Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1868192-Loneliness
by riyah
Rated: E · Article · Inspirational · #1868192
loneliness is a disease in our time,,this article might help cure the disease..
Yea,, why?every time i read people's writings or comments or stories or everytime i hear someone talking about what hurts him/her, i always get the same word ,, same pain,,same sufferance ,, and that is "loneliness"

,,, i always wondered why there are many lonly people ?? although human's number increased alot in our time , we are 7 billion on this planet but yet we complain about being lonly, although we might have familes and friends but we still feel lonly,,why?? why we have never been so many and never been so alone?? 

i'll tell you why,, because we stopped caring about anything but our selves ,, because we no more feel other's feelings ,, because we no more try to understand eachother,, each one of us only understand and feel his/her own pain ,, and demanding others to care and give attention ,, when you say sadly i am lonly,, have you ever asked yourself if you actually cared or understood or felt some other person's feelings?? have you helped someone? have you gave any love to the people around you?? if the answer was no? then isn't it fair to be alone?? and if the asnwer was yes? have you continued giving ?? or you stopped giving when someone hurt you or when you didn't take back you got angery and stopped giving?? if you stopped giving then it might not be fair to be alone but if you were patient with giving and not taking you would have owned the people's hearts and minds,, and if the answer was yes i care and give and still caring and giving but still lonly ,, then trust me you are not alone ,, people talk about you from your behind ,, and they say good things about you and when you are in trouble you will find them helping ,, just keep on smiling and giving love to them and you will see . so wipe your tears and forget about yourself for a while and care about those who are around and be patient with caring and you will see there will be no more loneliness .

O people around earth Just Give love and don't expect to take ,,, just give even if you give only a smile,,, sooner or later what you gave will come back to you. and don't be angry if you give good and got evil in return be patient and keep on giving love and be sure you will get it back somehow :)
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