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by silky
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1863865
This is a continuation of Silk Dreams (chapters 1-3)
The Shards of a Crystal Nightmare

  The dancing, flickering firelight gently lapped golden-orange hues, like a summer sunset, across the bodies of the swirling, gyrating, throng of merry makers that now swayed on the dance floor to the rhythm of the cords the band was striking out.
Some stood well apart from their partner, others could have told you what their partner had for supper, and still others lets say were so otherwise engaged as to make one believe that a visit from the stork in a few months was
emanate. Although it was the usual crowd that gathered tonight to gaze upon their countenances and say USUAL was dichotomous in its own. When one strained the eye there came into focus a pair of horns on one of the
dancers, perhaps a long and sinuous tail adorned with spinal outcroppings down its length giving it the resemblance of a mace that had been rolled out. One might also notice a sudden quick flick of an ear tip hovering just above a
head, its point adorned with glittering gold or silver chains or perhaps a fiery jewel here and there. Although one would think upon first glance and discovery of these odd details that the owners of each of these uncommontries
would carry such a countenance as to illicit extreme fear or disgust in the observer, quite  the contrary was the case. For the absolute most part the majority of the compliment of happy party goers were anywhere from very
pleasant to behold to completely "To die for" as the old saying went. But then that was the way of the genetics of the Ancientfire family. Most nights anyone was welcome to just drop by unannounced and toss down a tankard
of ale or mead with the head Masters Sword or his brother Lucc or a chalice of honey wine with Luccs betrothed, Silk, known affectionately to most all as Da'gi, an ancient demon name for a male birth parent, but known to
Master Lucc simply as "MINE". Tonight though was special for Lucc and Silk had finally after three long years and five children later tied the knot. There was little doubt that the triplet girls and the twin boys were theirs. The
apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, as Da'gi said constantly. They were spitting images of their parents, both in look and mannerism. Now Master Lucc and Silk couldn’t be more different in many respects it would seem on first
glance. Lucc was a strong willed individual that one could almost typify as stubborn, with a lot of common sense and something of a stern countenance and a voice that was all together deep and melodic but could when he
wanted and when the moment call for it, make one jump with suddenness at its overwhelming ferocity. Although under it all beat the heart of gentle loving compassion and even handed temperament. He had been first and
foremost a Captain of the Guard and the personal body guard in a truly decadent Empire ruled by a debauched and evil High Emperor whose nefariousness knew no bounds...and was ultimately that Emperors undoing, now long
gone and almost blessedly forgotten. Lucc himself eventually became an Emperor and finally was exalted to Elder High Emperor like his twin brother he now shared a throne with. Yet for all its benefits, were it not for his beloved MINE and their children, he
would trade it all in for the title of Captain of the Guards in the blink of an eye for that is where his heart lay. Protecting the disadvantaged and more gentle of spirit than he.
Da'gi or MINE to his Lucc was gentle, compassionate and somewhat quick to a mist in the eyes at the telling of a romantic or grievous story and fierce of temperament if riled to believe his family, no matter how distant the
relationship, were being threatened badly. Though he could be pushed to a murderous temper, having taken not a few lives in his time, it was never without provocation either protectiveness for family, friends or territory or for
the survival of a righteous person wronged in some way and facing a horrid demise. Tonight however was not a night for death or demise being the occasion of the happy union of two very much in love for a very long time
Lucc twirled his MINE about the dance floor with the deftness of an elite dance instructor and Da'gi had little difficulty keeping in step being an expert dancer himself and the trainer of the same. In fact Da'gi had also been a
Master Elder High Emperor and a High Cast Gorean Master Physician in his protracted life span. He had birthed into the world many children and had not given life to less than quite a few himself. All gone now save his beautiful
triplet girls and twin boys he and Lucc were the proud parents of. Being also a High Royal half-god demon had its advantages, if carrying and having children are truly an advantage to ones mind. To Da'gi they most certainly
were. They were his life and his reason to continue, along with his soul mate Lucc. Never had the crown of the greatest Dynasty he ruled over glittered as brightly as his children did. The first born of the girls was just like her
