. “I will never tell.” “We will see about that.” “What about you?” “My most embarrassing moment?” He asked. She laughed, “No, what are your plans after leaving here.” “Whatever the Navy tells me to do. I don’t really get a choice in the matter. I’m stationed out of Norfolk Virginia and usually I am on thirty minute standby.” “What does that mean?” “It means that when ever the boss calls, I have thirty minutes to be ready and waiting for orders. We just got back a couple weeks ago so another team is on stand by while we get our R and R.” “What’s it like being in the Navy?” “Well, at home it’s like a nine to five job. I go to work, do my daily stuff like clean gear and equipment, file paper work, and listen in on briefings. We exercise a lot of course and we are always training for combat in everything we do.” “I don’t think I could do that.” She said, “I’m way too lazy. Once in awhile I will go for a run but normally I am a fat cow and I would much rather veg on my bed for days.” “Can you keep a secret?” He asked. She nodded and he motioned for her to come closer. When she leaned in, he whispered in her ear sending chills down her spine. “Me too.” He leaned back and ran his fingers through his hair guiltily. She paused for a moment. “In that case, let’s get out of here.” She smiled wickedly at him and took his hand. He raised an eyebrow at her but followed her lead as she took him back to the truck. Stopping by the passenger side of the truck, she opened the door and motioned for him to get in. Jon cocked his head to one side questioningly. “Keys Jon.” She said as she held out a hand to him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key, which dangled from a gold key chain. Unsure whether to give it to her she sighed, yanked it from his hand, and walked away. “I do know how to drive a stick.” She said half annoyed. She could almost feel his relief. Before firing up the enormous engine, she looked over at him and he appeared nervous. Slowly and purposefully, he clicked his seatbelt into place. His six-foot frame sat stock-still as he looked out the windshield and his hand wrapped around the bar above his head. “Really Jon?” “What?” “I am a country girl with country roots. I have driven tractors, trucks, and cars since I could reach the pedals.” She glared at him. “Which wasn’t very long ago apparently.” He glared back. “Did you just make a short joke at my expense?” She grumbled as she realized she would have to pull the seat forward to actually reach the pedals. He just smiled at her with that goofy sexy grin and watched as she felt around for the lever. “Nope. You did that all on your own. I just stated the obvious.” She tried to remain angry, she really did, but it was just so hard to contain. Tears welled in her eyes and she attempted to restrain the laughter that bubbled up out of her. They both laughed together for a while until she was finally able to find the lever and yank the seat forward, which sent them both into another fit. “This thing got four wheel drive?” She asked after catching her breath. He looked at her wide eyed and nodded. “Good.” She flashed him her most evil grin and buckled her seat belt with a click. She fired up the truck, threw it into gear, and spun the wheel, spraying gravel as she tore out of the parking lot. She didn’t bother to stop at the stop sign, which had Jon white knuckling the overhead bar. Her smile never faded as she ripped down the freeway at breakneck speed. The speedometer topped out at eighty but she was pretty sure she was going faster than that. Knowing he couldn’t yell loud enough to catch her attention he sat rigidly with his eyes closed. She began to slow and made a wide right turn onto a dirt road fish tailing the truck into an almost full out spin. She easily corrected it and flipped on the headlights. To be honest, she had never really driven any vehicle as she was driving his truck but she simply couldn’t stand the male attitude against women drivers and she was going to break Jon of that habit quickly. Not that she had any right to break him of anything, but at least for the time being she was going to make sure he knew that she was no ordinary girl. She whipped her way around the dirt road easily and finally came to a screeching halt, much to Jon’s relief, in front of a large A-frame house. She killed the engine and turned to look at him. His face was ashen white and she didn’t think he realized he was holding his breath. Good thing she had decided against using the four wheel drive. He may have expired right there. “Breathe Jon.” She smiled sweetly at him. “Where…in God’s name…did you learn…to drive like that?” He panted. “My brother taught me.” She said plainly with a shrug. Jon placed his hand over his heart and closed his eyes again. He leaned his head back against the seat and breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth. Something he must have learned in training she decided. “Come on pokey.” She said as she hopped out of the truck. