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ABBYwants to become a famous singer,But theres one problem,She has MPD |
EXT. 1966 IN FORNT OF SCHOOL-EVENING (NARRATOR, ROSE, LUCAS) NARRATOR (V.O) It’s summer vacation here in Bastrop, Louisiana and boy is it hot! But for Abby and I (Silence) I mean Rose that ain’t no problem. ROSE (Scavenging through purse) Lucas! Have you seen my red lipstick? (Dumps purse containments on to car) I can’t find it anywhere! LUCAS (Unlocks car door) No mam, you check your purse? Abby probably through it away. ROSE (Puts stuff back into purse) Yes! It ain’t here (gets into car) I’m Just gunna have to stop by Mr.Rowney ‘s store and get some new lipstick. (Puts seat belt on) Abby would never do that too little old me. Besides me and her are almost the same person. NARRATOR (V.O) As I started to drive, I noticed how long Abby’s been gone. INT. DRIVING TO MR.ROWDNY’S STORE-EVEING (ROSE, LUCAS) LUCAS (Calmly) Rose? ROSE (With a grin) LUCAS (Sits up, looks at Rose then the road, clenches steering wheel tighter) How’s Abby doing? I haven’t seen her in three week… ROSE Abby is not here right now, I’m afraid she too scared to come out. LUCAS (Putting car into park) I was just wondering, she has a show next week (mumbling) I definably don’t want to ruin that. ROSE That’s none of my concern, I’m gunna be an actress and you ain’t gunna stop me. (Put head up high while walking into the store) INT. MR.RODWNY’s STORE-EVENIG (MR. RODEWY, LUCAS, ROSE) LUCAS and ROSE both get out the car and walk inside MR.RODEWY’S store. The store is somewhat old, and the floorboards squeak every time you step on them. The store is filled with food, liquids, cigarettes, and on the wall behind MR.RODEWY is a vintage pin up girl poster of a woman in a dress sitting on a camping chair. MR.RODEWY Well hi their Missus Price. How you doin’? ROSE (Smiles) I’m doin’ fine Mr. Rodney, and you (Walks over to where the makeup is) MR.RODEWY (Laughs) Not too bad myself. You hear that three Negro first graders were enrolled in a whites-only elementary school? ROSE I think it’s wonderful, finally this state is happy-go-lucky. (Picks up lipstick) Find a 1960’s word that means the same. This is a contemporary phrasing that was more prevalent in the 90s. Free minded in the 60’s would’ve been a drug reference. MR.RODEWY You think so misses Price? As long them ain’t in no trouble, I fine by that. Unlike them kids across the street causing a ruckus. ROSE Yes, trouble? Kind of trouble? MR.RODEWY Them kids gathering around that famous actor across the street. They’re trying to find themselves a person who will be the lead in some new movie. ROSE MOVIE?! LEAD ROLE? (Turns to Lucas) Do know what this means? LUCAS Wha? ROSE (Runs to counter and pays for lipstick) I’m gunna be a star! MR.RODEWY Thank yous misses price. Ya'll have a nice day ya hear? ROSE (Runs out door into crowd) You too! LUCAS ROSE!!! (Runs out door) COME BACK! Too much space EXT. ACROSS THE STREET FROM STORE-AFTERNOON (CROWD OF GIRLS, ROSE, Jean François, LUCAS) ROSE runs towards the crowd of girls all hovering around the famous LE SHAUNT DE ROVIR and trying to get his attention. ROSE OUT OF MY WAY! GIRL #1 HEY! GIRL #2 I was here first! ROSE I DON’T CARE! (Rose makes her way to the front) Mr. François! (Waves hand) you –who! MR.SHAUNT! Jean François (Shanties to ROSE) Well hello Belle Dame. What a brings you here? ROSE (Smiles) My names Rose. I’d likes to audition for that lead role. Jean François Sans