father. Well tempered but with a ferocious temperament when ired to it yet tender and gentle to those they loved. Never imagining any wrong doing in those they loved could exist. They loved without conditions and demanded loyalty and
obedience without question, which was no less than what they gave. Both were much harder on themselves than they could ever conceive being on anyone else especially their own. They both, too, had something of a disdain for
furniture and decorating. Da'gi, when ask to this unusual personality quirk, would merely sigh and then launch into a lengthy explanation, hands flailing a bit during the telling of the story, how not more than a few times he
would need to retrieve furniture items, usually broken and scattered about in pieces on the paddock outside the castle, where it had found its way perhaps through an upper floor stained glass window, that one or the other had
decided to launch it through. Hence the reason the castle mote had been drained...and left that way. When he had finally gotten around to it he found an entire house full of items. Including Luccs Royal signet ring and a
betrothal ring they had both worn all this time up to this day. Or so he had thought. Yet to his credit he never mentioned finding it to his beloved or asked after a reason for the unusual place it was located. He simply slipped it
back in his jewelry box quietly and saw it on his right hand only moments ago, once again as they exchanged their vows. The prodigal ring back home where it belonged. When Da'gi hazzared a glance to his Lucc during the
ceremony, upon spying the wayward ring back in place, Lucc eyes meet his for only the briefest of moments and then glanced away. However a soft pinking rose in the tanned, lightly freckled cheeks and was gone as soon as it
appeared. Da'gi smiled. Then slipped the wedding ring on his beloveds hand and kissed it gently, as was necessary to show devotion to ones Sovereign Lord. When it cam time for Lucc to give his vows he, unaccustomedly went to
one knee and did the entire vow thus. There wasn’t a dry eye left in the chapple. Especially at the alter where Da'gi was practically drenching his tunic and the top of Luccs head as he kissed his MINEs hand upon sliding on
the jewel encrusted gold band. The bands had been specially designed by Silk, having a stone for each child on it. Three to one side for the girls, two to the other for the boys and behind those stones on each of theirs bands was
the other spouse’s birthstone. In the centre of this on each ring was a huge brilliant diamond representing the union of the couple. A perfect round blue-white stone on each ring. Then further down flanking all this were two
Dragon rampant, holding flaming swords. The families crest. All set in platinum, as Lucc preferred the white metals to that of yellow gold.
As all this transpired through the day and continued into the wee hours of the morning Luccs twin brother Sword and his wife Ruby watched the happy couple and reveled in their joy each remembering their own wedding day
and sharing the memories privately with each other as the night progressed. Oh did I forget to mention that they were amongst other things a family of High Royal black dragons...and one of the ceremonies besides the wedding
ceremony, which merely joined the joyous couple in physical bond on the earthly plane, was the dragons bonding ceremony that bonded the two on a spiritual and mental plane.
Lucc suddenly whirled his MINE around so that his back was against his chest, reached between them, protracting his long razor talons and shredded Slikys pants beneath his Masters robe in seconds. Silk knew what was coming
and sighed deeply and openly relaxing against his beloved’s broad, heavily muscled chest. Though Silk was taller than Lucc, Lucc was massive next to him. This made him intimidating beyond frightening when he was ired.
However it was not anger that drove Lucc at this moment but passion and love for his MINE. His hand slithered down to Silks thigh and he slid it between the two thighs raising the leg high next to Silks body, the calf dangling
limply. He reached down with his other hand and tore at his belt pulling open the ties at the front of the pants till he could wiggle the front down enough to pull out his burgeoning, stiff cock and slip it slowly between Silks
muscled but relaxed buttock. He pumped languidly back and forth a few times till he found the spot he was searching for and aimed carefully. He paused for a merest of seconds then slammed forcefully into Silks tight, hot,
throbbing passage. Silk settled down on it with a slight startle and a deep hitching sigh as conversely Lucc sank his fangs deep into the back of Silks neck. The placement of the bite was not so much to hit a vein, as when they
feeding, but to immobilize and create heightened pleasure to the moment. and it did just that. Lucc leaned them over slightly and began to pump furiously in and out of Silk. Sliks head went back against Luccs head and he ?
