Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1866230-The-Mirror
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1866230
There was a reason why the old lady sold that mirror for a steal at the estate sale...
The Writer’s Cramp for 05/07/2012
Contest prompt: “The eyes in the mirror”
1000 words


Saturday, June 2nd

Dear Diary –

It’s so nice to be home after a long foreign assignment. I get to see Nick tonight! I am so excited! I’ve missed him so much and it’s been so long that I will grant him one wish, whatever he wants. I hope he doesn’t want me to wash his car =(

Dear Diary -

I picked up a lovely old mirror at an estate sale today for a steal! I felt as if I was taking advantage of this old lady and offered her more money for it, but she insisted I take it. I got a weird vibe from her, like she was trying to get rid of it, but it’s beautiful. It is full length and old and the frame is opulently carved by hand. I tried to get her to tell me more about its history just like the hosts of those antique shows, but she took my twenty bucks and left to get her sons to help me load it into my car. What has happened to this town? Everyone in is such a hurry these days.

Sunday, June 3rd

Dear Diary –

Last night was amazing. Dinner and a movie and drinks afterwards and lovely conversation. Nick was so happy to see me and sure showed it! I convinced him to move the mirror into the bedroom, the kids whose mother sold it to me wouldn’t. I thanked him for the physical labor and granted him a wish of his choice. Men are so predictable! But I enjoyed it as much as he did, and could watch how much he was enjoying himself in the mirror, which was just at the right angle so I could watch us. I didn’t recall it was left like that.

Monday, June 4th

Dear Diary –

I was looking at myself in the mirror tonight and was disturbed to see how angry my eyes look. I am not an angry person but the eyes in the mirror looked so scornful. Nick says I have soothing eyes so I am not sure what happened. No matter how much I practiced in front of the mirror, I couldn’t make my eyes look anything but angry. I am so confused.

Friday, June 8th

Dear Diary –

I don’t think I will be seeing Nick anymore. I don’t know what his problem is. He complained that I was watching us in the mirror and that I talk about the mirror all the time, but the mirror does not judge me like he does. He said I was distant while we were making love. What does that even mean?

Monday, June 11th

Diary –

I got in at fight a work today. Everyone seems to be turning against me and I don’t understand why!!! What is wrong with everybody?!?!? I have been suspended and told to “take some time to think”. Maybe I’ll sit in front of the mirror and think about smashing out their car windows and slashing their tires. I know where most of those people live.

Sunday, June 17th

I haven’t left the house for a week. The harsh light from outside is giving me migraines for the first time in my life and I had covered up all the windows with blankets. I had to nail some up to the wall, and when I ran out of blankets I painted over the remaining windows with the leftover black paint I had in the garage. The darkness makes me feel a little better but I am so mad everything is going wrong in my life!!!! The only solace I have is the mirror. I look so beautiful when I see myself in it, but when I leave it I think about how all my friends and family have abandoned me AND I GET SO PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t even want to write in this stupid diary anymore and if I had the strength to throw it across the room I would.

Wednesday, June 20th

Oh my god, it’s the mirror. I opened the bathroom window to see if the light still bothered me and I saw myself in the bathroom mirror and I looked horrific! My hair was tangled and matted and my face, what have I done to myself?!?!? The mirror tricked me into making it dark everywhere except near it, where it somehow presents a reflection of what isn’t really there!!! Am I losing my mind? I am going to tear the blankets off the windows and cover it up, take a shower, and clean my hair. I am so hungry, I don’t remember the last time I had a bite of anything.

Thursday, June 21st

The blanket fell off the mirror overnight and it was facing me when I woke up. I thought I tied that blanket around it pretty well but I must not have. I may have lost my mind but I do not need that mirror it scares me. I am going to get my brother’s baseball bat he left here for protection and smash that mirror to bits.

Diary –

I have done it!! The mirror is smashed and knocked over and covered up. I’ll clean up the mess tomorrow. I need sleep. I feel so much better already.

Monday, July 2nd

Dear Diary –

The hospital staff finally has let me write in my diary again. No one believes me but the following morning after smashing that mirror, I woke up and it was right next to my face and it was as if I hadn’t smashed it at all! I scampered off the far end of my bed and cowered in the corner until my neighbors heard my screams and called the police who broke into my house and rescued me. Nick had been trying to reach me for weeks and thought I was away on assignment again. I begged him to bury that mirror under tons of rock somewhere and never to tell me where! But he said I was delirious...

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