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by silky
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Fantasy · #1863870
continuation of story
Chapter 4

It had been a week ago now since Sword felt the "ripple" on the Psionic plane of existence, heralding the birth of...something...powerful. A child with abilities of such immense proportions as to even make him nervous. If this was
who he thought it was, then heaven help that idiot Emperor and all that followed him when it finally awoke to "itself". That being the probable case, Ruby, Swords dutiful wife had been a week helping prep Sword for his travel
ahead. It would take him no telling how long to locate the Emperor as he had moved his lavish castle to the gods only knew where. If Sword knew him at all he knew he'd probably be going on a fucking QUEST, rivaling the one
for that damn holy chalice everyone was always squawking about. He wished silently for a moment that he had the damn thing...maybe IT would know where they all were hidden. These sojourns like this took a lot out of one and
when you finally reached your destination you usually had to wait a few days or weeks to revitalize and for the right opportunity or opening to strike. It wasn't like most people thought, that you found your destination and
merely strode up to the door and knocked. No it took time, planning, and most of all patients...and right now Sword was running a little low on that particular virtue. He missed his brother-in-law, he missed the child he
now believed was the one he felt the ripple from and most of all he missed his twin...the damn asshole! They had been for the most part of their lives inseparable, save for a couple of times here and there such as honeymoons
and trips abroad with family for rest and respite reasons far from the duties of crown and Empire. Even then they had the ability to "talk" to each other at the distance. Actually more like "feeling" at the distance. Which
sometimes proved to be somewhat of an embarrassment if one was in a...compromising...position and the other was in a family situation. His memory hearkened back to such an incident one time when Lucc and Silky had gone on
a short hunting trip to control some Lycans living the deer parts surrounding the castle. Well everyone knew damn well how Lucc and Silk always celebrated a victory of any kind no matter how insignificant it may be. Well,
it seems that at the time the "celebration" started, Sword was standing before a distinguished delegation of visiting dignitaries from a neighboring Kingdom looking for an alliance with the Anchientfire Empire as a protectorate
when Sword started "feeling the echoes" of his brothers celebrating he wouldn’t have given it a second thought but that his body as well as his mind was reacting to the connection. It never failed. He squirmed, sweated, tugged at
his collar and thanked the gods for the podium before him as he spoke to the gathered heads of state. When it was over he growled softly to himself as he felt the warm stickiness spread in his cloth under pants just beneath his
chain male skirting he had chosen to ware on that morning. Even thought the talks were completely successful, despite a couple of looks of confusion from the gathered accompaniment at crucial moments when Sword had
let slip a soft moan followed by the briefest of fluttering of his eyelids, he swore revenge on the pair. Now everyone knows the wives tale about salt peter being an inhibitor for obtaining an erection in a man so Sword thought he
just see if there was any validity to the rumor. The next time the loving couple struck out on another trip Sword took  a little trip of his own to the local apothecaries and purchased a small amount of the infamous powder and
right in front of the apothecaries’ eyes mixed it with a chalice of very strong wine he had brought with him and downed it greedily, the effect hitting him quickly. As he wobbled out of the market store and down the street to
where the Royal coach waited, citizens bowed at the approaching revered Monarch however with looks from somewhat bemused glances, to out and out shock at the usually dower and straight laced Ruler in such a condition. His
coachman and footboy quickly pored Sword into the coach in order to beat a hasty retreat home with the obviously incoherently inebriated Monarch. When they arrived Sword was all but passed out with an immense and
satisfied ceshire grin on his face. The next day as Lucc recounted the triumph of his and Silkys extremely bountiful hunt and he drew to the close of the tale, he pulled Sword to the side as if to not impart any embarrassing
out to anyone with in earshot. He recounted how try thought he might that he was not able to "perform adequately" for his beloved husband and how truly bemused and up set he was by it. This had never happened to him and
especially the two of them. Should he seek a doctor or perhaps an enchantress? Maybe the Lych would know what to do. Sword started for the most part completely attentive and with a totally straight and empathetic face but
then came the tiniest of perceptible curl at the edges of Swords full lips. Then he began to look about a bit. The more Lucc spoke and speculated the more Sword fidgeted till it hit Lucc square in the jaw. He stopped in mid
and stared at his slightly older sibling his eyes growing first wide with understanding then casting over and changing from their normally icy blue to a flaming blood red as did all Ancientfire men when pushed to their limits.
"You son of a bitch ...I don't know how you did it but your gonna pay with your rotten hide for it"
Sword, understanding a hasty retreat was the better part of valor, scurried swiftly from Lucc's grasp, fleeing like he had the hounds on his heals. Lucc followed quickly after his laughing twin but could not gain ground and
slowed to a halt yelling out to him.
“I will exact my revenge on you one day brother, when you least expect, it so be ever vigilant."