loudly and reached beneath his robes and wound his fingers about his own hard staff. His hand grasped the top of his aching pulsing member and began to glide up and down the length of the shaft trying hard to quell the deep
gut wrenching yearning that set his groin on fire each time his Lucc touched him. Lucc was Silks drug and Silk the happy addict. Talk about chasing the dragons’ tail! Well, we all have our bears to cross it would seem. Lucc's
thrust had, after the initial breach, become decidedly gentler, more sensuous and slower paced. A beauteous pas de due between the lovers like a dance scripted just for them the two moving in perfect unison, every movement
timed to the exact beat of their own inner music, perhaps the twin beat of their heart both now beginning to race with desire for the other. Silk sighed and whispered a protracted yeeeesssss to the heavens. Lucc's pace increased
ten fold hearing the open expression of his beloved Mates passion. His skin erupts in a light sheen of sweat highlighted by the fire, defining the massive musculature of his powerful body. Were he so moved to, Silk could be little
more than a twig in Luccs grasp, easily snapped. But that was not the case. The truth be known the converse were more the reality as it was Silk who held Luccs heart strings without question. Right now the only thing Luccs
mind desired to hold was his MINE as he plunged deeper and harder into his beloveds hot, tight, ass feeling the muscle quiver and tighten with every thrust massaging his cock to rail spike hardness, the balls tight and ready to
release their load deep into his loves body. Lucc thrust into Silk with the force to bring his one foot off the floor to hang there for the briefest of seconds as if skewered on Luccs cock. SIlk arches his lower back high to open himself
fully to his husbands’ deep penetrations melting in his arms as always. Silk never understood how he could do this to him, make him whimper and beg for more, but he did just that... and his beloved responded. Luccs head starts
to lighten and the ears ring lightly as the orgasm starts. He feels his cock pulsing as it starts to pump out its issue in an explosive release in his groin that fly’s up his stomach and spine to his chest and head setting his brain
alight with the fires of passion. His mind floats there for what seems an eternity tottering on the precipice then with 2-3 hard thrust into his body he feels himself tumble over the edge. No thought, No sound, just the feel of his
cock ramming into his loves body, wishing for all the world he could crawl in after it and hide in the feeling forever. Then the slow maddening decent into reality once again. Silks hand was covered with his warm slick, sticky
cum by the time he became barely aware that he HAD just cum indeed. Thus was the power of the Dragon Bonding ritual. Both souls were now inextricably united. One mind. One heart. One will. One SOUL...once again. They
could now "call" one another even from great distance and know exactly the disposition of the other and be unable to resist the other if they beckoned them to the other. Lucc felt his cock pulse out its final throbs into his loves
body and he purred softly into his neck where his fangs still held his MINES tightly. He now slowly and gently released the jaw lock wrapping his massive arms about his beloved husbands’ waist and chest, nuzzling into his neck,
inhaling his sent deeply.
"You are now and forever MINE, my beloved. Owned, loved, protected"
Silk twisted slowly around in Luccs arms to face his new husband”
You are now and forever my Master, my beloved. Obeyed, venerated, cared for."
With those softly spoken words a light applause erupted through the wedding party and Silk smiled and hid his face in Luccs chest giggling softly. Lucc swatted him playfully on the ass and kissed him once on the top of his head.
Suddenly a hot sirocco wind blasted across the open dance floor where the wedding couple stood embracing and Silk whispered something under his breath not to happily. There stood in the midst of the wedding party the
black armor clad figure as if he had stepped from a distant memory only to shimmer into existence before everyone’s dumb founded eyes, his countenance hidden beneath the black abysmal helmet. Yet there was no mistaking the
owner of that armor. He swore he would own their "slave baby" once or no one would and he intended to make good on the promise.
Lucc reached for his Salamanca as he prepared to charged the figure that had manifested its self before him unwanted and uninvited.
"I killed you. I picked your head up off the floor where I put it. What corner of hell dare vomit you up now?"
"Hello Warrior, nice to know I was missed" the black clad figure chuckled as he removed his helmet to reveal the still handsome visage of the Emperor. "Now, to business. I will have my SON now or your "bride” as a poor substitute
as it could give me children. Do please make up my mind for me; it's such a difficult choice. But let me simplify for you. You can have more children that’s no doubt as your now degrading hard on proves. And surly your not at a
loss for slaves therefore a mate is not at a premium either. So I'll make it very easy for you and take the pregnant bitch you’re now grasping so tightly off your hands and thereby kill two birds with one stone. Or I could just kill
you and take what I want anyway. You decide."
