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Chapter two of Kyra and Jon. |
Chapter Two The drive to the bluffs was rather uneventful according to anyone else but Kyra. She sat in the front as instructed and plastered herself against the door. It wasn’t far enough away however since she could still smell the attractive scent he gave off sending her body into fits. The Ford was a stick shift, which she hadn’t noticed before and it did impress her that he knew how to drive one. She had always believed that everyone should learn how to drive a stick, perhaps it would make them better drivers, and there wouldn’t be so many accidents on the roads. “Why don’t you scoot over here.” Jon said loudly as he patted the seat next to him between shifts. “I can’t hear you all the way over there.” He’s slick, she thought as she shimmied her way to the middle. Buy a loud truck and take a girl to the movies in it then drive to the bluffs and need directions and force her to sit in the middle even though there was plenty of room for eight people on the seat with them. She lifted her leg, swung it over the top of the gearshift, and gently placed her foot on the floorboard as far back as it would go. She played with her hands as she sat uncomfortably near him. Making sure not to touch any part of him she could still feel his warmth radiating through her. “You need to take a left coming up.” She said. “What?” He asked as he leaned his ear closer to her so that he could hear her over the loud exhaust. His proximity had her stomach rolling. Sitting up straight preparing to repeat herself she turned to face him and immediately lost her train of thought. He had placed his hand on the inside of her knee and had pulled her leg over to rest against his. His thumb was making small circles on her bare skin sending waves of heat up her leg. Good thing it was dark in the cab of the truck or he would have seen the bright red flush on her cheeks and her eyes as wide as saucers. “Uh…T…Turn left here.” She managed to spit out loud enough this time for him to hear and pointed to the little brown road sign. Jon took his foot off the gas and made his way into the turning lane. After checking over his shoulder and in front of him, he made the left. Only moving his hand from her leg long enough to change gears. Each time her heart skipped a beat when his long fingers found their way back to her knee. Managing to get her brain back into her skull she told him to just keep going up until they came to the end. The switchbacks were difficult to maneuver in a small car let alone a monstrosity like this but Jon worked his way around them easily, down shifting when he had to and accelerating at the appropriate times. She knew he could feel her tense around the turns trying not to lean into him too much. She never trusted anyone to drive this road other than herself, not even Brittany. Panic attacks tended to force her to close her eyes and count to twenty when someone else drove. With Jon she seemed at ease, she kept waiting for the increased blood pressure and shortness of breath but she already had that sitting so close to him so perhaps this blocked her panic. Brittany must have known how she was about to feel as they made their way up and had already placed a hand on Kyra’s shoulder to steady her nerves but Kyra didn’t need the reassurance this time. She still appreciated her friend being there and smiled over her shoulder at her. Jon pulled into one of the parking spaces that overlooked the city near the entrance of the hiking trail, shut off the truck, and flipped off the lights. The moon shone like a spotlight overhead giving them enough light to walk the path. Kyra could still feel the rumbling in her backside and a quiet ringing in her ears as Jon patted her knee and opened his door to get out. She wondered idly if he ever got a ticket for disturbing the peace with the noise that emanated from the exhaust. Kyra all but leaped out of the truck after Jon and nearly fell on her face as her foot caught in his seatbelt and yanked her back. Jon caught her in his masculine arms just before she hit the ground face first and stared down at her. When exactly did I become the ultimate klutz? She asked herself. Pulling the seat belt off her foot awkwardly and steadying both her feet on the ground. Jon held her close never taking his green eyes off hers. The worry that flashed over his face had her wondering if perhaps he wasn’t just doing this date thing just for Sam. She smiled up at him and cocked her head to one side confused. “You okay?” He asked breathlessly. “Yeah, I just needed an excuse to be in your arms I guess.” She said playfully then immediately blushed. Had that really just come out of my mouth? My brain-mouth filter must be broken. A small smile made its way over his lips and she couldn’t help but smile back. He let her go so that Brittany could get out of the truck and easily pulled himself over the side of the truck, onto the flatbed. Putting those muscles to work sent her brain on a tailspin. Her breath caught in her throat and just about strangled her. Jon pulled out Sam’s wheelchair and with it in his arms he launched himself over the other side of the truck landing gracefully on his feet near the passenger door. Kyra thought she was going to pass