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Based in the Napoleonic Era and Napoleon's invasion of Russia. |
1812 , Russia. I stood shivering in the might of our army. For an ordinary Frenchmen ,I had never been too Russia. And Russia had been somewhat hell for me. I didn't realize I was on the ground. It was a gentle summer near Borodino, or as we were told. The Russians have not stood agasint us! Each time we fought them in battle ,they were defeated! And yet they refused to give up! You might as well say what brave people they are. My Name is Napoleon. I was named after the Emperor,of course. I'm one of the fusiliers of line infantry......yes indeed. I mean, I wear a shakov, which is like a tall hat(And so much better from the bicorn hat) My Name is Napoleon. I was named after the Emperor,of course. I'm one of the fusiliers of line infantry......yes indeed. I mean, I wear a shakov, which is like a tall hat(And so much better from the bicorn hat) I'm belonging to the 3rd corps of the 108th battalion ,of the Marshall Davout's army. I am walking , walking holding my musket high. I am surrounded by many of our men. And where we walking? To our camp. If there's one thing I hate about being in this blasted Russia, I hate their cossacks. They're keep on coming and destroying our supplies. My best friend Theire came up to me. ''How's goes things Napoleon? '' he teased in a cheerful mood. He clasped his arm on my shoulder. ''Nothing much. But ...the Russians.... '' I muttered again, some of them had taken away my stuff ,or stolen it. ''You worry too much. By Noon, the Russians will be retreating. They'll never be able to stand the might of France! We've been on the battlefields of Germany, The Balkans and now Russia! '' he laughed ,yet I wondered how could he laugh, when he held his musket in his left hand. ''We didn't fight in the balkans. '' shouted another soldier behind. Therie swept his back and turned to look at the man who had critised him. Well, he could never take critism. He had been a old friend of mine, ever since the battles of Austerlitz. ''Oh yeah? And who are you opposing me? '' he nodded and swung his musket at the man. ''I'm here ,you old coot. '' the man appeared ,just like any Frenchmen in the army, he wore the same uniform, blue and white coated with a black shakov. Sensing it was going to erupt, I took therie away from the fight. ''Be careful. '' I warned him. ''We're fighting the Russians tomorrow. '' I told him ''Be careful. '' I warned him. ''We're fighting the Russians tomorrow. '' I told him ,he shrugged me off. ''If that idiot does that thing with me again, I'll beat him like hell. '' I smiled. Theire was always like that. He could never take anything offensive. Anyway, you wonder what I meant by Cossacks. They're cavalry , but rude and aggressive men. They can fight in battle bravely, but they can get themselves killed. They wear a ruff bearskin hat and wear animal clothes. Oh they can carry all types of weapons. Give them that job and they are useful. But they are killers, killers that will kill for no sense. We were going to our camp, just before the day we were going to fight those damn Russians. Finally , those Russians look like us, with green coated uniforms and white belts. But they're just a copy of ours. They have weaker muskets than us, but by god ,they are excellent fighters. Even if they are cowards , I don't think it works with them, it's just not in their blood. If only they had honoured the treaty our Emperor had given them. Do not make the mistake that only Theire is my friend, I have three more ,Jacob, Alexandre and Friant Mazuy. But these three are of the elite infantry ,the old guard and the young guard. The Old Guard wear massive shakovs, except they're more animalised style ,like the Russians. They are just like the rest of us, wearing a blue and white coated uniform with white belts. And then there is the Young Guard ,they're more a stylised verison of ours, wearing more darker blue uniforms and having red cockades on their shoulders. But by god, they are excellent in firing and fighting. Alexandre is of the Young Guard and Friant Mazuy is of the old guard. But in the army itself, there are many Hungarians, Polish, Saxons and German infantry, including their cavalry. But we have the best of our artillery ,oh they're the best of all artillery combined together. Our Emperor had been a artillery officer himself. I sat down in my tent, taking a swig of my bottle. I wiped the remains of it ,with my sleeve. I then took my musket out and inspected it. You see,Muskets on any side of a army, can have it's flaws. Which is why I add new parts into it. To make it fire quicker. I also bought my wife with me. Yes, that may seem strange , but she is a beautiful woman , highly educated ,she's know way too much about things in Europe, (Her family were killed by the Russians , and since then she's sworn revenge, she was of the ancien regime, But I saved her from execution ,and since then she's been ever faithful to me) Her name is Josephine. Oh don't worry, she bought plenty of warm clothing. She's in the tent, sleeping. I go inside the tent ,and see her beautiful body breathing ,with skin as soft as snow ,her nose beautifully shaped, her face the very image of Venus. I smile and kiss her on the cheek. She'll have a surprise tommrow ,I think and then drift to sleep,my arms beside her. By the time I wake up ,the battle hasn't even started yet. My eyes are open and I see a beautiful female figure standing over me. ''You haven't slept well ,have you? '' she ask's me. I reply ''No ,but you are with me today, which makes my day. '' I smile,she is my wife of course, we both share a brief kiss. I rise to get up when she tugs my arm. ''You promise me ,you won't get hurt? '' she says. I smile and take her in my arms. ''No I won't. I promise you that. '' I kiss her on the head, she smiles ,with tears in her eyes. I hug her tightly,more tightly, I don't want to release her ''Ah there you are! '' shouted a voice. I jumped ,and Theire laughed. '' How goes the missus?'' he asked. ''Oh I'm fine. '' My wife replies back. ''Just promise me that my dear husband won't get hurt. '' She tells Therie. Theire bows ''My lady, I promise you ,he will not get hurt. '' Josephine smiles again. ''All right ,we'd be better going, shouldn't we? '' Just before I go , My wife seizes me and gives a mighty kiss. A kiss that is...lets say wonderful ,and then she lets me go. Theire laughs again. I always become annyoed when he laughs. '' You have a lucky wife there, Napoleon, don't misuse her. '' He says seriously Theire laughs again. I always become annyoed when he laughs. '' You have a lucky wife there, Napoleon, don't misuse her. '' He told me. ''I know that , Theire. '' Theire laughs again and I punch him