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she pulled it out. It was a text from Brittany. I less than three your face. Do you need a rescue call? Kyra hit reply. Not this time :) I think I just scared the pants off him! He might need the call instead. She chuckled at the LOL she received and put the phone back in her pocket. Another text came through after that but she ignored it and walked over to meet Jon who had at least made his way out of the truck. His hands were on his knees and he was bent over panting. “Seriously? It wasn’t that bad!” She said exasperated. “I…will…never…let you…drive…again.” He said quietly between breaths. Laughing she took his arm and attempted to lift him upright. He moved quickly and grabbed her around the waist flipping her over his shoulder. Kyra screeched and pounded his back with her fists. “What are you doing? Put me down!” She squealed. “Not until you promise never to drive like that again.” He said sternly as he began walking towards the house she had parked in front of. “Ugh…fine you big baby.” “Promise!” “I promise never to drive like that again! There! You happy? Now put me down.” He did. With no grace whatsoever she landed awkwardly on her feet, stumbled, and promptly landed on her rump. “Ow!” She exclaimed and glowered at him. Ignoring her Jon stalked by and kept walking towards the house. Since it was the only one on the road, it was a pretty good guess that it was where they were going to go. “Whose place is this?” He asked. “It’s mine.” She replied as she rose to her feet and dusted off her behind. “Yours?” He said with a little too much shock for her taste, as if she couldn’t possibly own her own place. Well, technically she didn’t. “Yes, mine. My dad left it to me when he went to California.” “Sheesh Kyra, why don’t you live here then instead of in town?” He asked genuinely curious. She couldn’t fault him for asking, she had wondered the same thing herself sometimes. “Honestly, I can’t afford the gas back and forth between work and school. I was going to sell it once I leave here.” As she walked passed him she punched him in the arm as hard as she could. He even had the decency to look hurt and rub his shoulder. “That’s for dumping me on my ass.” “The mouth on you. You could be a sailor.” He smiled. “I doubt that but I learned to cuss like everyone else, I just choose when it is and is not appropriate.” “So just now was appropriate?” “Yes, and well deserved.” She said as she stretched up as far as she could above the doorframe and pulled down a key. He was watching her amused that she had to stretch to reach the top, she glared at him playfully. Even though the house was pretty much empty she always kept it locked just in case. She had electricity on and some beer and Dr. Peppers kept in the fridge for those times she just wanted to get away. Unlocking and pushing the door open, she gestured for Jon to enter. He bowed slightly and took one step inside. She heard him gasp and could swear she could see the drool forming at the corners of his mouth. She knew it; her place had always been a bachelors dream. Seventy-two inch LCD HDTV with four giant speakers made up the surround sound and lined the back wall of the living area. Brown leather Lazy boy love seat couches each equipped with armrests and cup holders sat a few feet from the big screen. Hardwood floors, marble counter tops, vaulted ceilings, and a fridge full of beer. What more could a man want? “Holy crap Kyra.” “Ya, it’s pretty amazing right?” She said as she closed the door and walked passed him to the kitchen. The house was an open floor plan so there were no hallways and whoever was visiting could have the main tour of the house simply by standing in the doorway. He watched her as she opened the fridge and pulled out two beers. She closed it with her foot, popped the tops off the bottles efficiently, and tossed the caps into the trash like the pro she was. “Make yourself at home. The bathroom is over there to the left,” she said as she pointed towards the front door. “And the remote is over there on the table. I am going to run upstairs real quick.” “Okay.” He said. Handing him one of the beers she turned and hustled up the stairs. She had planned to change into her comfortable clothes, which meant sweat pants and tank top, but changed her mind. She settled on something a little less slob like and found a pair of cloth shorts and her Green Bay Packers jersey. Tossing her clothes into the hamper and putting her phone into her pocket, she made her way back down the stairs. She found Jon lounging on her couch, beer in hand, and some sports game playing on the TV. It wasn’t football or hockey of course so she wasn’t interested. She snuck up quietly behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He didn’t even flinch, just reached up, and rubbed her arm with his free hand. Leaning his head back, he looked up at her and smiled. “Wanna watch a movie instead?” He asked. “Up to you,” she shrugged. “This is fat cow veg time.” Smiling she hopped over the back of the couch, flipped out the footrest, and pushed back so that the section leaned all the way back. Placing her beer in the cup holder, she put her hands behind her head and sighed. He laughed as he watched her and then did the same. Jon flipped through the thousands of satellite channels until he came to the Deadliest Catch, one of her favorites. They both watched in silence and were amazed at the size of the crab the boat crews were bringing in this time. “I couldn’t imagine being on a working boat like that in the freezing cold and dangerous water.” She said. “I dunno, seems like a breeze to me. Better than getting shot at.” He said nonchalantly and took a sip of his beer. She looked over at him wide eyed and shocked. The fear evident on her face. Who would want to shoot at that gorgeous face? She thought. She then realized she was an idiot. He shook his head at her and gave her a weak smile. “I’m sorry; I forgot you’re not used to that.” He said apologetically. “Getting shot at sucks but trust me it doesn’t happen often. Don’t worry.” He patted her hand that was resting on her leg. She smiled back at him. She just can’t resist that face, his sad