Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1869570-NIGHT-OF-THE-BEAST
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1869570
A child overcomes her fear of the dark, but is unaware of the beast lurking in the night.
“Late one night the devil came creeping

Eyes of fire through your window peeping

Watching you while you lay sleeping

Oh how peacefully you did sleep

Cradled in slumber you heard not a peep

And through your window old’ slew foot did creep

Now Lucifer upon you leaping

Into your nostrils his foul stench seeping

Big black wings around you sweeping

With razor sharp claw and one full sweep

And from gaping wounds your blood does seep

At the sight how he does laugh and leap

Did you pray the Lord take your soul for safe- keeping?

Because useless is your constant weeping

The reaper he has come for reaping”

“Mommy…. Daddy!  Brendan’s singing and scaring me”, screamed Madeline, tears rolling down her plump cheeks.  At six years old she thought herself a big girl.  She no longer wanted to believe in monsters in closets or under her bed even though she still used a nightlight and the occasional tuck in.

Their mother’s irritated voice boomed from the kitchen, “Brendan you’re almost thirteen try to act like it.”

“Both of you get in bed; you have school tomorrow”, replied their father.

“Maddy you’re such a big freakin’ baby”, said Brendan making faces at her he stomped past to his room.

Maddy stood in the doorway to her room scanning every corner.  The bulb in Dora the Explorer’s head illuminated any possible hiding places for boogey men.  This gave her the courage to climb into her bed, pulling the covers up over her head for protection just in case she missed something.  She had fought back the urge to call for her mother’s kiss goodnight because that would have prompted further teasing from her brother. But She knew she was safe, with her mother there and even daddy for backup she allowed sleep to overtake her.

9:03 pm Emily and Jake made their way back to their children’s bedrooms.  They both looked in on Brendan who was sound asleep. And though he would have protested if he were awake, his mother kissed his forehead and pulled the blanket up over his shoulders.  They went next door to complete the same ritual with their little girl.  Her pink room with its wall- to-wall Dora décor was lit up and she lay tangled in the bedclothes.  They chuckled as Karen peeled away the layers of their daughter’s homemade cocoon and gave her a proper tucking in.  Jake hit the light switch allowing Dora her sleep for the night as well, letting the miniature replica of her plugged into the wall outlet take over the night watch.  Once it was determined all was well they made their way to their own bed down the hall. 

But in the darkness outside of the confines of their home lurked a beast with an insatiable appetite whose sole purpose was to seek prey.  A beast that neither Dora, big or small, could deter. He had lay in wait and watched them.  He knew their routines like they were his own.  By day he usually remained in human form.  He was able to control when the beast within surfaced so he was able to get so close to them, all Unsuspecting.  The mother he passed as she walked out of a local coffee shop.  The boy he cheered on with all the parents as he played a soccer game and the girl he drove past as she jumped rope on the sidewalk, her blonde pigtails bouncing up and down.  He was able to get closest to the man without arousing suspicion.  He had met him at the gym even going so far as to spot him a time or two.  A formidable opponent he would be thus he would save him for last.  But first he would start with the girl. She was the weakest and when killing is your sport the weakest are the first to die.  His mouth watered as he imagined the taste of her tender flesh. 

The window provided little resistance for him and even though he was sure that the breaking glass would awaken the rest it would be already too late for the girl child.  He was already upon her. Disoriented she had managed to let out a small squeal before his jaws clamped down on her tiny neck.  With her throat in the vice-like grip of his mouth he had shaken her like a chew toy, ripping her throat out so that the small head remained attached to the body by only a few strands of skin and sinew.  He ripped into the minute torso emptying the contents of the chest cavity onto the fuchsia pink carpet.  Then he stopped cocking his head; there was a noise in the hallway.

“Maddy?” came the voice followed by a slight rapping on the door. It was the boy.  He knocked again, harder this time before entering.  Brendan slid his hand along the wall until he found the switch.  The beast rose up so that all six foot two inches of him would be visible when the light came on as he stood in the carnage that was first grader- lover- of- everything- Dora, Madeline Beecher.  When the room lit up Brendan‘s eyes went to the bed where he expected his sister to be, but found nothing but a large bloodstain.  It wasn’t until he locked eyes with her killer did he attempt a scream.  As his short life flashed before him he couldn’t help but blame himself for this with the teasing and scary rhymes. Now the reaper had indeed come for reaping.

The beast headed down the hall as the boy lay gurgling in the doorway, the last bit of life draining out the gaping wound in his neck.

It was obvious the parents had heard nothing.  The moans of pleasure from their bedroom indicated that they were taking pleasure in each other’s flesh.  Perhaps he would engage in such pleasures with them before he killed them, very slowly.

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