lightly. Alexandre came in front of us. And Mazuy waved to us. We walked to a lone part of the camp, where there was a table for a game of cards. We sit down and Mazuy gives the card's out. '' What do you think we'll do against the Russians. '' I ask him. Mazuy raises his hand up. '' Ah nothing much, they'll lose ,like almost every battle they've lost! '' We all laugh. Mazuy has a great big mustache, while Alexandre has a thin mustache. Mazuy rubs of the great curl of his mustache. ''Your turn. '' he tells me. I take my cards out and put three artillery cards. Mazuy nods and puts ten cavarly cards against me. Theire comes to my defence by putting infantry on my side. You may be getting confused ,but it's a game ,a sort of game made by the four of us ,and it has become widely popular in the army ,of course ,you need a map of a battlefield, and cards,and just a few figures to represent your forces. You can play in like what, two's or three's. Or even four,maybe, depending on how many players you have. You have a army,your general, and you move your forces to destroy the enemy's armies, it all depends on a dice and how many you can field, a bit like chess really. You may be getting bored so I'll move on. '' Hmm... '' Alexandre showed a bit of interest now and moved 5 cards of light infantry against us. The games on until we win, only left with our generals and old guards. Mazuy shakes my hand and congratulates me. Of course ,Theire has no forces left, I defended my self against Mazuy and Alexandre, destroying their armies. A good game really,or as we like to call it ''gg'' for short. '' Thank you. '' I replied back. Theire does not look happy. '' How the heck did I lose!?? '' he shouts. I smile. '' And your wife complains of you, doesn't she? '' I grin. And we all laugh ,except Theire ,his faces flushes in anger and embarrassment. ''Well ,what goes here? '' I turn too see a officer of the Emperor's bodyguard ,and one of his Marshalls. Well ,he is one, but probaly one of the best Marshalls of France, His name is Andre Massena. ''Nothing ,just playing a game. '' I replied back. ''Looks good? Dosen't it? '' Massena asked me. ''Oh yes ,it's good. '' Maessna nodded and with that officer ,they both sat down. ''Do you'll think we'll win tommorow? '' I asked him. '' You tell me soilder. '' Messena replied back. ''We'll win. '' Theire interupted me before I could say anything, that old coot! ''Are you sure on that? I mean, those Russians are harrasing our supplies. '' I shot back at him. The Officer looked at me. ''You speak negative of our glory. '' I smirked. ''Are you sure on that? I mean, those Russians are harrasing our supplies. '' I shot back at him. The Officer looked at me. ''You speak negative of our glory. '' I smirked. '' As if, I am proud to serve the Emperor for what he is, but those Russians harrass our army. They even tried to rape my wife! '' I got fixed gazes from everybody. ''You bought your wife?'' asked the Officer. I nodded. ''I want to deal with these Russians and beat the hell out of them! '' I spat in anger. I took out a sugar cane and bit on it. ''You do know I am of the Emperor's bodyguard? '' he asked me. I nodded. '' I might speak to him .'' he told me. I looked at him with suspicon. ''What would you want from me? '' I retorted. ''Nothing ,just that your wife will gain protection. '' he looked at me with those cold eyes.'' Very well. '' I nodded. Massena moved the subject. '' Serving the Emperor will do well, I am glad to be out of Spain. Those English have constantly been defeating me ,even when we outnumbered them. '' he spoke in a bitter tone. ''Spain eh? '' For many soliders in the army, most of them had been stationed in Spain ,for The Emperor had intended to use it as a tactical advantage, but it backfired, with those damn english coming and moving us away from Spain. They had almost been dead by the time they arrived here, they weren't happy at the civilains, who had done horrors to them in Spain, I was lucky enough not to be stationed there. ''I wasn't stationed in Spain that time, I was in Italy.'' I sighed. ''My wife was troubling me to go there and buy her stuff. '' We all smiled. ''Your name? '' asked the Officer ''Napoleon. '' I replied back. ''Napoleon what? '' he asked me again. ''I am Napoleon MontrĂ©al.'' That was enough for the officer. ''Hmm.... I shall talk to the Emperor. I must be going now. '' I take my shakov hat and bow. We all did. Marshall Massena bows and smiles ,he takes the officer with him. I get up , it is night time as I see it. The stray day has now become a ocean of dark blue glittered with shiny stars sprinkling in the distance. Theire waves me off while I go to my tent. Joesphine smiles as she cooks some stew. I sit down and she takes a bowl and pours her delicious stew into it. She gives the stew to me and I drink it ,tasting the hot soup running down my throat. After I drank the bowl, she took me and lay on top of me. I can't say much now but she made love to me. Always nice for a solider before going to battle. Anyway, I shall continue later. I was awaken by the sounds of solider's and the talking of the cavalrymen. Josephine was huddled against me ,her tender arms around my body, carresing me. I got up from the bed. I rubbed my eyes , I was tired and weary. Theire came in a cheerful mood. ''What is it now? '' I sighed. Therie changed his mood and shook his head. ''Come, We're going to battle right now. '' He smiled. I gave a somewhat sly grin. I was dressed in my uniform by the time I was out of tent. Josephine was still sleeping in the tent. We arrived to the where we going to be assembled for our attack . We were in the main section of the army. At around 6:00 am, Our Artierlly fired, producing the loudest cloud of smoke and thunder I had ever heard. I saw the Emperor with his Marshalls on the top of the hill, directing the cause of the battle. The Russians replied back. But it was to no use. I then looked onwards. I turned around to see the Emperor looking straight at me. ''Sire! '' I almost blurted out. Could he have been that officer yesterday? I wondered. ''Do not worry yourself Napoleon. '' The Emperor smiled. I got stares from my fellow soliders-in-arms. ''You were indeed the same officer I was talking to? Sire? '' I asked him. He gave a grin smile. He nodded ,slowly. He clasped his arms on my shoulder. '' You and your friends will be directed to Marshall Davout's crops. And your wife? She is under the protection of the Old Guard. I think a certain Friant Mazuy?'' He smiled again. I could not cease myself to hear what he was saying. He clasped my arms again. ''How long have you served in the army? '' he asked me. ''Eight years, Sire. '' I reply. ''Why has no one noticed you? I will promote you to the Old Guard, once you have distinguished yourself