Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1863115-Learning-to-write-again
by Corvis
Rated: 18+ · Other · Experience · #1863115
Sometimes it seems as though the writers are the ones who dont truly understand literature
I recently had to reteach myself how to be a writer.. I had gotten so used to doing three shots of tequila anytime I needed to unwind and pump out a few new chapters.. Tequila is always my thinking drink, because wine does nothing for me and every time i drink vodka I end up either puking or taking my clothes off.. Its as they say. Absolute power may corrupt absolutely, but absolut vodka undresses absolutely. And in the most recent (and probably most fun) experience, I woke up, hungover as all hell wearing someone elses shirt, and too sparce on memory for even my tastes.. And im used to the whole, "What the fuck happened last night?" thing. See, my doctor used to have me on Ambien for insomnia but the thing is, that shit really fucks with your memory, so Id climb in bed, take it, then fifteen minutes later, a foggy, loopy, zombie version of myself would crawl out of bed deciding i was bored and wanted to go do something else. Id stumble around my room for a little bit then pass out, not half an hour after taking the wonderpill. One time i decided it was a good idea to put a password on my phone and when i woke up and tried to turn my phone on i was locked out.. I had to reset the whole thing. But back to the point, writing for me has always been a strange ritual. When ideas happen it's abrupt and jerky like that first moment your stomach tenses up right before you puke. Then, also like puking, the information comes out in one sudden, and often unpleasent, surge of emotion and understanding. But, if your drunk enough, then theres always going to be that part of you deep down that kinda feels like a dragon. Yeah.. Thats what i am, A dragon. Frantically scribbling down each surge of new ideas that wash over me.
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