"Just be mindful of the family motto brother dear and my name...you know the part about the Sword of vengeance having a double edge"
"Yes and guess just where that Sword will be sheathed" Lucc bellowed back.
Happy times Sword mused. He only prayed to what ever gods there may be that they had not ended forever.
Sword pulled his cloak up tight about his neck as proof against the cold driving rain pelting down on him. He had been more than ten weeks from home and no trace of the Emperor or his band of merry men. His supplies almost
exhausted he had taken to supplementing his diet with whatever game he could find...squirrel, rabbit, or the odd hawk or two he could bring down with his bow, though he wasn't much of a bowman, as his name gave testimony
to. Never anything large though that couldn’t be completely consumed on the fly. There was not the means to jerk the meat right now and carrying an extra whole deer or elk, thought the sound of the meat was indeed an
inviting one, was not practical and Sword was practical if nothing else. Or was he, he mused to himself. Here he was in the middle of no fucking where, all alone save for his very young man-servant, who had never been on a
journey such as this, going gods knew where and for what...REVENGE? "The Sword of vengeance is razor sharp but has a double edge...be careful how you wield it". The family motto...practical. Then his brother’s face loomed before
his minds eye, with that of his beloved husband and all the memories of the atrocities committed on the two of them at the hands of this man he now hunted. The twin brother to Silk, the Emperors actions had been to say the
least beyond contempt. Enslaving his very own sibling, He had stolen all of his lands, his wealth he had amassed and his throne, finally his title and all of his subjects who had supposedly clamed loyalty to him. He had collared ?
him and subjugated him publicly. Then came Swords brothers, Lucc and the baby brother Blade, to the Empire searching for a home. The Emperor immediately went to work on Blade and Lucc twisting their minds and hearts as
he had all he touched, wooing Blade to him to eventually be his husband and also seeing something in Lucc he wanted and couldn’t have. Luccs complete submission, loyalty and yes, even his love. Lucc submitted to NO ONE and
his loyalty and love? From almost the first sight, that belonged to Silk Nightshade. As Lucc had described him "He stood next to the Emperors throne and though the golden glint of the metal of his collar about his neck was
almost blinding, his was the regal stature and visage of a wise, compassionate and strong ruler. Something was in that countenance that could not be wiped away with any amount of bribery, deception or torture." Aside from
that it was not unnoticed that Silk had the face of an angel. Quite literally. He was the son of the fallen angel Beelzebub, first general to Lucifer in the war and cast out at the beginning of time. Silk and his twin brother were
born the day of the falling, Silk first then his twin brother...and with that family the first born male was endowed with the birthright and the others...nothing. So it was out of jealousy and revenge at his father that the Emperor
had committed these abhorrent actions against his brother. This was only the tip of the iceberg. Well, that's a loving family for you sometimes. The Emperor had given Lucc the highest ranking position in his Legions and
eventually even his own prized toy, his brother Silk to Lucc as more of a continuation of debasement to Silk and an attempted bribe to Lucc. When Lucc took Silk as his husband, an act the Emperor had never intended, he
interceded and ripped the two asunder convincing all that Silk had been plotting against the Emperor (exactly what of no one was ever sure) and cast Silk out of what had been his own life’s achievement without friend, food or
farthing keeping the act from both Lucc and Blade the day the deed was done. Silk eventually found himself in the hands of a slaver, then sold to a particularly cruel Master where he endured all manors of debauchery and
perverseness he could devise. Then when it was discovered quite by accident that Silk was not easily dispatched, being half god, he was put on the menu permanently as the entertainment each night and passed from Great House
to Great House for many years. It was never clear how Silk escaped as all he ever said was he had had his fill one night of worldly fleshy pursuits and had taken his dissatisfaction to the head of the house making it a sharp point
to let him know how unhappy he was with how he ran the home and that he was separating himself from his care. After gaining freedom once again he wandered for a bit finally connecting one fateful day with Sword who
recognized him immediately from his brother’s description of him in letters they had corresponded in. Sword had scooped Silk up and whisked him back post haste to his Empire and the anxiously waiting arms of his husband
who had never put him away with writ of divorcement in hopes of their one day reuniting...and miracles of miracles it had come to pass. Sword was therefore being true to this highest of loves he had ever witnessed. Even
possibly above the love of his own wife Ruby. These two were truly soul mates. So now he searched. Week after endless week for the two missing members that were so central to this family. With each successive township and
village he went through he asked after the Emperor. No one had even heard of his name in any of these parts. It was if he had fallen off the end of the earth and so had Sword, at this particular moment he felt like. Up in the
distance he saw through the almost horizontal drops a tiny flicker of illumination glowing softly breaking up the inky gloomy pitch about him, so he pointed his steed towards it. As he neared the little point of light he could see
the structure was an Inn with what appeared to be the queer name of The Nightmare on the sign hanging above the doorway, swinging rhythmically in the stiff wind. Sword guided his mount to the front of the building, with
