Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1864131-Stop-Shouting-and-Listen
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #1864131
Adolf Hitler speaks at the University of New Hampshire.
      The old man was frail and had to be wheeled out.
      It was a news frenzy. Adolf Hitler was still living.
      He'd been asked to speak at the University of New Hampshire.
      He loved public speaking and agreed. The Israeli government
      had demanded his immediate deportation to Israeli for his war
      crimes against the Jewish people and humanity.
      But, there was still doubt that this frail old man could be the
      NAZI mass murder Adolf Hitler.

      The audience booed and shouted at the old man.
      It was filled with Jewish activists and radical college students.
      The protesters chanted;

                  "Justice for the dead!" and "Kill the murder!"

      Dean Leprechaun ordered the university security to spray the protesters
      with mace and escort them out of the auditorium. "We are not here for
      a Lynching. This university is dedicated to the preservation of free speech.
      Now, if you will please give your attention to our guest; Adolf Hitler."
      the Dean nodded to the nurse as she wheeled the old man up to the lowered
      podium microphone.

                    "English ist not mine first language, but I vill try to speak
                    clearly. (cough) I am so proud of all this great New World
                    Order that mine Germany has brought about. (eh-sniffle)
                    I vast the first to propose it! I wrote in Mein Kampf that
                    the war would be won with the banks. (cough-cough)
      Hitler beats his right fist on the arm of his wheel chair to stop his coughing.
                    "Da Bolshaviks have been defeated with their own banks!
                    Mine 3rd Reich was financed by American investors.
                    I gave Henry Ford the Iron Cross! "(eh-cough-cough)
                    It was Ford and General Electric, who rebuilt Germany.
                    Oliver Wendel Homes was our guide to our race control;
                    'Three generations of idiots is enough.' Your great Justice wrote.
                    (heavy breathing)
                    Did you think Germany would fail?!
                    We are invincible! ... (The old man slumps in his chair)

    Dean Leprechaun steps forward; "Are there any questions?"

    "Ehm, Muzzy Press. I'd like to know how Hitler survived unnoticed for
    all these decades?"

                    (Hitler chuckles) "I was protected by the Swiss Banks."

    "Ah-okay.. Why risk imprisonment or execution now?" Muzzy continues.

                    "Do you believe I am Adolf Hitler?" (Hitler chuckles)

    "I find it hard to believe..." Muzzy rubs the back of his head.

                      "Zo my guilt cannot be proven." (Hitler makes toothy silent laugh)

    "That's enough for me." Muzzy returns to his seat.

    Dean leprechaun turns to the old man, "Well, those Swiss Bank records have
    provided a detailed financial history and under the new global
    full disclosure policies through Interpol the United States Justice Department
    has ordered your arrest for war crimes against humanity; Mr. Adolf Hitler."
    The Dean waves to the Federal agents waiting off stage.

                        "You cannot kill the spirit of Germany!"

    Adolf Hitler shouts and makes a NAZI salute as he is wheeled away.
    Muzzy takes a snap shot with his cell phone.


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