out. The stunt he just pulled was so, manly, and sexy she could barely contain her sigh. Brittany linked her arm with Kyra’s and squeezed. Suppressing girly giggles, the two made their way together to the other side of the truck just as Jon was placing Sam into his chair. There was a chill in the air and it sent a shiver down Kyra’s spine. She pressed herself closer to her friend who had to be a thousand degrees warmer. “Why are you so warm?” Kyra asked putting the back of her hand on Brittany’s forehead. “I dunno, I’m not sure I feel well.” She said with a bit of whine in her voice. Kyra shot Sam and Jon a worried look and turned to her friend again. “Do you just want to go home? I can make you some soup?” Brittany shook her head emphatically. “No way Jose, I ain’t that sick yet.” Kyra knew that she wouldn’t budge on the idea of ruining the night so she simply asked if Jon had a jacket. He nodded and reached behind the back seat and grabbed a large camouflage backpack. Pulling out a blanket, he wrapped it around her shoulders and she took it gratefully. She made her way over to Sam and plopped into his lap wrapping the blanket around him too. Jon stepped behind Sam and began pushing him towards the trail knowing that Sam now had his hands full of his lady. Lucky for them this trail was handicap accessible, paved, with no stairs, and only a little bit of an incline. Jon didn’t even seem winded pushing the two lovebirds up a hill as they made their way over the winding path to the bluffs. Kyra on the other hand was about four steps behind struggling to catch her breath. This was so not good. One thing was for sure; she was out of shape and needed a few good workouts. How had Brittany been so lucky to get a free ride? Kyra contemplated the idea of either jumping on Jon for a piggyback or sitting on Brittany’s lap. Groaning she forced her feet into wider steps and took deep breaths. She heard the three of them having a quiet conversation but she didn’t understand what they were saying since she was so far behind. She doubted she would be able to participate anyway since this hill was killing her. She made it to the top and was so proud of herself as she looked over her shoulder to the one little light where they had parked. The quarter mile hike had left her breathless and her muscles stinging. Good thing it was downhill on the way back. “Right here is good Jon. I don’t wanna roll down the mountain, but there is a little overlook place over there through the brush. See the trail?” Sam said nodding his head in the direction of the other trail. “Go take a look.” Jon glanced at Kyra as she was bent over with her hands knees trying to catch her breath. She stood upright to find three sets of eyes boring into her. “What?” She panted. “Oh Kyra, you need to workout!” Brittany said with a giggle. “Shut up Face.” Kyra replied with a smile as she stalked past her pretending to be angry, “I wasn’t lucky enough to hitch a ride on the Sam express.” “Honey you are welcome anytime.” Sam said devilishly. “Sam!” Brittany exclaimed and slapped his arm. “I don’t think so.” Jon said possessively which made Kyra turn to look at him curiously. He patted his friend on the shoulder as he locked the brakes on the chair and walked to join her. Brittany snuggled closer to Sam and laid her head on his chest. Kyra could practically feel his happiness at having her back. Jon took her hand and lead her up the narrow path which Sam had mentioned had a bench to sit on too. She was so looking forward to sitting. The view was amazing from where they stood. Even better than where Sam and Brittany were. Kyra’s breath caught in her throat as she overlooked the city and placed her hand to her throat. If she were a painter, this would be her favorite thing to paint. The lights flickered from windows here and there and the street lamps on Main Street put off a yellowish glow. The darkness seemed to swallow everything in its path except for the lights, which occupied their own space. A beacon in the night she supposed. During the day, you could see for miles and it was just as breath taking. During the night, you could see the lights from all the little side towns show up in little bright circles surrounded by complete darkness. She could see the campfires from the moon shiners and off the grid sorts of people way out in the wooded areas. The last time she had been up on the mountain was when Brittany had taken her after the incident with her ex. The two of them had spent hours up there, Brittany not saying a word and Kyra sobbing into her best friends shoulder. By the time they had left Kyra was completely worn out and cried out and was totally ready to move on with her life. She needed exactly what Brittany had done for her at that time and she knew she would never be able to repay her. Kyra was glad for this time to be under better circumstances. Jon spotted the little bench and lead her to it silently, her hand in his. It wasn’t an awkward silence as Kyra had at first suspected it would be. She did not feel the need to speak and neither did he. It was nice to be able to just sit and admire the view. She could hear the whispers of her friends below them and smiled knowing they were so right for each other and so very glad that she decided to come tonight. Jon was