his boy-servant in tow, slid down from the beasts back and unbuckled the synch in order to carry the saddle and bags in with him. The woods about them were probably crawling with thieves and highwaymen as he had seen no
trace of what appeared to be any settlement with some sort of governing constabulary for quite some time. He hoisted the heavy leather equipment from the horses back slinging it across his shoulder, then so too the bags on the
opposing shoulder and finally taking in hand the celebrated massive broad sword he was acclaimed for that none but he had the strength to wield, in its leathern traveling scabbard. He ordered his boy to tie the beasts and follow
him in which the lad did post haste, slamming into Swords back when he entered behind Sword as he had stopped suddenly at the entrance of the strange establishment. There were in the centre of the room a few tall tables
without chairs to rest in that one stood at to imbibe a pint or two, or three, that looked aged and well used. Lining the walls were the inevitable booth-like tables so familiar to most taverns where one usually sat with a wench
or two of their choosing if pints and quarts were not what was on the agenda for the night. As Sword finished handing the remaining few and sundry items to his boy it did not escape his notice that to a man each person in the
tavern had what could be described only as a "deer in the cross-hairs" look in their eyes as they glanced toward Sword and his hand boy and then swiftly away again, each one it seemed attempting to melt into the background
unseen and unheard. Save for one man. Sitting in the far corner, the mans face, what you could see of it under a broad rimed hat, covered by the hood of a travelers cape draped about his shoulders, was bathed in the soft
golden-orange glow of a very inviting fire, staring as if mesmerized by its flickering flames, since he didn't even twitch at the cacophony of noise Swords companion created. Sword rose straightening himself to his full height,
concentrating his complete attention on the curious fellow in front of the fire and stepped toward him. As he passed each successive person in turn they seemed to cower slightly back from his presences. He inadvertently brushed
against one man and the hapless fellow jumped slightly, making a soft yelping noise like a kicked pup. Sword glanced at the man with a slightly apologetic look on his face then continued on with a shrug, seeing the man turn
completely from him. When he reached his destination he stood back from the stranger a bit not wanting to intimidate him also as he seemed to do the others yet close enough to try to catch the attention of the hypnotized
man. To Swords suppressed relief the stranger presently motioned him to be seated, never uttering a sound or seeming to otherwise acknowledge his presents. Sword sat in what look to be the most comfortable seat in the
establishment, a tapestry covered, overstuffed chair that he sunk cozily into feeling his body relaxing, a bit achy from the days journey. He glanced about the area spying a cushion on the other side of him and grabbing it up
plopped it on the floor next to him, motioning his boy to have a seat on it. After the lad had adequately settled himself on the pillow, Sword glanced to the man and quietly waited for the conversation to be opened. The man
reached into his waistcoat and withdrew an ornate ivory bowled pipe and with all slow due deliverance of a man savoring the most epicurean delight ever, stuffed the pipe bowl with an extremely aromatic tobacco, lit it in three
or four puffs, drawing deeply on each, releasing the final inhale with a slight pop of the cheeks creating, to the delight of Swords young companion, a great billowing ring that shimmered and increased in girth as it wafted from
them till it finally dispersed to nothingness as if it was never there, leaving only the coy hint of the tobaccos scent lingering to the pleasure of the three men. The man looked down in front of himself at a small table that seemed
to appear from nowhere laden with an ornate chess board made of the finest ivory and ebony Sword had seen. He then croaked in the tones of an old mans voice that sounded as if he had been smoking for a hundred years.
"Your move"
For a moment Sword sat there dumfounded not sure what to do, then he took the challenge and made the opening move. The mans fingerless gloved hand shot out immediately in counter move almost before Sword released the
piece he had just moved as if he had him anticipated ten moves ahead into the game and was merely waiting for Sword to catch up. By the fifth move Sword looked as if he was about to be put in check and mate when he
brought forward a little pawn sitting to the side seemingly forgotten by the two men.
"Check" Sword intoned softly.
The man moved once more taking the pawn as it was the only move left to him. Swords eyes twinkled.
"And mate, my friend" he said as he moved his knight into position next to the mans king there by completely surrounding it with no escape.
"Sometimes you must sacrifice to succeed" Sword beamed.
The stranger looked back at the fire and spoke slowly and measured.
"You’re looking for the Emperor. You'll find him at the end of the sunset of one day’s journey in the great clearing. Face the evening star and he will appear" Here the man lowered his head till his chin touched his chest and to the
complete shock of Sword and his companion, the distinct sound of soft snoring began to emanate from under the massive black hat. Sword and his boy exchanged glances of suppressed amusement as they rose silently from there ?
places of repose and headed for the barkeep to procure a room for the night. As they departed, the man's head lifted slightly and as it cocked to the side a bit, the familiar bright green eyes watched from under the brim of his
hat, dancing with glee.... 

