Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1862909-Life-Changes
by Tree
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · LGBTQ+ · #1862909
This is a story where a girl turns into a guy. contains some sex poor grammar + spelling
Life Changes Chapter 2

light streamed in through my tatty curtains and danced across my eyelids, causing me to mumble and bring me back to the world of the living. i opened my eyes and watched the dust motes twist and twirl in the golden light. i watched their dancing before deciding that i wanted to take a walk in the forest near the adoptive home. a river ran through the middle of it, and it was a lovely place to relax and perhaps have a picnic. that is, if i could find some nice food that hadn't yet gone off or was yucky in the fridge. i got out from under my thin sheet and stretched, being careful to avoid the squeaky parts of the room and not falling into the mouldy bits. i looked around for my clothes from the previous day and looked into my sparse wardrobe. when i came here, i actually had some clothes, but the other people in the home decided that they liked my clothing better then theirs, so 'borrowed' them or swapped it for some wreck of a t-shirt that they had owned. i peered in, only to find a small t-shirt that had a bit missing from the bottom from one of the guys. he swapped it for one of my better pair of jeans. since the t-shirt i was wearing yesterday was one of my ones that i tried to keep clean, i decided i would wear this one when going out in the rough. i reached for it and sat down on my small chair that i like to keep in front of the windowless door that was supposed to be a window. i watched the sun appear in a pink haze behind the forest before i started to pull my last remaining nightie off.
i looked down at my boobless body...wait, WHAT?! i did a double take and even patted my body down. heck i even looked around the room to see if they had appeared there or had somehow fallen off. they hadn't, they were nowhere to be seen.
i looked back at my body, blinking a few times to see if i had sleep still in my eyes and that my eyes were playing tricks on me.
they weren't.
my boobs were really

a thought hit me and i looked down...
past my new body (ooh! those are nice abs, i mused in the back of my mind)...
to where my vagina had previously been.
there, as large as life, was a dick. i just...stared.
what had happened? i was a girl last night and now im a *gulp* boy?! how does that work?
i poked it, to see if it was real. it wobbled and i just kept on poking it. finally, i picked it up between two of my fingers and looked under; i had some pretty average looking balls under that dick. i prodded them and they quivered. i put on a slighty bewildered face and let go of the dick. it didnt move. i started to scowl and shake my head at it, putting my hand on it and trying to force it down and resulting with some shooting pains from my dick. my. oh my god, ive got a dick. i quit applying pressure on it, and it popped back up. i blinked at it, then tilted my head on its side. it was as straight as a board. i heisitently reached out a hand and stroked it, it quivered and it felt hard. i gulped and drew my hand back.
i whipped around to find my door had been kicked open yet again by those rude boys. considering how early it was (couldnt have been later that 8:30 in the morning), the boys were already clearly drunk. the group of five sauntered in and looked around. they looked around some more, obviously looking for me. they turned their hazed over eyes to me and i mentally cringed. i didnt want any trouble from them. they squinted at me in my little chair in front of the window and wobbled over - there was no better way to describe it - and looked at me. we stared at each other for a few minutes before i remembered that i was butt naked. blush coloured my cheeks and i looked down trying to find something. the boozed up guys looked down too and started snickering. i looked up, flustered, and scowled slightly at them.
"whats so funny?" i asked. i was surprised at the low timbre of my voice; it was just an echo of my girl voice.
they all snickered again before one of them said, " you got morning wood."
then all of them burst into laughter as if it was a joke.
i scowled hard and hid my face, finally finding some suitible pants, albeit skinny, hung over the back of the chair. i started to pull them on when one of the boys hands grabbed my wrist.
"what are you doing with those?" he queiried.
"im going to wear them. you got a problem with that?"
"yeah, i do actually. havent you met Clarissa yet? come on, she can fit your bod out so you can be a sex god!"
© Copyright 2012 Tree (beingofnature at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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