emerald eyes, his strong chin, his magnificent arms, his flat stomach, his…okay, she had to stop thinking. Turning her attention back to the TV, her mind continued to wander. She wondered what he was thinking. He seemed nervous, but he didn’t really show it. Ignoring her nagging, self-conscious, brain, she brushed off the thoughts and took a long swig from her beer. The evening dragged on which Kyra did not mind in the least. Jon had not moved his hand from her lap. His thumb made slow distracting circles on her exposed thigh and she found it hard to concentrate on whatever it was that was on TV. He had changed the channels about a million times since they had been there as if he never watched TV. Suddenly she remembered that she had a text waiting for her on her phone. She had turned off vibrate so it would not disturb their quiet time together. Reaching into the back pocket of her shorts, she pulled out the phone. Brittany had texted her two more times, but there was that unknown number again. Two missed calls and four texts. She touched the envelope on the screen and opened the first message. What Weird, she thought. The next three messages seemed to be the rest of the question. Are You Doing? She decided to reply to the last text. She hoped that maybe it was just a wrong number again. I assume that this number is not the person you are thinking it is. Please stop calling and texting me. The envelope flashed onto the screen almost immediately after she hit send. She glanced over at Jon then opened it. I know exactly who you are. Did you really think you could get away with this? Confused and a little alarmed she decided not to reply to the message. It made her nervous that someone would text her something like that. She deleted all the messages and closed her phone. She placed it onto the table and racked her brain to figure out exactly what she might have done. “Brittany come to rescue you?” Jon said as he glanced out the window at the headlights that were making their way up her drive. She turned and stared at the oncoming vehicle. “No, I don’t know who that is actually.” She closed the footrest of the couch and stood to look out the window. Who ever it was had their lights on bright and it blinded her. She put her hand above her eyes to shield them. “Probably another lost tourist.” She said as she made her way to the door. She heard the engine of the vehicle cut off and a door slam. She opened the front door and stood on the porch, she knew Jon stood behind her only a few feet, which made her relax a little. Strangers on this road made her nervous. She didn’t have neighbors and being a woman alone in the woods tended to be easy prey out here. She still couldn’t see who it was since the lights were at the persons back, but the enormous body size indicated that he was most definitely male. She took a cautious step back and felt Jon’s hand come to rest on her shoulder protectively. “Can I help you?” She called out. “Yes ma’am.” The man replied as he reached into the truck and killed the headlights. She recognized the voice immediately. “Dillan.” She whispered and leaving Jon in the doorway took the few steps down to the graveled pathway. “What are you doing here?” Anger rose in her throat threatening to choke her. “Is that the greeting a returning soldier should receive from his woman?” He said in his southern drawl. He hadn’t changed apparently. He had been gone for over a year and she still received letters declaring his love, promising never to hurt her again. She never replied to them. Except once when she vehemently informed him that she never wanted to hear from, speak to, or see him again. She had even stopped opening them after that. After what he had done, with her so-called best friend, she would never forgive him. Jon stepped out onto the porch cautiously and Kyra turned to look at him. She watched as Jon’s face fell in disappointment at Dillan’s words and he lowered his head. She wished Jon had not heard that. Angrily she walked towards Dillan. “You know damn well I am NOT your woman.” She spat through clenched teeth. “Awe come on now sweetheart. I just wanted to come see you. Can’t we just go inside and talk?” He pleaded with her and took a step forward. “No. I have company.” She stated firmly and stepped in front of him blocking his path to the house. Dillan looked over her shoulder to Jon who leaned against the porch post with his arms crossed over his chest. Anger flared in Dillan’s eyes and she could see the muscles of his jaw clench. Damn he was big, much bigger than she remembered. “Well aren’t you gonna introduce us baby?” He said as he sidestepped her and made his way up the porch steps. “Dillan! This is not the time!” “I don’t wanna cause any trouble. I just wanna meet your friend.” He said innocently with his hands raised in surrender. “I’m Dillan.” He told Jon and extended his hand. Jon didn’t make a move to shake his hand; he just looked at her with those green eyes of his. The hurt she saw in his eyes made her heart ache. Why did he have to show up now? She grumbled to herself. “Don’t be rude now my boy. What’s your name?” Dillan asked. Jon turned his attention to him and squinted. Saying nothing, he unfolded his arms and stood up straight to meet him eye to eye. Kyra could almost see the testosterone transferring between the two and decided it was enough. She was not about to have a fight on her front porch. “Dillan, its time for you to go. You and I will talk later okay?” Dillan inched closer to Jon and sneered. Jon never moved. That frightened her a little. Dillan was at least a foot wider