Chapter 5

  Desadarious sat in front of the candle lit cake, his pail ice blue eyes beaming at the sight of it. He was three months old today. It didn’t matter that he was the size of a full grown well developed youthful man, or that his Da'gi
was kneeling, head bowed, on a pillow next to him at the table, his silver slave’s collar with its chain attached to his robe belt sparkling softly in the candle light. Nor did it matter much that his Father was there along with the
entire court and all the house slaves about them singing to him. What mattered was the "echo" feeling he had been getting for the last week or two from gods knew where that he had mentioned to no one, for he wasn’t quite
sure how to describe it. He glanced down at the shining, silky, white hair of his beloved Da'gi and touched his head affectionately. Father had presented Da'gi to him as his birthday present today for his pet since, try though his
father may to discourage the bond, the boy could not seem to help being attached to the "bitch that birthed him", as his father called his Da'gi. All Des, as he was known as, knew was that he could not go a day without Da'gis
attention and affection. Especially his affection. He was so delicious to play with and play he did almost constantly, when father didn't have him working or on the rape rack himself. He couldn’t seem to keep away from him for
long and when they were apart he counted the minutes for when he saw his face once again. Strangely enough Da'gi seemed to return the sentiment. He would die for his son, Des knew that. But now came this new sensation
creeping into his consciousness. A feeling of immense familiarity and close kinship. A bond...with someone he didn’t even know! Now that Da'gi belonged to him he knew he could command him to complete silence and he would
have to obey it even against his father the Emperor on threat of his life. He would talk to Da'gi tonight about it. Also another thing that had been tickling the back of his mind, the unshakeable thoughts that he was not "himself"
and that father wasn’t "Dad" at all but a stand-in for someone else. Curious, he mused. How is one not themselves? "When your someone else" the voice echoed back in his head, seeming to mock himself. He frowned slightly and
shook his head a bit. The Emperor shot him a curious glance then seemed to brush it quickly aside as he always appeared to do with most things about Des. Strange person his father the Emperor. At times he acted as if he would
die for the lad, casting his body on the fires of hell for him and other times, when things were the most dire to Des the Emperor would react with complete disregard for the subject or situation closing the conversation quickly to
move on to the next item at hand. Most times Des cast it off as the Diplomat in his father that had many situations to tend to and deal with all at once and his ability to swiftly solve each one with the deft authority of an axe
man with a long line of the condemned to dispatch. Quick, neat and painless. Move 'em through like calves to the slaughter. He admired the efficiency of his father but wondered about the true nature of his motives. For example
the fact that father had had Da'gi hyper accelerate his growth to the point that it had actually put Des' life in jeopardy as he had heard it told. Three days after his birth the Emperor had taken the infant Des to Da'gi and
commanded that he do what ever it took to stop the infants incessant crying as it was driving him insane.
"He needs love and affection is all" Da'gi had said cradling the tiny package close. He nuzzled his face to the babies and it immediately ceased its crying and began cooing at its birth parent.
"He needs discipline. Just like everyone in this family" the Emperor retorted
"He's a new born infant! Are you insane?"
"I'm sure you’d like to think so. It's your spawn, you deal with it or I shall deal with you"
Silk had looked thoughtful for a moment then spoke up slowly.
"I could hyper accelerate his growth a few years past his infancy so that his childhood is not an issue for you. However I caution jumping him too far ahead as he may suffer memory and learning difficulties if I'm not able to
couple the mental growth in perfect synchronism with the bodies growth. How far ahead do you want his growth?"
"At least young adult" the Emperor said matter of factly
"WHAT!? What did I just say? I told you a few years at best was all that should be tried. What you propose could kill him."
"And what did I tell you. If you interfere I will dispatch him and start over until you learn who is in charge. It doesn’t matter to me one way or another if it's child number one or number one hundred and one. I swore an oath
to have your "slave baby" and have him I shall"
"Why are you doing this? What have I done?” Silk asked softly
"As I said I am Sin itself and will not be denied. That is all the reason you need."
For the first time in Silks life there crept into his ice blue eyes the tiniest glimmer of defeat as he resolved himself to the task at hand. How to accelerate his sons growth way past the bounds of safety and keep him alive and of
whole mind and body. For this he would need help and only one person could do that. He held his breath at the possible reaction of his brother as he explained.
"An act of this caliber and nature that you demand is a bit beyond my abilities and I will require help"
"Fine. Call who you will. None are of consequence to me. Just shut that brat of yours up!"