toying with her fingers as she looked out over the lighted town. “Thanks.” She said to Jon unexpectedly. He was confused and she could see it in his beautiful face. “For inviting me to come tonight.” She grinned, “I don’t think Sam or Brittany would have ever gotten back together had you not come along.” “First off, Sam set us up. I did not ask, although I do wish that I could claim that decision. Second, all Sam has ever talked about since I have known him is this girl and how she stole his heart and no female on earth could even hold a candle to his Brittany. I’m glad they’re back together. Maybe now I can stop hearing about his broken heart.” He said, “I don’t think I would rather be anywhere else right at this very moment either.” He said with a sweet smile. As he looked at her under the bright moon, Kyra couldn’t remove her eyes from his mouth. She wondered what it would be like to kiss him, right here, under the stars, that mouth on hers could possibly be the most divine thing she had ever tasted. Of course, she had never done that before and she thought it would be like a scene from one of her romance books, so sweet and tender. After a moment she noticed Jon was staring at her, she thought for sure he was going to kiss her just as she had imagined. Those hypnotizing green eyes of his locking her in and not letting go. He put his large hand on her face and traced his thumb gently over her cheekbone. He didn’t. He simply shook his head, looked up at the sky, and draped his arm over her shoulders. Disappointed yet again Kyra slouched and let out an exasperated sigh. “The real question here Kyra, is why are you here with me?” He said barely above a whisper. She was surprised she heard him and the sound of her name on his lips was enthralling. “Because I would do anything for Sam.” She said flatly and without hesitation, not turning her gaze from the view. She felt him nod his agreement as if he understood exactly what she meant and she knew in her heart that Jon would do anything for him too. This confirmed her suspicions and explained exactly why he was here with her instead of off doing something else. Kyra yawned and leaned back against Jon putting her feet up onto the bench to stretch out. She had no idea what she had expected. They had literally just met a few hours ago, why did she feel so shattered that he was here out of obligation to his friend? She was sitting there for the exact same reason so she should not be feeling the way that she was about him. She was determined to have a good time even though she knew he was not here because of her. He was here because of Sam, the realization stung her heart, but she understood his reasons. He would be gone in a few days, back to his normal life and she would still be here for the summer, so why not have some fun while she had the chance. She was tired of having the same argument with herself so she waved a hand in front of her face as if to wipe the thoughts from her mind and crossed her feet at the ankles. She pulled his massive arm down around her torso and wrapped her arms around his so she could lay her head on his bicep. He was warm and took the chill out of her bones. Even though he was all muscle, he was so very gentle with her. She could hear the slow rhythmic beat of his heart and his purposeful breaths lulled her into a gentle sleep as she stared up at the stars. He pulled her hair out of its ponytail and let it fall into his lap. He began stroking her hair sending tingles down her back to the tips of her toes. He never stopped, never faltered, just continued to stroke her hair until she fell completely asleep in his arms. ~********~ Her dreams were filled with something dark and scary; a face she couldn’t recognize was following her as she made her way home from work. She was walking the few blocks to the house but she could never seem to make it past the first block. It was as if the sidewalk just kept stretching farther and farther away from her. The man following her seemed to be getting closer as she picked up her pace and eventually began to run. She looked over her shoulder to see him right behind her reaching out to her almost touching her shoulder. She tripped and fell to the ground just as he lunged for her. She awoke with a start clutching Jon’s arm closer to her. She was panting and could feel a trickle of sweat rolling down her forehead. What was that? She wondered as she slowly came out of her sleepy haze and glanced around them nervously. She realized where she was and glanced at her watch. Five forty five. Holy crap. She could see the sun beginning its rise over the horizon. Brittany is going to be pissed! No wonder her legs were so stiff, she’d been sitting there for hours. She was surprised she hadn’t woken up sooner. The dream, no, nightmare she’d had was fresh in her mind and she felt a little shaky. Stretching her legs out straight, she attempted to raise Jon’s arm over her head. He was snoring softly and she couldn’t help but giggle. He tightened his grip on her and pinned her to his side. Oh dear, now what? She wondered. “Jon.” She whispered. Her voice sounded scratchy, she cleared her throat and tried again. “Jon.” “Yes, love?” He said with his eyes still closed, his head resting on hers. “Um, I need to move.” She said confused by