than Jon was. When exactly had he gotten that big? She wondered. She had hoped he would never return. Dillan turned his head and spat near Jon’s shoe onto the porch. Not taking his eyes off Jon he took a step back, turned, and came down the steps toward her. Jon straightened more and watched him carefully. His hands flexed into fists at his sides. Dillan came to a stop in front of her and leaned in to her ear, “Be careful sweetheart.” He said in a whisper. The thinly veiled threat shook her but she just glared at him and jerked away. He inhaled deeply and then walked to his truck. He flung open the door and jumped inside; firing up the engine he flipped on the lights blinding her again. He spun the wheel and spun out of her driveway spraying gravel onto Jon’s truck. She shook her head and watched to make sure he was really leaving. When she couldn’t see his taillights anymore, she turned to face Jon. Her heart broke at the sight of him. He was sitting on the top step of the porch his head down and his hands laced behind his head. She stepped up to the porch and sat down careful not to touch him. She watched him as he breathed in and out slowly. She noticed he was shaking slightly and she wanted to put her arms around him and tell him it was going to be okay but she didn’t know how he would react. He sat up, rubbed his face with both his hands, and groaned. “I should go.” He said as he hefted himself off the step. “No, Jon, please don’t go. I’m really sorry. He’s a dick and I didn’t even know he was back.” She begged as she reached for his arm to stop him. “Is it true what he said? You’re his girlfriend or something?” He asked, those emerald eyes shimmering at her. “Not at all. We used to date a long time ago. He slept with my best friend and I haven’t spoken to him since. He seems to forget that part.” She said as she rested her chin on her hands. Jon paused and seemed to think about what she had just told him. He had to believe her she hoped. He nodded and took a seat next to her again and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He sighed and gazed off into the distance. “Are you angry with me?” She asked. “No.” He said flatly and squeezed her closer to him. “It is getting late though. I really should go.” “Oh, okay. I think I will just stay here if that’s okay?” A look of disappointment flitted over his features. “Ya sure of course.” He dropped his arm and stood again. “You gonna be okay out here all by yourself?” She shrugged. “Probably. I don’t think he will come back tonight he knows I’m armed when I am up here so he wouldn’t risk a second visit.” “Armed?” He asked an amused smile tracing his lips. “Yup. Like I said, country girl with country roots.” She smiled up at him and shrugged. She stood on the top step bringing her to eye level with him. “Look I had a really great time with you tonight, except for the crazy ex-boyfriend visit.” He gave her a simple smile that almost broke her restraint. She had been dying to kiss those lips of his all evening. His features were softened and it took all she had not to reach out and drag him back inside. She decided that a hug was better and she opened her arms to him. He stepped up and into her embrace and nuzzled her hair, wrapping his arms around her tightly. She laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. So strong and pure, she wondered if he had ever had it broken before. “Me too.” He muttered. He leaned back and caressed her cheek with his thumb sending a shiver down her spine. His male scent filled her lungs as she inhaled. She liked being this close and instantly regretted not sitting closer to him when they watched TV. She didn’t want him to go but knew he had to. Her ex-drama could take any man to his knees and she couldn’t have asked him to be any different. “Do you have plans tomorrow?” He asked. “Yes. My mother is taking me to lunch and then I truly do have to study.” She pouted up at him and he smiled. “It’s all good. I have to run some errands with Sam and his parents tomorrow anyway. You are going to be working Monday right?” “Uh…ya four to midnight.” “Good, I’ll stop by if that’s okay?” “Sure!” She said a little too excitedly. “I mean, it’s the busiest night of the week except for when we have a band so I might not get to see you unless you sit in my section again.” “Only if you promise not to spill anything on me this time.” He scolded her. She blushed at the memory. “I promise nothing.” He smiled widely and squeezed her tightly against him as he laughed. She wrapped her arms around his waist and returned the hug as best she could. He was much stronger than she was but somehow she knew he would never intentionally hurt her. His eyes were simply too gentle and she didn’t think he had a mean bone in his body. He let her go all too soon with a swift kiss to her forehead and started walking back to his truck. “Monday then.” He said just before he fired up the beast and tore down her driveway. She watched intently, secretly wishing he would stop and come back. Ten minutes had passed before she chilled and had to go back inside. She decided to call Brittany and tell her exactly what happened. Brittany always knew what to do with boyfriend drama. EX boyfriend drama, she corrected herself. Once inside she locked the door behind her, grabbed the shotgun from her dad’s safe, and leaned it against the doorframe. She plopped herself back onto the couch and flipped open her phone to call Brittany. There was another text waiting for her from the unknown number again. So that’s the guy you’ve been fucking while I’ve been gone? What a fucking pussy. |