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Just Loads Of Horse Facts!
Horse facts
Horses are scientifically called Equines. This derivates from their Latin name, Equus caballus. Close to them are donkeys, zebras, mules, the hinny and the Onager that is also known as the Asian Wild Ass.
Equines have been domesticated and bred by man for approximately 6000 years. They can be kept together with other animals as companions, e.g. sheep, goats, donkeys or cattle. They can be very attached to smaller animals, like cats. Dogs need to be well behaved and trained to avoid accidents, because horses are easily scared by dogs.
Have you ever wondered how old a Horse or Pony can get?
The oldest horse I have heard of was 48 years old! usually they only reach around 30 years old. ponies often live longer. their age can be estimated by looking at the incisors of the upper and lower jaws. From the age of 12 on it becomes very hard to tell hoe old it is, because the teeth are becoming worn that much.
Did you know how equines are called the different stages of life?
Any young baby-horse is called foal until it is 6 months old, then up to the age of 2 years we talk about yearlings. If it is a male horse it is called a colt as long as it is under 4 years old. If it gets older than 4 we call him a stallion. Most colts will be operated (castrated), because they are not intended to be used for breeding and they will be easier to handle, ride or drive and keep. After castration (removal of the testicles), it is called a gelding. A young female pony or horse is a filly and after the age of 4 years we call it a mare.
Did you know Equines are very social animals?
we call a group of ponies or horses a herd. In a herd is a clear defined hieracrchy or ranking amongst them: the strongest, leading female is called alpha mare. one stallion can live together with about 20- 25 mares in a natural herd.
It is very important therefore to keep a horse with another companion, because kept on thier own so they soon become lonesome and suffer.
Do you speak "Horse-ish"?
You probablyexperienced already how equines communicate with each other. Whinnying and neighing can be heard, if you ride away from other horses or if they meet. Mares express very different sounds when they are nursing a foal. Deep, smooth sounds, whickering can be heard then. You might also have heard it at feeding time from other horses. To warn others in the herd, they use an alarming snorting. If two new ponies meet they are snuffling at each other and are very excited. Usually you can hear a sharp and loud squealing sound. They often face each other, squeal and lift a front leg or back up and swirl round, ready to kick. When a mare is in season, a stallion can express a loud roaring which is his mating call.
About "Gears" and speed
This fact file would not be complete without mentioning how the different speeds or gaits are called: The slowest is called walk, a bit faster than that is the trot, it is very hard to sit the trot while being comfortable. The canter is faster than trot and the next pace up is gallop. There are also some breeds, like the icelandic pony or somtimes the trotter which are able to preform toelt or pace. These gaits are extremly coffortable to sit!
Do you know how a horses height is measured?
they are measured on the tallest point of the spine, the whither. You can find this very bony part of the spine dirrectly at the end of the neck, where you usually put the front of the saddle to. The height is meaured in cm or hands (hh). A pony reaches up to 14.2 hh, a horse measures over 14.2 hh.
How well do you know horse breeds?
We have got countless breeds on out planet, they can be very different in colour, height and shape.
Thoroughbreds are bred for the turf and racing thier colour is usually brown, bay or black. they reach 14.2-17.2 hh. One of the oldest breeds is the Arab. It stands at 14-15.hh, the colours are black, brown ,bay, chestnut and grey. Thier face is in a concave or incurved shape, their nostrills are exceptionally big.
The modern sorts horse for dressage, show-jumping and driving is a warmblood and you certainly have heard about some well known breeds, like Hannoverian, Dutch Warmblood, Friesian, Oldenburger, Trakehner etc.
They can reach easily 17 – 18 hh and have mostly solid colors, like black, brown, bay, chestnut and grey. Friesians are usually black.
pony breeds can be very variable in shape and colour. shetland ponies are reaching up to 10-11 hh and come in very different colours.
Norwegian Fjords can grow up to 14.2 hh and come in variable shades of dun. Welsh ponies are classified as Welsh A, B , C and D. They are very variable in colours and the size.
Draft horses are also known as "cold bloods" they are heavier built animals with very strong necks and backs and usually huge hooves. The shire horse, the Clydesdale, Percheron and suffolk punch are reconised as hevy breeds in the UK ( where I live)
Hooves and Legs
Horses are able to stand while sleeping without falling down!
This is possible, because they have got a tendon system around the bones and joints of the legs, which does not get tired for a long time. In comparison, we get easily tired limbs and feet and need to sit or lie down.
Do you know what our equivalent to a hoof is?
The nail of our middle fingers and middle toes! Can you imagine how badly it hurts, if a horse suffers from founder? That is as if you would have an inflamed nail bed!
Equine senses
Equines sense their inviroment differently to us. Their senses are very good, because this helps to survive as prey animals in the wild. They can smell better than we can, they can hear alot shaper and are able to turn their ears into varios directions and the eyes are located on the side of the head. so they are able to see far behind themselves, but not very sharp. If they sense danger they instinctively run.
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