problem! (Scribbles on a piece of paper) Come by this place for the audition! ROSE (Runs off) AW!! Thank you Mr. François! Thank you thanks you! Jean François (To ROSE) Au revoir! ROSE (Grabs LUCAS’ hand, and runs towards the car) Come on lets Go! INT. INSIDE LUCAS CAR- AFTERNOON (LUCAS, ROSE) ROSE enters the car and slams the door rushing to put her seat belt on. LUCAS ROSE! Stop pulling me! ROSE (Opens car door and puts seat belt on) LUCAS HURRY UP AND START THE CAR! LUCAS (Gets into car and just sits there) ROSE (Looks at LUCAS) Well, arnt you gunna start the car? LUCAS (Notices ROSE is staring at him) (Laughs) I can’t let you go Rose, Abby auditi- (ROSE cuts him off) ROSE LUCAS I AM NOT DISSUSING THIS RIGHT NOW! Now you turn that car on and drive me home. LUCAS NO! I’m not, I am not letting ruin this for Abby again Rose! This is the 2st time you messed up her gigs. Now, you go on and give me that note there. Or you walk home. ROSE (Opens car door) I’ll walk home thank you very much. (Steps out car and starts walking home) LUCAS (Punches the steering wheel) GOD DAMMIT, why are you so stubborn! (Turns car on and follows ROSE) ROSE (Car pulls up and LUCAS roll downs the car window) You finally change your mind? LUCAS (Yelling) GET BACK IN THIS CAR RIGHT NOW. Why are you so damn stubborn? ROSE Leave me alone. LUCAS (Drives off) Fine be like that END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO EXT. DRIVING HOME-AFTERNOON (NARRATOR, LUCAS) NARRATOR (V.O) I looked in the review mirror and saw ROSE standing there as I drove off. She never looked madder in her life. After all, she did try to ruin ABBY’s gig once more. And I had to stop her. LUCAS Ugh why did she do that I’m so pissed but somehow I don’t really care… She know that Abby gig is next week but- well she did…she dose care... I’m just so frustrated and she’s not helping at all…. NARRATOR (V.O.) I had to forgive her of course. She’s been threw a lot in the past couple years. Her uncle Price adopted her, when they found out her Mother and Father was mistreating her. The mother and father had abused her physically and sexually for 12 years. Then I guess around there she started to have different personalities. I meet Abby in our 10th year of high school. It was during lunch when I saw her crying on the stairs by the auditorium. FLASH TO EXT. 1959- AUDITORIUM STAIRS- EVEING (LUCAS, ABBY) (LUCAS is walking by and sees Abby crying) LUCAS (Walks over to ABBY) Hey, miss you ok? ABBY (Tries to wipe her face) (Sniffs) Yes I’m ok now. (Picks her stuff up) LUCAS Wait… I know you your from my Economics class ABBY Yes, what about it? LUCAS (Looks down at floor) Well I don’t know! I just saw you crying that’s all. I just wanted to make sure you were all right ABBY (Starts to walk away) Well I’m fine. LUCAS Wh- wait! ABBY (Turns around) Boy what to you want now? LUCAS At least let me take you out tomorrow! ABBY (Look to the ground) Sorry, I’m not interested in boys… LUCAS Give me a chance ABBY If I say yes will you leave me alone? LUCAS Of- of COURSE ABBY Ok, then LUCAS How does 5:00pm sound to you? ABBY (Takes out a piece of paper and scribbles her address on it) Sound fine. (Hands paper to LUCAS) LUCAS (Takes paper) Ok then, bye misses Price. (Abby walks away and Lucas opens the piece of paper and reads it. The paper says her address and her phone number. LUCAS smiles and the flashback ends) INT. DRIVING HOME-EVEING LUCAS (Sighs) What am I gunna do about her? INT. DRIVING TO ROSE-EVEING LUCAS (Angry) Get in the car