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by joey
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1862844
two lovers reunited

I watched with narrow green eyes, I’d had enough of this.
The good looking guy flirting with the red head, was supposed to be my boyfriend, I was getting irritated by the minute. Anger simmered gently in my stomach, the red head laughed gently touched his arm, I stood up abruptly, my anger boiling. I stamped down on it, I was a Hybrid, half Vampire, half Werewolf, having two beast running though me, I had one hell of a temper, it never ended good when I lost control, the best course of action was to leave before I ripped off Jason’s head.
Jason was a Monster Hunter. We had been together for two year, and yet he treated me like a second class citizen. It wasn’t in my nature to be submissive.
I knew Jason loved me, I just wasn’t sure that he liked me very much.
I wondered why I was still with him, maybe because I loved him, but the thing was things between us were going to have to change. I couldn’t keep doing this, because of what I was he despised me, but because of who I was he loved me. I was beginning to think it was getting to complicated and I should just cut my losses. A demon hunter dating a Hybrid, it was unheard off.
But that had been what had happened, and for a while we had been happy, but our lives, what we did, travelling the county to kill monster, had taken its toll on us.
“Jakea, he doesn’t mean any harm, he’s just a natural flirt” Jared his brother told me.
I watched them intensely, as the redhead pressed her breast against him. Jealously fired though me,
“Tell that to the redhead” I said before downing my tequila in one go. I then went striding from the bar, without a backward glance.
As I stepped outside, the cold air brushed against my breast, they instantly went hard and tight.
I looked up a full moon, how had I missed that? The full moon was when the wolf in me came on heat, no wonder I was irritated I need to get laid and fast, Jason wasn’t an option, at the moment I wouldn’t go there if you paid me a million. I needed to find myself some pray.
I walked down the street, I stopped suddenly as a sent breezed under my nose, it was faint, very faint, it almost smelt like a fresh dusk evening, it smelt like Edward Callahan, a Vampire, the love of my life, I smelt the air again, nothing this time, God was I that Horney that I was making up things? I need to find someone fast.
I went to walk on, but in a blur, my hands were grabbed and I was pulled into the Alleyway and slammed against a wall.
My first reaction was to hiss and then I realised it was Edward; he looked good, tall dark dangerous, he looked the same as when I had last seen him. I hadn’t laid eyes on him, in over a hundred years,
“Edward” I whispered. Shock ebbing through me making my breathing hard, my breast rubbed against his chest causing them to tighten even harder.
My Anger swept through me then, as an old memory assaulted me, Edward may have been the love of my life, but he had left me. We had made love until the early hours of the morning, he had feed my need to mate that night, but when I had woken the next morning he had been gone, and I hadn’t clapped eyes on him since.
I wondered briefly, why I stared into those dark depths, why men kept screwing me over. Why he in particular had screwed me over. I had never understood it. I had contemplated at one time that he had been killed, nearly convinced myself to, but I know he had just bailed. It was the dark truth; he had loved me and left me. I just never know why, he had just been done with me, realisation hit then, he had been done with me, had being the relevant word, he was back and pinning me against a wall. And my body as much as my mind hated it, loved the feel of him once again.
Anger boiled in me and I hissed showing my fangs in warning, he just smiled that annoyed me even more, I ranched my hand from his grip, and slapped him hard across the face, the sound echoed into the night.
For one heart stopping moment I thought he was going to hit me back, which would of lead to a fight.
But instead he grinned staring me right in the eyes, and then he was kissing me, assault my senses, his tongue was in my mouth, playing with mine and I welcomed it.
I had been starved of him for over a hundred years. I was aware that he skilfully pulled down my top, while still making out with me. I groaned as my bra covered breast crushed against his chest, causing delicious friction.
His hand went down to my legs and stroked upward, under my skirt, he found my core easily, slipping his hand inside my thong he rubbed over my clit, I pulled my mouth away and cried out in pure pleasure, as small ripples ran over me. I need this, I need him, more then I wanted to admit I was so hot and wet that my thong was socked.
And then he ripped my thong from me, cold hair swirled around my clit, bringing me to full orgasm, He stopped my cries with his mouth.
When I was silent he pulled away and licked between my breasts, his cold tongue sending a delicious freezing feeling on my hot skin. I moaned low and deep in my throat. I pushed my chest out to get more of his mouth. I watched him at work with lust filled eyes.
and then I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer. I couldn’t get enough of him.
