Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1863577-Vikki
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1863577
This is a stoy about a girl who is kindapped.
Chapter one
The room is dark. There is just enough light for me to see the small room that they are keeping me in. the light filtered into the small room form a window that had been boarded up.
The room was about the size of a king bed, one window, one door, no furniture.
Then there was me, I woke up here, bound and gagged.
I was running down gangster streets in N.Y. a drug deal had gone wrong. My boyfriend, Patrick, was sick and had asked me to go for him.
Thanks to him I am where I am now. I lie down on the grimy floor, dust going up my noise, dirt in my blond hair, and slimy green stuff on my face; I slept.
“Victoria!” I hear Patrick's voice calling me. I knew I had to be dreaming, Patrick was safe at home. But the only thing was that he sounded worried, in my dreams he always sounded happy.
Slowly I open my eyes. I glance around the room, lit by moonlight. What I see startles me awake. Patrick, bound hands and feet, lying on the on the other side of the other side of the room. We looked at each other and I knew one thing, no matter what happens, we could stay together. That was my last thought as I drifted back to sleep.
I awoke to the door being opened, and a man walking in. I realize I am shivering, the room’s temperature couldn’t be more than 60 degrees and I was in mini shorts and a t-shirt.
The man looks at me and rips the duck tape of my mouth.
“If I untie you will you try to escape?” he asks.
“I won’t, I just want to be able to warm up my girlfriend.” Patrick says.
“I didn’t ask what you want I just asked if you would try to escape.”
“I won’t ether” I say, my teeth chattering.”
He cuts the rope binding our hands and feet and walks out, closing the door behind him. As soon as the door closes Patrick rushes over to me, sits next to me and pulls me into his arms, for the first time since this whole thing started, I cried. I put my head against his chest and he rests his head against mine.
I don’t know how long I sat there in Patrick’s arms crying, but after a while I slept. I dreamed that I was back home lying in bed, Patrick with me. When I woke up I was lying in Patrick's arms but I was still in the small gummy room where I was being held prisoner. Gently I tap Patrick. He opens his eyes and kisses me. He stands up and offers me his hand, I take it and he helps me up. We walk around for a few minutes before sitting down again. The walls were made of cement, so was the floor.
I stand up and walk to the window and look out one of the small openings, enjoying the sun on my face. Soon I sit back down next to Patrick. After awhile the sun says goodbye and I welcome the night. My second day in hell.
Patrick lies down and I next to him. His warmth seeping into me, his touch electrifying, yet somehow settling, soon I am sleeping happily in his arms.
In my dream I was back home. Patrick, 6’2, blond hair, blue eyes was the one who got taken and I was home safe. Wondering why Patrick never came home.
When I awoke I was in tears, I snuggled up in Patrick’s arms and cried. I knew that no matter what, I was happiest here with Patrick.
“You want to talk about it baby?” he asks, running his fingers through my dirty blond hair, looking into my green eyes. His eyes shining with concern.
“no.” I say. Kissing him gently at first. After a moment his arms wrap around me pulling me closer, he kisses me back, hungrily, deeply, our kiss continues this way for about five minutes before someone comes in, interrupting a very important moment.
We pull apart as the guard from last times comes in. “my name is Dave” he says looking directly at me as he continues “it’s my job to keep you here but it is also my job to do my best to make you happy while you are here. After we get what we want you will be free to go” he smiles at me. “I'm sorry that you had to be dragged into this Mrs.-“
“Victoria, Miss Victoria Heitz.” I say surprised by the Mrs.
His smile broadens “well Miss Victoria, I’ll do my best to get my people to let you out, although Patrick will have to stay.”
“No” I say as firmly as I can manage “I'm not leaving Patrick”
“Alright, that is your choice but I suggest that you leave things may get ugly. After all this is a kidnapping not a hotel.”
“I know and I understand that but I plan on staying with Patrick.”
“Baby, please go home I don’t want you hurt” he says looking concerned.
“Patrick John Matthews there is no fucking way that I am leaving you.”
“Baby the worst thing is that I'm so glad but I'm also worried about you.” His eyes tear up “I love you and I don’t want you hurt.”
