Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1867920-Letters-To-My-Hero
by Lenee
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Other · #1867920
Letters to my #1 hero, my mom...
To My Hero (MOM),
This is of course your strange over analyzing out there daughter wishing you, the greatest hero of my life and best friend, a happy and joy full Valentine’s Day. Hoping to remind you that it is not all about having a lover in your life that makes this day one full of joy and love. Even if it’s nasty outside.
I wanted to write you and send heartwarming thoughts and snow melting happiness to you. I want you to know that I will always be your biggest fan, along with you being one of my greatest muses.
It is to you I owe not only my life but some of the fondest memories of my youth and adult hood. You helped me understand that life is not about creating perfection as many would like me to believe but being the best wacky person I can. That a smile is worth more to a person than the truth and when it’s best to keep my mouth shut on certain topics. Although I still have trouble with the last part.
You helped me to learn not to take life seriously and the paths it gives me with such a cruel calculating eyes, and see the light at the end of the tunnel even when I felt like that light was no longer exist.
You held me when I had bad breakups, pushed me when I needed, stopped me from pushing myself to where I broke. You showed me that my chose can affect more than I could ever for see and showed me that life is more than the road you travel down but the things you learn down that path.
You put up with my sarcasm, my dark hummer, and the way I could so coolly tear someone down without batting an eye. You remind me that it does not always pay to be critical of all those that surround me, and to ‘be nice’ when meeting new people.
So even though there is still much that I have to learn and many exciting new things for me to explore I know that it is your glass is half full philosophy that will push me through no matter what. To expect the unexpected and to take the punches that the world troughs at me and use them to my advantage.
In saying all this I want to remind you that you’re heart eyes and beauty are what makes me aspire to the person that you know I can be. You need to remember that the life lessons you taught me are still important and that no matter what happens that you can lean on me the way I did you for so long.
I wish for you to remember that even though I seem far away now that I am on my own that I will always have time to hear you problems like you had for me. And I love to hear the littlest complaints about anything from you because it reminds me of my youth and how you would come home and complain about how your day went.
I may be your daughter but I want you to know that it’s okay to let off steam around me the way I have done with you and that I will always be open ears and heart for you. Also when it comes to your love life, I wish for your happiness no matter what road that takes you down our where that leads you in the long run.
As for my brothers they can get over it, they should be happy for if you’re happy. IF they aren’t than they can set and spin because I will be happy for all three of your stubborn children.
So I will close with saying that I love you and hope that the winter passes quickly enough so you can go swimming and be the mermaid that you are always meant to be.
Sincerely your #1 fan,

To My Hero, (MOM)
I wanted to write you and let you know that you will always be your number 1 fan, and I will always look up to you no matter how things change.
Sincerely your #1 fan,

To My Hero, (MOM)
Some one once told me that even hero's need advice from time to time, and I thought I send you a word of wisdom, wisdom that you once gave me.
"Fear is not something you should be ashamed of."
I remember that you always said that it is okay to be afraid and it can help shape us in the future in the way we deal with the fear now. If we let it consume us and do nothing to confront this fear we are no better off, but if we stand up and face our fear face to face we will find that the fear is unrealistic and just plane silly.
I know that it seems silly of me to think that you are afraid of anything but you did say that there is always something out there that everyone is afraid of. So I thought I would share this with you like you did for me.
Sincerely your #1 fan,

To My Hero, (MOM)
I don't know if you will want me as your fan after thing I just did. I was a bully to someone that used to bully me. Even though you always told me that exacting revenge is right I could not help it at the time. She just made me so mad and I acted without thinking. I hope that you can forgive me.
I know she did not forgive me when I asked and told her what I had done was wrong, she told me that she would get me back and that I would suffer greatly for this insult. I feel horrible, like I have a bad taste in my mouth.
You always tried to teach me better, so that's why I had to write you and let you know that I truly am sorry that I allowed my self such weakness. I hope you can find it in me to forgive me and I'll try to do better in the future.
Sincerely your hopeful still allowed to be #1 fan,

To My Hero, (MOM)
I wanted to thank you for forgiving me and I was inspired by your words of wisdom, and the story you told me about your own weakness and your past. I am so happy that you have always taken the time to show me write from wrong and then still see me for me at the end of the day. I hope that one day I can be as great as you are. Although I know I have a long road before then.
Sincerely your most grateful #1 fan,

To My Hero, (MOM)
You once told me than no one is perfect and know I understand why you say that, after seeing you admit flat so easily and then allowing the mocking words of another bother you so much. I don't understand why let something as the way you look bother you so much that it brings tears to your eyes.
In my eyes you are the most wonderful beautiful person in the entire world, and I would not trade you for anyone. You once told me that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside it's what's on the inside that counts. At first it was hard for me to understand these words but slowly I see that some of the people that were by societies measures beautiful held the ugliest souls of them all and the ones that no one would even look at held a soul of pure gold.
You hold a soul that would put others to sham and a hart that can out shine the sun, and I don't care that your not in the top ten list of the most beautiful woman in america, your my hero and that's all that matters.
I hope that you find a way to overcome the feeling that I know that your feeling and see the person I see, the one I call my hero and maybe you while understand my reasoning for it.
Sincerely your #1 fan,

To My Hero, (MOM)
In my last letter I wanted to inspirer you the way you always seem to inspire me, to be there to hold your hand through your troubles the way you are always there for me. I wish to become your strength as you have been mine, to be there for you when you feel like you have no one reminding you that you have someone ready in your corner. Even when I can't physically be there for you. I wish to inspire you the way you have always inspired me.
You are the reason I am the person I am today, you are the one I always look towards when defining myself and I hope that you are proud of the person that I have become. I know that you have not always been happy with some of the things I've done in my life but I know that you are of the strength and determination I have. Even if I can be a bit stubborn at times, I know that you are the gentle voice of reason that I while always need. So thank you.
Sincerely your #1 fan,
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