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Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1867688
A scene from my WIP.
Olive turned to Matt accusingly. "You told me Grandmother had been attacked , that threats were being made against our lives."

"That's all true."

"So whats all this 'there's something you need to know malarkey' then".

Matt cast a beseeching glance at Seb forbidding figure. Ignored,  He turned back to Olive "Okay but before I go on I need some answers from you.  Do we have a deal?"

"What answers could you possibly want from me?" she asked incredulous

"Do we have a deal?"

"Alright, deal then. "

Matt stood quietly for a few minutes as if deciding whether to go ahead. "What are you running away from."

Olive stared at him speechless. the question was so left field it had taken her completely by surprise. Suddenly the room felt a bit too warm.

Matt was watching her intently and frowned. "Well?"

"Why would you ask me that?" Olive laughed nervously."What could possibly give you such a crazy idea?"
Matt and Seb exchanged a long look. "You do realize  you've answered my question with two questions so I know something is wrong." Matt probed.
"You leave Farnham suddenly turn up here and get engaged to Mr. safe"

"What is so wrong with that I'm a grown woman." The room suddenly felt very warm.

"I know you think i'm an unfeeling cad , but i know what love looks like and trust me you don't have such feelings for him, you aren't even thinking about him now."

Olive could feel a headache starting. She'd forgotten how perceptive he could be.There was no way she could tell Matt what had happened she'd almost managed to bury it.

"So you're an expert now. "

"Who hurt you"  Matt went on relentlessly.

"I just had a bad breakup, a really bad one."  She looked at him daring him to dispute her story.  That's all
Matt gave her a hard stare.

What can't I have a bad relationship .She turned to Seb looking for support but his eyes were full of questions. Suddenly feeling weary she sat down.  "So what do you want to tell me Matt?"

What do think Seb ? Should I still go ahead ?  Seb silent as ever nodded  encouragingly in Matts direction.

Matt walked out to the center of the room and turned to face his sister , a strange expression playing across his face. "Well its more show than tell so brace yourself." He said ,taking off his shirt and tossing it on to the chair.

"Why are you taking your shirt off? Did you get a tattoo? Is that the big secret?" Olive asked with raised eyebrows relieved that her interrogation was over.

Matt took a step towards her then grimacing as if in pain he suddenly  crouched  down clutching his belly with a low moan. 

Olive jumped up in alarm , “Matt ,whats wrong ?”  An iron grasp held her back. She turned to find Sebastian by her side his face set grimly. Anger and fear coursing through her she struggle in vain to wrench herself from his grasp. "Sebastian let go". Ignoring her he gripped her shoulder tighter  and pushed her back into the chair without letting go .  Seb let go we have to help him.  Sebastian’s grasp stayed in place.

"Olive be still ". He bit out

Realizing she had no hope of freeing herself from his iron grip Olive sank into the chair. upset.  Her mind raced spinning  round  a million questions. Was Matt a druggie ? was he using?  She turned back just in time to see Matt fall to his knees. Sebastian what’s wrong with him? Is he having a withdrawal symptoms?  Why won't you help…………………him. 

Then Matt looked up at her.

Olive screamed

Matt's face was gone .

There was no other way to explain it. Her brothers face had been replaced. She was staring into the eyes of an animal. Even as her screams continued the thing that had been her brother writhed on the floor and changed before her eyes till in his place lay a creature.
  The room suddenly tilted and then everything began to spin. Olive hit the ground with a dull thud.
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