“Um lessen I understand you are having a moment but I you must make a dissension now.”
“She goes” Patrick says
At that exact moment I say “I stay.”
“Alright I’ll let you talk it out. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Patrick you will get your room after you decide. Victoria I suggest that you go home.” He looks at me sternly “if you chose to stay then you and Patrick will stay separated for most of the time.”
“I don’t care I plan on staying.”
“Ok, I will be back in about an hour. Please be ready to say goodbye for the time being.”
“Ok” Patrick and I say at the same time.
He walks out, closing the door behind him.
“Don’t talk.” He says his voice dripping with anger “this is my turn”
“No just lessen, you had a chance at safety and you gave it up. We have to say goodbye anyway. I love you but your choices are stupid, especially this one.”
“I love you too. That’s why I can’t say goodbye.”
“Well you’re going to have to”
“I love you” I kiss him. Pulling off his shirt as I do, his hands finding their way under my shirt. After a few minutes we are naked. Kissing as we make love. I enjoy the feeling of his body against mine.
When we got done about ten minutes later we got dressed and made out while we waited. Waited to say goodbye.
Dave came an hour later just like he said. He handcuffed me and duck taped my mouth. He walked next to me, keeping one hand on my arm while he led me down hall after hall after hall.
The halls were old and grimy. The chair railing was painted white and so was the wall below, an old faded white with many stains on it. Above the railing was painted pink, rose petal pink. It too was also old and faded. The ceiling was white with many water stains and the floor also had white tiles with many derbies. I look back only once.
Soon we stop in front of an old green door with the number 207 on it. I know we are at our destination. He opens the door and I go inside and he follows, closing the door behind him, it creaks loudly.
“Welcome to your new home sweetheart.” He says pulling the duct tape off my mouth.
“Don’t call me that.” I say.
“No” I practically scream in expiration.
“Well baby you’re my girl now, so I’ll call you baby. I know you'll like that.”
“No I don’t like that because I'm Patrick’s girl.” I realize that this is his room, and with that realization my panic rises.
He un-cuffed me and I rub my sore hands while I pace back and forth. He lies down on the king bed and motions for me to come over. I walk over; fearful of what would happen, wondering if I should refuse.
As soon as I'm standing next to him, he grabs me and pulls me on top of him, kissing me hungrily, feeling my ass. His breath was onion breath and I wanted nothing more than to puke in his mouth when he started French kissing me. I wouldn’t let Patrick French kiss me, yet here was Dave sticking his tong down my through. And even thought my mind refuses Dave, my body never got the memo.
Chapter two
‘No Victoria!’ that’s all I can think. After all it is my fault that she is here. ‘I love her so much, why does she have to be dragged into this?’ I wonder I sit down and let my mind wander to the ring sitting at home for me to purpose to her. ‘Why didn’t I do it sooner?’ I sit down exactly where I sat the first night we were here when we were untied so I could comfort Victoria; truthfully I needed comforting as well. I don’t know where they took her, and that scares me, after all god knows what kind of trouble she could be in. I go to bed and dream that she is back home, safe, free of all this bullshit. In my dream I come home like nothing had happened, more than anything I wish it wasn’t a dream.
Chapter three
“Yes baby?”
“First please stop calling me that and second can you get me and Patrick journals?”
“No baby, and I will get them.” He smiles at me. “But for now it’s time for work, since you refuse to be my girl I have to make you work, sorry baby but that is the way it works.”
“What do you mean?”
“You will see baby, you will see”
I got dressed in the outfit that Dave gave me, it was a short black skirt and a tight low cut v necked tank top. Stilettos also. He walked down the hall with me, dropping me off in a room with a washer and a dryer.
“Your job this week is to do the laundry.”
“Brandon will be watching you; he will also escort you to our room when you are done.”
About two hours into the job I saw Patrick being escorted by a guard, I wanted to call out but Brandon shook his head before I could, warning me not to.
About four hours later my day ended and Brandon escorted me back, closed and locked the door behind him.
