Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1867152-HOW-TO-LEARN-ENGLISH-IN-ASPECT-OF--IT
by Donald
Rated: · Article · Educational · #1867152
Today English is the language of the world. English isn’t only the national or official language of some thirty states, which represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language of communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entrainment. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. It is the language of literature, education, modern music and international tourism.

English is also important to information technology for various reasons. English the international language of trade currently, and so the two are interlinked in terms of being able to operate many systems. Many programs are produced in the US or they are made in English in other countries, and so English is essential for understanding them. It is an international language of communication and so allows communication via electronic means in a single language, which avoids subsequent confusion. In addition, a vast majority of information on the internet is in English and so in many ways it is necessary to be able to understand English a lot of that. In addition a lot of computer 'jargon' has come from words, or is an acronym of an English expression, and so people across the board can understand these terms if they speak English. What is more, using a single language as the primary IT language, has streamlined computer processing. The commands for many programs are in English, and so a program might not respond to other language commands, unless it was specifically reprogrammed to understand those languages. Even if the user is able to use a program in another language, at the base level it may be programmed in English.

Like other fields, to study information technology (IT), English is the effective tool support effectively.
After graduation, with good IT knowledge and proficiency of the English, the candidate will easily
conquer the employer. However, not many people actually met both of these factors. Pretty much the
best students in IT majors but limited English proficiency should have missed many opportunities
for work. So, to learn English majors, how students must learn?

First, students should have basic knowledge of grammar. Many students have basic knowledge from
high school; students even remote areas, far from ever learning English. Therefore, at the beginning of the IT program, students learn English should accelerate to regain platform; besides equip themselves
with knowledge in basic IT concepts such as hardware, software, components computers, new
technologies... and from there easily visualize and understand the meaning of words, concepts
described in this document to learn English majors.

Read and understand are two English language skills required IT students must have to view documents, books, Internet or documentation. Ideally, English should be at level B. Capital from professional, students should focus on cultivating the learning process. If you will learn to identify joint programs
with other foreign universities, in parallel with the study of IT majors, students need to learn English at the center to obtain a TOEFT or TOEIC as it is to study conditions connected.

Second, specialized IT Pocket dictionaries to look up vocabulary and notebook to record things to remember are indispensable. Wikimedia Dictionary, Lac Vietnamese software dictionary will be of great help in searching vocabulary, quite detailed interpretation of the concepts in the IT industry. For lessons on name computer components such as port slot on the motherboard, ROM, RAM ... students should apply to the visual method of learning new words as easy to remember just to see location depicted on the illustration, just to see the actual components.

Specialized reading in English will help students had better understand the content of the topic should refer to, and can reinforce many new words. In the software field, students can find books to read, through the exchange of expertise and skills of the English at http://www.amazon.com;
http://en.wikibooks.org; ... or learn about programming website http://www.w3schools.com; http://www.vovisoft.com. Regarding the network, students should read RFC documents. This kit can go to Google to search.

Third, books, magazines, bilingual IT professional is useful for learning English as articles often mention practical subjects close in the IT field. The reader will easily understand and remember the right words impressive, new concepts quickly. Use a dictionary or Google to get saved from and what they learn in the storage software. You can create text or excel file to learn from, divided into several columns, from column to column for definitions and links to see from this place. Over time, students will have quite a vocabulary. "

In addition, we can apply the following methods:

1. Get an English language program for your computer or smartphone. Programs such as Rosetta Stone, Clarity and EC ESL Resources offer training in reading, writing, speaking and listening. These programs allow you to move at your own pace, practicing and mastering one concept before you go on to another. The development of speech recognition software and headsets that include microphones has made this type of software even more effective.
Programs for your smartphone, such as PencilBot for iPhone and iPad, allow you to practice English on the go, whether you are on your morning bus commute or standing in line at a department store. Because the more you are immersed in the English language, the easier English language learning becomes. The technologies that allow you to have access to English no matter where you go are very beneficial. Indeed, Renee Ybarra's article in the Internet TESL Journal notes that computers can improve or expedite many facets of English language learning.

2. Listen to or view English language programming about IT on a CD, DVD or iPod. Whether you are listening to audio specially developed for English language learning or simply material in the English language, you are improving your English skills. According to the Online Education Database, one valuable resource for IT students is the numerous free English podcasts available on the Web. You may also listen to or view English TV shows about IT, movies and music in order to test your own pronunciation against the speaker's or practice your comprehension skills.
Listen to English in IT. By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audiobooks or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you. Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is practice.
Music can be a very effective method of learning English. In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension. The best way to learn though it is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings. There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. By this way, you can practice your listening and reading at the same time. Moreover, if you like to sing, fine.
Watching English Films and Television are not only a fun way to learn but also it is also very effective. By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles), you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors. If you listen to the news, you can also hear different accents.
According to Mary Masterson, "The common technologies of television and videotapes are valuable learning tools, when used appropriately. With previewing, viewing, and post-viewing activities included, a wide array of activities can be used with video and television that provide both auditory and visual language experiences."

3. Set your technological devices to English as the default language. Computers, phones, MP3 players, GPS systems and other technologies allow users to select from a list of languages. When you select English, you not only further immerse yourself in the English language, but you also provide yourself with a quick, practical and challenging exercise whenever you need to use one of your devices.

4. Use the Internet to engage in self-study and communicate with English speakers across the globe. According to the IT English Teachers Board, the Internet provides many options for self-study, as you can plan your own course by determining what you want to learn. You can also find English-speaking study partners by visiting chat rooms and participating in forums related to your interests. When you post in a forum to ask other, members for help with your English, and you will be surprised how many respond. In addition, you can use video chatting to practice pronunciation with English speakers.

5. Listen to native speakers as much as possible. Many good English teachers have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it. However, there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate. The closer IT students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become.

6. Take formal classes online by enrolling in an online college or university that offers IT English classes or hiring a professional private tutor. Distance learning courses such as these allow you to have the formalized instruction of an expert while keeping your flexible, learn-from-anywhere schedule
In a word, IT English become very essential to us especially in these modern times that we are living in and it is necessary to study at least IT English today. English is not just a mere subject or language. It is a passageway to establish harmonious relationships with other people, even the ones outside the country. It is one of the important keys of progress and it helps people share our thoughts, ideas and emotions to others and other nationalities. The biggest problem that most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. They worry that they cannot speak, read, and write correctly or that they will look stupid, so they do not do at all and give up. Be strong-minded and try your best! There are lots of different ways you can improve your IT English and if you have a good plan to practice, you 'll succeed.
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