His grin was both gay and malevolent at the same time causing even the most jaded of persons to feel the hair rise on the back of their neck at its sight.
"How about my cold steel through your wind pipe once again. At least that way you won't have to listen to you own whimpered begs as I slowly dispatch you this time."
"Oh, please Warrior. You failed at that task last time as my presents here and now proves. Do try to be more imaginative this time."
"If it’s just to procreate that you’re wanting, why don't you go pick out some disease riddled skanky bitch worthy of you and leave us to our lives. We've done everything to avoid you yet you peruse us still. Or can your obsessed
deluded mind not grasp that you not welcome here"
"Warrior, you of all should know...it's not the spoils of the war that draw a battle nigh but the thrill of the kill and the savory flavor of the conquest."
"I told you long ago you will never have my willing obeisance and surrender."
"Oh but I already have...you just don't see it yet"
With those final words the Emperor reached for Silks arm as Silk shrank back trying to avoid the grasp. Luccs hand shot forward grabbing the Emperors arm with an almost bone crushing vice like grip on it. The Emperors eyes
rose slowly to meet Luccs locking the two men in a twin gaze of burning searing hate. Each an equally strong Master of his life. Both venerated in their world and both completely dedicated to the utter destruction of the other.
One born of jealously and envy the other of defense of his home and love ones. The Emperors mouth curled slowly into a bright smile as from behind Lucc with the swiftness of a cheetah the blade bit deeply into the back of his
neck almost severing the head completely from his body. At that second the eyes of the slumbering infant in Silks body opened for the briefest of seconds and fluttered closed again in the quiet safety of its parent’s body. Luccs
eyes bulged from their sockets as his blood splashed over Silk covering him in gore and Luccs head fell forward onto his chest a geyser of crimson spewing up and raining down on Silk. Silk had no voice. The iron scream behind his
teeth lingered there trapped just behind his exploding mind. Silk grasped the hilt of his side dagger and unsheathed it throwing it with deadly accuracy into the forehead of Luccs assassin, too late. Silks mind wailed and he sank
to his knees with the body of his beloved slumped in his arms. As the other assassin reveled themselves behind each member of the family dagger in hand poised to strike down each in turn. Silk turned to his brother and growled
"Emperor I will go with you. Leave my family to its peace they've not harmed you and will not do so at my command but understand you have won nothing but my hate and promise to destroy you."
"I think you will think twice on that dear brother. As you are now mine so is you unborn son...mine. I will raise him as such with love and devotion making him mine totally...as
you watch helpless to interfere and if you try I will cut him down without a moment’s hesitation and we will start all over with another one till you finally understand you will not
conquer me. I AM SIN ITSSELF and can not be destroyed!"
With that the Emperor made a barely imperceptible nod of his head and the assassin each struck their intended targets. Some were stabbed thru the heart, some the blade bit deep into the throat sending geysers of crimson
spewing heavenward as they grasped and clawed at the wounds trying to contain the fountain and thereby somehow escape the icy fingers of death holding them firmly in its grasp. Still others, like Sword fought back valiantly
even with the mortal wound to the throat, his life’s waters pumping over the once pristine white tunic of his robes dieing them the deepest of scarlet with every beat of his warrior/Vikings heart refusing to go willingly to the
marbled halls of Valhalla. He crawled to the Emperors feet and croaked out his gurgled oath thru severed vocal cords that he would wait for the Emperor on the other side of the veil where he would exact his revenge
on him throughout eternity for the treachery he preformed this day even upon his on kin.
"Well you missed your chance to do that Viking as I don’t believe in an afterlife but at least you had the good sense and common courtesy to die where you belong...at my feet." He kicked
Sword once in the head and chuckling wheeled on his heel and strolled with an easy jaunt to the towering double doors. Where he paused for a brief moment turning to survey his handy
work. He smiled inexorably and exclaimed
"Thus ends the Legacy of the Ancientfires. Out with a whimper instead of a bang. Or should I say gurgle, huh Sword"
Here he thru back his head and roared with mirthless laughter as he turned back and stepped out into the nights inky blackness, his form seemingly swallowed whole by its bony fingers and appearing to waiver briefly then gone
like a wraith as if never really there.

