Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1865029-The-Directors-Nightmare
Rated: E · Script/Play · Comedy · #1865029
This is a play in which a director gets really mad!
Becki- Ok Jason and Hailey we are going to work on your scene together OK?
Becki- Good! Now start at the um… 2nd line ok 1…2…3… ACTION!
Hailey- Ay me.
Jason- Oh speak again bright angel; for thou art as glorious to this night, being o’er my head, as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white upturned wondering eyes when he bestrides the lazy passing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air.
Hailey- O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer, be a Capulet.
Becki- Cut, cut, cut ok, Jason; look you need to be more emotional you think that Juliet is like a bright angel for heaven’s sake! Not some dirty low life! You totally are in love with her ok!? (Hailey giggles)
Jason (Blushing) - Ya.
Becki alright now start over same line ok? 1…2…3… ACTION!
Hailey- Ay me.
Jason- Oh speak again bright angel; for thou art as glorious to this night, being o’er my head, as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white upturned wondering eyes when he bestrides the lazy passing clouds and-
Becki- CUT! Never mind Jason, I want you to go practice your lines with EMOTION ok? (He nods and goes off into the corner to practice them)

Becki- Ok Hailey we are going to work on your monologue!
Hailey- Ok! Should I start? (Becki nods) Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face, else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek for that which thou hast heard me speak tonight. Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny what I have spoke-
Becki- Cut, cut, cut. Look Hailey you’re doing a good job but this is an emotional monologue and I need you to live it more ok? So try again starting at “Tonight.” This time with more emotion, ok?
Hailey- Ok!
Becki- Good ok 3…2…1 Action!
Hailey- Fain would I dwell on form OW! (Moon falls on her head)
Niki- Oops! Sorry I think that was me!
Becki- Yes Niki it’s always you! You’re not supposed to put that up yet we aren’t using it yet!
Niki- Sorry
Hailey- This is the most annoying play I’ve ever been in! First Jason thinks I’m a dirty low life, and then the set starts falling apart! (The posts around the “balcony” that she is on fall)
Becki- Argh! Who even made this set! (Everybody points at her) Oh… sigh. Ok guys I’m sorry that I’ve been so cranky, can we start over?
Everybody- Ya.
Becki- Ok Niki put the moon away, Hailey you just sit down and read ok? Ok, 3…2…1… Action!
Hailey- Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny UGH! (The fake vine falls on her)
Becki- CUT! Ok this is just getting out of hand! Niki, SECURE THE SET! ARGH!
Hailey- It’s just one thing Becki! You don’t need to yell like that!
Becki- Ok if you think it’s that easy direct it YOURSELVES! (She grabs her script and stamps of stage)
Hailey- You know what I’m actually kinda glad now that she’s gone. She was really hard on you Jason! Do you really think I’m a dirty low life?
Niki- Awkward!
Jason- Um, Nooooo…?
Hailey- Awww Thanks! (She bats her eyelashes)
Jason- Well he, he! Um if we’re gonna do this by ourselves we better get going! (They do some practicing then they leave. Someone comes out with a sign that says: “Next Day”, puts up a sign that says “BACKSTAGE”, another one that says “To the stage” with an arrow, and then goes back. Then the cast of Romeo and Juliet comes in and starts putting on costumes)
Hailey- I’m REALLY pumped! I can’t believe we did this on our own!
Jason- Ya it’s really been fun working with you guys! We’re a good team!
Niki- Yay for us! Tee he! (Becki comes in looking like she’s done some crying, runs up to them and hugs all of them)
Becki- Look guys, I am soooooo… sorry about what happened. I guess I’d had just a little too much coffee that morning! When I got home I started worrying about you soooooo… much and knew I should have just gotten up out of bed and gone back, but I was just too stubborn! I really hope you forgive me!
Hailey- We all do! And we did fine at rehearsal last night so you didn’t need to be anxious!
Becki- I figured that!
Jason- Quick go get a seat, the shows about to start!
Becki- Ok you guys get out there and have some fun! Good luck! I love you guys!

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