Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1869132-The-Storm-of-Mind
by Aresay
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1869132
The door separating the two different worlds is thrown open and confusion reigns.
With a flash of bloody red, the doorway separating the light and dark sides of the man's mind opened. And what had been sealed away for so long, came barrelling out, like a tidal wave of proportions the he had never seen before. He felt his mind begin to pull away from his body and his eyes closed.


He awoke to a desolate wasteland. The smoking ground was cracking and slowly breaking apart.
"Where am I?" he thought aloud
"You are in my plane of existence," a horse yet alluring voice whispered over the breeze.
He heard a light hiss behind him and a soft thump. He turned slowly, eyes picking up every detail possible in the dark light available. He saw himself. No, it wasn't himself, it was a copy. But it was different. Instead of his blonde hair, it had jet black, glossy hair tumbling down to it's shoulders. It's skin, was ragged, layered and overlapping. Something of a mix between leather armour and over-sized snake scales. And it's eyes. They shocked him the most.
Solid red pupils, with five purple streaks through the pitch black iris.
He stuttered, "What....what are you?"
It smirked and tilted it's head to the side,
"Oh, you don't recognise me? Let me re-introduce myself"
It's eyes widened and the purple in it's irises began to take circular shape, creating five circles of purple within the eye, ringing the red pupil.
He screamed, fell to his knees and was torn between clamped his hands over his eyes and ears as entire segments of his past flashed in his mind. It seemed an eternity as his memories were played out in his mind's eye, and he willed it to stop. As the images ceased to flash, his shoulders dropped and he realised he was panting and drenched in sweat.As he removed his right hand from his eye, he looked up, glaring at the monster and muttered,
It chuckled and responded,
"You? Is that all you have for me. I never really did tell you my name did I? Well, I never had a name, until you gave me one, Guran"
Guran thought as he stiffened, 'How did it know my name?
Guran stood upright again and spoke to the thing in front of him,
'I have only seen flashes of you before. How can I give you a name, if I don't know you? Well, speak your name!'
"Elnar, does that sound familiar?"
Guran mind began to whirl,
'That....that thing was Elnar.....what on earth is it?' he thought
Elnar began to speak,
"You may be wondering who I am right now. Probably more like what I am than anything else. Don't worry, I will tell you."
Guran continued to stare at Elnar, a storm of confusing whirling through his head.
"In each  person, there lies a daemon, each as unique as the person they are in, although many share similar powers, none are identical. I am the daemon that resides in you." Elnar finished.
"What is happening?! Why did I see blood and a door, and why have I ended up here?" shouted Guran
"We daemons just are. We have no origin or end, we simply exist. We share similar characteristics and we age and grow like humans do, until we are deemed mature enough." continued Elnar, unphased
"As for the door and blood, that was my doing. I have come of age. When the daemon folk become of age and certain conditions are met, the door between our world and your world is unlocked and a connection between our minds is formed."
"So?" Guran questioned.
"If you would let me finish," snapped Elnar, eyes flaring
"You will know the details. Once the door is unlocked, either of us are free to walk through the door to each others side. I can walk through the door into your world, but there are limitations, I can walk into your mind, I can take a physical form from using some of my own power and yours, and the reverse can occur for you. You can walk into this world, but as a spiritual copy of yourself, your physical body will remain where you left it on your side of the door."
Guran was shocked at this information and stammered,
"So...so everyone has a daemon in them...?"
Elnar nodded and said as he waved at the open door standing off in the distance,
"But only a few people are aware of them, most people are oblivious to them, and therefore the daemon cannot open the door, but yet they remain, in the darkest parts of the mind, influencing people this way and that. You knew of me and my abode. You remember that night very clearly at the battle of Monial. You were in aid and I came to you. You knew of a supernatural power that existed. This created a link between my world and yours and it is also the reason I could unlock and open the door."

Guran paused and closed his eyes. He began to understand. 'It's all starting to make sense now. The carnage that I caused at Monial, wasn't me. It was him, it was his power.'
He looked at Elnar and asked,
"You said that each daemon has individual powers, what are yours then?"
Elnar smirked and responded,
"Let me show you," as his eyes pulsed red and Guran found himself hurtling towards the door in his mind, and suddenly it went black, with the sound of a slamming door. Guran's eyes flew open as he jumped from the sodden ground of the forest. He snapped his back against a tree, standing upright, breathing heavily. He watched as Elnar stepped out from his own body, without the slightest notion of sound. Elnar looked around and smiled,
"I was told of your land, and I did not think it would be this wondrous. Now I will show you my power"
He shot a hand upwards, above his head. Guran watched for several seconds as nothing happened. But slowly, he could feel the wind begin to pick up. He looked up at the sky from the clearing they were in, and noticed that the clouds began to grow larger black underbellies. With the crack of a whip, a blade of lightning struck the forest not far from their position as rain began to fall heavily. Guran looked down at Elnar and saw his arm moving, like it was a mirage. Elnar returned the look, but with a malicious grin.
"This is my power, the control of the air element!" He said, as hailstones began to fall around them.
Guran looked on, awestruck as the dark clouds dissipated as quickly as the formed.
Elnar smirked, and said,
"I will see you soon," and jumped at Guran. Guran watched as Elnar flowed into his body and he heard his voice echo in his head,
"Sleep, you need your strength"
And with that sentence, Guran slid down the tree and slept.

Hey guys, I've had this written down for ages and I've finally gotten this thing into a digital format. I have no idea what this will turn out to be. I had hoped it to be a chapter (or a part there of) of a novel I've had brewing around in my head. Yeah anyway, if you are reading this I really appreciate you taking the time to read the stuff above this. I hope to hear from you all and read your comments.
Aresay out.
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