ROSE You changed yo’re mind? LUCAS No, you’re getting in this car if you like it or not ROSE (Opens car door) What do you want? LUCAS (Drives off) ROSE Hello? (LUCAS gives no response) … HELLO?! LUCAS (Slightly glances at ROSE) ROSE Boy, I KNOW YOU AIN’T DEAF. LUCAS (Silently) Shut yo mouth woman. ROSE EXCUSE ME? WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?! LUCAS SHUT UP ABBY. IM TIRED OF HEARING YO MOUTH ABOUT YOU BECOMING AN ACTOR. YOU ARE NOT ROSE. SO DROP THIS WHOLE MULTIPLE PERSONALTY CRAP!!! (ROSE transitions to ELIZABETH) ELIZABETH (Crying) I’m so… SORRY! LUCAS (Sarcastically) Here we go again… just drop it I’m sorry II yelled at you... Abby. ELIZABETH (Still crying) I can’t believe you said.. I was faking! LUCAS ABBY I SAID IM SORRY! ELIZABETH (Crying) I AM NOT ABBY! IT’S ELIZABETH! LUCAS Ok, Elizabeth…. I’m sorry for yelling at you. Please let me speak to rose... ELIZABETH Ok… (ELIZABETH transitions to ROSE) ROSE This better be good LUCAS (Pulls car over) I’m sorry for yelling and ignoring you rose ROSE (Rolls eyes) LUCAS (Frustrated) sigh… I don’t know what to do with you anymore. But I’m just gunna have to deal with it… ROSE Hah, LUCAS What’s so funny? ROSE Oh, nothing. LUCAS Tell me. ROSE It’s funny how you care some much about Abby, but not any of us, after all we are the same person. LUCAS I fell in love with Abby. The rest of you… annoy the crap out of me. ROSE Humph. LUCAS Ha-ha… NARRATOR (v.o) As I took Rose home, I went home myself. I lye on my bed and thought of Abby. I thought of our first date together, and our first kiss. I even remember parents she was different from all the other rascals. Even the first time she transitioned in Rose... and Elizabeth... Even though she has some history, I still love her. (The scene fades to black) LUCASINT-ABBY’S HOUSE-MORNING (Scene fades in with LUCAS pulling up into ABBY’S drive way) (Knocks on door) MRS.PRICE Well look at what we got here, ROSE! COME LOOK THERE’S A HANDSOME MAN AT THE DOOR! (The sound of footsteps running down the hall) ROSE Move ma! WELL HE-llllloooo….. Oh it’s just you Lucas…. Come in… LUCAS Ha-ha… (LUCAS walks in the house. The kitchen is right there; the walls are decorated with a floral wallpaper, and have has a clock by the door on the wall. MR.PRICE is sitting down at the table reading the news paper, while MRS.PRICE is shown cooking bacon and eggs. LUCAS sits down at the table next to MR.PRICE) LUCAS Morning sir MR.PRICE (Puts newspaper down and grabs coffee) Morning, you hear The Saints play yesterday? LUCAS No, sir MRS.PRICE (Brings break face to table) Dear I don’t think he interested in football. MR.PRICE Of course he is. What man wouldn’t be? LUCAS Ummm… me,sir. I don’t care much bout football. MR.PRICE Humph. (gose back reading newspaper) (ROSE walks into the kitchen and grabs LUCAS’ hand and walk out the door) LUCAS Woman! Would you stop dragging me everywhere! I ain’t your dog! ROSE Oh hush up! Your gunna take me shopping today. LUCAS Lord have mercy, like hell I would! ROSE (kisses lucas) Please? LUCAS Sigh… fine.. where am I takin you? ROSE Baton Rouge! LUCAS …..that..IS A FOUR HOUR DRIVE! IM NOT DRIVING THAT FAR JUST TO GO SHOPING! ROSE But you drive all over the place for Abby…. LUCAS That is a different story… ROSE Please… LUCAS NO! and that final! ROSE (pretends to cry) LUCAS Hey! Hey.. ok im sorry.. ill take you. ROSE YAY! LUCAS (under his breath) What did I just do… (LUCAS and ROSE both get into the car and drive off) MORE COMING SOON!!! ![]() |