on the battlefield, who knows? You could be even a Marshall of France. Davout here will notify me. '' Marshall Davout nodded. Marshall Davout was mounted on his horse,just the day before.He was a man that had been promoted to the Marshalate. He had a medium build and a bald head,for he was very nearsighted and he had to wear spectacles. He had large sideburns ,just like many of our generals. ''Well then, I shall like to see you fight. '' The Emperor nodded and he dismissed me. Davout's chief of staff directed me and Theire to their corps, We walked to where the Marshall's forces lay. I arrived, with my arms sore. Theire laughed and we got into the ranks. I had seen always like that. Then I saw the Emperor riding on his horse. He was with his Marshalls, they wore a dark black uniform that day, with great golden decorated bicron hats with the addition of a deep black gorging inside. Behind me were the French, Italian ,German and Swiss troops. Yes, this army had a lot of soldiers from conquered countries. They moved up in formation and cheering for the Emperor. The Emperor smiled and waved. I managed to gain a hint of his conversation with his Marshall. ''It's the entusiasm of Austerlitz ! '' The Emperor observed with a great face of triumph. And the battle began. I saw seven battalions of our countrymen charge at the Village of Borodino. And there they were, the Russians. Those Russians are always there. They wore pretty identical uniforms to us. I saw both sides fighting each other, savagely , firing vicious volleys against each other. But instantly I saw the trap. The Russians had improved their tactics and strategy against us! Our infantry Battalions ran like a lion as blind as Richard the Lionheart ,200 years ago. There I saw our General being captured, his medals being ripped off and he was beaten up. My fellow countrymen were in a trap, and the Russians were trapping them. Our men were now fish in a pond, the bigger sharks could now kill them. Marshall Davout observed the action, far away from us. I saw him ordering us in the formations he wanted. Theire shrugged and just as suit followed from what our officers were shouting. I got into line. There stood next to him was a brave looking man, a proud man ,with great sideburns on his side, that was the Marshall Ney. I had served under him previously and to be honest, he was not a good commander, however when it was required , he could still be a brilliant commander. He was quite and inspiration to us. He was after all , a Cavarly commander and the Emperor had many of them among his rank. I am not a fan of them, they are excellent at leading Cavarly to victory, but not that good in leading a army to be honest* I looked onwards and saw the Russian defences. Their village had been flattened the night before. I asked the officer of my regiment. I didn't speak to him much as other soldiers would. Maybe that's why I didn't become promoted. ''Sir ,can you tell me where we are attacking? '' I asked him. The Officer wore a bright black shakov ,on the face of it , his face reminded me of a happy man I knew once. He had a good smile on his face. ''I'm glad you asked Napoleon. Thanks to you ,We are well known now in the army! I am sure the Emperor must have talked to you? Didn't he? '' He asked eagerly. I got eager glances from everybody. I nodded. ''Excellent. What is you want to ask? '' He asked me ,giving me his full attention.'' Where are we attacking? '' I asked him. ''Excellent question and one I will be happy to reply to. '' He nodded and inspected the sight in front of him. He looked at me and began. He nodded and inspected the sight in front of him. He looked at me and began. He told me in front of us were the ''Bagaration fleeces. '' They were v-shaped fortifications, basically saying put into a V shape. The reason it was called Bagaration fleeces, was because the Russian Commander, General Bagaration had built these defences against us. Of course, this is what my officer told me. He then told me there were 24 guns placed across straight at us. All in one line, ready to blast at us before we even came. Then he showed me, by pointing to the battlefield, from where the Russians lay. I saw more Grenadiers than infantry, and heavy Russian Curraisers placed on both sides. I couldn't see much, except see a mass of Russian infantry behind the Russian Artierlly. If I were a General, I would have explained in more detail, but it would be too complicated. After the cannon shots had been fired. I did not move. I was of the 57th* battalion, one of the finest in the French army. In the army, Battalions were large armies of infantry. So I was of the 5th battalion. The Officer was one of the commanding officers. I saw General Compains commanding his infantry regiments to attack the Russians. It had begun. I almost grinned, eager for the battle to start. But we were held back. I could see only glory as our men rushed quickly, a mass of blue coated infantry carrying muskets. ''Well then! Men of the 57th regiment! This is your finest hour! Don't waste it! We'll go through their lines and kill them! Viva La France! Viva La Emperur!'' He shouted. And we raised our flags in triumph, shouting the country’s national anthem. We advanced. With many other eager men behind me. I held my musket in my hand and looked onwards. The Russian light infantry stood in the trees. They fired, releasing a devastating volley. But I will tell you this; the volley only killed the first line of our men. Theire only smiled as I turned to look at him. I looked back and passed through the trees. We had passed the Russians first line of defence! I laughed in joy. The Russian's became alarmed at our advance. I could see it on their face. I saw one of their commanders, far off, I could make his face clearly, scowling at our advance. Their artillery boomed at us. That didn't stop our advance. The Trees protected us. Our Emperor had once said of us ''"The Terrible 57th which nothing can stop." It had stirred me with pride. I saw the Russians holding their ground. Their artillery fired canister shot at us, decimating us. Then I saw their infantry standing proudly. Their Black Shakovs were tall; their green uniforms were strapped with golden buttons and one white strap. They held their muskets at us, with their gleaming bayonets tinkering at us. Their officers shouted fire. Their officers shouted fire. A mass volley was released. I saw it reaching me. I was too close to it. I thought I was about to die when my legs were gripped and I fell down to the ground. I saw Therie looking at me with a worried expression. ''I promised your wife to protect you! And look at you ,standing there waiting for your death! '' He hissed. I merely gave a mere smile. The Officer*( Ah,yes, I haven't told you his name ,his name was