I couldn’t take much more of this, my whole body buzzed with sexual arousal, and if that bulge I could feel was anything to go by so was he.
“For Heaven’s Sake Edward, what are you waiting for? Just do it” I said into the night.
Never one to disobey me, he plundered my mouth again, in my lust filled state, I heard the slight sound of a zip being opened, and then, I felt him hanging loose against me, and I shivered with anticipation. It had been a long time since he had taken me, and I couldn’t wait to be filled by him once more.
He was large and long, 9 inch when erect, I should know, I’d measured it!
His hand were on my ass then and lifting me, a strangled noise sprang from my lips, as the tip of his hard erection entered my entrance, he stopped then torturing me, I wriggled my hip trying to get him deeper.
I signed deeply.
A smile curved his lips, and then he rammed into me in one movement, filling me, I wrapped my legs around him, and he started to dip in and out of me, it wasn’t enough, I needed more.
“Harder” I moaned.
He complied ramming his hard into my wetness.
His large balls were slamming against my ass in an erotic rhythm.
I could feel my orgasm building.
I know the exact moment when his teeth elongated, a second later he bit me, and started to drink, the feeling of him ramming into me, and his teeth sucking my blood, made me orgasm.
I screams, and he continued to ram harder, so harder that the wall at my back cracked, he slam into me a couple more time then went ridged around me, and he came, ripping his teeth from my flesh, he cried out with his own realise, squirting into me with such force I felt it.
We stayed there joined, breathing hard for what seemed like a life time, and then he pulled out of me and gently put me to the floor.
“I see you missed me” he said in that sexy voice of his. As he did up his fly.
“What are you doing here?” I said tidying myself up.
His face went hard then. “He’s coming for you, I have come to protect you”
A cold fear ran down my spine, I know who he meant, my Wolf sire.
I looked him right in the eyes, “You have suddenly felt the need to care?” I said pushing passed him.
He actually had the nerve to tut then.
I gripped my temper with an iron will, he knows how to push my buttons and he was doing one hell of a good job.
I turned my white blond hair flying wildly in the wind, my green eyes blazing with anger.
“So I take it your mad that I left, typical of you” he said in a tone that bordering on bored, almost as if I didn’t have the right to be mad at him for ditching me.
“Leave me be Ward I don’t need you, if King is coming then I will deal with it,”
“You and who’s army?” he goaded after me, he sounded mad, well hell join the club.
I tuned around to glare at him, his arm were folded across his chest, a menacing look on his face, any Sane person would of run and hide from that look, I didn’t run I stood my ground; I always did with him, one of my many flaws.
“Me and my Boyfriend!” I shot at him.
His lean white features turned to stone. His breathing became heavy under his leather Jacket, his nose flared.
I had hit a nerve, knowing the signs I took no prisoners.
“What Edward? Did you really think that I would wait around and pine for you?” My words dripped sarcasm.
“Yes actually I thought you were intelligent enough to know that I would be back, I may have been mistaken” there was a steel edge to his voice I didn’t like.
“Well excuse me for not knowing your intentions” I shot straight off the bat. “Believe it or not I don’t know your intention unless you tell me” I walked away then back on to the main road, having had enough of this and just wanting to be free of him. I headed back toward the bar.
“Do you know why I left?” he asked behind me.
“I don’t know-“I shrugged my shoulder “- because you’re a bastard?” I turned to glare at him.
He had the audacity to roll his eyes at me; I clenched my hands into fist at my side to stop me from punching him in the face.
And then suddenly he was grabbing me and pulling my body towards him, he was kissing me with a kiss that stole my breath from my lungs; our tongues found each other and mated. My blood pounded in my ears.
I pulled my lips from his, breathing heavy, and tore myself from his cold grip.
Then instinct hit and I slapped him hard across the face.
“You keep doing that I would strongly suggest you stop” there was a warning in his voice.
“Don’t touch me, don’t ever touch me again” I turned my back to him and hugged myself; I had suddenly become very cold.
“I heard that he was going to kill you, so I left –“
“-Oh my knight in shining armour what would I do without you?” I cut him off.
He looked frustrated with me. I didn’t seem to care. He had hurt me badly and I wanted him to know it.
“Jakeiyla I have spent the last one hundred year Thwart his plans to kill you, I couldn’t protect you while I was with you, but I have spent every waking moment stopping him form hurting you”
“You could of stayed with me to do that?” I challenged.