Chapter four
I awoke the next morning with my dream swimming in my pool of thought. A few hours later Dave comes in and tells me that it is time to switch rooms. I follow him as I start down another long corridor. As we pass an open door out of the corner of my eye I saw her. Victoria, doing laundry in the sexiest little outfit I had ever seen. I didn’t turn my head, I didn’t speak.
After all I was still mad. Victoria had a chance to be home safe and she left it. When I got to my room Dave handed me a journal.
“When you run out of room I'll get you a new one. Also you can write her a note if you want.”
“Alright thanks” I say eyeing the journal.
“You start work tomorrow so get to bed.”
“Alright. Goodnight” I say
My first entry to my journal went like this.
I am stuck in this hell hole where they even went as far as to take Victoria away from me. And I promise that if we get out ill start calling her Vikki just like she wanted. That is how I will get up from now on is know that soon I will hold her in my arms again. I am also very worried that she might be pregnant, after all this is no place for a baby.
Chapter five
As soon as I get in my room I see Dave lying on the bed, holding a small black book.
“Your journal” he says holding it out for me. I take it and go to the far corner and sit down.
“Do you have a pensile?” I ask
“Yes” he hands me a pensile. “so put that down and come cuddle with me.”
EW! I think after all I love Patrick and this guy seems like an ass hole
“I think I will write some first” I reply trying to be diplomatic. After all he controls my life in a way. “after though.” Maybe.
My journal entry went like this.
Dear Journal,
My name is Victoria, but I always prefer people to call me Vikki. But I guess none of that matter in the long run. After all I have been kidnapped, kind of. You see it’s not a typical kidnapping. They take care of you here. They also make you work. They took Patrick too. Patrick is my boyfriend. But the most exciting thing is I'm pregnant. He doesn't know yet. But Dave (my captor) let me take a test and it came out positive. I wish he was here now so I could tell him. The one drawback is that this may seem like a good place but it’s no place for a baby. Oh good Dave's asleep I'm going to bed goodnight.
The next morning when I woke up (I slept in the bathtub so that I didn’t have to sleep with Dave) I find Dave already gone and a note on my bed.
Vikki ill send Daniel to come take you to your job, please be ready by noon
I glance at the clock, 20 till. Quickly I brush my teeth and comb my hair with the toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush Dave got me. (He may be an asshole but at least he takes care of me.) At 10 till, a man comes in. “Hi my name’s Daniel, here’s your breakfast.”
“Thanks” I say
“I will come every day at noon as soon as you finish eating then we shall get to work. At 8pm you come back to this room.” He looks at me, his eyes pierce my soul. He has black hair, is about 6’4 and has ocean blue eyes. I try and fail to look somewhere other than his beautiful eyes and suddenly the urge to kiss him was overwhelming.
Quickly I stand up. “I'm done” I say
“Ok,” he also stands up “follow me”
I follow him down multiple corridors and finally stops in front of a door marked laundry.
Once I'm inside he follows me closing the door and sits down on the top of the dryer and motions for me to get started. Today was mostly sheets since I did clothing yesterday.
“From now on you will also iron.” He says “but someone else will deliver”
“Alright, guess I don’t have a choice”
“What would you prefer?”
“It seems the most efficient thing would be one person wash and dry and one person iron and deliver.”
“You have a good point but the way I set it up you see Patrick when you give him your cloths to deliver”
“Oh my god! Thank you so much!”
“Your welcome Dave told me about how much you care about him and about the test and asked if I could arrange a brief meeting. He really isn’t that bad of a guy all he has done is help you since you got here.”
“True, did he tell you he is trying to hook up with me?”
“Well I better get back to work”
At that moment a man busts down the door and holds a gun to my head
“Don’t move or I shoot” yells
Daniel takes no heed, “you wouldn’t shoot her she is the only thing keeping you alive”
“Daniel please don’t piss off the guy holding a gun to my head”
“Sorry but we both know it’s true”
“Shut up!” he yells again. Again with all the yelling! Why can’t everyone stay calm?
“Alright cupcake you’re going to come with me slowly put your hands up and walk out the door”
© Copyright 2012 wrightingurl14 (wrightingurl14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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