Laval. ) Officer Laval grabbed me.'' Come on you lazy man! Up and about! Advance! '' He patted me. He kicked Theire and he got up, with a bitter expression on his face. I heard shouts, it was confusing to tell who was going where. Still I kept my hat on and moved. We suffered terrible loses. The Russian's releasing their devastating volleys and more canister shot crippling our men. We came closer, closer to the Russian Guns. The Russian Artillerists saw us looming close. They abandoned their guns and fled at the sight from us. I think I saw the Russian Commander, General Bagration. He was a Russian field Marshall, since he is our enemy ,I thought it was better to call him that. He was a very middle aged man, with the looks of his youth still remaining on his face. I saw him with his large sideburns*(In the Napoleonic wars,many generals of this era ,they had large sideburns.) He rose and to my shock ,clapped his hands and shouted ''Bravo! Bravo!'' I then knew he had been impressed by what he had seen. I bowed in front of him. Theire looked at me in shock. Bagration saw me and bowed in front of me. I myself was honored. I told myself to move forward. We had captured much of the western side of the earthwork. I saw the Russian Officer looking at each of his men, who were now retreating at the sound of our foot infantry. He scowled in anger and took a musket. He placed himself in front of the empty guns. Officer Leval shouted at him ,telling him to withdraw. The Russian officer shouted in anger and refused to move. 'Well then! Kill that Russian coward for all I care! '' Leval shouted. I saw the brave Russian officer firing from his musket, he was trying his best to rally his men. But they weren't even following the orders he despeartly tried to gave out. I felt outraged at the cowardice of the Russians. The Russian officer was now at the redoubt ,waiting for us to come. We came in our hundreds. He came in his tons. He fired another shot, one more of our regiment fell down. We still advanced. The Russian Officer fired again. One more fire came from him again. He kept on firing until we could run out of men. Regardless we still walked to where he stood. The Russian Commanders looked at the lone officer of the army, in awe and impressed by the bravery of the officer. Seeing that the last of his men was about to fall, he kicked him down to the ground, only to be shot in the arm. I stopped, everyone stopped , as we saw the heroic deed done by the officer. I ran to him to see if he was alive. He was ,but only for a few minutes. I saw his face, smiling, he shook my hands and then said in French '' We should be allies. '' Then his eyes closed as I saw the ghost of his body floating in the air. I had forgetten that there were more Russian Infantry between us. They did not waste any time in attacking us. I saw the Russian Infantry fire. You see ,they were generally not the best infantry in Europe for firing, rather they wasted it in parades(which by the way were perfect) They were well famed for their bravery and skill fighting, yet they had not made much changes to the musket firing. This proved when I saw them advance. The Infantry stood in the woods, hoping to fire, except most of their shots didn't even hit their targets. You wouldn't expect something like this in a professional army. But I saw seven battalions of more massed Russian Infantry against us. I was about to purge my musket, but Theire moved me before I could make any move. We had to retreat, for we had penetrated far too deep in Russian territory. I saw the General Teste, commander of our battalions ,wounded, his hand had been shattered by a canister wound. His adjutant was mortally wounded. All around me were wounded men. I saw General Desiax at once. He had arrived at the Imperial Headquarters to take command of our once glorious attack. Theire led me to him. ''General! My friend has something to say! '' I nodded my head in objection. But the General noticed me. ''You were that same solider the Emperor talked too? '' He asked. So my fame had grown in the army. I bowed. ''No need of bowing ,Napoleon. I want to hear what you say. '' So I told him. I told him to replace my fallen out battalion with his fourth battalion.(I could tell this in detail, But to you lot, you can't take it in, So I had to simplify it, which sucks But anyway) Since he had eight battalions of Infantry ,I told him to make sure his Artierlly was protected. And the General followed my advice*( I was astounded! Of course I will be! No General listen's to their soldiers that well) He took me and Theire to where our Artierlly was positioned. ''Fire! '' He gave the order. And the most famous Artilery fired. I could see a massive line of smoke. And there were the cannon balls, flying fast at the Russians. I saw their formations being ripped apart by our Artillery*( This was the best artillery in the Europe, no army could challenge it. Not even the English nor the Russians could) The Bagration Fleeces were ripped apart. I saw massive amounts of earth being ripped apart our artillery. The Russians themselves could do not much ,as there was a constant barrage of Artierlly fire. I saw the Emperor ,high up, observing the action high up from the field. He looked through his telescope(In case you don't know his name, it is Napoleon Bonaparte. Emperor of the French. )Then I saw Marshall Ney Then I saw Marshall Ney's ordering his troops to attack. General Desaix sent me and Theire to attack alongside with Ney's corps. Ney possesed a nordic type of look, and he was the bravest of the brave*(Given to him by the Emperor) By the time we arrived , I had already slipped into a regiment. Consider it a bit*(This story has to end at this bit,I shall add more later) Ah,we're back. Anyway I had slipped into a regiment. Theire was behind me. I saw on the flag of the regiment , the name of it was embedded in gold , The 11th Divison. Of course, when you have met the Emperor himself ,they do not question you at all. General Razout was directing his force to attack the northern fleche. We stormed into the village ,but found ourselves being forced to withdraw back by a battlion of Russian Grenaiders and their Cavalry. It sucks you know that? You go into a village ,hoping to attack, and you're driven away. I'd say a complete blunder really. I saw the 18th line regiment, another regiment in the army that had gained fame ,after the Emperor had been impressed by their bravery at Austerlitz, seven years earlier. They walked into line,one after the other, so did the others. We stormed again and attacked the southern fleece*(In reality I attacked. Not many did,they attacked the northern fleche) I fired my musket and hit another Russian, who was about to shoot me. *( In detail, the bullet smashed his head, causing him to tumble over, falling over a another of his comrades and ...it went like a falling tumble, one after the other) I saw my old regiment coming back and hitting the Russians. Therie*(He had gone to the regiment as soon I went into another) was leading the atttack, I saw him smashing into the enemy*( He slammed a Russian to the ground and stabbed him. Then with the buttock of his musket ,he flung at three Russians about to attack him, and they all fell like ants) He smashed his musket in half when it hit the Russian's head.