Chapter 2

The old Drow Necromancer, now turned Lych, cast his bright green eyes about at the piteous sight of the several days old massacre scene. If he was aware of the putrid, gut wrenching odor now wafting up from the blood soaked
earth about him he gave no indication in his visage. As was usual for the Lych he kept his own counsel deep inside not letting the world into his world as he had little but disdain for it. If he ever found ONE person pure of heart,
honest and courageous, willing to truly sacrifice themselves for the greater good of others he would probably crack the leathern skin of his face to bleeding from the smile. As it was there was nothing here to smile about. He
approached the swollen body of Sword its once beautiful face now a purplish-black distorted caricature of what it had once been. He touched the forehead ever so gently and the almost gelatinous maggot covered skin began to
ooze and fall away from the bone only to reveal beneath it taunt, glowing rosy cheeked, living flesh. Swords eyes fluttered open slowly and he started slightly at the sight of the Lychs face hovering over him with those unusual
bright green eyes against that deep grey Drow skin.
"Move slowly Sword as you have lied cradled in the arms of death herself for not more than a few days and she is a Mistress that does not give up her possessions easily."
Sword nodded slowly as the fog in his brain cleared as it slowly repaired. The first and only thought coming to him being thirst he choked out his first words of rebirth "Water"
"Of course" and the lych held his fingers over Swords mouth, clean, clear, pure water flowing from their tips cold and refreshing as a mountain spring, life giving. Swords next words were "Ruby?"
"She and all others still lie in wormy earth Sword. I’m sorry you have to see the death shroud but you being the father of the clan were the logical choice to be revived first. Besides there is the matter of my recompense for what I
am about to do for you and yours. I will restore everything as it was before and a little better if you agree to my terms and conditions. I know you have a score to settle and I offer you this one chance to fulfill it. But there is a
price to pay, as I will have a toll exacted on my head also. For what I do changes the natural course of history"
"Name it" Sword without hesitation answered
"Upon the end of your natural life your soul will come to me and be my companion throughout the rest of time, to do my biding, be my apprentice and stand at my side. This is not negotiable"
"That's easer than diapering an Ancientfire baby" Sword smirked
"This is no joke. No one can ever know of our agreement."
"Neither is diapering an Antcientfire baby but it will be as you say, Lych" he said dryly.
Sword worked quickly and quietly under the guiding hand of the Lych gathering together the bodies and laying them out accordingly to his instructions. The men first as they were able to do the heavy clean up and more
tolerate the horrid sight and smells, keeping chaos to a minimum, then the women and finally the children knowing chaos were sure to follow their boundlessly energetic arrival. The last to be revived was the groom as none was
sure how to explain to Lucc that his Silky was still missing and he was sure to want to know exactly why that was and since no one had and answer no one was quite ready to face his famous temper. And then there was the
matter of Luccs particular injury. Heads were tricky at best when reattachment were the order of the day. The Lych worked diligently thru the night till the sky had soft distant purple-pink hues streaking across it as if some
unforeseen artist had willy-nilly dragged his brush across the velvet blue-black sky unhappy with its monotony.
Predictably Luccs first word was "Silky"
"We don’t know Lucc" the old Lych answered "However we do know he's alive as is your son. In what state and where we're not sure"
"Dare say finding him will be an easer task than diapering an Ancientfire infant but no less distasteful in its course"
Here the Lich looked hard at Sword who merely gave a shrug and coy grin.
"It's amazing your wee ones learn the value of clothing"
then the Lich realized how many of the women as well as the men were adorned in little more than thin and costly silks of the finest quality that covered little more than the imagination and he was briefly forced to change
his mind as to whether any lessons were learned on the merits of clothing by this family at all. Which brought to mind an important detail...the families name, Ancientfire...it was now a dead name and for the protection of all
had to remain so. The Lych explained it.