“Yes I could have, but being that close to the trouble would have got you killed, keeping you at a safe distance kept you alive.”
“You could off said something? Got in contact so I knew that you were alive at least”
“If I had of got in contact you would have persuaded me to stay with you, to fight him together, I wouldn’t have been strong enough to leave you again”
I sucked in a deep breath, the anger seamed to drain from me.
“What changed why you are back?”
“He’s coming here personally to kill you” he stated in a dead pan voice.
I wrapped my arms tighter around myself; suddenly the night had turned deadly cold, or was that just my insides? King was the most deadliest of creatures, head of the largest werewolf pack going, he despised Vampires, but more than them he despised me, the vampire that should of died when he bit me, only I didn’t I transformed into the only Hybrid know . It was no secret that he wanted the abomination eliminated.
“I was always coming back for you Jakea, there was no doubt about that” Edward said quietly.
I turned to him the sincerity in his voice, kicked me in the gut.
“If King wants me dead, he’s will kill me”
“I won’t let anything happen to you”
“He’s a very old powerful Werewolf” I felt the need to point out.
“I am a very old Powerful Vampire” he shot back. A smile formed on his face
He held out his hand “Come with me”
The hate I had built up for him over the years, crumbled around me, all I wanted was to be with him and he was offering that change, I couldn’t deny myself. He had sort to protect me all these years. I had lost him once, I couldn’t again.
I took his hand and he pulled me to him. I had come home.
He kissed the top of my head. “We need to leave here, he coming”
I nodded,” I have to get my things from the Hotel”
He swept me up into his arms and started to run, “I can run you know”
“I know I like you in my arms” truth was I like being in my arms.
In the blink of an eye we were at the Hotel, I let us into my room and we started gathering items, Edward diapered into the bathroom.
“What’s going on?” can from the doorway.
I looked to find Jared looking at me. Shocked and worry echoed on his face.
“I’m leaving” I said deadpan.
I had hoped that I could off just disappeared into the night, a cowards way I know. But saying goodbye to these two would have been too hard.
“What? Why? If this is about Jason-“
“It’s not, something has happened and I need to go” I cut him off.
“I’m going to get Jason” he ran.
“We need to hurry Ward” I didn’t want to see Jason.
Most of my things were pack by the time Jason turned up. If he had been a couple of minutes later he would have missed me.
“What going on Jake? I’m sorry about earlier, I’ll try harder” I know he meant it, it made no difference to what was going to happen.
Edward appeared behind me then.
“Who that?” Jason asked a hard edge to his voice.
Ignoring him I turned to Edward “Ward take the stuff to your car” I commanded.
The last thing I wanted was Ward killing Jason. Which he would do in a heartbeat, if he thought Jason was hurting me.
He looked in two minds “Ward please” I didn’t won’t any trouble here.
“You sure?”
“Yes” He nodded and pushed passed everyone.
I need to do this quickly and cleanly.
“Were done Jason, not because of anything you have done, but because I love another” the words were the truth and he deserved that at least.
“But you can’t” he said in dismay.
“I can, I love him more than anything, I love you Jason, I do, but not as much as I love him, that why I am going with him, I can’t stay with you it would just be a lie” “You can’t just go with him Jake” he pleaded.
“Jason, me and you haven’t been working for some time, I don’t want to end up hating you. Which will happen if we carry on like this, but to cut our losses before we kill each other” I kissed him gently on the check, a tear slid down my check, I felt my heart break.
I walked away then crying silently. Leaving him stood there silently letting me go, as he know that there was nothing he could say.
Edward was waiting in his black jag out front I got into the front seat of the car.
“You Okay?” he asked conserned.
“I’m fine” I was lying. He knew it but knew me well enough that he shouldn’t say anything.
“I love you Jakea” he told me simply.
“I love you to Ward” I replied quietly, my heart breaking for Jason all over again.
But, I couldn’t dwell on Jason; it would kill me if I did.
I looked at him, “So what the plan?”
He gunned the engine of the car and sped of “Were need to keep you safe, and to do that I need to keep you close so were going to get married”
I stared in shock.
“Not just that reason Jakea, I lost you once I can’t do it again I love you too much”
I said nothing feeling the same.

word count 2969
© Copyright 2012 joey (jayzia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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