Silk smiled to himself thinking how predictably arrogant his brother was and how well it served all but the Emperor himself. Silk turned to a servant and whispered to him to fetch the Lych to his chambers with all hast. He
turned to the Emperor and bowing, with babe in arms, excused himself to beat a hasty retreat to his bed chambers as he had much to do to prepare for the Lychs arrival and the ceremony they were to perform. If Silk were right
they would be working far into the night to accomplish the deed, if accomplish it they could. If not...he feared not think father than that thought. As Silk reached his door and fumbled with the latch, more intent on cooing and
nuzzling his son, he suddenly felt a light touch on his shoulder making him startle and turn suddenly to stare into the bright green eyes so familiar and soothing to him.
"You rang little one?"
"Don't do that! You're always sneaking up on me like that. I think it actually delights you to see me pee myself" Silk fained irritation knowing the Lych would not take offence from him.
The Lych reached into his vest without word or expression as usual and held out a handkerchief to Silk. Silk stared at the fine linen and lace edged article with a look of bemused irritation.
"And I'm to do what with that?"
"I thought that was obvious” the Lych said dryly
Silk turned without a word, smiling to himself as he opened the door and ushered the pair in. As they entered he began recounting the events just prior to the Lychs arrival.
"You realize your brother is but a little to the side of insane do you not?"
"I can't be concerned with that at this moment. Only that I fulfill his command as best as we can. I have only one request...if it appears that my son is not going to survive you are to forfeit my life to save him."
"I don’t think that will come to pass little one but I will honor your request in any event" the Lych made the slightest of tilting bow toward Silk as he answered.
  It took Silk and the Lych the better part of the evening to prepare the chamber for the procedure. As they concluded the preparations in silence, each man working diligently on what would be his task in the ceremonial rights
Silk turned to the Lych and said
"Yes I know he is"
"Is what?" the Lych looked bemused
"Insane" Here Silk thought that for the first time the Lych was actually going to crack a smile however to his disappointment he watched him struggle slightly then triumphantly maintain the ever dower expression.
As the rest of the story had been imparted to Des, he, then his Da'gi, nearly lost their lives in turn that night were it not for the immense power and boundless wisdom of the Lych. Des was never sure whether or not to believe
the story in its entirety. It was after all handed down to him by the slaves in the house and everyone knew how slaves loved to gossip and embellish the family stories.
Des focused once more on the cake in front of him, candle wax now dripping down onto the sweet sugar icing then back up into all of the confused, patient eyes resting on him. He shook his head slightly, and then quickly blew
out the candles to the delight of all around him. He couldn’t understand the big deal about it all. After all he was only turning three months. Not like he had reached manhood or anything. He mused on that point a moment.
Considering his body and mental faculties had been hyper accelerated, just when WOULD he be considered a man? In the standard 50 lunar calendar passages as recognized by their particular region or earlier? He would have to
remember to ask his father and his Da'gi...later. He became aware once more of the sensation of the silken, snowy tresses of Da'gis head beneath his hand and glanced down. So patient, so loving and willing to please. How could he
not feel all but ardor for this man on his knees at his feet? There were so many times he wished Da'gi would stand and face him with all due respect and recognition of any Royal but he knew he never would. Da'gi "knew his
place"; his father was always quick to remind Des when he tried to entreat Da'gi to do something outside or beyond his station. He was a servant, the first collar, High pet to be exact, even though Royal born, he was at the
disposal of any and all that commanded a higher rank than he be they family or stranger. If any man or woman desired Da'gis special attention he was to submit willingly. This always made Des more than a little bit dissatisfied
and yes, even jealous, toward his father especially who, as far as he could see, was the one who had commanded this edict upon the person that gave him life. Didn’t he deserve better than this? Hadn’t he sacrificed enough in his
life? He had after all been a Ruling Emperor also so he had been told. Collared for what he wasn't sure and now made to serve the people that had once served him. He mused as to why the words loyal and royal rhymed. They
sure didn't seem to have a damn thing to do with one another especially in this family. He also wondered what dagger may be waiting to be sheathed with in his body by the hand of a sibling or progeny one day...or Parent? Here
he glanced to his father who was beaming with what seemed to be pride as Des blew out the candles.
"We thought for a moment you were waiting to encase the entire cake with wax in order to preserve it, son. I was starting to worry about getting my piece" the Emperor laughed.
