Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1868232-Emeralds-City
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1868232
A twist on Wizard of Oz.
"Well I never!" Indignation colored the words that the tiny woman huffed out, small hands brushing energetically at the soft fabric of her long gown. Bits of leaves and dirt were batted away before she straightened and looked back the way she'd come. It'd been an abrupt and unexpected landing for the diminutive mage. Giving a sniff of disapproval at the indignity, Emmy turned to survey her surroundings. Jewel bright eyes widened to saucer-like proportions as she stared, confusion etching itself into her features as she took in the field of yellow flowers that seemed to stretch on forever.

"Oooo!" Excitement replaced the confusion as Em bent down and plucked several of the surrounding flowers, cradling them in her arms. Inexorably, she worked her way through the profusion of sunny blooms, her soft squeaks of delight punctuating each time she reached out and plucked one of the bright flowers.

"Oh my! How lovely! Oh! And here's another one! Oh goodness! And this one! And, Ohhh! Look! This one here! Now all I need is something green to put them...."

Em's voice trailed off with a gasp as she spotted the building in the distance. Her small jaw sagged as she stared. The building was huge; and it was green. Emerald green! Her favorite color! Blooms were forgotten as she buried her free hand in the linen of her skirt and yanked it out of the way and began to run down the hill. She stumbled to a halt before a large, rough hewn door and frowned. Em gave the door knob an experimental twist then frowned at the solid structure.


The sweetly cheerful greeting netted her no answer. Giving a soft hum of interest, Em looked both left and right but saw no other entrance. Determination filled her face and standing on tiptoe, she banged a small fist on the rough wood and called out again.


Above her head, a small window was yanked open with force and a rather strange looking man stuck his head out. Em jerked in surprise and then blinked at the apparition.

"Yes? What do want?"

"Well I never!" Em planted her fisted hands on slim hips as she tipped her head back at this rather rude greeting. Lifting one hand she wagged the bunch of flowers at the man for emphasis as she responded.

"Stars and garters! There is no need for rudeness, mister! No need at all!" The flowers quivered under the man's nose as Emmy continued to shake them vigorously as she continued. "Why! I don't belive I've heard such rudeness since ol' Stuffy Pants gave me what for at the awards and tried to obli..ob...crack my brains open!"

Emmy huffed at the remembered indignity then giggled, her eyes brightening once more.

"Oh hi! May I come in? I do love green! And you have such a really magnificent green house, now don't you! Why! I'm even called green! Er... I mean Emerald. But that's green, now isn't it? Of course it is! So really I don't see why you can't open the door and let me be green in there, now do you?"

The man's jaw dropped at this rambling dissertation on green. He stared in silent bewilderment at the tiny figure who was demanding entrance. Staring at her, their gazes locked for several seconds before without a word he disappeared from view and the tiny portal slammed shut. A moment later there was several 'snicks' of locks and the large wooden door swung in and the man appeared in the opening. Face beaming, he stepped back with a bow.

"Welcome to the Emerald City!"
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