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How to manage a global faith. |
"And I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery." Jesus said in Mathew xix 9. Saint Justin Martyr (165AD) writes: "Whoever marries a woman that has been put away by another, commits adultery." Saint Clement of Alexandria (150-216AD) writes: "The Bible declares it to adultery, if a person marries another while his or her partner is still alive." Saint Jerome (340-420AD) wrote: "As long as the husband is alive, even though he be an adulterer. . .and is deserted by his wife for crimes, he is still her husband, and she may not take another.. .Whether she puts her husband away, or is put away by her husband, whoever shall take her is an adulterer." Saint Augustine (354-430AD) wrote his De Conjugis Adulterinis in answer to the Greek Philosopher Polentius who held that adultery justified divorce. "Not so." answered the Saint, who quotes Mark x; 11, 12 and Luke xvi; 18 to prove that Jesus absolutely condemned divorce. Bishop John Shelby Sprong provides a divorce service, "We affirm you in the new covenant you have made; one that finds you separated but still caring for each other and wishing each other good will; one that enables you to support and love your children; one that helps to heal the pain you feel. Count on God's presence. Trust our support and begin anew." LIVING IN SIN (Pg190; Can the Church bless divorce? November 28, 1984). This is the evolution of faith. =+= |