Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1862858-Chapter-2
by Danni
Rated: · Other · Other · #1862858
Hey guys just wrote my 2nd chapter, have a read and let me know how it is :)
Chapter 2
Dalia had been driving for a couple of hours now with her tornado of thoughts whirling in her mind- she never knew how to stop that tornado.
The beeping of her phone broke her train of thought as she looked over to see who it was from – it was Saniya.
Dalia quietly pulled over to the side of the road and checked the message -
‘Call me when you can!!’
I wonder why she wants me to call her. I’ll be seeing her soon anyway! Dalia thought but called Saniya just because she would die out of curiosity! She speed dialled Saniya’s number and held her mobile close to her ear.
Come on pick up... pick uppp... pick up woman! – Just as Dalia was going to hang up
‘Hey! Babe how far along are you?’ asked Saniya
‘Hey, not too long I think I should be there in about half an hour, if their isn’t much traffic’ she blandly replied
‘Are you ok? You don’t sound too well?’
‘Oh I’m fine, just a bit tired! I’ll see you guys soon!’
‘Ok sure. Take care love you’
Dalia ended the call, put her phone back and slammed on the accelerator and started driving.
To hell with all these thoughts! This is a new beginning for me and I’m going to make the most of it, I’m going to have an amazing time and just enjoy my life – she smiled and drove.
It was about 4pm and Dalia was close to reaching her destination – the address her dad had given her. She wasn’t sure how she was going to live by herself but she was also sure that Alicia and Saniya wouldn’t let her be alone.
‘In 400 meters turn right, you have then reached your destination’ said Homer Simpson from the GPS.
‘Thanks Hommy!’ she laughed – drove the 400 meters and turned right.
‘You have now reached your destination’ said Homer Simpson again
Dalia looked out of the window and saw a beautiful small house; the front garden was absolutely amazing! It had rose plants – her favourite and a big frangipani tree in a corner.
‘Wow looks beautiful just like dad said it would’ she smiled from ear to ear.
Can’t wait to see the inside- and parked her car in the driveway as she fumbled to find the house keys.
Dalia walked out of her car and stretched after a long drive – so glad to be out of that car! Phew!
She thought she would take a walk around the house and then go inside- while she was walking around inside the house her two best friends had etched out a perfect plan to welcome her to this new place!
Saniya, Alicia and few others inside the house were busy whispering – ‘she’s here shut up and hide! Don’t make any noise’ to each other as they couldn’t control their laughter.
Dalia walked around the side and looked at the trees and the lawn, its all looked really nice- the roses were just blooming and the roses were every colour imaginable, it looked so amazing. The beautiful green lush lawn and the astounding colour of the roses splashed on all tress looking serene. There was a big gate which led to the backyard, she tried pushing it but it wouldn’t budge then she noticed the lock on it.
Must have the keys somewhere in that big bunch dad gave me
She walked back towards the front door and as she passed a window and she thought she saw someone peeking through the window staring straight at her... but kept walking dismissing any over the top assumptions that were about to start in her mind.
But I’m sure I saw someone... maybe I’ll just go back and see... she slowly walked back towards the window and stared at it and nothing seems out of the ordinary.
Must be losing my mind – she chuckled while on the inside their was a war of words unfolding in hushed whispers
‘Who told you to peek you idiot! She could have seen you and the whole plan would have been ruined’ Alicia shouted at the person hiding near the window – she couldn’t make out who it was and that was good – because if looks could kill; they’d be dead by now!
‘Sshhh Alicia, if she didn’t see him then she sure will hear you if you keep talking’ – everyone waited silently for Dalia to open the door and come in.
Dalia was fumbling with the big bunch of keys in her trying on every single one in the door to see if it works.
Damn these keys! Why can’t I find the right one?
After about trying 4-5 keys she finally found the right key and opened the door – it was really dark as all the curtain were closed and she couldn’t see anything...