*( I can't describe it because it will be too ugly to describe the horror of this) But then I shook my head in confusion. Marshall Ney's corps had been mixed with Davout's corps. This meant that we had become mixed up in each general's force. And the orders that were let out lead to great confusion ,I could see different officers of their regiments leading different ones. You can see why. By now I had seen the battle for amusement*(Not really, I was serious at first, but then as it goes and when you have a Emperor that can lead, you don't need to be serious) But then my expression had changed. A Russian Battalion had been formed and they led to attack us. They were highly confident on their faces ,and they had a thirst for revenge_____*( You can fill out with the following choices. 1. The 18th Line formed line and defended, 2. We saw them coming. 3.Other.) Marshall Ney's corps had been mixed with Davout's corps. This meant that we had become mixed up in each general's force. And the orders that were let out lead to great confusion ,I could see different officers of their regiments leading different ones. You can see why. By now I had seen the battle for amusement*(Not really, I was serious at first, but then as it goes and when you have a Emperor that can lead, you don't need to be serious) But then my expression had changed. A Russian Battalion had been formed and they led to attack us. They were highly confident on their faces ,and they had a thirst for revenge_____*( You can fill out with the following choices. 1. The 18th Line formed line and defended, 2. We saw them coming. 3.Other.) The Russians had managed to form in a single battalion. I looked at them with anger in my eyes. Those damn Russians always have done something life-saving, just when we are about to kil them. I loaded my musket and and fired. One more Russian fell from that damn battalion. I loaded again and fired. Suddenly my bullet struck three Russians in the head. I was amazed. I went into the 18th line regiment. The Officer shouted fire. We fired back, giving a desvating volley. But still those Russians stood there, replacing themselves already ,with the fallen bodies left to rot. The Officer sheathed his sword and charged. I went, following the eagerness of the men around me. I hurried as fast as I could, holding my musket in my arms, I was ready to kill anyone. Then a cloud of pebbles and rock over took me. I rubbed it off, spitting some I had caught in my mouth. The Russian Artillery was there! They had fired into our regiment and they had spoiled my best looking uniform. I loaded my gun and fired at the nearest Russian Artillerist. I shot and he was dead. I loaded again until I could kill everyone of them. The soldiers around me stared at me. ''What? '' I asked. The Officer looked at me with a strange expression on his face. '' You're not that Napoleon Montreal are you? asked one of them. I nodded.. The Officer was about to talk, until he saw that we caught in a trap, the Russians were a tad closer now. He called withdraw, we had to, I took cover in the southern fleche. But those Russians pursed at us as if we were mouses and they were the cats. I took cover in the southern fleche. But those Russians pursed at us as if we were mouses and they were the cats*(Or you could say mice.) I fired five rounds a minute.*(As I told earlier, I had made modifications) More Russians fell from my deadly fire, but I had to withdraw, when those damn Russians had bought with them infantry and cavalry. Russian Cavalry*(They were quite useless in a fight to be honest. In Austerlitz they had proved how worthless they were. But as the years passed, they had improved their cavalry and were now a force against us. But French Calvary has always been the best) I was about to support when I was taken away by Theire*(Since he had promised my wife he would protect me) I saw the Russian Currasiers attacking our men. ''Let me go! '' I shouted, But Theire would not listen at all, he took me away from the powerful mass of the Russian Cuirassiers who were chasing our men around the field.'' You know your wife won't like this, now stand still! '' I stood still; Theire scanned the battlefield for any other action. He pointed to where the Russian Cavalry were way ahead of us, I saw the Russian Grenadiers defending the fleches, bravely. In a fury, before Theire could move, I went deep into the fleche and fired. Soon a whole regiment was behind me. I was giving the orders to fire, and we were killing the Russian Grenadiers like hell! Like hell I tell you! I laughed at joy, for the Russians were being killed*(They had weaker muskets, but they still can fight, I can tell you that) By the time it was early morning*(I’m not sure really, the battle seemed as if it were a long day, with two hours instead one of one) I could only see three hundred!*(There were four thousand Russian Grenadiers defending this fleche. Only three hundred, that's quite big if you count it) I aslo saw Theire firing. ''Theire! '' I almost shouted. He only smiled. Then I saw the combined infantry of Ney and Davout's attacking them. There was a Russian regiment supporting us, but were battered by our Artierlly! I saw gulps of Russian Infantry been thrown to the ground, almost as if the earth was swallowing them up. Only seven hundred men were left, when they railed back against us. I saw Russian Cavarly behind us attacking our Artierlly*(In short, I can't describe much as I wasn't there at that time, but I can do a bit of it) and our brave Polish and German lancers coming to attack them. The Russian Artierlly pounded at us! And there I saw the General Bagaration. I could not believe my eyes! *(The Russian Grenadiers were awful, not many of them actually managed to pick a target, that's the reason why they lost a huge amount of men) He was leading them in a bayonet attack*(He should be French!) The Russian Grenadiers came closer, much closer. I fired from my musket, killing another miserable enemy solider. Our officer shouted the order to fire. We fired like hell, I saw that the Russians were badly being damaged by our fire and canister shot. They came in and captured the fleches we were in. I flung my musket high in the air, and luckily that knocked a Russian off his balance. I was seized from