"If the Emperor were to hear of your continuation he would surly come for you...so for the safety of all you are now NIGHTSHADE. A proud and ancient name belonging to Silks side of the family its father being the great Dragon
Nightshade himself, Silks elder brother."
Here not a few mouths fell open to learn of the lineage of Silk, something he never spoke on. Though it was rumored that he himself had once been a sitting Elder High Emperor none were sure and Silk wasn’t saying. What was
known was it had been a brother that had betrayed Silk enslaving him and taking his entire Empire out from under him leaving him without gold, throne, or loyal subject. Ah, such is the treachery of family, easily more
than any foe, for you trust them and never see it coming. As Silk never really saw it coming till the wolf was on the door step. He had been made a male slave, force collared by this brother, then after manipulating Silks
emotions, heart and mind to believing he loved only this person, he was given away to another. Months went by as he tried to heal from the emotional abandonment when he realized the new Master he was in the care of was
beyond all doubt the most beautiful soul he had ever met. His Master spent many night cradling the distraught Silk holding him, loving him and listening to the wailing cries if his wounded soul. When the smoke had all cleared,
and Silk was free of the cursed false love he saw the love that truly stood before him and fell to his knees dedicating all he had left in this life, his freedom to him. The Emperor, Silks brother, had presented Silk to his Master
more as a private joke. Yet when observed as the joke backfiring and the two falling deeply in love, marring in fact, the jealous Emperor tore Silk from the bosom of safety and love to be cast adrift in the world friendless and
penniless. Here the details fuzzed though as to how Silk finally ended up with the Ancientfires still in servitude, as no less than High Pet but never on the throne again. When asked all Silk would ever say on the matter was he
was home where he belonged. As it was told he was supremely happier where he was than where he had been. The more you had the more you had to loose. Though Silk owned no material possessions he stood to loose more, as did ?
his Mate Lucc, than any man alive, his soul-mate and his family. No amount of gold or thrones could replace that. To be sure, where ever he was he felt that more keenly than ever, and Lucc knew it. They had been through the
Dragon mating ritual. Their minds and spirits were one bonded and mated for all time. Never seperable. Even their hearts beat in unison in their separate chest. As did the heart of their son as Silk was with child at the time of
the ritual. It actually was miraculous the infant continued as the ritual was not given to success in the constitutions of lesser beings. A human, for example, would not survive its rigors. This probably explained, partly, why so
many maiden fell to so many dragons (aside from size differentiation) and then ended up merely being on the evening’s bill of fair. At this point it was merely a concern as to how to get one of the members of the household back ?
to safety and the infants survival was the key. What the Lych now proposed had not been done in many millennia and was not sure to work. For this rescue to happen, though, it was clear it would take someone working on the
INSIDE. The Lych explained the plan.
"I've heard of working from the inside but isn’t that taking it a bit literally?" Lucc said. The Lych frowned up to Sword who quickly glanced away and began to whistle a tuneless refrain.
"Is he always so...."
"Stubborn?" Sword finished "Yeah pretty much" Lucc scowled at the two.
"It IS at this time the only way...unless you have a better idea. You will be born fully aware of yourself and retain all your memory. IF you survive the birthing process without going insane with shock and pain. I don’t know how
long you have till your presentation into the world, I don’t know how far along Silk was. The longer you must linger in the womb the harder it will be to retain your identity. This will be probably the greatest challenge you have
ever faced, Warrior. All the more so for you, being a man of actions rather than of decisions. That is not meant to be an insult or slight to you Warrior as you are plenty intelligent for the task. It is meant to keep you vigilant and
on your toes thru the up coming days you are facing, alone, isolated, abandoned almost. My only solace I can offer you is remember, it is your beloved you reside within. You MAY be able to touch his mind and connect with him.
It will be miraculous if you do but it may save your life. If he is given to easy panic I would not reveal to him exactly the nature of yourself nor the plan we have made. The less he knows the safer for all concerned. Understood?"
"Understood" Lucc echoed
“It will be a supreme moment when you two once again are in the Emperors presence together face to face. I would pay to be a fly on the wall on that day."