His father never ceased to be an endless source of amusement for himself it seemed to Des. He smiled back at the man who seemed so much the stranger to him at this moment yet he couldn’t help but admire the mans strength,
insight and wisdom. Even his somewhat heavy-handed methods he had of dealing with disobedience when faced with it. He truly ruled with a velvet hammer. Des' hand closed about his Da'gis hair and tugged it backward with a
sudden snap of his neck that looked to probably be quite uncomfortable then he leaned down and kissed him hard on the mouth. Silk as usual melted beneath his sons touch no matter how gentle or rough the boy got. On the
other hand many had been the time Silk had protested the treatment at the Emperors hand, all be it mostly under his breath, and the Emperor would merely double the pain level of his punishment or "playing" with Silk and
there didn't seem to be much of a line between the two to the Emperor. In fact the line defiantly blurred in the middle as almost every encounter ended with his father tremendously enjoying Silks seemingly boundless "special
"I taught him everything he knows" he would crow proudly on occasion lapping the blood from his fingers as he would turn and walk away from Silks body, more often by then lying in a crumpled bloody heap at his feet or once
in awhile completely unconscious by that point strapped prone to the rape rack. Des pictured the image of his Da'gi thusly and felt himself grow hard with anticipation for the night with him and from the long languid kiss he
was dispensing on him.
"Damn boy, just take him in over there on the divan, fuck him and get it over with. No need to bore us to death with foreplay" Des chuckled lightly at his fathers joke yet felt himself flush slightly at the out loud statement. What
he and his Da'gi did together, for whatever reason he could not fathom, he regarded with the upper most privacy. Any other slave or pet didn't matter why, what, when or where he did whatever he did to them, they were
property, that was their function but his Da'gi was different. That was his parent, his love, perhaps one day his mate. Of course he would need his father’s approval for that last hat trick and that would be another story.
Des released the lip lock on Silk and whispered close to his ear, the sensation like warm milk flowing over Silk.
"I want you later Da'gi, then we need to talk"
Silk nodded his assent to the boy and lowered his head, an almost imperceptive tiny curl at the ends of his mouth. For Des the feeling had returned full force that someone he didn't even know, very akin to him was closer in
proximity to him than ever before. It was all at once exhilarating and frightening. Something like catching your best friend coming up behind you, sword drawn, faining a sneak attack on you and snickering just before striking
giving themselves away totally just in the nick of time. Not that Des was EVER caught unawares by anyone. No one had ever been able to catch the boy off guard...ever...as if he were in possession of the senses of a highly trained
warrior, adept at battle, keen of sight and sound through years of engagement with foe of every ilk, knowing to always expect the unexpected. This was highly unusual to say the least for a three month old...even if he was a High
Royal demon, black dragon and Ventrue vampire half-god. For now though that would have to wait as his father had just commanded Silk to dance for the gathered revelers. And Da'gi always put on a show extrodanair that he
and his father both enjoyed immensely sometimes erupting in a fuss between the two as to which would get Silk first. Of course the Emperor always won that fight...until tonight. Now Silk belonged to Des body and soul and
heaven pity the poor sot that attempted to wrench Silk from Des now.
Silk rose from the luxuriously covered pillow where he sat at his son’s feet by his chair and glided toward the dance floor. He had the carriage and deportment of the high Nobility he was born and the presence of a Master not to
be questioned nor triffeled with, explaining quite clearly to the intuitive observer exactly why the Emperor took such grand delight in subjugating and humiliating Silk at every possible opportunity. Also observable to the astute
but not so obvious, deep in those ice blue eyes common to his family, was a gentle nurturing spirit...the part that made him so coveted to posses and loved when owned. It also made him vulnerable to the abuses of persons less
ethical or caring than he was taught to be. So he put into practice one of the most important lessons learned by him through the millennium "Always be the best you can...even if only a slave, be the best slave you can". He had
once been Capo de Monte, top of the mountain, a powerful Master Elder High Emperor in an immense Empire, now he was a mere slave but true to his philosophy, he was the Capo of slaves. As his foot touched the dance floor, his
mind switched gears as smoothly as a well oiled machine from the loving, protective parent to the sensual, desirable slave there only for the pleasure of being taken by his Master. His leath bronze skinned body swayed seductively
to the flowing refrains of the music, every muscle rippling, tremoring ever so slightly under the strain of the fluid, captivating dance he now preformed. Every eye was riveted on his body, memorized at its grace and agility as he
went to the floor, feet tucked neatly beneath him arching his back skyward then lying flat to the ground only to raise his hips up on powerful muscular thighs, his shimmering silks slipping aside to expose his well endowed