my position and I struggled to wriggle off, but those Russians held me and they threw me down. I cried in frustration and stabbed into each of them, splitting their stomachs apart, I did seized the enemy's throat and slammed his head down to the ground, from where his blood ran into the ground. I saw General Friant's men coming in, I cheered in triumph, waiting to feel the glory, the honour, the prestige of battle. I was pushed alongside a few ditches and fell to the ground, I groaned in pain, almost bad pain that sent a shock through my spine. ''Hey! You! Get up! '' Another officer looked at me, and I got up. ''What do you think you're doing, lazing around like that! I'll have you punished for that! '' He barked at me. '' Yes, sir! '' I saluted and went off, before he could do anything else. And, well you know what? I was greeted by five smiling Russians holding their bayonets at me. I blocked their advance with my musket, I couldn't hold it any longer, for they lurched at me , My head was sword back as I tried to avoid the sharp bayonets. I found a fallen flag of a standard, it was a golden standard, with fine features of the flag of France and finely written words of the Emperor, I took it up and held it, and from there I used my musket as a defensive weapon. The Russians in front of me only laughed and they launched at me. I smiled and moved out, causing them to fall in a collision. Then I flung my musket and slammed in their heads in one*(You won't believe me on this, but it did, the musket smashed into their heads) that caused them to die like flies. I think it was my best achievement as a soldier. But then I looked around, there were too many Russians behind me and in front of me; they were over flooding the fleche. I had no option but to withdraw. As did many of our men. But I saw our officers shouting at us to reform. I got back in line with the men, and did we advance! We fell, stumbled, and tumbled on the fallen bodies of our fallen comrades. I saw something strange in the expression of the Russians, who fled back, we had regained the fleche! They must have thought we were ghosts, they are orthodox christens after all. I saw the Marshall Murat coming in. he had with him the survivors of the 57th! I took my hat off and repositioned it and then I went over there, though my legs pained as I tried to come across. Murat was flamboyantly dressed , his Cavarly contingent following him , although I saw him ,with his great whiskers and sideburns and his golden uniform, he only had a weak infantry regiment and had light Cavarly with him. Though there was a strong regiment of Infantry, He was about to attack when I saw the Russian Curraisers running riot! They had angry expressions on their faces. And they slammed into Murat's division of infantry and Cavarly. I saw the square being used our infantry firing at them. While the Russian Curraisers tried to storm in ,killing anybody in their sight. They were that ruthless. I was far away, But I could see the action ,and Murat nearly escaped the fury of the Russian Curraisers ,I saw him dashing through the battle ,as if he were the hero of the battle ,striking down the evil soldiers. I saw our light Cavarly , the Wurttemberg Chevauxlegere-Regiment *(Let's shorten to Wurttemberg light Cavarly) storming into the Russian Artierlly and throwing down the Russian solider's into the air. They were soon slammed into the flank by Russian Curraisers ,and those damn Germans retreated! I saw a massive Cavarly fight behind me, The Russian Curraisers were charging riot against our German Curraisers. And what a fight it was! I heard them shout ''Run the German Dogs down men! '' in French. Thousands of Russian and Germans fought each other in a magnificent clash. But the Germans proved cowardly. Those damn Russians came in and started to defeat us! I did not know what to do, join my comrades or stand here watching the battle? I heard a loud horn coming from where I had left the fleche. The Russians had now a division, which consisted of large regiments put together. Their infantry this time seemed rather standard ,but by god, did they look powerful. And the General himself, Bagration was leading them. I wouldn't be that surprised. I ran to where the Artierlly lay. Now of course, I don't know why I ran to the Artillery, But I saw our fleches were being overthrown. We had captured it with all our might and yet those damn Russians stormed at us. Our men ran back to the woods. I sighed in disgust. There were too many of the enemy. Until I saw a strange looking Artierlly officer looking at me. ''What?'' He asked. I smiled. I had always wanted to try the artillery, so I went unto him and beat him. It wasn't that savage, just enough for me to wear his clothes and blast the cannon. I was now in a Artillery's officer dress , I walked to where the rest of the artillery were booming into the Russian ranks. One of them approached me. '' Hey, have you seen the old officer? '' He asked me. I looked at with a stern expression and spoke coldly. '' You will get back to your position and damn you will fire! Bring the canister shot! '' I shouted, and my orders were followed. The artillery crewmen that spoke to me said nothing. I stood in the middle. ''Bring all the Artierlly in one line and load, don't fire until I say so. '' I said, but before it could be followed, some fool came unto me and protested against me. My reply? A punch of his face. The Russians were getting close now, well close. '' Fire at will! '' I ordered ,and a splatter of deadly canister shot fell on them, they collapsed like ants! My reply? A punch on his face. The Russians were getting close now, well close. '' Fire at will! '' I ordered ,and a splatter of deadly canister shot fell on them, they collapsed like ants! I saw the iron bullets smashing into the skulls of the Russians, I heard shouts, cries of pain coming from already about to die soldiers, and the earth being ripped up. It was all too much for the Russians, too many of their soldiers were dying. I was enjoying the spectacle when I heard a voice. ''Napoleon Montreal. What a pleasure to see you commanding the Artillery. '' That was Lyon. Lyon was a great enemy of mine ,ever since he had tried to steal my wife away. He was a rouge, up to no good he was, and he was just like a ordinary solider ,just like me. ''Damn you Lyon! Don't you see I'm killing the Russians. I'll send you out there then! '' I shouted at him. That made the desired effect ,because he didn't say anything to me ,only a cold glare from his face. He left the place, and I went back to the Artillery, from where I saw some Russians had actually managed to run in. I took the nearest musket I saw and slammed into two Russians , throwing them off the ground ,only to be hit by the deadly canister shot, which caused their brains to split open. ''Napoleon? '' I moved my head again to see Theire looking at me in wide open shock, his eyes bugled with red, he was alarmed that I was too close to the fight. '' Having a great time eh? '' I replied back. He didn't say anything , he ran away, probably to get something. I got glares from the Artillery-crewmen ,who were suspicious of me.'' WHAT DO YOU'RE THINK YOU'RE DOING??? GET BACK TO FIRING AT ONCE OR NO RATIONS FOR A MONTH. IS THAT CLEAR! '' I roared at them. A grin came on my face as they I pointed to where the Russians were coming in their numbers. The crewmen of the artillery got back into their roles and started to fire. I even split a spark, though it was a cannonball and unfortunately it ...well...erm.... this is a bit embarrassing but it landed on to a Russian, ripping his entire bottom off.