Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1866874-Run-and-Die
by C.Evil
Rated: 18+ · Other · History · #1866874
This story is about a what if from history, made true with a little mix of horror.

(This story is based on a what if scenario pertaining to World War II.)


Hitler had two choices to make either attack Russia or go after the Middle East. One move attacking a huge rival or securing control of the oil industry. In a brash move Hitler went for the Middle East and made plans for his new assault, Russia could wait. The fact that winter was coming would make that plan difficult to accomplish. When Russia’s oil supply was threatened the USA decided to act. The United States was already involved in the war after Pearl Harbor. The United States had just bombed Japan and threatened to the same to Germany. The rumors spread rampant across Germany that they would be bombed as well. This story takes place during this time in altered history.


Conrad was covered in sweat, his muscles burned in agony. The hot sun only made matters worse. Before him stood rows and rows of Hitler’s youth in formation waiting for orders. Lines of boys and young men in gray clothes lined up like tombstones. They stared straight ahead with stone like faces and eyes that looked dead. Conrad watched Adel; he stood with his arms behind his back; waiting. Adel glared sternly over Nazi’s youth, he could have been inspecting maggots with such a disgusted look on his face. He was the perfect German; with blonde hair, cold blue eyes and broad nose. Unlike Conrad, Adel was a devoted member who was excited to serve his country in a time of war.

The youth’s uniforms were a mix of mismatched pieces, most wore shorts and button up short sleeved shirts. Some of the clothing were leftovers from World War I. All of them wore black shorts. Conrad hated being here although when he turned seventeen he would be sent to help the men in the war. It’s not like he had a choice, all youths of Germany and any territories under their control of were forced to join. Except now, the future was unclear. Hitler was doing well in Syria, but the rumors that the United States was going to respond with an atomp bomb kept getting louder and more intense. Conrad didn’t care about much the war and less about the concentration camps. It didnt' matter to him; he wasn't a Jew. There were rumors that Hitler was part Jewish, Conrad believed those to be true. He was such an ugly little man and it was confusing how people were so moved by him.

The first part of being a Hitler Youth was focussed on learning about Germany's proud history. After that they were instructed on how to be a loyal citizen. Throughout these lesson they were taught on how the Jew was the enemy and why they needed to be exterminated. The lessons changed, they spent less time in the classroom and more time out in the fields. They were being trained with weapons training; they had target practice, drills and hand to hand combat. Their superiors warned them, if you do not do well we will send you to the concentration camps. Conrad has never seen that happen, but some of his friends had already been sent to the front lines. Now the older boys were in charge with a few superiors to guide them. Hitler needed men and had ordered as many able soldiers as possible to Syria. The fighting in the war would now be focused on the Middle East, a region Conrad didn’t know much about or care about.

A massive explosion was heard, like the hand of God hitting the earth. Everyone turned, a massive mushroom shaped cloud formed in the distance. The young men and children dropped down and covered their heads. When the sound died down everyone stood up again. Conrad saw the look in their eyes, they wanted to run.Conrad did the only thing he could.

“Achtung! Achtung!”

He grabbed a young boy; around ten who was starting flee. He had a heart shaped face and sensitive eyes. He punched him in the jaw. The boy toppled over, blood poured from his mouth. Conrad kicked the youth in the stomach, the boy screamed. Next he stomped on his hand, repeatedly until he could hear the sound of his bones breaking. Conrad looked up, all eyes were on him. The last thing he wanted was panic spreading.

“Run and die”.

By the now the boy was curled in the fetal position, he went from praying to asking for his mother. Conrad, Adel and the other Superiors ordered the youths to take their iodine pills. All lies, the pills were poison and if the atom bomb was dropped they were ordered to take them. The gas masks were handed out. Conrad pretended to ingest the pill and slipped it in his sleeve. With masks secure they began to march. Not that they could protect them against radiation, it was all for show. They grabbed flags and Heir Koch and Heir Kohler took a car, the highest ranking of the group. The death march began; Conrad watched as the poison started to effect the youths. As they marched on, more began to fall over vomiting, shitting themselves and convulsing on the ground. Conrad kept walking, the road became littered with bodies. He kept walking until he was the last one. No matter what they had tried to push on him, he would never take his life for Hitler. Screw everyone else; he had to look out for himself.

Bonn-Present Day

Conrad was 87 years old and War World II was long behind him. He had changed his name after the war and started a new life. He lived in Bonn enjoying the simple life in the country. It was a beautiful day and he wanted to enjoy it. Conrad felt a chill in the air. He turned around. The tree lined road was filled with children in gas masks. Conrad’s heart raced as he saw his past before him. One boy came up to him and took off his mask. A mangled face stared at him. Conrad knew why they were here, he had deserted them.

“Run and die”

Soon others came forward and joined the boy he had beaten. They took off their masks revealing gaunt eyes with mouths cakes with vomit. Their skin was a sickening mix of gray and green with bloodshot eyes.

Conrad turned to run, but he was caught. They pulled him down and tore at his flesh. Conrad felt teeth and realized they were eating him. The pain was all over his body, small mouths with sharp teeth. Conrad could smell shit and he understood that he had soiled himself. Pain exploded in his face as one boy looked him straight in the eye and bit his nose off. Blood flooded into his throat, he vomitted the bile burned his throat. They were eating him, but they concentrated on his arms and legs knowing that he would suffer more. One tore at his stomach, his intestines spilled out and he watched in horror as they pulled them out and began to feast. Conrad passed out; the pain was too much to bear.

When they were finished with Conrad they went back on the road and kept walking. There were others that needed to be punished. If they weren’t alive, their ancestors would do just fine.

© Copyright 2012 C.Evil (chrysiievil at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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