‘Ok guy’s one, two anddd threeeeee’
Everyone leapt up from their hiding spots and yelled ‘Welcome to your new home Dalia’ with wide grins on their faces.
‘HOLY CRAP!... WHAT IN THE WORLD...’ Dalia screamed as she bear hugged Alicia and Saniya.
All three of them just laughed the whole time like a bunch of crazy girls! But they were so happy to see other that they didn’t need to say anything – they just knew it.
‘Alright we thought that since your new and you don’t really know many people here, we would introduce you to some of our friends’ smiled Alicia
That’s when Dalia actually noticed all the other people in the room, there were about 3 guys and 4 girls and they were all smiling at her.
Saniya introduced her to each of them – the same protocol
‘Dalia this is Greg’
‘Greg – Dalia’
‘Hey’ says Greg
‘Hi’ replies Dalia
‘This is Emma’
‘Emma – Dalia’
‘Hi’ says Emma
‘Hi’ replies Dalia... and that went on till she was introduced to each one of them. They all seemed really nice and Dalia was so happy to finally be there and meet her friends and make new friends.
‘Dalia, do you want something to eat? Must have been a long drive?’ asked Saniya
‘No, I’m not really hungry right now, you guys are staying right? So we can all have dinner together?’ she questioned looking around at everyone –All of them were staring at each other as well... I’m so stupid I shouldn’t have asked that! They all must have plans, they probably only came here cause Alicia and Saniya dragged them here for me... jezz they must think how much of a weirdo I am!
‘It ok i...’ she was cut short by one of the guys saying...
‘That’s a great idea! We could probably grab some pizza and drinks and have some fun tonight’ he smiled at her as she stared at him trying to figure out what Saniya said his name was...
Hmmm this guy looks cool...
‘Yeah actually that’s a really good idea’ Emma replied.
‘Great then! But its only 5pm right now, we aren’t going to eat this early, what should we do till then?’ one of the guys – who’s name Dalia couldn’t remember asked
‘Well from the looks of it Dalia’s car is pretty full and she obviously needs to get it all out and into the house so why don’t we help her with it?’ Saniya said
‘Oh no guys, its fine, I can get it done by myself its not a lot re....’
‘Oh sshhh Dalia, I knew you would say that! Just give us the keys you can sit here and we’ll get it all out’ said Alicia
‘No really Al...’
‘Just give us the keys’ Saniya said as she pulled them from her hands – ‘let’s go guys’ as she walked out towards the car.
Everyone followed Saniya out the door and started taking boxes out of the car.
Dalia pulled Alicia back in as she was about to walk out; ‘whats that guy’s name with the yellow t-shirt on?’ she quizzed her.
‘Oh that Shaun’ she smirked ‘very single and absolutely ready to mingle’ she laughed
‘Shut up! Wasn’t asking you in that way’
‘Yeah yeah, I know’ she smiled ‘let’s go’
Everyone was busy unpacking her car and taking out boxes and walking in and out of the house – Dalia felt good! Everything was absolutely opposite what she had imagined; she was already having a great time and it wasn’t even that long since she had got here.
She walked to the car and tried to pull one of the boxes out of the boot, but it was too heavy and everyone was already carrying a bag or box so she didn’t want to ask anyone for help – she went on trying to pull it out. After struggling with it she managed to pull it out and balance it on the edge and tried lifting it; it was too heavy but she accidently pulled it again and the was about to fall backward – but their was an arm while held her and another which was holding the box.
She could feel someone was very close to her and somehow it made her really uncomfortable – she quickly let go of the box and moved aside to see that it was Shaun who had held her.
‘I’m sorry, it just looked like you needed some help’ he said quietly.
‘Its fine’ Dalia said bluntly – picked up another lighter box and walked away.