masculinity now slightly erect in reaction to the sensations about him and his frame of mind. To say almost every man and woman would have gone to almost any lengths to have him would have been a gigantic distortion of the
truth and none would have done more than the Emperor and his own son. They both knew first hand how delightfully delicious his favors could be when coaxed just right. The Emperors head tilted down slightly, an intense
wantonly lustful stare on his face, the edges of the mouth curling ever so slightly, piqued with the cold, vicious glint in his eyes of a hungry carnivore stalking an unsuspecting victim. On the other hand, on the countenance of his
son, though there was unmistakable desire and high arousal there also lurked just at the surface intense pride and admiration at this magnificent creature before him so elegant of form and graceful of movement. That and
unadulterated love! Anyone could clearly see the adore and worship the boy had for his Da'gi even if they were quite blind. The Emperor surely didn't suffer from such debility though...however behind his back he could be and
often had been accused of acute myopathy and not without just cause as he was fully preparing to prove to any doubter right now. The Emperor had been imbibing for quite some time and was well on his way to extreme
inebriation. The "Soused" lands as people jeered about him behind his back. He now turned his attention to his son with an open look of disdain and scorn and not a little bit of jealously. However so engrossed was Des at the
delightful visage before him, his Da'gis golden brown flesh now quite damp, glistening with the luster of heavy sweat that the Emperor could have thrown a dagger at him and he wouldn't have known till impact. Which the
Emperors eyes were practically doing. The Emperor rose from his throne and moved out onto the dance floor straight to Silk with all due deleberance and cuffed him hard in the jaw dropping him straight away to the floor,
grasping at his mouth. As copious amounts of blood began to ooze from between Silks long delicate fingers which were grappling to cease the rich crimson flow, Des' eyes clouded over rapidly, shifting thought the spectrum of color
finally settling on the fiery blood red of the Nightshade male when moved to murderous rage. Des quite literally in one fluid swift movement rose and flew onto the back of the unsuspecting Emperor drawing his side dagger with
a flashing glint of steel, resting it firmly against his father’s throat. He leaned in toward his father’s ear saying in a growling snarl,
"I have never threatened you in any way to this point father and it is hoped you will consider that in your coming retaliation to my present action. But know this too, you have given my Da'gi to me as my property and as you
have till now taught me "What you will not relinquish, no one can take from you" I tell you this truly, if ever you strike my property or abuse or misuse it in any way without my express consent I will surely spill your blood in
vast amounts. Are we quite understood father?"
The Emperors eyes shifted from stunned disbelief to blatant outrage and murderous burning hate then finally slowly to amusement and outright hilarity as the boy finished his threatening affirmation so softly hissed in his ear.
"I wondered just when you were going to grow a pair of balls boy but I didn't expect them to appear so suddenly and fully clad in brass as they seem to be"
The Emperor spoke these words out loudly enough for the whole of the evening’s accompaniment to hear, predictably eliciting uproarious laughter from all. As the cacophony of voices blended together drowning out all but those
in close proximity of each other the Emperors low guttural growling threat came clearly to Des' ear.
"This one time because you are young and have unwitteningly provided some sport for the evening, I will let this slide but if ever there is a repeat of this and you do not drop me in my traces then and there I vow an oath that
there will not be so much left of you for the crows to fight over when I finish lapping the remnants of your blood from my hands from what I will do to you...and I will take my time in doing so."
These last words were slow and measured as they spewed from his mouth and Des shuttered ever so slightly within as the full impact of the concept formed in his mind but he had learned an invaluable insight into the Emperor
this eve...he could be caught unawares. Des lowered himself to the floor, carefully moving the blade so as to not so much as nick his fathers skin as he did so. He then turned his attention fully on his Da'gi who was staring up wide
eyed and deathly still, every muscle in his body seemingly ridged as his hyper-accute hearing picked up each and every sound no matter how slight or inaudible. Des cooed softly to him to ease his tension and gently lifted him to
his feet. Silk straightened to his full dignity to the applause of the delighted crowd and bowed deeply and graciously and was then led away by his son. Because their backs were turned to him they could not see the scathing
searing hate the Emperor now stared into them. Nor could they hear his silent mental oath to make their suffering at his hands legendary...even in hell.

Chapter 6

  Sword cracked his eye open just slightly and saw a thin fuzzy yellow shaft of light, the sparkling dust particles dancing within its grasp, streaming through the slightly parted curtains hanging from the tiny bedroom window.
The sublime melody of the first lark of the morning breaking the grave like silence of the night lulled him further from the land of dreams where all things were possible, to the reality of the almost imposable task he now faced.
