Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1867194-SOME-GOOD-METHODS-TO-LEARN-ENGLISH-IN-IT
by Donald
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Information Technology (IT) is the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to stores, retrieve and transmit information. The acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications are its main fields. The term in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review, in which authors Leavitt and Whisler commented that "the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology. "Some of the modern and emerging fields of Information technology are next generation web technologies, bioinformatics, cloud computing, global information systems, large scale knowledge bases, etc. Advancements are mainly driven in the field of computer science. But to explore it, what do we need? That is a language consistency.
English is very essential to for scientific research, one of which is information technology industry. There are lots of useful information online, mostly in English, but unfortunately English is the common weakness of Vietnamese.
If for others they make take learning and developing themselves in English for granted, they wouldn’t realize how big the role it plays in our lives. Students, when they graduate and look for a job, a faulty application letter and personal interview is a “thumbs down” for an employer. Companies nowadays tend to not just look at your qualifications but also your capability of communicating well in English with your co-workers perhaps or most probably, your boss or the president of the company.
Look at how the world had become today. Rapid globalization has shaped the world that we live in. People get to exchange IT transactions and communicate with other people, wherever in the planet they may be.
The English language plays an important role in our lives. It would increase the chances of a fresh college graduate to land a job you always aiming for. It would help an IT man expand his job not just in country but in other parts of the globe.
English is not just a mere subject or language. It is a passage way to establish harmonious relationships with other people, even the ones outside the country. It is one of the important keys of progress. For how can we be able to share our thoughts, ideas and emotions to others and other nationalities? English become very essential to us especially in these modern times that we’re living in.
Imagine if people didn't study English. How would people be speaking and learning today? In order to sound educated and literate people need to thoroughly study English. It is also heavily needed in the Technology world as well as your own private world. English also teaches you to communicate and process things more accurately. If we didn't have a set of English language communicating would be extremely difficult.
The main reason to study English is to sound educated and literate. In order to advance in the professional world, you must have proper English and good speech. For example, although President George W. Bush is an extremely smart and important person he at times lacks public speaking abilities. This has been a detriment to him and a big reason why people may not favor him. Whereas, President Bill Clinton spoke very well and was very popular with the people because he was able to properly connect with the public. This ties in the reason for why studying English thoroughly is important in the Technology world. In order to obtain a good career an advancement as well as respect from your peers you have to be literate and well educated.
An additional reason for studying English is for communication. You are much more accepted in the world if you portray yourself better. People will think of you in a better way and you will have a better chance of being accepted. You will most likely also have more opportunities in life.
To achieve that, we must have a good plan and have the best methods to develop your English skills.
Some students want to know which skill is the most important. Since all of the skills rely on each other, they are all important. However, to communicate we do use some skills more often than others. For example, about 40% of the time that we spend communicating we are simply listening. We speak for about 35% of the time. Approximately 16% of communication comes from reading, and about 9% from writing. These statistics are for an average communicator in English. Depending on someone's job or situation, these numbers may vary.
Each of these main skills has micro skills within them. For example, pronunciation is a type of speaking skill that must be practiced in order to improve communication. Spelling is a skill that makes understanding the written word easier. Grammar and vocabulary are other micro skills. Micro doesn't mean they are unimportant. Macro skills such as listening are very general, while micro skills are more specific.
For the best results, create an agenda that combines all four areas of study. Allow one type of studying to lead into another. For example, read a story and then talk about it with a friend. Watch a movie and then write about it. This is what teachers in an English class would have you do, right? EnglishClub.com has lessons in all 4 key skills (and all minor skills), as well as many outside links to help you study further.
1. How to learn LISTENING
• Listen to the radio.
Don`t always have a pen in hand. Sometimes it helps to just listen.
• Watch programs, movies about IT on National Geographic channel.
IT's programming is very useful for learners.
Choose programs that you would enjoy in your own language.
Remember that much of what you hear on TV is slang.
• Call Automated Answering Machine recordings.
You can find these numbers at the front of telephone books in many English-speaking countries. Before you dial, make sure that you are calling the free numbers.
• Use Internet listening resources.
Every day there are more and more places to listen to English online.

• Talk to yourself
Talk about anything and everything. Do it in the privacy of your own home. If you can't did this at first, try reading out loud until you feel comfortable hearing your own voice in English.
• Record your own voice.
This might feel very uncomfortable, but it will help you find your weak pronunciation points. Listen to yourself a few days later. Which sounds do you have difficulty hearing?
• Use the telephone.
• Participate in class
• Learn common idioms
• Understand the sounds that your language doesn't have
For example, many languages don't have the "r" sound. These sounds require extra practice.
• Recognize that teachers are trained to understand you
When you get out into the real world, average people will have a more difficult time understanding you unless you practice speaking slowly and with proper pronunciation.
• Practice minimal pairs
• Study word and sentence stress
• Practice tongue twisters
3. How to learn READING and VOCABULARY
• Read something every day.
IT's books, simplified readers (Penguin), newspapers, magazines, Internet sites, novels, and much more...
• Read what interests you.
Remember that you learn better when you are having fun.
• Read at the appropriate level.
You want to learn new vocabulary, but you also want to understand what you are reading. If you are looking up every word, the reading is too difficult.
• Review Who, What, Where, When, Why for each story you read.
You can do this for almost any type of reading. Who is it about? What happened? Why did it happen? Where did it take place? When did it take place? This is very useful when you have no comprehension questions to answer. You can write or speak your answers.
• Always have an English-English in IT dictionary nearby
It is a bad habit to always rely on a translation dictionary or electronic dictionary.
Think of your English-English in IT dictionary as your life line.
Use online dictionaries when you are using the Internet (keyword online dictionary).
• Record vocabulary in a personal dictionary
o Keep this notebook separate from other work
o Record vocabulary in alphabetical order (an English address book works well because it has letters of the alphabet)
o Record the part of speech (sometimes there is more than one)
o Write a sample sentence for yourself (don't use the one from the dictionary)
o Review your personal dictionary (especially new entries) every night before bed
4. How to learn WRITING and SPELLING
• Keep a diary/journal.
Don't always pay attention to grammar. Free-writing can be very useful. It can show you that writing is fun. Have fun with the language.
• Write emails in English
Stay in contact with teachers or other students.
• Rewrite your local news in English.
This is another exercise that can be done on a daily basis. Remember that regular activities are the best ones.
• Learn important spelling rules
Remember, you won't always have a dictionary or a spell-checker handy, especially when you are writing a test. Even native English speakers need to review the spelling rules from time to time.
• Learn commonly misspelled words
• Learn common English errors
• Get an ESL pen pal
In conclusion there are many reasons as to why studying English in IT is important. One is being that you sound more educated and literate, two is to communicate properly with others, and three because it is important for career advancement and respect in the business world. Learning English never ends, there is the English dictionary that has so many words in it that most people have never even utilized or heard. Learning to properly use one new word each week is a great way to continually learn to utilize the English language.
© Copyright 2012 Donald (donaldpt at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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