Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1868044-Fighting-Spirit
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1868044
Fighting Spirit: A boy discovering himself through constant fights and brawls.
         Lex, a seventeen year old student lived with his grandmother, at her wooden house. Life was miserable for him, having to bear the pain of a missing father and deceased mother, each day seemed to pass by, bearing no fruits. Lex felt he was living a meaningless life, like there was no real purpose put in place for him, and even if there was, he often questioned his confidence in his ability to carry it out. His grandmother’s pension and whatever little change he could gather himself was all they had to live on, times were rough and he was doused in depression, losing what little hope he had left. Mark, his best friend, always tried to encourage him to go out and experience new things, in subtle hope that Lex will one day, find a reason for living.

         One morning, Lex strolled through the neighbourhood on his way to school, already late but it didn’t matter to him, going to school was simply killing time, though he didn’t what for. Tony, a school dropout, actually dropped out of a tree he was relaxing in, to give Lex his daily dose of harassment. Tony intercepted Lex, but Lex failed to notice him until he bumped into him, Lex’s fists immediately clenched as they once again, spiralled themselves into an argument. Tony had taken advantage of Lex and his circumstances for so many years that Lex’s anger was on the edge, ready to fall into a bottomless pit of violence. Tony chuckled and watched down on Lex with the usual running through his mind, that Lex would never grow a back-bone and take action against him. Tony stretched out his left arm, readying himself to give Lex a rugged push like always, however, Lex decided to relieve Tony of the joy of seeing him dirtied, on the ground. Tony began closing his eyes, in complete confidence that Lex would just accept the push again. As soon as his eyes shut, he felt a dreaded pain in the gut, causing him to open his eyes, only to see a blurred fist, split-seconds away from his face. Lex swung a devastating right hook.

         Tony’s head swung uncontrollably, side to side, by sheer brute force. He struggled to maintain his balance as he stumbled to his right, Lex wasted no time for him to regain stability and launched forward with a left hook to the stomach. He side stepped to the left, timing Tony’s reaction of bending over to hold his stomach and threw a right short-upper to the chin, then a low round-house kick to the back of the knee and in no time Tony was seeing clouds drifting by. Lex breathed heavily, he felt a sensation he’s never felt, something dormant within him that he didn’t know he had, he felt alive, he felt his fighting spirit. Lex calmed himself and walked off to school, doing nothing, just killing time.

         Humiliation rose within Tony and put a dent in his pride, it was an unbearable feeling, he had to regain his pride at all costs, so he planned for Lex. On Lex’s way home, he was confronted by Tony yet again, Tony said nothing, his face was drained of all emotions. Lex immediately took a defensive stance, anticipating Tony’s movements. Lex simply snapped his fingers, and about ten men with knives, bats and enormous callused fists appeared. Lex feinted them as if drawing for a gun and as soon as they flinched he took off, dashing the opposite way with incomparable speed. Tony’s men angered at how easily they were fooled by his cheap trick and ran behind him. Lex was fully aware that his life was in danger, yet he showed no signs of fear or weakness, just the thrill of the chase. Eventually, they caught up with him in a park, held him and started beating him, punch after kick after swing. Lex could’ve told that they were just having their fair share of the fun before ending him, but there was nothing he could to do get out of the situation. Lex laid on the ground, still, with someone shadowing over him like a vulture stalking its prey. There was that burning in the back of his throat, that saddening weight of a sunken heart, that told him, “It’s the end.” The vulture stood over Lex, motioning himself to stab Lex with a knife in the chest. As his right hand finished it’s ascent, and started it’s descent, Lex’s hands shot up in the air, grabbing the man by his wrist. Lex’s mind already began to give in, but his body persisted, taking his left leg and plunging it into the vulture’s solar plexus, throwing him aside. However, Vulture wasn’t the only person there with intentions of killing him. Lex’s vision was blurry and dark, and the setting sun didn’t help, all Lex remembered seeing was Tony slowly ascending and quickly descending. There was a dark figure in a long grim coat, performing a flawless backdrop on Tony. Tony’s men scattered, Vulture laid on the ground, fighting with himself to breathe after an unexpected kick with such force. The dark figure stood there, still. Darkness started engulfing Lex’s vision until he passed out on the ground.