*(I'm not lying, it did) I can't describe all about that, its too horrific. And to be honest, the Artierlly of France was the best, considering the Emperor had been himself once a Artierlly officer. And we, of the infantry and Cavarly, weren't happy, they were fell fed like the Old guard,or the Imperial Guard. But our cannonade was terrific! What once looked like a great mass of men, was now shrinking! The Russians were now in terrible small numbers, to weak to carry the assault. But then I saw from the mist, the General Bagration. I looked in alarm ,for if he had arrived, then there would have been a great cry of morale between the Russians. And by god, despite our cannonade, they kept on coming, with more large regiments, consisting of about 183 men? A large number for a regiment. But they would never stand to the standard of our Artierally. ''FIRE!!!! '' I let out a bellow, holding my musket with me, and a massive cannaode was released, I saw little sparks of white spots booming from the artillery, seeing them land fast on the Russians. They screamed in pain. That did not let them cower as General Bagration was furiously trying to get among his men! '' Men of the French Artillery! This is your finest moment There lays the Russian Prince, General Bagration! Direct all cannon towards him! '' I boomed as I pointed to the furious Russian General shouting in anger. The Artillery loaded ,now I knew why the Emperor gave much status to the Artillery, they were the very foundations of our army , probably of history! ''Fire at will! '' I shouted again, and they boomed in the thunder, producing a massive sound I had never experniced. The Russian General was struck! Struck I tell you. he was struck in the leg. Instead of wincing of like a fool, like the Austrians did , where they would retreat, this Russian General kept on moving, trying to not show to his wound. I almost admired the bravery of this General. But he was going to die in front of his troops, this I did not want. I waved my hand to the Russians, who took it as a sign to attack, but I pointed to where the General was, he collapsed, his troops took him away. ''Hey...who was that man who knocked me?? '' a voice appeared behind me. That was the same man I had taken his clothes off. The Artillery crewman looked at him in ragged clothes and then at me. Time to leave. I struck off before any of them could attack me. I soon reached to the Great Redoubt , I stopped for a minute, almost not realizing that this was the Russian General who had made this fortification, and by god, did he make some excellent defensive places. I saw a Ditch, around to three to seven miles wide. It was a double palside with two openings on either side ,and wolf pits were in the front. I saw nineteen Russian Guns positioned straight as a firing line. They boomed. Oops... I almost forgot that I was straight under their firing line. I ran to where our regiments were preparing for the attack on the Great redoubt. At around 10 am, by the time I arrived , our artillery was booming like hell, they struck the Russians, but I didn't see it do much. What was embarrassing for me was everyone watched me, a artillery officer, picking up a musket. ''Hey, you, you're in the artillery, what the hell are you doing here? '' One of the officers approached me ,speaking aggresivly. '' I'm a fusilier! '' I replied back. At around 10 am, by the time I arrived , our artillery was booming like hell, they struck the Russians, but I didn't see it do much. What was embarrassing for me was everyone watched me, a artillery officer, picking up a musket. ''Hey, you, you're in the artillery, what the hell are you doing here? '' One of the officers approached me ,speaking aggresivly. '' I'm a fusilier! '' I replied back. They laughed at me ,not believing me. '' You, you damn fool, I suggest you get back to your artillery and fire those on damn Russians! We don't want your kind here! '' I bristled under rage, this one was surely going to the Emperor. ''Yeah? Well see this! '' I retorted back. I took my musket and loaded it, then I fired, producing a sharp releasing noise. The Officer didn't say anything, nor did the men, for they were too shocked at me firing a musket. ''Well? '' I asked them , waiting for a reply. '' Erm... erm.... yeah, you said you were a fusilier weren't you? Just get in the line.... '' The Officer replied, obviously fear came in his voice when I told him , I was not of the ordinary artillery, I was of the Emperor's. That caught them like dogs! I checked my time, it was around 10:30 am. We were going to attack. I slid my musket in my hands, around me were probably six thousand men , to say at the least. This was the second attack. Our men, under General Broussiex had managed to go at the redoubt. But they were halted by enemy fire. This was the second, and by God, I was eager to kill them all. We were on the base of the mound, ready to take it. And this was General's Morand's regiment. '' Men! '' A voice shouted at the front. '' We're going to take that redoubt by assault! I don't care if we fail to take it, but by god ,we shall do it! Vive Le France! Double time forward!!! '' It was that same officer that had insulted me. We advanced, moving our legs. Of course, everyone would have been slightly embarrassed to see a artillery crewman fighting in the Crack Fusiliers. The Russians became even more alarmed. By then , their officers were issuing orders and they started firing at us. These Russians can put a play, I can tell you this for sure. I saw hundreds of men in my rank being thrown off by heavy artillery fire. I nearly was hit by it, though I was a bit far away. Then my legs started to wobble, I looked around and I saw that we had fallen into the Wolf Pits. The Russians were astounded to see me, an artierlly crewman along with the infantry, they began attacking me ,like jackals attacking a wounded lion. I fired at them, two too three times at least. One of them hit me