Dalia wasn’t sure how she felt about Shaun being close to her, but she sure knew that it wasn’t a good feeling. The last time she let her control slip and became close with a guy it didn’t end too well and she didn’t want to go down the same deep dark road again because she was scared. Scared that if she went down that road again, she wouldn’t be able to come back, she wouldn’t be able to pull herself together and she didn’t want to do that again! EVER!...
‘Are you ok? Just standing there with a box in your hand?’ a guy with short blonde hair – Sam asked her
‘Oh yah, just figuring out where to put this’ she smiled and walked past him.
In about half an hour all the boxes and bags were inside the house and everyone was sitting in the living room- some on the lounge and some on the bean bags; talking about random topics.
Dalia made sure she remembered everyone’s name this time; so to not embarrass herself later on!
Ok so that’s Shaun, Emma with the long straight brown hair, Jess with the funny accent, Cassie, Greg, Mel with the glasses and Sam the blondie! Sweet now hopefully I can remember these names...
‘So what are you going to be studying Dalia?’ Mel asked
‘I’m doing Bachelors of Arts’
‘Oh that’s nice, what will you major in?’
‘I’m not so sure of that yet, honestly’ Dalia gave her an apologetic smile
‘Don’t worry about that hun, you have a long time to choose them’ Jess smiled
They went on chatting about almost anything and everything for a while.
‘I think we should order the pizza now- I’m getting hungry’ Sam laughed
‘Ok lets go get it, I know all you guys like ham and cheese and meatlovers – is that ok with you Dalia?’ Shaun asked
‘Yes its fine’ she quietly replied to him
‘You’re going to go there or get it home delivered?’ asked Saniya
‘Nah better go, it’s not too far anyway – anyone wants to come with us?’ Shaun asked
‘I’ll come’ Greg jumps up
‘Me too’ Emma yelped
‘Ok see you guys soon’ Sam said as they all walked out.
As soon as they left Mel said ‘Oh My God! Does that girl have to make it that obvious? Its not like he wasn’t ever coming back! Jesus christ’ the girls laughed – while Dalia gave them a questioned look
‘Oh Dalia don’t you notice it? She is in Looovveeee with Greg haha but he dosent seem to notice and she makes it so obvious’ laughed Jess
They girls chatted away about all the girly topics and had a nice laugh. Dalia was happy she was getting along so well with all these girls- it didn’t seem all that scary as she thought it would!
The guys and Emma came back in 20 mins with 4 boxes of massive pizza and some drinks.
‘Mmmmm that smell is making me so hungry! Hahaha’
‘Well dig in then’ and everyone literally dug into the pizza and ate. It looked like they hadn’t eaten for days.
They ate, drank and talked the whole time about random topics, it was a great night.
Everyone helped clean the room up and it was time for them to leave. Dalia was actually a bit sad that they were leaving because she wasn’t used to being so alone and she didn’t want to be by herself for the whole night- but unfortunately she would have to get used to that now.
They all gave Dalia their contact numbers and each went to their cars while murmuring their goodbyes and promises of catching up again soon.
Alicia and Saniya stayed back and waited till everyone had left.
‘Ok we better leave now too but I feel really bad leaving you alone here, do you want to come over my place for tonight?’ concerned; Alicia asked
‘No don’t worry about me I’ll be fine and I know you guys are only a call away’ she assured her
‘Are you sure? You can with me or go with her if you like?’ Saniya asked
‘Guys really I’m fine and all those bags and boxes aren’t going to unpack themselves!’ she joked trying to lighten the situation.
‘Ok fine, but if you have any problems at all or you don’t feel like staying alone you can call us anytime and we’ll be here as soon as we can!’
‘Yah guys I know’ she smiled and hugged each of them before they walked towards their car and drive away.
Now she was all alone in her house.
I like that, M-Y house! Makes me feel so old and mature – she giggled to herself and walked back inside the house. She walked around the whole house and made sure that all the doors and windows were locked, before she went into her ‘new’ room and sat their deciding which box to unpack first.

© Copyright 2012 Danni (danni0315 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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