"It's always darkest before the dawn" Sword had heard that saying many times and had found innumerable instances in his long life that proved it out. Things seemed pretty bleak right now. He only hoped the curious stranger
last night knew where of he spoke. Sword believed he could trust the guy; he had a sense about these things. Besides he could not shake the strong feeling of familiarity from the man. As Sword lay there in the cool of the morn,
the fire from the night now mere embers, he searched his memory for the exact words the stranger had spoken to him ""You'll find him at the end of the sunset of one day’s journey in the great clearing. Face the evening star and
he will appear"" Naturally, Sword thought wryly to himself, when it came to anything in regards to the Emperor it would be in riddle. The man WAS indeed ridiculous. He smiled inwardly at his own parody. Then Sword felt his
young squire turning over next to him and snuggle closer to his Master under the warm furs piled high on them. He was a good obedient boy, quick of mind, steady of hand and calm in mannerism and did he mention very
becoming to look at, making him all the more desirable of a companion. He should make a great Knight one day. If he survives. Sword would make every effort to try to ensure he gave the boy every tool of wisdom he possessed in
order to give the lad a fighting chance to reach full manhood and to face his destiny on his on terms. Sword leaned forward and kissed the boy gently on the back of the neck, letting his mind drift to last night and the boys
tantalizing company, his flesh as luscious as warm milk straight from the cow and as delectably sweet as fresh cream. He shook his head free of the exquisite memory and playfully pinched the boy on his soft ass, chuckling and
pushing him from their warm cocoon ordering him to dress and go fetch Swords and his breakfast, before Sword did a repeat of the night. The lad curmudgeonly stoked the nights embers back to a roaring fire, adding a couple of
logs at the right time then reached for his clothes and dressed all under the watchful admiring eye of his Master. Not a mark on that pail supple flesh. Swords body on the other hand, though still very fit and beautiful to admire
bore the evidence of many battles, both lost and won. With the memory of the battlefield, Swords mind harkened back to that horrid night that had started so jubilantly and was to be a celebration of life and love which had ?
given rise to all that had transpired to this point. He pondered at the twists of fate that ones lives often took and just how it would sometimes culminate at the end of the dance that each person preformed through their all too
short span of time here. He hoped above all that his life would have had some meaning at the end so he too could enter the sacred halls of Valhalla on the back of a Valkyries horse but not too soon. He still needed a son to carry
on his lineage. Even though Lucc and Silk now had a son, it was expected that the eldest, who he was by a few minutes, was to carry on the family name and bloodline. Sword suddenly realized how much he missed his twin. He
let his mind reach out to the ether to try to connect with Lucc if possible. There it was. The tiniest glimmer of a connection but just below that something else whispering in the background, like a swirling undercurrent deep
beneath sparkling clear waters, seemingly calm and refreshing on the surface, yet underneath it all a menacing treacherousness unseen but not ignored by the wise. As Sword communed, as it were, with his twins "being" it
suddenly struck him...if Lucc's essence were housed within the body of his son, as was supposed to be the case,...where was the boy? Swords eyes widened just as his squire entered with their morning repast. A large wooden tray
holding a platter laden with cold cod, cheeses, bread, and a bit of last nights tripe that had been served for supper. On the tray also, two tankards of mead, of which Sword now quickly snatched one up, gulping it down
feverishly, as if he could drink away the though in his head. The boy slightly startled by his Masters sudden, lightening fast movements bobbled the tray for a second then balanced it once more with the help of Swords strong
steady hand.
"Master Sword is something amiss? What have I done wrong? Have I displeased you in some fashion? What can I do to right my mistake?"
The youngsters rapid fire nervous questionings were about to irritate Sword when he thought to himself "It's not the lads fault, you old goat, calm down".
"It's nothing you have done my sweet boy, merely another nail in the Emperors coffin."
"If I may inquire, Master, have you an understanding of the strange riddle the peculiar old man gave you last night in regards to the Emperors where a bouts?"
"It seems to me that it is pretty straight forward directions. At least that is how I intend to handle the information...for now."
They devoured the meal quickly in relative silence, Swords mind still dancing around the issue of the disposition of Luccs "essence or spirit" if you will and that of his and Silks sons. If everything were status quo as he was led to
believe then that would have to mean that Lucc and the baby were sharing the same body. This would explain the confusing dual-like personality Sword was picking up on when he touched Luccs mind. Mine Got! If the Lych spoke
the truth and had been successful in transferring Luccs essence into the unborns body then Lucc was in the body of his own son simultaneously AND living with his beloved husband as his own son but having to suppress his
overwhelming love and ardor for his "Mine", if indeed he were even doing that, while the boy was present and his memory were taking all this in and absorbing it...and what about Silk. He knew nothing of this plan but is so in
tune with Lucc that he must feel something...
Here Sword shook his head, staggered at the immensity of the whole idea, that he couldn't grasp its entire concept and just what impact it was having or would eventually have on them all. He began to doubt now if the decision
he had made the day the Lych revived him had been a sound one after all. What damage might this do to this family? How much will this adversity ravage the spirit of this Noble House? He postulated a bit more on this precept
then came to the conclusion that this family has indeed weathered worse than this. If many of its members could survive the "fall from grace" and continue on as they had, then they could manage this trifle of a setback.
Sword took care to wash his hands and face after the meal and once more reminded his apprentice do the same. It wasn't out of properness or feigns refinement that he did this, it was from a sense of survival. They were
venturing out into probably very inhospitable woods filled with all manner of ravenous creature, from wolf and bear to the possible odd dragon, that could detect the slightest morsel of food on their apparel from even the
greatest distance and Sword did not intend to be on the bill-of-fair for anyone if he could help it...Thank You!

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