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The childish characters of Bleach get Diapered, 1st Chapter focuses on Yachiru and Momo
Peace had been restored to the Soul Society. Aizen had been defeated and the Soul Reapers were settling back into their normal routine. Yachiru Kusajishi, the Lieutenant of the 11th Division, was strolling around the Seireitei without a care in the world, Kenny had been called off to a Captains meeting and had to leave her alone for a while so she decided to head to the Squad 6 Barracks where the Shinigami Women's Association hid in secret from Byakuya Kuchiki, she hoped someone would be there to change her, as the wet and messy felling in her sagging Diaper was beginning to irritate her and make her uncomfortable, she squirmed as she walked trying to find comfort down there temporarily, unfortunately due to her lousy sense of direction it would take her a while to find her destination.

1 hour later and Yachiru was still walking around lost, she hadn't seen any people around to give directions either and she felt the urge welling up inside her again, knowing that her Diaper wouldn't hold much more she ran frantically trying to find the Squad 6 Barracks but it was no use mid way through running down a street, her bladder released its contents as it did so the Diaper began to bulge and sag. Tears began to form in Yachiru's eyes, she fell onto the ground and began to sob quietly, she hadn't cried in ages but today was just to much for the pink haired Soul Reaper. Shortly after this someone appeared behind Yachiru, placed their hand on her and comforted her. It was hard for Yachiru to see through the tears in her eyes but eventually she made the figure out to be Momo Hinamori, Lieutenant of the 5th Division.

"Miss Yachiru, what are you crying about?" Momo asked
"I..Need...Change!!!" Yachiru said sobbing hard in between each word. It took Momo a while to understand what Yachiru meant by "change" but pretty soon the smell of Yachiru's Diaper hit Momo's nose and then Momo knew exactly what Yachiru meant.
"There, there, it's alright, I can get you changed straight away, I know someone who can change you in a jiffy!" With that said Momo picked Yachiru up and began running towards the Squad 4 Barracks.
"Where are we going?" Yachiru asked
"Squad 4, Lady Unohana is an expert at changing Diapers, I should know, she changed me tons of times!" Momo said guessing what Yachiru would say next.
"You wore Diapers!?"
"I still do sometimes, after Aizen-Sama betrayed everyone I lost my mental stability, and my bowel and bladder movements in the process, so when Lady Unohana examined me, she recommended I use Diapers to stop any accidents and that if I ever needed a change I could call on her and she would change me, because of this she became my primary caretaker during my recovery. Even though I've learnt how to change myself since and have become less reliant on Diapers, I'm sure she won't turn you away, Yachiru" Momo said with a caring smile. "Anyway, Yachiru, why don't you tell me how you got back into Diapers, I'm quite keen to hear about it"
"Well I never really got out of them, in the Rukon District when Kenny and I met, I was still in Diapers and Kenny never really Potty-Trained me because he never really thought it was something that needed to be learnt, he couldn't remember anything about how he learnt so he never taught me, which is fine because I don't really want to learn anyway" Yachiru said.
"We're here! Yachiru" Momo said looking at the entrance to the Squad 4 Barracks. They both walked in, Momo still carrying Yachiru in her arms, she approached the front desk (since Squad 4 is the "Healing Squad" it's structured very similar to a Hospital)
"Excuse me, could I see Captain Unohana, I have an unexpected patient here that she needs to see" Momo said
"Certainly" the Nurse replied "She's in her office, just down the hall"
Thank-You" Momo began walking down the hall towards the room at the end which had "Retsu Unohana: Squad 4 Captain" written on it, she opened the door and saw Unohana sitting at her desk reviewing paperwork
"Hello, Lieutenant Hinamori, Lieutenant Kusajishi, what can I do for you?" Unohana said placing her paperwork down
"Lady Unohana, Miss Yachiru here is in need of a Diaper change, urgently" Momo said putting Yachiru on the ground
"I see, well then Lieutenant Kusajishi, would you please jump onto this changing table I have here" Unohana said unfolding a table out from the wall and grabbing some changing supplies
"I can't believe you have a table right there, Captain" Momo said with surprise
"Yes, well, my Lieutenant, Isane, often has some wetting accidents whenever she gets too excited or too scared, so I installed this one here, because this is where she is the most often during her time in the barracks, it's more convenient this way, but don't tell anyone, Isane doesn't like people knowing about that" Unohana said "Anyway, Lieutenant Kusajishi, hop up her please and I'll remove that smelly Diaper of yours, I can smell it from here" Yachiru blushed at this but hopped up anyway. Unohana began changing swiftly, removing the old Diaper, disposing of it, then grabbing a wipe and cleaning Yachiru's brown bottom and sodden front, she then grabbed a fresh Diaper and fastened it expertly onto Yachiru. Yachiru stood up admiring her clean body and fresh Diaper. However, Unohana still smelt something, she sniffed the air until the scent directed her nose towards Momo.
"Miss Hinamori, come here please" Unohana demanded
"Yes Captain" Even though Momo did not like where the situation was going she was in no position to argue with a Captain. She walked slowly towards Unohana until she was standing right in front of her, then before she knew it Momo's pants fell to the floor, she looked up embarrassed and saw that Unohana had swiped her belt, as her pants fell to the floor, the shape of a saggy Diaper became clearer and clearer until it was painfully obvious to everyone present what Momo was wearing.
"So that smell wasn't just Lieutenant Kusajishi was it you too, Lieutenant Hinamori, you were making a foul smell of your own the whole time, I think my office smells worse than it did before the Lieutenant was changed! As punishment for stinking up my office and not informing me of this earlier, Lieutenant Hinamori, you will wear Diapers 24 Hours a day for the next two weeks, if you can prove to me that you no longer need to be punished after the two weeks are up, then I will withdraw the punishment. But for now, this is a direct order from a Captain, and you will obey it, understand?" Unohana commanded
"Yes, Captain"
"Good! First things first though, lets change you and get rid of that awful smell, I can't stand it!" Unohana repeated the same process that she did on Yachiru on Momo and within seconds Momo was in a fresh new Diaper. After this Unohana turned to Yachiru.
"Now then, Lieutenant Kusajishi, I'm giving you a special assignment, for the next two weeks you will watch over Lieutenant Hinamori for me and make sure she uses these Diapers and gets changed too, you're free to use the Diapers too if you want to" Unohana handed Yachiru a case of Toddler-Sized Diapers and Teen-Sized Diapers.
"Since you'll both need someone to take care of you, I've asked Lady Yoruichi Shihion to care for you, she's stationed in the World of the Living right now so I've ordered for the Senkaimon to be opened which will grant you passage, Miss Yoruichi will be waiting for you on the other side. I've also contacted Captain Zaraki for you Lieutenant, so he won't need to worry, now off you go!" Unohana escorted the excited Yachiru and the upset Momo to the Senkaimon and watched as they walked through the doors and disappeared in a blinding white light.

That's it! the 1st part of my 1st story is complete! Please rate and tell me what you think otherwise I won't be inspired to write another one :( If you liked it please tell me, I want to know how I'm doing as a FanFiction Writer. Thanks!
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