in the chin, I tried to move, but I was struck in the legs. I winced in pain. You always have to hate when they hit your legs. But stubborn will held me. I would not give up! The Russians became even more alarmed. By then , their officers were issuing orders and they started firing at us. These Russians can put a play, I can tell you this for sure. I saw hundreds of men in my rank being thrown off by heavy artillery fire. I nearly was hit by it, though I was a bit far away. Then my legs started to wobble, I looked around and I saw that we had fallen into the Wolf Pits. The Russians were astounded to see me, an artierlly crewman along with the infantry, they began attacking me ,like jackals attacking a wounded lion. I fired at them, two too three times at least. One of them hit me in the chin, I tried to move, but I was struck in the legs. I winced in pain. You always have to hate when they hit your legs. But stubborn will held me. I would not give up! I saw a great smoke coming from the Russian Guns. Our Men were advancing and overwhelming the Russians. I stood up, and the Russians surrounding me laughed. I only took a musket and started to beat them back. By pretty much the time I was tried, they were all laying dead, sprawled across the floor. I saw most of my men handling the Russian Artierlly crewman. And by god, they were excptional at hand to hand combat. One of them fell on me, I struck him in his chin , making him stagger back, but he only spitted out a few broken teeth and cursed me. I laughed at him and tried to plunge my musket when he blocked my musket and kicked me in the balls*( Yes, that hurt) I groaned in pain, He threw me again to the ground. I had enough of being pounded by Russians! Is it just me that gets the most beatings out of any solider in this damn army? Is it just me that gets the most beatings out of any solider in this damn army? ''Wait... '' I groaned in Russian. He was astounded, saying nothing. He seized my neck but I punched him. '' You're a traitor! '' He shouted at me. ''No, I am French! '' I shouted back. ''How can you be french when you speak Russian? '' he asked me. ''Erm,,,...erm... I dunno.'' I gave a grin. He wasn't impressed. Then I had the idea. If I could go to the Russian Lines, and act with one of their Generals, I could almost make Russian outcomes go down. I smiled, and punched, punched him as hard as I could. He soon lay dead, there. I took his clothes and dressed in them. I took his sword and ran deep into the Russian Lines. And I never told you that I spoke Russian. I speak many langauges, you see. I saw a Russian Officer bellowing orders at the Artierlly crewman. '' Get your backs into it , you damn dogs! I'm not here for the money, those stupid French are already advancing at our centre and you can't fire at them! '' He struck one of them with his fist. The man didn't do anything, except he got up and countuined to fire. He looked Marshall Ney, though this one was different. He wore a bright dark green uniform with white trousers and a large black bircorn hat sat in the way our Marshall's had theirs. He had large golden sideburns. ''You?! '' he loomed his eyes towards me. ''Yes? '' I replied. '' Where's your commanding Artierlly crew! Where's your assignment! And what are you doing here prowling around when the French are starting to attack us. '' He spoke in outraged tones. I smiled. '' You see , I am French. '' I replied. For a moment no said anything, then they reacted flying at me like birds over a wounded lion. I smiled again and grabbed my musket and fought them. The Russian crewman were useless in this fight, probably because of that damn officer, who kept on slashing me with his sword. I fought them ,killing them one after the other. Then the officer looked at me. I stabbed him before he could move. '' You... I'll get you one day, my ancestors will... get you!!! '' he groaned weakly. He let his sword again, but he couldn't do much,as I struck him again on his chin. His eyes went white. He groaned and shook his head, and then fell in a heap. I smiled again. I took his clothes and dressed in them. Then I found a horse and rode to the nearest Russian Camp there was. I dismounted as I saw guards armed with muskets walking around. A General stepped out of the tent, fuming. He looked like a general, with all the military decorations around him, he wore medals and stars and a bright dark green uniform. I looked around, men stood around, guarding their various pieces, ransacks, horses. It was all too much if you asked me. I looked to one of the guards. '' Hey, who's that general who got out from the tent? '' I asked. He looked at me with suspicion. '' I haven't seen you around here before, but anyway, that was the General Barclay De Tolly. '' So Barclay was his name. He had remarkable features comparing him to Marshall Davout, in terms of military skill and look. I almost ran to him. '' Calm down man, what seems to be the matter? '' He asked me. I gave a deep bow to him. '' General, I have a suggestion. '' Barclay looked calm and relaxed; I could see he was a good General; the men around him respected him. '' And what may that suggestion be? '' He asked. Before I could speak, A Russian Lieutenant dismounted from his horse and handed a note to Barclay and read it. '' Dispatch two infantry battalions to retake the Redoubt. That will be the order. '' The Lieutenant nodded. '' Your suggestion? '' He asked me. '' I would like a massive retake of the redoubt, General; we must take it back by all costs. '' My skull tightened as I spoke. He nodded. '' A good suggestion, but we can take it back anyway. Two infantry battalions can do it. '' . I looked at him shock. '' But sir, excuse me, but two won't do, the French under Napoleon will send their masses in. Sir, I've fought in this war for a long time, and I know all about Napoleon and his army. We must retake the redoubt. '' ,The General seemed interested. '' I would follow your advice, but I cannot do much, Kutosov is in charge, the old coot.'' General Kutosov eh? I thought. '' Thank you. '' I nodded and went behind the tent. I heard the talks of the Russian Generals. '' If we take the redoubt here... the French could strike to the left, maybe send a regiment to combat them. I almost ran to the hill, seeing the clever move made by the general. My men down there were being killed. Only two thirds of the infantry remained. I saw the Russian Infantry, in a large mass, lined with each other, while smoke came from nowhere, and they were driving our men back. It was chaos. The French, my countrymen were outnumbered by twelve or eleven regiments, sixteen battalions of Russians were fighting our brave French force, which shot furiously at the Russian Battalions I saw the bayonet charge made, and something has to be done! |