Lucc and Sword merely grinned at one another savoring the thought between them, like the flavor of heart blood, ripped from its victim’s chest, thick and invigorating, each man imagining the look on the Emperors face to see
them once again side by side, very much alive and very deadly in intent.

Chapter 3

Silk wept. But no one knew it. He made not a single utterance or allowed one syllable to escape his lips. His lips, usually moist and soft baring a warm quick smile, now wore a hard smirk at all times...his eyes ever bright and
glinting like florescent emeralds were now clouded over dull and lifeless, the left one slightly scared with a light white film over it. They looked out from under the ever long black lashes and regarded the world about him with
mirthless disdainful cynicism. But the dry wiry smile never left his lips. His mouth stayed in a perpetually gentle curl at the tips as if he held some tasty morsel in it, some dark unspoken secret only he knew and nothing and
no one would ever remove it from his mind and heart. The Emperor circled Silks prone body, tied as it was to the rape rack and had been now for not more than a few days. He was clad in only the tattered remains of his
wedding robes. What was left was heavily soiled from every bodily fluid in him, especially blood. Oh there were copious amounts of blood to be sure, for when his volume was going too low a crude needle was inserted in a vein
someplace and he was "replenished" therefore creating not more than a few open infected wounds scattered about his body, red and oozing. Instead of being allowed the dignity of feeding he was force-fed. It didn’t matter what
animal was used, cat, dog, goat ...rat. Blood was blood to a vampire. Even if he was a Ventrue and had a specific blood he needed to thrive well, he could still be kept alive this way indefinitely. Silk felt as bad as he looked and
smelled but he gave no indication of it to his captor. And if the Emperor now noticed it neither did he indicate that it did more than excite his lusts further over the edge to almost insane proportions. Silks once soft brownish
tan skin was now covered with bleeding, oozing cuts, lacerations, burns, holes and a few large patches of skin missing to the bone. Dried, caked blood evidenced from every orifice of his body, with some of the soft tissue openings
swollen and red revealing a small idea of the pain he was now enduring. However Silk had turned it back around on itself and was rather enjoying the pain, it being the only thing now left in his control. Even the continued
survival of his unborn son was highly questionable. The lad had best have his fathers constitution to make it thru this, Silk mused to himself. Little did he know it went much further than that. He only knew that the infant had
begun "talking" to him a couple of days ago which was in part the reason for the perpetual smirk on his lips. The rest of the reason was the Emperor had no fucking clue. He had heard of an unborn being able to communicate with
its birth parent but it was more of an old wives tale and he had yet to experience it...until now! Maybe those old wives knew what they had been cackling about after all. In any event it was a voice, completely external to him
and completely with its own whole already formed personality, more like that of a highly developed adult than he would have imagined an infant personality to be. But what the hell did he know. Up till a few days ago he didn’t
even believe this was possible. But apparently it was, because it was happening to him...or was it? Sometimes he was completely positive when he and the infant were conversing but in the echoing silence of his memory doubt
creep back in till next time the baby started its chatter once more. It spoke constantly of its love for its "Da'gi" on the level more of an amours suitor than a child; however Silk couldn’t help falling deeply in love with the tiny life
and bonded with it even before he laid his eyes on it. He had already even chosen a name for the tiny life...Desadarious. After one of his uncles. A lesser demon of hell but a high Incubi leader, Master to all, submissive to none,
strong of arm, highly intelligent and totally debauched and perverse. Silks sensed this of this baby and he knew if this child were to survive this is exactly what he would have to be. Hard, strong, even callous. Silk nurtured this
in the baby each time they spoke hoping it would help insure its continued survival because if Silk did NOT survive at least something of the evidence of the love he and Lucc had shared would. And the way Silk felt at this
moment his survival was highly suspect. The Emperor approached Silk once more and once more breached Silks ass with his long razor sharp talons the tips digging deeply into the delicate inner passage tissues, ripping new
wounds into it as the blood once again flowed freely. However it was not the bright scarlet of venous blood or ever the startling deep crimson red of arterial blood as it pulses it way through the body to the heart no ...this was a
pale, watery, almost colorless fluid oozing somewhat thickly from excruciatingly swollen muscle.