         Bright red invaded the sweet darkness, causing him to awaken. The sun crept through the window, shining life’s rays on Lex. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and slowly regaining his sight, noticing that he was unaware of where he laid. He woke up in a mysterious bed, in a mysterious house, in a mysterious neighbourhood, although he was lost, he remained indifferent. He fought to stand up, going against his body’s desire for rest, as his body ached from a terrible beating. He felt heavy and dizzy upon standing and began strolling to go out into another room, he knew not where the door in front of him led to, just that he should not remain in a place he lacked knowledge of. He opened the door, it creaked, making such an unpleasant sound, as if pleading with him to stay. He began walking into a living room, the place reeked of silence, the fan however was the only rebel. There was another door, further away, leading to another room that was slightly opened. He began walking towards the door as he glimpsed to his left and saw a framed picture of a man, in a weakened fighting stance. The man’s eyes looked lifeless, lacking vibrancy, he seemed to have passed away, but yet still he stood, spirit and body still intact, on his last whim, waiting for his enemy to strike. Lex stared on at the picture, he was intrigued, his mind seemed lost in a world of endless causes and reasons for this picture, his mind wondered and wandered. A fine voice called out “Excuse me, sir?” Lex looked around immediately, but still very calm. He saw a maid with a towel, a fresh change of clothes and bandages, at this point he was as confused as can be. He asked “Who are you? And why am I here?” The maid joined her hands, rested it on her thighs to show respect and formality and answered “I am Tamara, pleased to meet you. And you are here for medical care at the courtesy of my master.” She stood still, waiting for Lex’s face to make some sort of movement, she readied her left arm, and as he did, she swung a small scalpel to his jugular.

         In that split second his torso reclined, he formed the perfect position for a high round house kick, headed for Tamara’s face. She froze in fear after seeing that he actually retaliated, but his kick was still raising and gaining a frightening momentum, she was now the one in danger. His instep was just a feet away from her face, when he suddenly felt himself falling backwards, he hit the hardwood floor pretty hard. When he watched up he saw someone with his left hand up, in a stance to parry an attack. Lex watched on in shock, he hadn’t even seen this person move nor had he sensed him, this man’s presence was completely masked. The first thing he said to Lex was “It lives in you.” The man stretched his hand out to Lex to help him up, Lex hesitated but didn’t see the danger in it so he accepted his help and stood up. The man said “I’m sure you have questions, I’ll answer everything in a while, just make yourself at home.” Lex stood there speechless, Tamara was slowly regaining her composure, this man seemed like the only calm one. The man left the room, Lex remembered his interest in that door and began to wonder what laid behind it, before he could ask anything Tamara murmured “He’s gonna tell me to jump off a cliff soon.” She grabbed Lex and started replacing his bandages, Lex asked her if that man asked her to attack him, she nodded hesitantly and said “I’m really sorry, I wasn’t actually going to cut you, I’d have stop at the last minute but when I saw you react I got scared and froze.” Lex smiled and replied “No need to apologize, nothing happened after all. But I can’t help but wonder how I ended up here, do you know?” She sighed lightly, looked at Lex and said “Master will brief you on that, he knows exactly what happened to you.” She handed him a change of clothes and left quietly. In the middle of changing another maid came in and said “Master will see you now”. He hurried and headed towards that door of interest, on opening it he saw the walls, covered with mirrors. He wondered what kind of a place he was in, there were blood stains all over.

         His eyes met with a small, sturdy table and the man sitting on one side. “Tea?” inquired the man. Lex was surprised but still indifferent, he walked over, sat down, put his hands on the table and asked “Forgive me for being abrupt but I’d like to know who you are, where I am and what happened last night, I’d appreciate it if you include all details.” The man chuckled, “I don’t mind”, he replied. He began telling him what he wanted to know, “I’m Terrance Blaize, no need for formalities just call me Terry. And as for where you are, well that’s obvious, you’re in my home. I don’t know much of what happened to you to put you in that situation last night but there were some guys beatin’ the livin’ daylights out of you. I intervened and took out who seemed to be their leader, I thought I reached too late, you appeared to be in critical condition but with my maids’ expertise in the human body it seemed that my worrying was futile.” Lex looked down, silent, quiet, he thought of how the hell all this happened, it seemed far too much for him to handle. Terrance said, “Well anyway, there are other things you should know, first of all your grandmother was informed that you were in an accident but you’re safe. Also, you’re probably wondering why you’re here, instead of the hospital. Well about that, I have a proposition for you, let me just cut straight to the chase, I want you to train with me.”