him calling her love. “Why?” He asked adjusting himself to pull her closer to his chest. “Its five forty five in the morning hun. We need to go.” Her voice barely above a whisper. He sighed, “okay.” He squeezed her once more and lifted his arm off her. He waited for her to stand. She stretched tall, lifting her arms over her head, and turned around toward the rising sun. She bent at the waist and touched her toes, feeling the tenseness of her muscles slowly loosen and slip away. “Wow. I love this view.” He said with awe in his voice. “Oh me too! This has to be my favorite place in the whole world.” She said to her shins. She put her hands on the backs of her calves and pulled herself closer to her legs feeling her back and hamstrings sing with joy that she had them moving again. “That’s not what I meant.” He said dryly. She stood up straight and turned to look at him, realizing she just had her rear end and all its glory facing his direction. She could feel the heat begin to rise on her face and hoped it was just the rising sun that he was looking at. The sexy half smile on his lips told her that she was wrong. He was not looking at the sun. He stood and captured her in his arms and pulled her against him in a bear hug. She felt like her ribs were being crushed. She couldn’t help but wrap her arms around him so that she could get some air into her lungs. The muscles in his back were tense. As she rubbed her hands up and down his spine he moaned and pulled her even closer as if to cement her to him. “Jon…I…can’t…breathe” She gasped out. “Oh, sorry.” He said and loosened his grip only slightly, “I couldn’t help myself.” He leaned back a little and put a finger under her chin forcing her to look at him. Those emerald eyes bored into hers as she struggled to regain her breath. She couldn’t pull her eyes away from him and her stomach tied into knots, again. She dropped her eyes to his mouth, his lips were slightly apart, and his breathing became ragged. She glanced back up into those piercing eyes. They stood there for what seemed like an eternity and just stared into each others eyes. “Breathe Kyra.” He said softly. She did as she was told and took a deep inhale. Closing her eyes, she took in all of his wonderful male scent. Her heart attempted to leap out of her chest as she took another slow, even breath. He smiled at her, bent his head to one side, and pulled her chin up to meet him half way. Her heart exploded into a million pieces when their lips touched. She could barely keep her balance. She closed her eyes and leaned into him with a sigh. He pulled away and laid a gentle kiss on her forehead then let her go. The cool air suddenly filled his place and she was left standing and wondering, and off balance. The chaste kiss was over too soon for her taste. “Stay here.” He said as he took off at a jog down the little trail back towards Brittany and Sam. “Stay here? I don’t think so.” She said, apparently to herself, and looked around nervously. The nightmare worked its way back into her subconscious; she shook her head to rid her mind of the fear that was welling in her brain. She had to pee. Perfect. She groaned and made her way into the concealing bushes. By the time she was finished and walked out of the woods Jon had returned with a camera. He was taking shots of the horizon as the sun made its way ever closer to the peaks of the higher mountains. “Did you check on Sam and Brittany?” She asked. “Yeah, they went back down to the truck last night and slept in the flatbed. Wish I would have thought of that. Probably would have been more comfortable than the bench.” Kyra imagined what it would have been like sprawled next to him with the stars overhead. “I doubt that. Doesn’t the truck have like ridges or something in the back?” “Nah Sam knows I always have a blow up mattress on stand-by behind the seat in the cab. Trust me, they were way more comfortable than we were.” No kidding, she thought sarcastically. “You’re a regular boy scout huh?” She said as she spotted his hoodie on the bench where he had tossed it the night before. She pulled it on over her head and pulled her messy hair back into a ponytail. “Navy Seal.” She grinned at him. “Ya sorry, I forgot.” “Its all good love.” He said and turned to face her. She had walked back over to the lookout area and was admiring the view again. She turned back around to ask if he was ready to go and leaned against the wooden fence that overlooked the valley. The sun had just made its way over the crest shining a spotlight directly on her and she basked in its warmth turning her face to the sun. “Do not move.” He said and brought the camera to his eye. That was twice he had called her love. She wondered what that even meant. Was it a term of endearment made just for her or was it something he called all his girlfriends. I am not his girlfriend, she chided herself. “I need you to smile Kyra. Stop looking so downtrodden.” “I am smiling.” She replied. “No, I mean a real, genuine smile.” He ordered as he continued to snap shots in her direction. “Uh, I can’t say I know what you mean.” “Like this!” He said and flashed her the biggest most gorgeous smile she had ever seen, and then he pulled the most hideous face that made her laugh out loud. “YES!” He exclaimed and took one last shot. |