"Looks like it's time to fill you up again. I need to find a better way of plugging up your holes I guess. You’re leaking too quickly"
Here the Emperor giggled somewhat merrily at his believed cleverness. Silks moan was little more than a whispered sigh at the sting of the rent flesh. He felt the fluid oozing from the ripped orifice and wondered why he
hadn’t started labor yet, surly the infant had to be in distress by now. If not this child was going to be born a full god with all the powers and knowledge of such. He had heard of such throw backs happening but only one in
many millenniums. Usually an Avatar born during a time of great worldly upheaval needed to set the world back to straits. Here he chuckled softly to himself "Imagine...me giving birth to a great spiritual leader that will bring
and tranquility to the world..." guffawing to himself as he thought "And I don't even believe in the gods"  Yet the irony of the thought didn’t escape him that he was Half-god himself, son of Beelzebub, first General to the
Morning Star. But there is a yawning chasm between dogmatic superstition and the reality of existence...and right now he was fighting hard to continue that existence. He strained with great effort to raise his head that he might face
the Emperor as he spoke.
"Despite your best efforts, brother, you did not break me the first time nor the last time you sauntered into my life. Though you altered my thinking and many of my philosophies on life I learned how true it is that their is an
indomitable spirit of life within me and so long as I can reason for myself you can not break me...you will NEVER break me. "I am the captain of my ship and the Master of my own fate.""
Silks head fell back with a soft thump onto the massive rope the rape rack was constructed of, exhausted but triumphant. Here the Emperors smile became twisted and hard in a manner never seen before. Rage and fury of an
indescribable dimension flamed in his swirling gray storm like eyes and he champed his teeth to the point that blood trickled from the side of his mouth. His free fist clinched and unclenched rapidly and he brought it to Silks
shoulder grasping it with the force of a vice. He extracted his talon from Silks raw ass and brought it to his groin just above his semi ridged cock, placing the tip against the flesh in an upward angle.
"Well then since your mind is such a steal trap, brother dear, we'll just have to try and spring it, won't we, and cut your head off at your lovely neck"
With that the Emperor rammed the long razor sharp talon into Silks groin pulling it in an upward motion with all his might. Silks head flew up off the ropes and the scream escaping his lips was that of a man wounded to his
mortal soul. Blood and the pail color of anemic fluid pored from the ever widening wound and the bulge of an amniotic bag presented itself pressing outward, finally falling out to tumble to the floor, the tiny life inside
immediately wriggling to free itself from the membranous confines. Silks head withered back to the ropes once more in a dead faint, the pain finally to much for even him to bear. The Emperor snatched his hand free and stepped
back to survey the damage the sardonic grin never waning. He bent over and in one deft motion sliced the sack open extracting the infant, raising it up by its foot and staring at it blankly for a moment. Then of a sudden a
look that one could only describe as gentle compassion flickered across the Emperors eyes as he gazed at the softly crying infant dangling from his grasp, but was gone almost as quickly as it appeared. Yet to the amazement of all
around the Emperor slid his arm under the writhing tiny bundle and cradled it to his bosom uttering one syllable
"Son" and strolled away softly cooing at the child. As he reached the hall at the other end of the room he turned momentarily and bellowed at the servants.
"Clean his ass up, stitch him closed and fill him back up. MY SON and I will be in OUR bed chambers. Make DAMN sure he survives. I'll want a daughter next month. I need a new hand maiden"
The chuckle started softly then rose in pitch and vibrato till one would have believed they were hearing the devil himself laughing triumphantly over the news that God had fallen. Silks mind clawed painfully and excruciatingly
slowly up from its death like state of unconsciousness, rebus like images flashing before his minds eye like some carnival house of horrors, first twin eyes of flame staring at him, then a twisted mouth, fangs dripping heavily with
blood, the image of an infant lying in a bassinet being suddenly swept away from sight by a tidal wave of deep crimson blood, the child’s wailing suddenly ceased as it is engulfed by the surging tide of stark red. Silks head rears
suddenly as his eyes fly open with a start and he hears the sound of the key in the cell door lock unlatching it. His head explodes in agony echoing the throbbing ache in his abdomen and he turns on his side cradling his stomach
with his arms. Then it hits him. My baby...where's my baby?
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