          Lex raised his head, he pointed at himself in curiosity and doubt, Terrance nodded, and mumbled, “Mhm” The room went silent again, Lex sat and thought, Terrance stared him straight in the eyes, pressuring him. “I don’t mind but what are you training for?.” Lex inquired. Terrance laughed with an ominous grin, saying “Hmm? Well I’m a fighter, I train to fight” Lex’s eyes widened, he accepted Terrance’s offer, since he has nothing better to do when the day comes after all. Terrance asked, “How ‘bout we do a little sparring?” Lex slowly stood up, closed his eyes and said, “You look as if you eat and breathe fighting, how the hell am I going to even touch you?” Terrance laughed out so obnoxiously, he stood up, and replied, “Like this!” and launched a blinding left side kick at Lex. Before Lex could assess what’s happening he found himself in a front stance performing a outward-inward block. Terrance, even though he’s seen this weird skill, still became baffled, he said, “I’m going to go for a straight punch to your solar plexus in three, two...” Terrance counted down and launched the punch on perfect timing. Lex found himself leaning over on Terrance’s fist, mouth opened trying to let out pain and actually breathe, since the sudden punch to his solar plexus forced the air out of him. He caught back his breath after a few seconds, Terrance grinned at him and said, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed it but humans have a 0.5 second interval before they become conscious of what they’re doing. Like holding a hot pot for example, touching it triggers a natural reflex to immediately pull back your hands, it’s only 0.5 seconds after that we notice we’ve pulled back. What I’m saying is, when you’re not conscious of what you’re doing, and someone attacks you, the way you react is perfect, you already have the form and technique to fully deflect an attack. Lex, if you perfect the conscious state and you’re aware of it, you can willingly strike an opponent within the 0.5 second interval before he becomes conscious of what he’s doing, this can mean complete victory.” Lex sat there, amazed, he was in awe. He couldn’t believe that he actually had talent for something, and that there was so much to the human brain and the body’s movement. He swallowed spit, his hands shook nervously, he pictured himself training with this bald headed monster, patch on his right eye and his left eye staring him down like a hawk. He’s old but at the top of his game and not to be taken likely. Lex thought, “What would Mark say if he saw me in this situation?”, casually laughing it off. Terrance broke his day dreaming and asked, “Are you ready for the hardships of training?”

         A small figure appeared in the main entrance, light shone behind him, making him shadow-like. He continued on into the living room, low cut hair, dark skin and a frightening look in the eyes that would make the usual man cower as a natural reaction. Death itself seemed to pour out of his pores, his dark aura seared through and melted Lex’s calm spirit, Terrance didn’t even glance over to the person, he just stared down at the table, chuckling. “Lex, I’d like you to meet the only man that’s been able to best me in a fight.” The fighter walked up, slowly revealing his face, then abruptly stopped, asking, “Lex? Is that you?” He walked closer, allowing Lex to see his face. “Mark!? What the hell? You’re a fighter!? You never told me this!” Lex argued on. Mark grinned and said, “Well you never asked, so what are you doing here anyway?” Lex went silent, turning his head away and as he tried to change the subject, Terrance interrupted, “He was beaten half dead last night, I brought him here, ol’ man Terry still got fight left in him. You’re probably wondering why he’s here and not at the hospital.” Mark sat down by Terrance and Lex hanged his head in shame, explaining what happened. Mark’s jaw dropped in shock, “Dad wants you to train with him!? Do you have super powers or something? He’s never satisfied with my fighting, I don’t get why he’d go through all this trouble for an untrained person.” Lex replied, “Well, he said I have this 0.5 seconds skill thing, I’m not sure wha- - - did you just say ‘Dad’?!”

         Lex sat, eye-brows twitching with a wry smile. He looked at them and said, “So you two train together? How’s that work out?” They took a while to answer, looked at each other and chuckled. Terrance replied, saying, “Well, there’s no one with enough skill or power to force the best out of us, so we train mostly by fighting each other.” Lex came to a conclusion, that he’d join their training regiment if he saw what a normal one looked like. He thanked them for their hospitality and left, saying that he’d be back Friday afternoon with Mark. It was Wednesday so he had some time to think about how’d it be.

         Tomorrow he went to school as usual, arriving before the bell rang. He neared the class, his classmates bickered about trivial things as usual, “It’s like they don’t have a care in the world” he thought. A voice called out “Hey, Lex!” from behind him, upon turning around Lex saw a worn out shoe, headed upwards to his chin. Someone shot up their left foot in a perfect high kick. His heart gave a thunderous beat and he deflected the kick with the blade of his right hand and grabbed onto the person’s foot all with the same hand in no time at all. Lex swung his left leg to the persons right leg, trying to throw him off balance. He neared his target, a mere feet away from striking him, but the person simply jumped. With the force he put behind that swipe his body uncontrollably spun around, causing him to release the person’s foot, but before it gained a falling momentum he grabbed it again, this time with his left hand, leaving his right hand free, all while spinning around. Lex swung his elbow toward the face of this mysterious person, however, he swung his elbow before he caught sight of where the person was. The person simply pulled back their head and launched a straight punch to Lex’s jaw. A clean hit to the jaw causes the head to shake a lot, forcing the brain to bounce off the wall of the skull, causing blurred vision and eventually a black out. Lex slowed down, started to feel light-headed but the person caught him before he fell and dragged him into class. When he came to, Mark was over him, saying, “So the old man was right after all, hmm, interesting.”
© Copyright 2012 Fighting Spirit (naraperv at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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